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Dubious News From Microsoft Boosters

Posted in Deception, Free/Libre Software, FUD, GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Windows at 3:07 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: Fake sorts of coverage and spin come from people whose career is not reporting but lobbying

IN THE PREVIOUS post we showed that Microsoft funds books which are favourable to its agenda. News sites too are becoming filled with Windows book authors (sellers) who pretend to provide unbiased coverage. Examples include Mary Jo Foley and Ed Bott from ZDNet, even Preston Gralla from IDG. Some people do not know these authors’ relationship with Microsoft and that’s fine. They might learn over time and we still have this out-of-date “Credibility Index” for those who wish not to memorise.

Earlier today some reader from Europe sent us this link which says that Vista Phony 7 [sic] is a huge, huge disaster for some gullible buyers who actually opted for it (there are not many such buyers).

Some customers’ phones were downloading 50 GB per day, leaving them stuck with $10,000+ bills

For those to whom this is new, we have a decent old post about it. Like the MSBBC did at the time, Peter Bright is spinning it in Fox Technica (Peter and Emil are the principal Microsoft boosters in Fox Technica). Peter is blaming “unnamed 3rd party” along with Microsoft as he gives visibility to Microsoft’s damage control without at all being sceptical as any reporter should be. It is also means of diversion, where the entity all blame gets diverted to is not named and therefore cannot and need not defend itself, or bounce back blame at Microsoft. In summary, this is classic spin that took weeks to prepare and it resembles what Microsoft did when Zune froze at the end of a year due to a major bug. It’s all just a strategy for averting a bad name and spreading a fairy tale to stick — one that Microsoft can point the finger at later and pretend innocence. We gave some examples in the past, but none which involved Vista Phony 7 [sic]. It was released prematurely and it shows.

“Peter is blaming “unnamed 3rd party” along with Microsoft as he gives visibility to Microsoft’s damage control without at all being sceptical as any reporter should be.”Speaking of phones, Microsoft Florian pushes his anti-Android/Linux venom not by promoting Vista Phony 7 (which he did to a degree) but by advancing Microsoft’s more major competition to Android, which is patent lawsuits. This includes lawsuits from friends of Microsoft. And having sucked up to the technology editor for a while (in Twitter and perhaps privately too), Microsoft Florian managed to spread his rhetoric outside his tiny blog. Since he is consistently promoting Microsoft’s agenda and always refusing to deny being paid by Microsoft, many people just assume he is a Microsoft lobbyist right now (a one-word answer would confirm/deny it, but he chooses to decline to answer). He is also pushing his anti-OIN and pro-CPTN views these days, which leaves too little to the imagination and since sites in many languages discuss the CPTN situation [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], he strives to warp the coverage, mostly by mass-mailing journalists.

Here is the first report that we found about the joint complaint from the OSI and the FSF. Joab Jackson and Chris Kanaracus co-edited this report:

OSI and FSF argue that there is not enough public information surrounding the deal, and that, given the influence of the companies, such secrecy could hide “nefarious intentions,” the statement charges.

“Given the potential for collusion between these competitors to reduce competition amongst them and to harm competition that exists in the marketplace today, competition would be better served by the Department of Justice thoroughly investigating the facts and evidence concerning this transaction, rather than giving them the benefit of the commercial doubt,” the statement reads.

Earlier this week, the European Union expressed no opposition to the deal. OSI and the FSF had also filed a request with the German Federal Cartel Office last month.

Can the German Federal Cartel Office also investigate Microsoft’s relationship with Microsoft Florian, since the subject is so suspiciously secretive?

The Man Behind KINect Quits Microsoft

Posted in Google, Microsoft at 1:15 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Kinect - Holiday 2010
Photo by JohnAStele

Summary: Johnny Chung Lee moves to Google and abandons what he made for Microsoft

As Microsoft Nick points out, Brad Brooks is "the third key Microsoftie to reportedly leave the software juggernaut this week" (pointed out in the article “Microsoft’s executive exodus continues”).

So who else is there?

Mary Jo Microsoft says that Johnny Chung Lee, a superstar known mostly for the KINect, is also quitting Microsoft:

Lee joined Microsoft in June 2008 after graduating with a doctoral degree in human-computer interaction from Carnegie Mellon University. His research focused on projection technology, multitouch input, augmented reality, brain-computer interfaces, and haptics. He also is known for his Wii hacking work.

Mary Jo Microsoft tries to do damage control by mentioning some hires that we mentioned recently. The news also got covered in:

Johnny Chung Lee was not management and he has not been in Microsoft for a long time, so it’s doubtful that he could change the corporate culture at Google. Here is Johnny blogging about his new job.


Microsoft Co-founder — Like Microsoft and Intellectual Ventures — Helps Add Patent Tax to Linux

Posted in Bill Gates, GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents at 4:52 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Hand on keyboard

Summary: Our extensive coverage (primarily with links) about the refiled Traul Allen [sic] lawsuit, which this time mentions the Linux-powered Android as a target

THE PREVIOUS two posts covered patent troll Intellectual Ventures [1, 2]. In the latter part we showed allegation that Microsoft’s former CTO had begun extorting Linux using software patents and we deliberately separate this from Traul Allen’s similar action. Allen is Microsoft’s co-founder and the ‘Microsoft press’ makes it clear that Facebook, which is a patent abuser-aggressor, is among those hit. We last mentioned Facebook in relation to the Goldman Sachs ‘bubble machine’ and Groklaw‘s response to it was: “Surprise. The SEC announces an investigation of the Goldman Sachs workaround (“We’re only one shareholder, really, just privately sharing with our best friends a little bit”) and presto, chango, Facebook suddenly is talking going public.”

“Haven’t we seen this type of scam before? Harming society for the sake of some stocks and patents while claiming to do ‘charity’?”Anyway, Facebook’s inclusion in Allen’s list is a subject we touched on before and it is better to concentrates on Allen’s impact on Free software. The Seattle press is pretty useless for unbiased information because he is worshipped there just like the Gates Foundation. Money tilts coverage. Here is an example of Allen buying the hearts of Washington State (example from end of November) with another report here and a new (to us) disclosure that he wants “to run his own private investment office.”

Haven’t we seen this type of scam before? Harming society for the sake of some stocks and patents while claiming to do ‘charity’? We saw that coming.

As usual, the Seattle Weekly stands out of from crowd by taking a bolder step and generalising a little. The title is “Paul Allen Still Determined to Sue the Internet” and it is critical:

Microsoft co-founder and 400-foot yacht-owner Paul Allen is determined to sue the pants off the internet. Well, maybe not the entire internet, per se, but rather a bevy of the biggest companies around that use it.

Allen’s lawsuit was originally filed in August, after his platoon of lawyers poured over his patents and came up with a way to argue that he practically invented the internet in his Interval Licensing lab in Palo Alto that’s been closed now for 10 years.

Groklaw generalises by saying that Allen sues the whole world and Robert Pogson has his own take too:

There should be a law against trolling like this. I remember using software that does this kind of stuff in the 1970s before the web was around. Even a table of contents or an index could be said to infringe. This is so vague it should also be chucked. Perhaps they will tweak the court’s interest with a third amended complaint or add a few hundred other software patent claims.

Here are responses from LWN. It’s pretty much as expected and Microsoft Florian posts more anti-Android rhetoric in Twitter (he claims to be using Android but links to inflammatory/Google-hostile news of this type). Jan Wildeboer, who used to know Florian personally, interprets this as follows:

So now [Florian] claims Android could be killed by MSFT/Allen patents. Why am I not surprised? I guess Google should pay FRAND to MSFT?

Jan Wildeboer points to this old page about Microsoft Florian and stresses: “This is what [Florian] had to say on FRAND some years ago” (by the way, Wildeboer posts primarily in Identi.ca and like many of us he also passes output to Twitter where more people reside, including Microsoft Florian).

Basically, the Microsoft boosters keep painting this mostly as problem to Android, perhaps because they want to scare phone makers*. What Allen is doing makes sense on the one hand, but it is also odd because on the other hand “Kiha Raises $20 Million From Paul Allen To Build A Mobile Assistant” and it targets Android:

Seattle-based Kiha Software, which has raised $20 million from Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) co-founder Paul Allen, launched Aro Mobile, a product in beta for Android devices that it supposed to make your phone smarter, and link together email, SMS, calendar and contacts to make your phone into a virtual assistant.

Microsoft has been very aggressive against Android recently it is now being daemonised further, says a Forbes blogger. There is an attempt to put Bong [sic] on Linux-based Android phones across all U.S. operators [1, 2, 3,, 4], which works well as a Trojan horse. Microsoft cannot stop Android anymore, so it is trying to make Android subservient and profitable for Microsoft.

Google is now under fire and Google’s Android (or Linux) too, by association. One article headline says that Google Fights Back in Patent Suit vs. Microsoft Co-Founder:

Google said Interval failed to identify how Google has infringed on his patents, the underlying technology at issue, and the products or services offered by Google that are alleged to infringe.

When it had just been published in the news (before the new year) Groklaw wrote: “It’s not on PACER yet, so likely one of the parties provided it to the journalist, which as I’ve mentioned in the past is a common event. What is interesting is that the complaint attacks Android directly, surprise, surprise: “54. Defendant Google has infringed and continues to infringe at least claims 1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 15 of the ’314 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271 by making, using, selling, distributing, and encouraging customers to use devices containing the Android Operating System and associated software such as Text Messaging, Google Talk, Google Voice, and Calendar, and by making and using the hardware and software that operate the Android and Android Market infrastructure. Google’s infringement of the ’314 patent that relates to Android results from substantially the same activities as its infringement of the ’652 patent, described above in ¶ 44.””

“As a reminder, Microsoft has already attempted to feed patent trolls with Linux-oriented patents.”This can add to Microsoft patent tax and yet seem to be totally independent from Microsoft. As a reminder, Microsoft has already attempted to feed patent trolls with Linux-oriented patents. Luckily, it got caught and stopped by the OIN [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

This whole situation got a lot of people upset and to cite just one example, John C. Dvorak published “Software Patents Have Got to Go!” (also see “Software Patents: Good Idea or Got to Go?”):

All the brouhaha with Paul Allen suing, well, everyone makes it even clearer that software and process patents need to go.

If you haven’t noticed, Paul Allen has sued Apple, Yahoo, Google and other websites over some patents he holds that preclude just about anyone from doing anything modern via a website or browser. I find the brouhaha highly amusing, and it brings up a number of questionable situations.

In addition, see articles such as “Paul Allen refiles to sue the world”; “Paul Allen revises patent suit against 11 tech firms”; “Paul Allen revises patent suit, targets Android, Apple iTunes”; “Paul Allen Refiles Patent Case VS Apple, Google, Etc.”; “Paul Allen amends lawsuit against Facebook, Apple and others” and “Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen re-files patent suit against Apple” .

“The scratching patent is small beer. He is working on a breathing patent, it never happened until his birth.”
As a joke, our reader Satipera wrote: “Paul Allen says he was the first person to scratch his bollocks , and if you think you did it before him see you in court. #swpats #humour”

Agent Smith replied with: “Oh, Oh, now he wants to earn money just for scratching his bollocks and nothing more… Why need to work, when he can sue ?”

To which Satipera responded as follows: “The scratching patent is small beer. He is working on a breathing patent, it never happened until his birth. #swpats #humour”

He also posted a link to “Patent Troll Alert: Paul Allen Tries Again to Scam the World”. [hat tip: Satipera]

Let us be very specific here: A patent has become nothing more than a rubber stamp passing the whole thing over to the courts to figure out what might be true and then collect money from somebody. In other words, today’s Patent Law is a litigation make-work program to protect the welfare of the legal profession and the courts.

That last statement nicely leads into future posts we’ll make very shortly about the system which enables all this abuse.
* It is hard to tell what happens privately, but Microsoft mobbyists appear to have already ‘briefed’ (by mass-mailing) journalists for anti-Linux tilt. Some of the FUD-spreading mobbyists spin this Interval suit (simply revised, same targets) as someone legitimately attacking Linux for infringement (because it is mentioned briefly, further down in “¶ 44″ and “¶ 54″).

Microsoft’s Patent Troll Intellectual Ventures Is Reportedly Extorting Linux Now

Posted in GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents at 11:50 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

World’s leading ‘intellectual’ vulture…

Black vulture

Summary: Microsoft’s former CTO Mr. Myhrvold is making money from Android, based on some news

THE previous post spoke about the increasing clout of Intellectual Ventures, which is an unprecedented patent extortions operation created with funds from Apple, Microsoft, and Bill Gates’ own bank account. This is some nasty operation intended to turn back time and fight against progress. Watch what even SAP is being subjected to right now:

Intellectual Ventures, a firm that claims to own more than 30,000 patents and to have earned almost $2 billion in licensing fees, said it reached a licensing accord with software maker SAP AG.

SAP uses SUSE in many of its operations, so it already pays Microsoft for GNU/Linux. It doesn’t say what exactly SAP pays Myhrvold for. It doesn’t really matter because Intellectual Ventures is just a large-scale extortion racket. It hoovers up money and sues those who don’t/can’t pay up. It’s by far the largest patent troll in the world and it complements similar campaigns from the likes of Microsoft, which is “Going to Go After the Chinese Government” based on this recent report that relates to a recent batch. The extortion plan is all they have left now that the world moved towards mobility and Windows is nowhere prominent. To quote the article:

Steve Ballmer wants everyone who ships devices running Android to pay Microsoft a licensing fee. Soon that could include companies with close ties to the Chinese government.

Well, don’t miss the picture of Gates, who runs a very large organisation that lobbies for patents and calls itself the Gates Foundation (inside it there are some managers who came from industries whose patents they sell to governments so that taxpayers pay for the patents).

One has got to appreciate the insightful posts from TechDirt, whose take on the Chinese situation is as follows:

China’s Patent Strategy Isn’t About Innovation; It’s An Economic Weapon Against Foreign Companies

John Bennett points us to an article in the NY Times that claims to be about how China is gearing up to be an innovation powerhouse rather than just known for “copying.” Of course, the actual focus of the article is about how China is trying to get a lot more patents. In fact, we covered this very issue back in October, highlighting how China has set an “innovation policy” that appears much more focused on getting more patents, rather than increasing innovation. There are, of course, some people who still think that the number of patents is a proxy for innovation, but this claim has been debunked so many times, it’s just kind of cute when people still bring it up.

So, could it be that thanks to sustained US pressure on China to “crack down” on infringement, that China has suddenly come to believe that patents equal innovation? Last month, just before some diplomatic meetings between the US and China over trade issues, US officials did their usual misleading grandstanding about how China doesn’t do enough to “protect” US intellectual property. And, in response, Chinese officials did their usual song-and-dance about how they’re really serious about intellectual property now, and we should stop worrying.

Of course, as we’ve pointed out, China seems to be much more aggressive with intellectual property lately, but not in the way the US wants. That is, it’s been using patent and copyright laws to make life more difficult for foreign companies, specifically US companies. And, in reading through the details of that NY Times article above, it looks like they’re planning to do more of the same.

Mike Masnick puts it very nicely and in recent days we showed some articles that help confirm it. In copyright too China is adopting this sort of strategy so that it can have leverage over the West when payday comes (the West has debt to China). But back we go to Intellectual Ventures, which little by little is destroying the American industry by turning it into a virtual economy done on paper and motored by intimidation/lawsuits. The Chinese must be laughing their behinds off watching how the USPTO helps once-productive industries just self-nuke.

Intellectual Ventures is just one example that shows us how Microsoft breeds major patent trolls. We made this point some months ago and the observation is now echoed by news sites. This one example asks: “What’s With These Microsoft Patent Trolls?”

Paul Allen and Nathan Myhrvold: what’s with these ex-Microsofties now turned Patent Trolls? Was there something in the water at Microsoft or what?

I’m reading lately about Allen’s efforts to bring to bear a portfolio of patents filed by Interval Research, a company he founded once upon a time. Myhrvold has a whole company apparently devoted to Trolling, called “Intellectual Ventures.”

I don’t get it. You have two ostensibly technical guys. Both are wealthy beyond most people’s wildest dreams. What is the thinking that causes a man in that position with those credentials and experience to decide to be a patent troll? They can’t possibly need the money. It can’t possibly escape them that a large part of the technical world abhors what patent trolls do, so they’re not doing it to polish their reputations or leave a legacy. There is a certain irony that Microsoft has always had a reputation for copying others rather than innovating and now ex-Microsofties are doing this.

Several years ago we showed Myhrvold’s interview with Charlie Rose, where he mentioned Linux and expressed disdain (that was after he had ‘moved on’ from Microsoft). Techrights theorises that Microsoft finds other forms and sources of Linux tax and as we shall show in later posts, they are now attacking Android simultaneously, piling on liabilities that Microsoft alone cannot impose. Traul Allen, for example, mimics some of Intellectual Ventures’ ways (both are actively suing) and based on a news report, both are targeting Android at this moment. We shall deal with Traul Allen separately, in a later post. The latter has already started suing, but when it comes to Android it seems to be signing deals before litigation. See Myhrvold’s funny photo in Murdoch’s press. How fitting.

“It is becoming fashionable and Myhrvold merely joins Microsoft’s patent feast on companies far greater (in size) than Microsoft itself.”As a little reminder, Android distributors near China are already being targeted by Myhrvold [1, 2]. It is becoming fashionable and Myhrvold merely joins Microsoft’s patent feast on companies far greater (in size) than Microsoft itself. SCOny [sic] too appears to have joined this game by suing LG over alleged patent violations in its phones while Microsoft and LG grow even closer (see our wiki page about LG). Microsoft was extremely busy doing legal extortion last year, which is a milestone to be noted to the cheering of its biggest boosters.

Korean giants LG and Samsung (see the Samsung wiki page) are paying Microsoft for Linux while both are generally faithful to Microsoft, even if Vista Phony 7 [sic] is something they can hardly use. Such companies are using Android phone designs to pretend to support Windows too. It keeps the monopolist more calm in the short term and HP is on the same boat (worn out by Windows but still persisting to a lesser degree).

Several weeks ago we showed reports about Intellectual Venture and Asian companies that sell Linux. Some authors were calling it a pact (and some still do [1, 2, 3]), but here is one that said they signed more than just a deal. It alleged that it was actually anti-Linux extortion from Myhrvold.

Android Tax Being Paid by Samsung, HTC


While Android is a free and open-source operating system developed by Google, its use may not be so free as HTC and Samsung, manufacturers who use Android in part of their smartphone portfolio, are now paying a price to use Android as an OS by licensing technology from a company called Intellectual Ventures.

Can Korean competition authorities intervene to find the justification? This seems like racketeering (disguised as an amicable deal) and Korea has history dealing with such abuses (like cartels). With American FTAs on its doorstep pushing to legalise software patents in Korea, the Korean people ought to rise up and protest. HTC’s jurisdiction is Taiwan (China), so the Chinese people too should do something about it.


Novell Gradually Loses What’s Left in Mail and Collaboration

Posted in Google, Mail, Microsoft, Novell at 2:29 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: Another university is dumping GroupWise and some large clients move to Google (also moving away from Outlook/Exchange)

THIS is today’s last post about Novell, which is also the last Microsoft patent sellout to vanish anyway (Linspire, Xandros, and Turbolinux are out of the scene already).

Novell failed to grow its presence in the GNU/Linux space by signing a deal with Microsoft. Novell also continues to see its old business fade away. While Google drops Wave, which Novell tried to capitalise on using Pulse/Vibe, there is this announcement about Vibe OnPrem. Novell is hoping to sell GroupWise (proprietary) using free/open source code from Google, just as IBM uses some IM toys to sell Lotus. According to this Bomgar PR, “Novell Implements Collaborative Remote Support from Bomgar” (has anyone heard of it?).

Novell’s inability to provide real value in the mail and collaboration space (hardly any new clients are reported) may help Microsoft gain globally although some clients move to Google: “SOU switched to Google Apps because it is free for higher education institutions. Officials say it will save the university thousands of dollars every year. It will save the university about $2,500-a-year in energy costs, $18,000 in three years to not replace servers, and $35,000 annually for dropping their current contract with Novell GroupWise.”

Novell is still advertising GroupWise 8, possibly the last-ever release of the product. Here is another rush towards Google — this time a move away from Microsoft:

It is understood that Flight Centre’s 6000-plus employees will transition from Microsoft Outlook over to Google’s web-based Gmail system.

The US government too moves to Google [1, 2] as its tools improve [1, 2] and more clients fall into its proprietary software trap. Here is the latest update that we found about the LA migration:

Google also needs to add other functions to the e-mail service, such as auto-generation of confirmation receipts, especially for messages about legal matters such as subpoenas, McCarthy said. Without that feature, some employees had to retain access to the older Novell GroupWise e-mail system, he said.

Apart from the above, GroupWise hardly got mentioned in December, except perhaps in the context of Blackberry, Lepide migration tools [1, 2, 3], and CompanionLink’s sync [1, 2] that supports Novell GroupWise and Linux too. Well, Android form of Linux anyway [1, 2, 3, 4].

Novell’s decline is said to be global and according to IDG (more here), despite the WordPerfect case, Novell continues to depend on Microsoft, which is paying it for services (and maybe more compensation in the future).

The department is currently using a mixture of Windows and Novell technologies.

Novell is also mentioned in the article “Cloud Identity Trends in 2011″, this one about Softline (“virtualisation and Novell technologies” noted), and another one about AttachMSFT. That second one says:

Softline AG said Wednesday that it has taken over the profitable Norwegian IT service provider STOVER AS, a renowned specialist in identity management, security, virtualisation and Novell technologies with its head office in Oslo and a branch in Elverum.

Identity Manager has new vulnerabilities. Novell’s proprietary software gets rusty while management staff flees.


Trend Micro Does Not Understand Linux/Android, Gets Its Facts Wrong

Posted in Apple, FUD, GNU/Linux, Google, Security at 1:48 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

“You are getting very, very sleepy…”

Colour disco shapes

Summary: The latest statements regarding hypeOS [sic] versus Android rely on misinformation

THE STRUGGLING insecurity firm known as Trend Micro has resorted to patent harassment in addition to other dubious activities and according to several reports [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] like this one, “Trend Micro attacks Open Source”:

Insecurity expert Steve Chang, who is the chairman of Trend Micro, has just declared himself the sworn enemy of the Open Sauce movement by saying that Android is less secure than the iPhone because it is Open Sauce.

Chang claims that because Android was open sauce a hacker could understand the underlying architecture and source code and work out new ways to do it over.

Steve Chang said that you had to give credit to Apple, because they are very careful about it. It’s impossible for certain types of viruses to operate on the iPhone.

A rebuttal has been posted, which states that “the open-source-is-less-secure myth was dispelled more than a decade ago. Take a look at Linux, Apache, Firefox, or Chrome — four huge open-source projects, and all many times more secure than their closed-source brethren (Windows, IIS, Internet Explorer). Open source projects are more secure than closed-source projects due to peer and code review, and vested interest! Trend Micro fails to appreciate that while maybe a handful of people have seen the iOS source, thousands have eyeballed Android’s innards to look for bugs. Don’t forget that Android is also based on Linux, which must be one of the most rigorously tested pieces of software ever made.

“Later in the interview, Chang even goes on to mention the iOS sandbox “that isolates the platform”… which Android also has!”


ES: Microsoft Posee los Derechos de Impuestos – No sólo de Patentes Fiscales – Sobre los Competidores Basados en Linux

Posted in Apple, Europe, GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents, Windows at 12:40 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Co-autor con G. Forbes

Paris atmosphere

(ODF | PDF | English/original)

Resumen: la absurda legislación en Francia es más criticada por la prensa y por enojados bloggers, que ven a Windows obtener un viaje gratis, mientras que somete a su competencia a escandalosos nuevos impuestos.

AL final del mes pasado, escribimos acerca de un desarrollo preocupante en Francia en relación con un “impuesto a los derechos de autor”. Por este impuesto, el gobierno decidió discriminar en favor de Microsoft [http://techrights.org/2010/12/29/microsoft-and-bsa-overlap/], su aplicación a cualquier otra plataforma que no sea Windows. Existe un debate acerca de este notable “impuesto” en muchos lugares, en francés y muchos otros idiomas. Algunos de los artículos mejor que hemos encontrado son:

I. Los franceses Dicen: Si No Es Windows, Debe Haber Sido Pirateado [http://www.againstmonopoly.org/index.php?perm=593056000000004296]

El gobierno francés tiene la intención de golpe un impuesto de 12 euros en cualquier tableta menos las que se vienen con Windows. Uno podría preguntarse por qué Francia QUIERE COMPLACER A MICROSOFT, pero la lógica es al parecer que cualquier cosa que no sea Windows debe ser pirata, y eso incluye Mac OS, Android, e incluso Linux . Lo más extraño es que una empresa francesa, Archos, serían perjudicados EN BENEFICIO DE UNA empresa ESTADOUNIDENSE.

II. Impuesto Que Debe Imponerse a las Tabletas PC Excepto las de Windows [http://frenchtribune.com/teneur/102722-tax-be-imposed-pc-tablets-barring-windows]

Esta segunda dice que el gobierno “de Francia ha estado contemplando en imponer un impuesto de 12 euros a cada tableta PC con más de 40GB de memoria interna, a menos que operan en Windows. En esta forma Microsoft puede obtener la ayuda necesaria en el mercado de Tablet PC. ”

Bueno, tienen que cambiar esto, ya que es indignante.

III. Francia Pondría Impuestos a las Tablet PC – Excepto Aquellos con Windows [http://blog.seattlepi.com/microsoft/archives/233576.asp?from=blog_last3]

Para citar: “¿Por qué el trato especial de Microsoft? Porque a diferencia de los que dirigen iOS de Apple o los sistemas operativo Android de Google, las tabletas de Windows “tienen” todas las características suficientes para contarse como verdaderos ordenadores en lugar de los dispositivos móviles. “Es increíble que en realidad hayan hecho esta conclusión. Esta noticia también está haciendo una aparición en los medios corporativos [http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-12-27/microsoft-tablet-aimed-at-fighting-ipad-faces-long-odds-in-vegas.html]. Sin embargo, se olvidan de tomar un enfoque lógico, y la manera en que Microsoft está utilizando legislación escandalosa en su extorsión en lugar de competir (tales sitios corporativos la juegan seguro con los anunciantes – no quieren ofenderlos).

En los próximos días vamos a mostrar una gran cantidad de artículos sobre otros impuestos utilizado en una vena similar contra Android / Linux. Estos incluyen los impuestos relacionados con las patentes (además de los intentos de Microsoft de implementar un Impuesto sobre Android y sobre Linux). Esta situación general del INJUSTO impuesto merece ser calificados de “CORRUPCION” y “COMPLICIDAD” de algunas personas. Nick Farrell ha dicho que “Francia [va] ha traer un impuestos para tabletas no-Windows [http://www.techeye.net/hardware/france-to-bring-in-non-windows-tablet-tax]“. Elabora con humor:

El gobierno francés ha creado un asistente de silbido que parece ser completamente diseñado para respaldar el gigante del software Microsoft.

En una alianza franco-americana, de la talla de los cuales no se ha visto desde que los franceses respaldados por una campaña por parte de terroristas anti-democráticos en contra de su gobierno legítimo, los franceses van a poner impuestos a cada Tableta PC que no venga con el software de Windows a bordo.

La lógica es que si uste está usando Android, Linux o MacOS usted debe ser un pirata, ya que Windows es la herramienta de elección para todos los ciudadanos franceses decentes.

Será interesante ver si esto se retracta de lo que por derecho debe hacerse. En Economía, un buen “impuesto Pigovian” está diseñado para eliminar el efecto económico de una externalidad negativa, por ejemplo la contaminación. Este “impuesto”, que presume la culpa en nombre del comprador, es más una forma de extorsión de una vagamente definida “externalidad” incorrectamente definida como la ‘piratería’ por el cartel de autor y los conglomerados de medios. En este sentido, el impuesto es más o menos un subsidio-de-cualquier-otro nombre a estas organizaciones. Quieren que el gobierno los compense por algo que asumen erróneamente que se merecen.

Many thanks to Eduardo Landaveri of the Spanish portal of Techrights.


Microsoft Enjoys Copyright Tax — Not Just Patent Tax — on Linux-powered Competitors

Posted in Apple, GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents, Windows at 4:49 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Co-authored with G. Forbes

Paris atmosphere

Summary: Absurd lawmaking in France is further slammed by the press and by upset bloggers, who see Windows getting a free ride whilst its competition may be subjected to outrageous new taxes

AT THE END of last month we wrote about a disturbing development in France regarding a ‘copyright tax’. For this tax, the government decided to discriminate in favour of Microsoft, applying it to any platform other than Windows. There is noticeable debate about this ‘tax’ in many places, in French and other languages. Some of the better articles that we found are:

i. The French say: if it is not Windows, it must have been pirated

The French government intends to slap a tax of 12 euros on any tablet unless it runs with Windows. One might wonder why France wants to pander Microsoft, but the logic is apparently that anything that is not Windows must be pirated, and that includes Android, Linux and even MacOS. The most bizarre is that a French company, Archos, would be hurt to the benefit of an American company.

ii. Tax to be imposed on PC tablets barring Windows

This second one says that the “government of France has been contemplating about imposing a tax of 12 Euro on every tablet PCs with over 40GB of internal memory unless they operate on Windows. This way Microsoft can get the much required aid in the tablet market.”

Well, they must change this as it’s outrageous.

iii. France could tax tablet PCs — except those with Windows

To quote: “Why the special treatment of Microsoft? Because unlike those running Apple’s iOS or Google’s Android operating systems, Windows tablets are full-featured enough to count as computers rather than mobile devices.” It’s unbelievable that they would actually make such a conclusion. This news is also making an appearance in the corporate media. However, they neglect to take a logical approach and state that Microsoft is using outrageous legislation and extortion rather than competing (such corporate sites play it safe with advertisers).

In the coming days we will be showing a lot of articles about other taxes used in a similar vein against Android/Linux. These include patent-related taxes (in addition to Microsoft’s attempts to implement an Android/Linux tax). This overall unfair tax situation is being labelled “corruption” and “collusion” by some people. Nick Farrell has said that “France [is]to bring in non-Windows tablet tax”. He humourously elaborates:

The French government has come up with a wizard wheeze which seems to be entirely designed to back the software giant Microsoft.

In a Franco-American alliance, the likes of which has not been seen since the French backed a campaign by anti-democratic terrorists against its lawful government, the French are going to tax every tablet which does not come out with Windows software on-board.

The logic is that if you are running Android, Linux or the MacOS you must be a pirate as Windows is the tool of choice for all decent minded French citizens.

It will be interesting to see if this gets retracted as it rightfully should be. In Economics, a proper “Pigovian tax” is designed to eliminate the economic effect of a negative externality, for example pollution. This ‘tax’, which presumes guilt on the buyer’s behalf, is more a form of extortion of a vaguely-defined “externality” inaccurately defined as ‘piracy’ by the copyright cartel and media conglomerates. In this light, the tax is more-or-less a subsidy-by-any-other-name to these organisations. They want government to compensate them for something they falsely assume they deserve.

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