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Oracle’s Huge Claims Against Linux/Android Demonstrate the Uselessness of OIN

Posted in Apple, GNU/Linux, Google, IBM, OIN, Oracle, Patents at 4:01 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

A workaround that only patent aggressors and software patents proponents like IBM can coexist with

Ginni Rometty

Photo source (modified slightly): The 10 Most Powerful Women in Technology Today

Summary: Oracle (from OIN) suing Google (from OIN) over Android (Linux-based) and seeking nearly $10,000,000,000 in ‘damages’ serves to show that OIN is not a workaround/solution to the key problem, which is software patents

Apple’s patent war on Android is still in headlines this week [1, 2, 3] and there are a lot of articles about Oracle‘s case against Android in our daily links. No doubt, given that Oracle had joined OIN, its attack on Android proved that OIN is far from a solution. Oracle wants to recover the cost of buying Sun by just using patents that Sun workers worked towards, along with copyrights. “The case will have major ramifications for software patents and licensing the world over,” this one report said.

Here is a new article about the Linux Foundation and OIN. To quote the relevant part/s:

Meeting legal requirements is one of the key elements that large software companies factor in to their release cycles. They have teams that check for software patents that may impact their code, make sure that every copyright is acknowledged and look at the detailed usage clauses in any third-party software that they use.

One of the reasons for doing this is to avoid expensive litigation from companies often referred to as patent trolls. These are companies that have purchased large software patent libraries. Their business model is to then use those libraries to bring lawsuits against developers and over the last decade we’ve seen a number of high profile lawsuits against companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Google and others. Some of these have been dismissed by the courts but others have been upheld costing hundreds of millions of dollars in both fines and costs.

While open source developers might think that they are immune from this type of issue they are not. It may be that a piece of software that has been released as open source is later alleged to have infringed a software patent. This would mean that anyone using that software could be found guilty of an infringement.

To help reduce the impact of patent claims Google, IBM, Red Hat, SUSE, NEC, Philips and Sony created the Open Innovation Network. The goal was to create a pool of defensive patents that could be used to protect Linux and developers using Linux. This has been successful with over 1946 companies signing up to the OIN to use their patents to defend themselves from attack.

When you work on software patents for a company — no matter how benign a company — you never know who will get/use them. See the response I got from Red Hat staff (Alexandre Oliva) after writing this, having called for Red Hat to stop pursuing software patents and defang all existing ones. As Oliva put it, “when I realized this, some 6 years ago, I started campaigning for Red Hat to turn its Patent Promise into an actual license, but no luck so far. until this major problem is fixed, no more patent applications from me…”

A longtime critic of OIN, Florian Müller, was among the first to point out that OIN was not effective because one OIN member (Oracle) sued another (Google). He now has this new post which says: “There’s an interesting parallel between Apple v. Samsung (meaning their first case, with respect to which the Supreme Court has granted certiorari) and the Oracle v. Google Android-Java copyright litigation: in both cases, most of the damages at issue are based on the theory of a disgorgement of infringer’s profits, and at first sight, the amounts claimed by the right holders appear very high. There are even more similarities. For example, in both cases, the defendants are key Android players. But there are also some important factual differences, not limited to the fact that design patents and copyright are different types of intellectual property.”

These high-profile cases come to show the dangers of software patents (Novell’s ended up in Microsoft’s, Oracle’s and Apple’s hands and Red Hat’s could end up anywhere, depending on who buys it and when) and the uselessness of OIN. The real reform people should campaign for is abolishment of software patents themselves. The next post will deal with other deficient reform ideas/strategies.


Finishing Icahn’s and Ballmer’s Job: Microsoft Wants to Kill Yahoo! and Exterminate GNU/Linux in Datacentres

Posted in GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Search, Servers at 11:43 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Microsoft uses its money to interfere with and/or take over the competition

“Linux infestations are being uncovered in many of our large accounts as part of the escalation engagements.”

Microsoft Confidential

“I’m going to f—ing bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will do it again. I’m going to f—ing kill Google.”

Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO

Summary: Microsoft’s war on GNU/Linux and against Google is still alive and well, and Microsoft uses its money (what’s left of it) in an effort to get its way and basically undermine (or E.E.E.) the competition

According to this second-hand report from Sam Dean about Microsoft's DCOS buddies, “Microsoft has been rumored to have had its eyes on owning the company” (company behind DCOS, which is proprietary). 8 months ago we wrote about the real reason Microsoft veterans were investing in Mesosphere.

“8 months ago we wrote about the real reason Microsoft veterans were investing in Mesosphere.”What we basically deal with here is another Xamarin, again funded by people from Microsoft, only to be the subject of Microsoft acquisition (or attempted acquisition) later on. Microsoft actually did try to take over DCOS and make it its anti-GNU/Linux proxy. It’s half way there now because there are financial strings now. Dean cites a Microsoft booster (Matt Weinberger) as saying that “Microsoft is investing millions in a $1 billion startup that rejected its acquisition offer” (the headline).

To quote Weinberger: “Last year, reports emerged that Microsoft tried to buy Mesosphere, a hot cloud computing startup, for $150 million, only to get shut down.”

“What we basically deal with here is another Xamarin, again funded by people from Microsoft, only to be the subject of Microsoft acquisition (or attempted acquisition) later on.”So that’s a fact. At Mesosphere they ‘just’ took Microsoft money and hence strings, so it’s clear whose agenda will be served. EEE against GNU/Linux must be noted here. To quote further: “Mesosphere is announcing a new $73.5 million “strategic” investment, led by Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and with Microsoft listed as a “significant participant.””

It’s time to treat Mesosphere as a Microsoft proxy; little less, only more.

In related news, Microsoft is killing Yahoo again. Yahoo is not totally dead yet; it’s now run by a lady from Google, so the company apparently needs to die or be hijacked again by Microsoft. Microsoft Peter (Peter Bright) and Swisher make it abundantly clear that Microsoft is still a predator, not a real company. Based on Microsoft Peter’s article: “After Microsoft’s failed bid to buy Yahoo, the two companies signed agreements that would see Microsoft providing both search technology and advertising to Yahoo. While the terms of this deal have changed, with Redmond losing its exclusive arrangement last year, Yahoo nonetheless remains an important partner. Bing’s market share continues to grow each quarter, and Yahoo’s use of Bing search results is a key part of this success. [note: that’s a Microsoft lie/revisionism from Peter Bright]

“It’s time to treat Mesosphere as a Microsoft proxy; little less, only more.”“Redmond is keen to protect this important deal. Offering a private equity firm a billion or two in cheap financing would enable the company to preserve this partnership, while being substantially cheaper than buying the company itself. In spite of its previous interest, sources within Microsoft tell Swisher that it has no interest in buying Yahoo this time around. Companies that are interested are believed to include AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast, along with a number of private equity firms.”

The New York Times, having come up with an eye-catching headline (unlike the spin from Microsoft Peter), says the “Entire Yahoo Board Would Be Ousted”. This sounds like the same thing which Microsoft did with Icahn almost 8 years ago.

“This sounds like the same thing which Microsoft did with Icahn almost 8 years ago.”The spin from Microsoft Peter says “Microsoft said to be wanting to help out Yahoo buyers with its own cash”; iophk responded with “if you twist the word ‘help’ enough.”

Another reader of ours laughed and wrote in IRC “mafia “help”” (hey, maybe they can send in Icahn again!).

Raiders, proxies, corporate coups — a Microsoft specialty. Maybe they’ll actually become a technology and software company one day. We covered in great detail what Microsoft had done to Yahoo! in the past in order to convert it from a third (or second) contender in search engines into just another ‘department’ of Microsoft. Microsoft did the same thing to Cyanogen (now a Trojan horse against Android/Google), Nokia, and it also ‘helped’ Novell (only to see the company dying within a few years, as expected, leaving the patents to Microsoft).

“…Microsoft is unmistakably still going after Yahoo after killing the vast majority of it.”Looking at another report about this, titled “Microsoft Tells Possible Yahoo Buyers It Would Consider Backing Bids With Big Bucks”, Microsoft is unmistakably still going after Yahoo after killing the vast majority of it.

It “looks like Yahoo is selling out,” said Mark in our IRC channels earlier today, adding that “they are looking to sell their core business; I’d say they are on the way out in any case; they lost what… 4 billion dollars last year?”

“Microsoft is the touch of death to almost everything…”
      –Mark, #techrights
This is like classic Microsoft revisionism, however, e.g. for one to claim Yahoo was all along down and still going down (or that Microsoft tried to save them and help them). They were doing reasonably well before 2008 (like Nokia or Novell) and they do extremely poorly now; Microsoft’s intention has a lot to do with it. That’s like saying Novell failed in spite of Microsoft or that Microsoft tried to rescue Novell.

XRevan86 notes that “moving to Bing for Yahoo! was a total disaster.” It was indeed; it was a one-way relationship that destroyed the very core of Yahoo! and turned it into a vassal of Microsoft. There was no way back after that. The company was in a freefall.

“Microsoft is the touch of death to almost everything,” Mark concluded.


Embrace, Extend, Extinguish (EEE) Alive and Well at Microsoft: Docker, Android, Nokia, and Telstra

Posted in Deception, Free/Libre Software, GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents at 8:34 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Worth recalling history:

“Where are we on this Jihad?”

Bill Gates

Ballmer on patents
Original cartoon

Summary: Whilst extracting money by extorting the competition, which Microsoft claims to “love”, the company is also hijacking the competition and trying to tilt it Microsoft’s way, using software patents not only as a cash cow but also means of leverage (by pressure)

THIS MONDAY morning Microsoft already googlebombs or ‘spams’/litters “Linux” news feeds with promotion of its proprietary software (there’s no news, just rehash), led by Microsoft boosters who write their headlines accordingly (links omitted, not inadvertently), mirroring what we saw last Monday (also in the morning). We don’t think that’s sheer coincidence; it looks like a media strategy. Nice to see, on the other hand, is that so many Linux sites are now speaking about Microsoft's patent war on Linux/Android — a long war with software patents as a weapon and cash cow (lawyers typically win when there is litigation, but in the case of Microsoft there is no litigation, just blackmail/extortion). There are even high-profile videos on the subject — surely something Microsoft would wish to distract from while Horacio Gutierrez walks away. We have warned about this for many years.

“Look what Microsoft is doing to Android right now (other than the patent extortion). See what Cyanogen is doing for Microsoft. Classic EEE.”Anyone who still honestly believes that Microsoft “loves Linux” must be rather gullible or poorly informed. Remember how Microsoft infiltrated Docker events in 2015 in order to spread the "love" propaganda (even pins, like there’s a voodoo doll somewhere). It’s all nonsense. Now, having infiltrated Docker sufficiently, there is an embrace, extend, extinguish (EEE) strategy with the NSA-friendly Azure (see articles such as “Microsoft continues open-source support with Docker storage plugin for Azure cloud platform”, “Microsoft continues open source push with Docker storage plugin for Azure”, or “Microsoft offers persistent Docker volumes with Azure File Storage”). Shipping people’s data to a proprietary server with NSA surveillance is not an “open source push” as IDG put it in its headline; it’s self-serving EEE. So much for Docker “security” (unless it’s “national security”). Is a proprietary software move evidence of “love” from Microsoft? The EEE strategy always goes like this. First they need to embrace (with “love”), then they’ll take over (“extend”, e.g. Azure or SQL Server), and later they can extinguish (e.g. move SQL Server/Linux setups to Windows, with lower/promotional cost/rate and more features/incentives). It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to ‘get’ it. Look what Microsoft is doing to Android right now (other than the patent extortion). See what Cyanogen is doing for Microsoft. Classic EEE.

“Mr Elop, 52, will have responsibility for leading Telstra’s strategy to become a world class technology company.”
Speaking of EEE, Telstra revealed last week that “Stephen Elop joins Telstra senior leadership team”. To quote its press release: “Mr Elop, 52, will have responsibility for leading Telstra’s strategy to become a world class technology company. He will report directly to Chief Executive Officer Andrew Penn and be based jointly in the United States and Australia.”

Never forget how Microsoft’s Elop killed Nokia while it was exploring a lot of Linux, shortly after it had become one of the top contributors to Linux (the kernel and beyond). Microsoft also used moles to kill Yahoo. Notice how Nokia is being deprecated/taken out of existence, to this date. To quote this new page from HERE, “HERE apps will no longer work on devices running Windows 10 mobile” (so it’s effectively dead, even for Windows).

We previously wrote about Microsoft and Telstra [1, 2, 3, 4]. They’re not far apart, but Elop can mark the beginning of something even worse. There are already many Microsoft executives/influence in Telstra, but that does not mean that it needs another mole. Microsoft’s “love” has always been love for itself; there is no community spirit there, just narcissism.

“I think he [Bill Gates] has a Napoleonic concept of himself and his company, an arrogance that derives from power and unalloyed success, with no leavening hard experience, no reverses [...] They don’t act like grown-ups!”

Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson


Microsoft Odia a Linux: Extorsión de Patentes Continua Con Nuevo ¨Arreglo¨ de Patentes de Software (Wistron)

Posted in GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents at 10:52 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Publicado en GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patentes at 10:04 am por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Microsoft killing Linux
Microsoft Matando Linux

Sumario: Microsoft todavía esta matando (libre) Linux con patentes de software mientras al mismo tiempo los medios nos dicen que ¨ama a Linux¨

ESTA mañana escribimos acerca de los despidos en Microsoft en un esfuerzo de tragarse a GNU/Linux con su software proprietario. La ofensiva PR de anoche no ha tenido tiempo de enfriarse y aqui hay otra pieza de hojaldre de la ocupada por Microsoft BBC (muchos gerentes de Microsoft del Reino Unido se conviertieron en gerentes en ella). Horas más tarde descubrimos que el odio de Microsfot contra Linux todavía los hace enorgullecerse. Como este nuevo artículo de Bogdam Popa lo puso, la extorsión de patentes de Microsoft contra Linux le otorgará ¨$3 Billones cada año sin mover un dedo,¨ o para citar su sumario completo: ¨Microsoft ha anunciado que alcazó un acuerdo do con Wistron para renovar su arreglo de patentes que cubren a Android, asi que la compañía puede seguir usando la tecnología de Redmon en sus tabletas, smartphones, e-readers y otros aparatos que usen Android o Chrome OS.¨

“Esto se llama técnicamente apilamiento de patentes y eleva artificialmente el precio de los dispositivos con Linux en ellos, para el lucro personal de Bill Gates y su creciente red de patentes.”Wistron no sólo fue extorsióndo por Microsoft (sobre patentes) pero también el troll de patentes de Microsoft , Intellectual Ventures, de la que escribimos ayer. Esto se llama técnicamente apilamiento de patentes y eleva artificialmente el precio de los dispositivos con Linux en ellos, para el lucro personal de Bill Gates y su creciente red de patentes.

Si, el ¨nuevo¨ Microsoft. ¿Todavía alguien cree este mito sórdido? La compañía quiere chantajear (y lo hace) compañías que usan Linux (como lo hizo con Acer el mes pasado) mientras que todavía insiste que ¨ama a Linux¨. Microsoft simplemente esta provocando or trolling a la comunidad de GNU/Linux con fotos de un corazón en ellos. Los medios corporativos estupidamente est republicando estas lengua-en-cachete imagenes. ¿Cuándo el chequeo de hechos dejó de importar?


Microsoft Hates Linux: Patent Extortion Continues With New Software Patents Deal (Wistron)

Posted in GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents at 10:04 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Microsoft killing Linux

Summary: Microsoft is still killing (free) Linux with software patents whilst at the same time telling the media that it “loves Linux”

THIS morning we wrote about Microsoft layoffs and an effort to engulf GNU/Linux with proprietary Microsoft software. The PR/charm offensive from last night hasn’t even had much time to cool down and here is another puff piece from the Microsoft-occupied BBC (many Microsoft UK executives became managers there). Hours later we discovered that Microsoft’s hatred of Linux is still bragged about. As this new article by Bogdan Popa put it, Microsoft’s patent extortion of Linux is to net “$3 billion every years without moving a single finger,” or, to quote the summary in full: “Microsoft has just announced that it reached an agreement with Wistron to renew their Android patent licensing agreement, so the company can continue using Redmond’s technology on its tablets, smartphones, e-readers and other devices powered by Android or Chrome OS.”

“This is technically called patent stacking and it artificially elevates the price of devices with Linux on them, for the personal financial gain of Bill Gates and his growing patent network.”Wistron was not only extorted by Microsoft (over patents) but also by Microsoft's troll, Intellectual Ventures, which we wrote about yesterday. This is technically called patent stacking and it artificially elevates the price of devices with Linux on them, for the personal financial gain of Bill Gates and his growing patent network.

Yes, the 'new' Microsoft. Does anyone still believe this sordid myth? The company wants to blackmail companies which use Linux (like it did Acer last month) whilst insisting that it “loves Linux”. Microsoft is just provoking or trolling the GNU/Linux community with pictures that have a heart symbol in them. Corporate media is foolishly reposting these tongue-in-cheekish images. When did basic fact-checking cease to matter?


Xamarin Quits Pretending to be Separate From Microsoft, All Staff to Work Directly for Microsoft

Posted in Deception, GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Mono at 10:33 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

So the Microsoft-loving lynch mob will start receiving salaries directly from Microsoft

Miguel de Icaza and other Microsoft MVPs
Miguel de Icaza now officially a Microsoft employee

Summary: Xamarin staff’s Microsoft roots and loyalties now confirmed as Microsoft just bought/recruited them all

THE TROJAN horse strategy of Microsoft can only ever work as long as FOSS developers are naive enough to believe that Microsoft comes with good intentions. We have already seen openwashing of Microsoft lock-in like .NET (there is more of it today from Pierre-Luc Maheu), even though it’s still proprietary lock-in with some open ‘core’. We wrote a lot about this in 2014.

Just as Microsoft uses Cyanogen as a Trojan horse in mobile (Android), Microsoft has used Xamarin as a Trojan horse for a number of years now (not just in mobile).

“Just as Microsoft uses Cyanogen as a Trojan horse in mobile (Android), Microsoft has used Xamarin as a Trojan horse for a number of years now (not just in mobile).”Xamarin’s Mono now becomes Microsoft’s as Miguel de Icaza once again makes a lot of money from Microsoft, after former Microsoft people had dunked lots of money into his efforts (Xamarin’s sources of funding were covered here before).

RoboVM was part of an embrace phase (in E.E.E.); it’s almost as though Microsoft bought a Java/Android company, which it soon took proprietary (extend) and can now use as a Trojan horse for .NET conversions (extinguish) because RoboVM employees all become Microsoft employees, within just a few months. It’s like Nokia all over again and it happened in a nearby country (neighbour of Finland).

Proving Techrights was right all along, earlier today was found this post from Phoronix which said “Xamarin was formed by Miguel de Icaza in 2011 after his earlier Mono-focused company, Ximian, was acquired by Novell but then the Mono developers were let go when Novell was acquired by Attachmate.”

“Right now Mono is officially a Microsoft thing.”We warned about it right from the start. Right now Mono is officially a Microsoft thing. Not just Microsoft copyrights are inside of it. The trademarks too probably become Microsoft’s. “Everybody knew this was coming years ago,” a senior member at Phoronix Forums wrote. Here is the Microsoft angle and Microsoft Peter’s shallow piece. There was some discussion about it in our IRC channel, as Mark said that “de Icaza is practically a closed source advocate… uses Mac OS X over Linux… pumps MS tech whenever possible… Microsoft MVP Awardee in 2010… Apple basically advocates conspicuous consumption which is pretty much the opposite of what I believe in” (expect de Icaza to praise Microsoft even more from now on).

Some, myself included, were relieved by the news because it’s proving us right. “Finally,” XRevan86 wrote. “I was sick of people who were saying Xamarin is not a Microsoft thing. Like Microsoft is bad but Xamarin is okay. You know what’s the most ironic thing? Miguel said that GNU/Linux won’t ever be popular because of compatibility issues after he moved to OS X. The most compatibility messing thing in GNU/Linux is GNOME’s GTK+.”

“The Mono lynch mob is something Microsoft will now be accountable for.”“As part of this commitment I am pleased to announce today that Microsoft has signed an agreement to acquire Xamarin,” wrote Microsoft, calling it “a leading platform provider for mobile app development.” [sic]

Leading? How many people even use this thing? Xamarin, in recent years, hired longtime enemies of this site (Techrights) — people who publicly attack me all the time for ‘daring’ not to trust Microsoft and Mono. They even hired Jo Shields, who has been cursing and swearing, sometimes even libeling me. These are Mono boosters who are more like moles inside GNU/Linux. Well, from now on they’ll get their salary directly from Microsoft and any time I see them attacking me online I’d be able to attribute these attacks to Microsoft. I criticise Mono, so they criticise me personally (ad hominem). What a relief it is to know that Microsoft will now bear responsibility for these utterly rude people. The Mono lynch mob is something Microsoft will now be accountable for.


Microsoft Continua Usando Patentes de Software para Extorsionar/Chantajear Incluso Más Compañías que Usan Linux, Forzandolas/Coerciendoles a PreInstallar Basura de Microsoft

Posted in GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents at 3:50 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Publicado in GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents at 9:05 pm por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz

El ¨nuevo¨ Microsoft es como la nueva MAFIA, aunque con mucho mejor mercadeopor secretos arreglos de patentes

Patent deal spin
Como Microsof t anuncia sus tratados de patentes actualmente (cubriendo Android y Linux), usando ambiguedad y eufemismos (¨Acuerdos¨ realmente son secretos asentamientos de patentes)

Sumario: Acer es el último gran OEM que se ha convertido en la caza de brujas por parte de Microsoft contra preinstalladores de Android/Linux, a quienes esta coerciendo en convertirse en transportistas de Microsoft (o enfrentarse a litigaciones sobre patentes de software, con altos costos legales sino bloqueos con altísimos costos por arreglos secretos).

Este artílo cubre una materia sobre la que he estado escribiendo por lo menos una década, frecuentemente de manera dedicada (especialmente el ´arreglo´ de Novell con Microsoft, que puso en riesgo a todo GNU/Linux).

“La frecuentemente repetida (por lo general por los sitios promueven a Microsoft) afirma que “Microsoft ama a Linux “son tonterías de golf. Todos los que han seguido las noticias por más de un año o dos seguramente ya lo saben.”Este artílo sin duda enojará algunas personas en Microsoft, quienes han estado tratando de silenciare este sitio de varias maneras (incluso ellos contactaron my empleador). En este artílo no pretendo ser alarmista pero simplemente explicar su ultima estrategia de ABRAZA, EXTIENDE Y EXTINGUE (E.E.E), especialmente en contra del lider de mercado (excediendo a Windows en el mercado), Android. Todo tiene que ver con patentes, o para ser más específico, patentes de software. Las dubias prácticas de la OEP promovidas por Microsoft (al presionar a sus oficiales) se han convertido en la norma [http://techrights.org/2015/10/16/genesis-of-epo-microsoft-ties/], pero dejaremos eso para otro día, ya hemos escrito un montón acerca de la OEP, no sólo acerca de patentes de software en Europa).

Más extorsiónes de patentes por parte de Microsoft han sido reveladas, TODAVÍA CONTINUA LUCHANDO CONTRA LINUX (que actualmente esta encarnado en relativamente sistemas cerrados tales como Android) usando PATENTES COMO ARMAS por las cuales imponer SPYWARE en todo el mundo. Una vez más, patentes de software o MONOPOLIOS EN ALGORITMOS DE SOFTWARE estan siendo usados por extraordinario apalancamiento y Microsoft pone un ENGAÑOSA etiqueta en arreglos de patentes, tal como las corporaciones sobornan políticos pero disfrazan sus arreglos bajo la mesa como compromisos de discurso o contribuciones de campaña, entre otros hoyos semánticos. La frecuentemente repetida (por lo general por los sitios promueven a Microsoft) afirma que “Microsoft ama a Linux “son tonterías de golf. Todos los que han seguido las noticias por más de un año o dos seguramente ya lo saben. Hemos escrito algunos artílos acerca de esto el año pasado por ejemplo:

“Básicamente él es un sucesor como Joachim Kempin quién no sólo disparó contra animales ilegalmente (y fue arrestado por ello) pero también famosamente dijo ¨Estoy pensando en golpear más duramente a las OEMs que en le pasado con Anti-Linux. [...] para que ellos bailen delicadamente”.”Lo de arriba discute y une a artículos acerca de cinco grandes compañías a quienes Microsoft CHANTAJEÓ (frecuentemente explícitamente) usando patentes en la misma manera que lo hace en contra de Acer, un relativamente promotor de GNU/Linux, incluso en some desktops. ¿Está Microsoft amenazando con enjuciarlos? SI, vean lo que hizo a Samsung. Acordaron un arreglo hace casi un año, sobre el cual Samsung acordó convertirse en su VASALLO (esto fué confirmado más tarde). No es difícil ver lo que pasa aquí; incluso la tristemente célebre ayayera de Microsoft Mary Jo Foley reconoce el rol del chantaje de patentes, usando nonombradas patentes de software por las que Microsoft ha estado usando para derribar/destruir OEMs en todo el mundo, incluso donde las patentes de software no són válidas. La ayayera de Microsoft escribió esto hace unas horas, citando Nick Parker (Vice presidente Corporativo, Equipo Original Manufacturador de Microsoft). Básicamente él es un sucesor como Joachim Kempin quién no sólo disparó contra animales ilegalmente (y fue arrestado por ello) pero también famosamente dijo ¨Estoy pensando en golpear más duramente a las OEMs que en le pasado con Anti-Linux. [...] para que ellos bailen delicadamente¨. Basado en el presente OEM jefe de Microsoft, en palabras de Mary Jo Foley:

De Mayo pasado, hubieron 31 OEMs que acordaron preinstallare aplicaciones y servicios de Microsoft en sus tabletas y teléfonos. Algunos de otros nombres grandes incluyen Samsung, Dell y Pegatron. Hoy en día hay 74 socios de hardware en 25 países en la lista (solicité a Microsoft por una lista al día de los fabricantes de Android que son partes del grupo.)

Aunque los oficialess de Microsoft no dirán explícitamente que los arreglos de preinstallación están atados a su contínua campaña con la que esta persiguiendo más pagos por regalías de patentes por parte de los fabricantes de Android. El blog post de hoy menciona que ¨alineamiento de PI (propiedad intelectual) es una figura importante¨ en esos acuerdos.

En Octubre pasado el arreglo de Microsoft con Asus combinó su licencia de Office app con un arreeglo de patentes sobre Android.

Esto no es inclusión de Microsoft sofware en esos aparatos. Microsoft no hace software ultimamente, sólo hace MALWARE/SPYWARE como Vista 10 (el SUEÑO DE LA NSA HECHO REALIDAD constantemente esta grabando lo que escribes) o Skype (siempre grabandote), con su inabilidad de salirse de los ´updates´ secretos [1] e incluso bloquear la vigilancia masiva en sus ordenadores [2], basado en nuevos artículos (vean abajo).

“La última estrategia de Microsoft contra Linux – como preveí que allá por los días de Novell – es HAGA LO QUE LE DECIMOS O LO VAMOS A DEMANDAR CON PATENTES “”.Recuérden que distribuidores de Android no incluyen MALWARE de Microsoft por antonomasia/fuera de la caja porque lo quieran. Microsoft AMENAZA CON ENJUICIARLOS. La última estrategia de Microsoft contra Linux – como preveí que allá por los días de Novell – es HAGA LO QUE LE DECIMOS O LO VAMOS A DEMANDAR CON PATENTES.”

¿Donde está la RICO Act cuando actualmente necesita ser enforzada?

El amor de Microsoft por Linux es el amor de una serpiente Pitón por corderos. Simplemente le gusta tragarlas. Es delicioso. Es acerca de devorar. Cuando dije esto en Twitter una persona respondió diciendo: ¨Esta industria tiene poca memoria, estamos en el estado de ¨ABRAZA¨ en el ABRAZA, EXTIENDE Y EXTINGUE¨ (E.E.E).

Contenido relacionado de las noticias:

  1. Microsoft renuncia dándonos el tratamiento silencioso en los Updates de Windows 10

    Despues de efectivamente dar a todo el mundo el tratamiento silecioso en cambios a los updates en su ´os´, Microsoft ha creado una página para brevemente enlistar sus updates cuando son emitidos. NO se rinden a la presión pública de los usuarios al tirar una bola sobre el muelle y esperar que tu vayas tras ella entonces todo el ruido se irá.

    ¨Despues de escuchar al público acerca del nivel de comunicación para los updates de Windows 10, decidimos implementar un nuevo sistema de comunicar los updates al sistema operativo,¨ dijo un vocero de Redmon tempran¨Despues de escuchar al público acerca del nivel de comunicación para los updates de Windows 10, decidimos implementar un nuevo sistema de comunicar los updates al sistema operativo,¨ dijo un vocero de Redmon temprano.

  2. Windows 10 te Espía a pesar de que ´bloqueess’ las opciones de rastreo o installes anty-spyware aplicaciones.

    Analista revela que Window 10 esta amasando un enorme datos de usuario a pesar de bloquear las tres opciones de rastreo

    Todos sabemos que Windows 10 espía a los usuarios. Lo hemos reportado incluso cuando ellos publicaron us Prevision Técnica de Windows 10 en Agosto de 2014. Después de un año que la versión final Windows 10 fue entregada al público, Microsoft confirmó que Windows 10 espíaba a los usuarios en Noviembre de 2015. Añadió en ese momento que no pudo evitar su telemétrico programa para espíar a sus usuarios.


Microsoft Continues to Use Software Patents to Extort/Blackmail Even More Companies That Use Linux, Forcing/Coercing Them Into Preinstalling Microsoft

Posted in GNU/Linux, Google, Microsoft, Patents at 9:05 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

The ‘new’ Microsoft is more like a new Mafia, albeit with much better marketing/veneer for secret patent deals

Patent deal spin
How Microsoft announces patent deals now (covering Android and Linux), sparingly using newspeak and euphemisms (“Agreements” actually means patent settlements)

Summary: Acer is the latest large OEM to have become a victim of Microsoft’s witch-hunt against Android/Linux preloaders, whom Microsoft is coercing into becoming Microsoft’s carriers (or face litigation over software patents, with high legal fees if not injunctions or high damages upon secret settlements)

THIS article covers a subject I have been writing about for at least a decade, often in a dedicated manner (especially when it involved Novell’s patent deal with Microsoft, which put the whole of GNU/Linux in jeopardy).

“The frequently-repeated (usually by Microsoft advocacy sites) claims that “Microsoft loves Linux” are of course baloney. Everyone who has followed the news for more than a year or two surely knows this.”This article will no doubt upset some people at Microsoft, which has already been trying to silence this site in various ways (they even contacted my employer). In this article I intend not to be alarmist but merely to explain the latest embrace, extend, extinguish (E.E.E.) strategy of Microsoft, especially against the market leader (exceeding Windows in terms of market share), Android. It’s everything to do with patents, or to be even more specific, software patents. The EPO‘s dubious practices which Microsoft caused (by pressuring officials) to become the 'norm' also relate to this, but we shall leave that angle aside for another day (we already write a lot about the EPO, not only regarding software patents in Europe).

More Microsoft patent extortion has just been revealed. Microsoft is still fighting against Linux (which nowadays is mostly embodied in relatively closed systems such as Android) using patents as a weapon by which to impose spyware on everyone. Once again, software patents or monopolies on software algorithms are being used for extraordinary leverage and Microsoft puts a misleading label on patent deals, much like corporations bribe politicians but disguise the under-the-table payments as speech engagements or campaign contributions, among other semantic loopholes. The frequently-repeated (usually by Microsoft advocacy sites) claims that “Microsoft loves Linux” are of course baloney. Everyone who has followed the news for more than a year or two surely knows this. We wrote some articles about this last year, for example:

“He is basically a successor to the likes of Joachim Kempin, who not only illegally shot animals (and got arrested for it) but also famously said “I’m thinking of hitting the OEMs harder than in the past with anti-Linux. [...] they should do a delicate dance”.”The above discuss and link to articles about 5 large companies which Microsoft extorted (even quite explicitly) using patents in very much the same way that Microsoft now does Acer, a relatively fine supporter of GNU/Linux, even on some desktops. Is Microsoft really threatening to sue? Yes, see what it did to Samsung. It reached a settlement almost exactly one year ago, whereupon Samsung agreed to become Microsoft's vassal (this was confirmed later). It’s not hard to see what’s happening here; even a Microsoft booster like Mary Jo Foley acknowledges the role of patent blackmail, using unnamed software patents which Microsoft has been using to hunt down OEMs all around the world, even where software patents are not at all valid. The Microsoft booster wrote this just a few hours ago, citing Nick Parker (Corporate Vice President, Original Equipment Manufacturer Division, Microsoft). He is basically a successor to the likes of Joachim Kempin, who not only illegally shot animals (and got arrested for it) but also famously said “I’m thinking of hitting the OEMs harder than in the past with anti-Linux. [...] they should do a delicate dance”. Based on Microsoft’s current OEM Chief, in the words of Mary Jo Foley:

As of last May, there were 31 OEMs agreeing to preload Microsoft apps and services on their Android tablets and phones. Some of the other bigger names on the list include Samsung, Dell and Pegatron. As of today, there are now 74 hardware partners in 25 countries on the list. (I’ve asked Microsoft for an updated roster of those Android device makers who are part of the group.)

Though Microsoft officials don’t explicitly say that these preinstallation deals are tied to the company’s ongoing patent campaign via which Microsoft has stepped up its collection of patent royalties from Android device makers, today’s blog post does mention that “IP alignment is an important feature” of these agreements.

Last October, Microsoft’s deal with ASUS combined Office app licensing with an Android patent deal.

This isn’t even Microsoft software being put on these devices. Microsoft does not really make software anymore, it just makes malware/spyware like Vista 10 (the NSA’s dream come true, an always-on keylogger) or Skype (always-on wiretapping), with inability to opt of secret ‘updates’ [1] or even disable the mass surveillance on the desktop [2], based on new articles (see below).

“Microsoft’s latest strategy against Linux — as I foresaw it way back in the Novell days — is “do as we tell you or we shall sue you with patents.””Remember that Android distributors don’t include Microsoft malware by default/out of the box because they want to. Microsoft threatens to sue. Microsoft’s latest strategy against Linux — as I foresaw it way back in the Novell days — is “do as we tell you or we shall sue you with patents.”

Where’s the RICO Act when it needs to actually be enforced?

Microsoft’s love of Linux is the love of a python for a sheep. It just loves sheep. It’s delicious. It’s about devouring. When I said this in Twitter one person responded by saying “this industry has short memories; we’re at the “embrace” stage of embrace, extend, extinguish” (E.E.E.).

Related/contextual items from the news:

  1. Microsoft quits giving us the silent treatment on Windows 10 updates

    After effectively giving everyone the silent treatment on changes to its operating system, Microsoft has created a webpage that briefly lists stuff inside the software updates as they are released. It’s not so much bowing to pressure from users as tossing a ball over a pier and hoping you’ll all chase after it and then the whole fuss will just go away.

    “After listening to feedback regarding the level of disclosure for Windows 10 updates, we decided to implement a new system for communicating updates to the operating system,” a spokeswoman for Redmond told us earlier.

  2. Windows 10 spies on you despite disabling tracking options or installing anti-spying app

    Analyst reveals that Windows 10 is amassing huge amount user data despite of user disabling the three tracking options

    We all know that Windows 10 spies on users. We had reported spying issues associated with Windows 10 even as Microsoft had released the Windows 10 Technical Preview Version in August, 2014. After almost a year after when Windows 10 Final Build was released, Microsoft confirmed that Windows 10 spied on users in November 2015. It had added at that time that even it cant stop Windows 10’s telemetry program used for spying on users.

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