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Reviewers, LG and Dell Show No Love for Vista Phony 7 Just Yet

Posted in Dell, LG, Microsoft at 5:05 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: Vista Phony 7 [sic] does not get the channel quite so excited rather than reluctant about everything (LG and Dell are the examples named in the news)

Vista Phony 7 is a poor product. One British review says that “Windows Phone 7 can’t yet hold a candle to iOS or Android for polish or content.” In response to this, a reader of ours wrote in Identi.ca: “Good, at least one Microsoft product doesn’t hold a candle. Tired to hear Linux doesn’t hold candles…”

Here are some more reviews of the platform, bearing headlines like “Early Reviews Peg Windows Phone 7 As Still Lagging Behind iOS”; “Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Is OK, but Has Holes, Reviews Say”; “Top 5 things I dislike about Windows Phone 7″; “Windows Phone 7: Microsoft’s Disaster”; “Microsoft Windows 7 phone: Poor cousin of iPhone for the money conscious Indian market?” and “Confessions of an iPhone User: Why I Don’t Like Windows Phone 7″,. Watch the MSNBC spin and mind Dell’s delays [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], which we interpret as Dell putting this under a low priority amidst other problems it has given Microsoft:

A batch of court documents The New York Times pressed to unseal has more details about a flood of faulty computers the company sold in 2003 to 2005.

Dell also develops some devices with Android, preinstalls GNU/Linux on servers, and sells PCs with Ubuntu on them.

For those who believe that only Dell is a Microsoft partner that gets cold feet, well… how about LG? As Microsoft’s Bright booster puts it, based on this new report, “LG [is] disappointed by Windows Phone 7 launch” (more reasons for Dell to call the whole thing off).

LG has gone on record saying that Windows Phone 7 hasn’t performed as well as it thought it would, following the launch of the mobile OS in October.

“From an industry perspective we had a high expectation, but from a consumer point of view the visibility is less than we expected”, James Choi, marketing strategy and planning team director of LG Electronics global told Pocket-lint in a one-to-one interview.

In light of many problems that may or may not have culminated in Vista Phony 7′s failure, more and more people call for Steve Ballmer’s resignation/ousting and the latest such call comes from ZDNet’s main blog:

At the time, I wrote that it may be time to yank Microsoft off of the keynote stage. But maybe it’s not Microsoft that needs to go. Maybe it’s Ballmer.

Times are getting interesting now that Windows becomes rather extinct in the mobile arena, which is one of the fastest-growing markets.

Microsoft Exploits Haiti Disaster (Again) to Market SharePoint

Posted in Marketing, Microsoft, Servers at 2:51 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

“Let them eat SharePoint…”

Haiti from above

Summary: SharePoint marketing through sentimental blackmail at Microsoft’s official blog, courtesy of suffering children in Haiti

EXPLOITATION of the earthquake in Haiti is a subject we covered in reference to Microsoft and also the Gates Foundation. “Disaster capitalism” — where a chilling disaster is being used to create dependence (e.g. lock-in) on “heroic leader” or “corporate saviour” — is something we have all learned from Katrina too (there is good literature on the subject). Rather than return to old stories about it we wish to show Microsoft’s latest Haiti exploitation, which it disguises as a PR effort. Watch this thing sceptically (critical skills required) as they even use a photo for sentimental blackmail. It’s the obligatory script and it says:

OneResponse, an online platform based on Microsoft SharePoint, contains vital pieces of data such as contact lists, meeting schedules and results of needs assessments to assist with the humanitarian response.

What a lovely advert. It is utterly disgusting when someone’s pain is being used not only to create a dependency on SharePoint, which itself can be quaky at times, but also to advertise oneself. As Razvan Sandu put it over at Identica, “Can you image people affected by an earthquake clicking in Microsoft Sharepoint? Commercial propaganda has no limits?”

Denmark the Latest Country to Allow Vista 7 Refunds to PC Buyers Who Disown Microsoft

Posted in Europe, GNU/Linux, Microsoft, Windows at 2:19 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Danish flag

Summary: A Danish report from yesterday says that Windows unbundling is taken one step further (Windows tax of about $150 gets deducted)

THIS new report about Denmark has not been translated into English yet, but it is major news which on top of similar cases in Brazil and Portugal (both involving Vista 7 refunds) help create a market where GNU/Linux is recognised and may sooner or later be preinstalled on more desktops and laptops. To quote a small correction of Google’s automated translation.

EDIT: Google translate is not very good at translateing currencies. the refund is 850 DKK, not 850 USD :-) Thats approx. 150 USD.

It’s similar to the number quoted by Harish Pillay at the end of 2010 (links in [1, 2]).

The automated translation labels it an “unused Windows license”, so as we’ve seen before, therein lies the key to getting a refund. More such milestone cases are needed in more countries in order to serve as precedence and pave the way to en masse refunds, which in turn can compel a lot of shops to offer GNU/Linux and BSD.

ES: Fundación Gates Utiliza el Dinero Para Aumentar Su Control

Posted in Bill Gates, Deception at 1:47 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

“Insistir en controlar la utilización de una donación de dinero es otra forma de baja de filantropía. Los dadores de hoy quieren controlar la vida de los demás.”

Dr. Diane Ravitch

(ODF | PDF | English/original)

Resumen: La crítica de algunas inversiones de la Fundación Gates, que incluye un reconocimiento de sus conflictos de interés.

Las personas que nacieron codiciosas a menudo permanecen de esa manera y las personas que no respetan la ley no tienen casi nada que perder si lo hacen de nuevo. Existen normas legales y normas éticas, aunque algunas, obviamente, se cruzan. Las empresas suelen trabajar duro para eliminar la legislación que limita la libertad de una corporación (la palabra “libertad” es habitualmente mal utilizada aquí para significar la “desregulación”), mientras que la gente busca una legislación más fuerte que puede protegerlos de esas empresas, que por supuesto no merecen derechos porque no son personas con emociones o nervios. Este debate es una filosofía empresarial que va a volver más tarde cuando en gran medida la cobertura de noticias de patentes, pero por el momento, se debe destacar que la Fundación Gates no es una persona más, tiene hojas de balance, no paga sus impuestos, y es manejado por un grupo seleccionado, autoritario de personas (es decir, jerárquicamente estructurada), tales personas no éticas que han tenido problemas con la ley (por ejemplo, Tachi [http://techrights.org/2010/03/06/gates-foundation-vaccine-critique/], Gates) la última palabra y que están vinculados a las empresas de las que procedían o invertían . Sería miope para sugerir que esa gente se suba sobre el techo de los edificios y disperse el dinero, metafóricamente hablando. Hay que comprobar adónde el dinero va y para qué se utiliza. Generalmente hay un retorno de la inversión (ROI), lo cual es posible gracias a la diversificación de la fundación – es decir – una amplia gama de temas son intrusión, no con diversidad de caminos de investigación entre ellos, sino sólo un camino monolítico que asfixia el resto . Las personas se han quejado de que la Fundación Gates frena -detiene- su área de investigación una vez que entra, fundamentalmente, aquellos que no exploran el mismo camino que Gates et al. luchan para conseguir financiación. Otorga Gates y cualqier empresa se asocia con ella un monopolio. No es cuestión broma y la cuestión se planteó en algunos periódicos respetables que Gates no había comprado como normalmente lo hace [http://techrights.org/2011/01/13/mirroring-pr-stories/].

En lugar de pedir que participan las personas afectadas lo que creo que es correcto, a continuación ofrecen dinero para hacerlo, la Fundación Gates [http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Gates_Foundation_Critique] típicamente toma la decisión interna y entonces el dinero entra a las ramas obedientes, con el fin de realizar el trabajo (por ejemplo, alimentar a los africanos por lo que dependen de Monsanto [http://techrights.org/2011/01/14/africa-debate/], que la Fundación Gates se hace aprovechar como un inversor). En el caso de las escuelas, Gates es habitualmente acusado del “acoso” de las escuelas gestiónando el cambio y operación en la forma en que ella -la Fundación -quiere, de lo contrario no recibirá los fondos (en algunos casos, la situación se voltea, por ejemplo, la administración de la escuela se cambia – generalmente favorable a Gates ). Es chantaje al revés, y hay condiciones. Como Diane Ravitch ha dicho recientemente en el contexto de la educación [http://techrights.org/2011/01/07/marginalising-students-and-teachers/] “insisting sobre el reconocimiento de la filantropía (por ejemplo, Mark Zuckerberg) es la forma más baja de la filantropía. Es impulsada por el ego.” Gates Keepers señala que hay ataduras, incluso cuando Gates lanza un hueso a los sin casa, sobre la base de este informe [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2013438885_apwagatesgrantconcerns.html].

“Mala suerte, la gente sin hogar. Sin fondos de contrapartida no verás los beneficios de esta donación de la Fundación Gates.”

El artículo también señala: “Por cada $ 1 de la Fundación, otro 2,50 dólares tiene que ser levantado de gobierno y otras fuentes.”

Más importante aún: “Durante los dos primeros años del programa, hasta 1,3 millones de dólares estarán disponibles en la Fundación Gates. Los $ 3.2 millones necesarios en fondos de contrapartida, sin embargo, no se han encontrado. ”

Las lindas Relaciones Públicas PR llegaron allí. La Fundación Gates también fue obligado a retirar su apoyo a los gigantes del tabaco [http://techrights.org/2010/04/19/investments-in-big-killers-with-cigarettes/], sin embargo, aquí se está lanzando la prevención del tabaquismo sólo mediante la financiación de un supuesto “estudio [http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleId=635245&publicationSubCategoryId=66]” que no se ocupa de un problema que es exacerbado por Gates:

Varios estudios incluyendo uno conducido por la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates, con Bloomberg Philanthropies en 2007 reveló que las Filipinas es el número 6 en la lista de principales países con el mayor comercio ilegal de tabaco.

¿Qué sentido tiene esto? Como se ha señalado hace poco tiempo, también se dice que Gates es parte de este problema [http://techrights.org/2010/09/07/simon-chapman-on-gates-slim/] – aunque no exclusivamente – por Carlos Slim.

Como un último punto de interés, no es este desconcierto [http://gateskeepers.civiblog.org/blog/_archives/2010/12/21/4708752.html]:

Tina Rosenberg, alardea sobre el método canguro y blogs dos veces. Es obligada mencionar la USAID y la financiación de la Fundación Gates para este desde el sur hasta el norte intervención. Pero Gates Keepers no encuentran visitas cuando las buscan el sitio web de la Fundación Gates con ‘canguro’ como término. Hm? ¿El fondo de la Fundación Gates, el método canguro o ¿no?

Es probable que este proyecto [http://www.gatesfoundation.org/livingproofproject/Pages/kangaroo-mother-care-malawi.aspx] y en relación con la USAID, se escribió sobre él muchas veces en relación con el personal de la Fundación Gates, que se trasladó allí [1 [http://techrights.org/2010/08/27/analysis-of-gates-foundation/], 2[http://techrights.org/2010/06/14/bill-gates-and-haiti-gmo/], 3[http://techrights.org/2010/06/07/gsk-philanthrocapitalism/], 4[http://techrights.org/2010/04/26/monsanto-boosted-by-gates/], 5[http://techrights.org/2010/03/22/image-redone-with-cartels/], 6[http://techrights.org/2010/01/04/influence-government-africa/], 7[http://techrights.org/2009/06/22/gates-foundation-gmo/], 8[http://techrights.org/2009/01/28/uganda-sells-out-to-ms/], 9[http://techrights.org/2010/10/01/self-promotional-and-outright-lobbying/]]. Esto le da a la fundación control más diplomático, que cobra a cabo utilizando los políticos como hemos señalado esta mañana [http://techrights.org/2011/01/13/microloans-and-grameen-gates/].

Si decidimos a cubrir la Fundación Gates sobre una base regular o no, instamos a todos los lectores a pensar con escepticismo y recordar que los periodistas reciben fondos para que se especializan en esta área, así como otras áreas. La cobertura en Techrights es impulsado por el interés y la preocupación, no la ira, así que lo que implica que aqellos que dicen que los críticos de la Fundación Gates, son motivados por odio, envidia, o están locos; están recurriendo a nada más que ataques ad dominem, lo que anula su argumento/s inmediatamente.

Many thanks to Eduardo Landaveri of the Spanish portal of Techrights.

ES: Fundación Gates Se Adueña de la Prensa Que Configurando Su Propia Imagen

Posted in Bill Gates, Deception at 1:42 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Ray tracing

(ODF | PDF | English/original)

Resumen: Uno por uno, la Fundación Gates compra segmentos particulares de los medios de comunicación en todo el mundo, asegurando que reflejen las historias contadas por la Fundación Gates Relaciones Públicas PR.

CADA VEZ MÁS nos encontramos con más personas famosas que están perturbados por el secuestro de los medios de comunicación [http://techrights.org/2010/11/28/bill-melinda-evangelization/] por la Fundación Gates [http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Gates_Foundation_Critique]. No es tan benigno como estos medios haga creer a la persona promedio y no todos los “famosos de negocios” hace esto, por ejemplo (Donald Trump podría decirse que hace lo contrario).

Esta es nuestra última parte de una serie que a principios de este mes, incluidos siete puestos, a saber:

1. Escándalo Educación hojas Melinda Gates fuera del Washington Post [http://techrights.org/2011/01/09/educacion-melinda-gates/]
2. El New York Times Anuncia la Fundación Gates [http://techrights.org/2011/01/09/new-york-times-promoviendo/]
3. Bill Gates paga millones a AllAfrica (“más grande del Distribuidor Electrónico de Noticias de África y de la Información en todo el mundo”) para impulsar su agenda [http://techrights.org/2011/01/11/africa-bill-gates-pr/]
4. Fundación Gates paga más blogs como Blog4GlobalHealth GOOD, y de corte transversal para promover su agenda [http://techrights.org/2011/01/11/fundacion-gates-blogs/]
5. Fundación Gates paga el Diario The Lancet – Ahora Distorsiona la literatura académica demasiado [http://techrights.org/2011/01/11/lancet-fundacion-gates/]
6. Bill Gates Paga Nacional de Televisión (Esto PBS) para la propaganda de auto-servicio [http://techrights.org/2011/01/11/lancet-fundacion-gates/]
7. Blue State Digital (ahora parte de WPP) contratado para hacer publicidad y llevar el agua de la Fundación Gates [http://techrights.org/2011/01/12/fundacion-gates-wpp/]

Es fácil ver lo que está sucediendo aquí. Incluso philanthropy.com, que ha pasado gran parte de su espacio y tiempo glamourising Bill Gates (sólo para recibir antagonismo en los comentarios de la unilateralidad), con el tiempo ha publicado: “¿Por qué esta la Fundación Gates dando tanto dinero a los periodistas? [http://philanthropy.com/blogs/giveandtake/why-is-the-gates-foundation-giving-so-much-money-to-journalists/27524]”

Una donación de $ 1.5 millones de la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates a ABC News ha llevado a algunos observadores a preguntarse por qué la “filantropía” está ayudando a una organización de noticias sin fines de lucro.

La subvención también plantea preguntas sobre la creciente participación de la Fundación de Seattle en el periodismo.

El compromiso financiero de Gates, anunció la semana pasada, está “ayudando” a ABC News realizar un informe anual sobre la salud mundial, el enfoque principal del trabajo de su fundación. El medio de comunicación está poniendo encima de $ 4,5 millones.

Sin embargo, Marc Cooper, periodista y miembro docente de la Universidad de Annenberg el sur de California de la Escuela de Comunicación y Periodismo, dice que es “GROTESCO” que la cadena ABC News-que es propiedad de Disney y, según informes paga News Anchor Diane Sawyer un salario de por lo menos $ 12 millones -esté recibiendo dinero de Gates.

También se pregunta por qué la Fundación Gates en vez dar ese dinero para ABC News, no lo dá directamente a los proyectos de salud que ABC debate en sus informes.

Como el Sr. Cooper señala a continuación, esta crítica. “Ni siquiera trata el tema de posible conflicto de intereses” Se pregunta: “¿Mirará ABC News la cobertura de la posible corrupción o ineficiencia en los proyectos respaldados por Gates?”

Otra misterioso sitio Web de nombre, nonprofitquarterly.org, publicado “¿Qué es lo que quieren los donantes? [http://www.nonprofitquarterly.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5866:what-do-donors-want&catid=153:web-articles]”

“¿Qué quieren los donantes?” Parecía ser la pregunta detrás de una serie de donaciones que la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates otorgó recientemente a dos empresas de consultoría privadas para fomentar más la “filantropía”, especialmente entre los individuos de alto patrimonio neto.

Se trata de la “promesa”, que es un truco que ayuda EVITAR a los multimillonarios impuestos y mala prensa (entre otros beneficios). Lo explicamos el día de hoy [http://techrights.org/2011/01/14/gates-buffett-politicas/], en relación con Buffett también. hombres de gran alcance (por lo general los hombres y sus esposas) aumentaron su adoptcion de la misma estrategia y los que financian para llevar a cabo la investigación tienen la presión implícita en ellos para complacer a las fuentes de investigación. Se trata de un problema real en general, también cuando las empresas asociadas financiar la investigación y los estudiantes de doctorado .

La Columbia Journalism Review recientemente intervino en la Fundación Gates y un crítico explica cómo el control de la prensa permite a Gates para “jugar con los agricultores de África [http://techrights.org/2011/01/14/africa-debate/] o de los trabajadores indios del sexo” (esto hoy hemos cubierto esto [http://techrights.org/2011/01/13/microloans-and-grameen-gates/] y en ese puesto, respectivamente). El artículo se resumen aquí [http://gateskeepers.civiblog.org/blog/_archives/2010/10/22/4662047.html]:

Han pasado dos semanas desde que el Columbia Journalism Review (con su lema: Fuerte Prensa, Fuerte Democracia) publicó dos artículos sobre las subvenciones de la Fundación Gates a los medios de comunicación convencionales. Robert Fortner cubre los temas muy bien. Algunos periodistas vienen a parecerse más que un poco de mala calidad.

La Fundación esta jugando con la gente equivocada. Usted puede jugar con los agricultores africanos o los trabajadores indios del sexo e incluso los científicos de vacunas que no tienen mucha voz. Pero cuando algunas personas de los medios de comunicación de masas se levantan alzan sus voces altas y claras.

La Columbia Journalism Review se ha quejado de que Gates está pagando los canales de televisión para servir a su agenda global [http://www.cjr.org/the_observatory/how_ray_suarez_really_caught_t.php?page=all]:

Nota del Editor: Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en el blog personal del autor en julio. Con un par de actualizaciones, lo estamos publicando como el primero de una serie de dos partes explorando las implicaciones de la la trama cada vez más grande y compleja de las asociaciones de la Fundación de Melinda Gates, y los medios. Esta parte trata de la asociación entre la PBS NewsHour y la Fundación Gates, creada en 2008. La segunda parte, en ejecución mañana, examinará una asociación con The Guardian, un periódico británico, anunciado en septiembre, y uno con ABC News anunciado el miércoles.

¿Cómo Ray Suárez corresponsal de PBS NewsHour, captura los errores de la salud mundial? Simple, dijo en una reciente charla contestar esa pregunta exacta. Suárez explicó: “El productor ejecutivo de la NewsHour, Linda Winslow, vino a mi oficina y me preguntó si estaba interesado en la cobertura de salud global para el programa y le dije ‘sí’”.

Pero la razón real es, a raíz de esa conversación, que Suárez escribió una propuesta de la Fundación Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation resultando en $ 3.6 millones de financiación para la programación de NewsHour en la salud mundial. La Fundación Gates también patrocinó el evento en el que Suárez estaba hablando. El moderador desde el principio también, hizo preguntas y seleccionó a otros de la audiencia, el financiador entrevistando a un periodista cuyo projecto mundial de educación sanitaria había financiado.

Suárez ha escuchado quejas sobre financiamiento de la Fundación Gates antes. Él defendió el acuerdo como dando una sub-cobertura aumentando el objeto de investigación, y preservando al mismo tiempo dijo -Suárez “la independencia editorial completa.”: “La fundación no tiene los hilos del dinero, fomentando algunas historias y desalentado otras. Y nosotros no obtenemos pre-aprobación antes de embarcarnos en proyectos”.


En octubre de 2008, al mismo tiempo que le otorgó la financiación a NewsHour, la Fundación Gates concede a la Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) $ 2 millones, con un mandato de «informar acerca de la formulación de políticas y el desarrollo y ejecución de programas” de la política de EE.UU. en la salud mundial. La Kaiser Family Foundation no especificó con precisión la forma en que usa estos fondos y no publica informes anuales en su sitio web. En cuanto a su gasto y la gobernanza, el sitio web KFF sólo alude a la posibilidad de financiación:

Con una dotación de más de la mitad de mil millones de dólares, Kaiser tiene un presupuesto de funcionamiento de más de $ 40 millones por año. La Fundación opera casi exclusivamente con sus propios recursos, a pesar de que de vez en cuando reciben fondos de fundaciones donantes, principalmente para ampliar nuestros programas mundiales.

Por la misma época, el mismo sitio (Columbia Journalism Review) explica por qué “las asociaciones de la Fundación Gates con el Guardián y ABC News complican aún más la cobertura de salud global [http://www.cjr.org/the_observatory/the_web_grows_wider.php?page=all]” (que es el titular).

Este es el segundo de una serie de dos partes acerca de las implicaciones de la trama cada vez más grandes y complejas de las asociaciones de Fundación de Melinda Gates, de los medios. La primera parte, publicada en el blog personal del autor en julio y enviado de forma cruzada con los cambios a CJR ayer, describió una asociación de dos años de edad, con PBS NewsHour. Esta serie examina los acuerdos más recientes con el Guardián y ABC News.

La independencia del periodismo de la salud global del Guardián tiene un nuevo garante: la Fundación Bill & Melinda Gates. El periódico Manchester, con sede en Reino Unido ha anunciado recientemente una sección de desarrollo global co-patrocinado por la fundación. Tales acuerdos de financiación sin fines de lucro no son inusuales en los medios de hoy y, como muchos otros, el acuerdo de asociación que el tutor tiene la independencia editorial.

La Fundación Gates no es sólo el financiante, sin embargo. Es la mayor fundación de “caridad” en el mundo, y su influencia en los medios de comunicación está creciendo tan grandemente que hay razones para preocuparse acerca de la capacidad de los medios para hacer su trabajo objetivamente. Con el apoyo de Gates, el tutor tiene como objetivo “hacer que los gobiernos, las instituciones y organizaciones no gubernamentales responsables de la aplicación de los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio de las Naciones Unidas”, según su comunicado de prensa. La presentación del sitio se produjo en el período previo a una reunión de septiembre de las Naciones Unidas para evaluar los progresos en los objetivos, que se supone que deben cumplirse para el año 2015.


Tome la revista The Lancet, que, en mayo de 2009, publicó un editorial, que afirmó que “la Fundación Gates ha recibido poco escrutinio externo .” Planteó el mismo problema con dos documentos que encontró fallas en diversos aspectos de la fundación. The Lancet buscó una respuesta de la Fundación Gates, pero se reunió sólo un silencio sepulcral: “The Lancet lamentaba que la Fundación declinó nuestra invitación a responder”, concluyó el editorial. “Ahora es un punto de inflexión en la historia de la Fundación, un momento en que el cambio es necesario.”

Un año más tarde, es la revista The Lancet, que parece haber cambiado. En mayo, la revista The Lancet asistencia en la instalación de la financiado por Gates: Instituto de la Métrica de Salud y Evaluación (IHME) como árbitro de facto de los avances en las Naciones Unidas, Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM), sacando al UNICEF desde su posición oficial.

“The Lancet” co-patrocinó un simposio en mayo con Ihme en la salud materno-infantil de la Fundación Kaiser Family. El día antes del evento, The Lancet publicó un estudio Ihme medir el progreso en los ODM de mortalidad infantil. El estudio rápidamente saltó a Nueva York titulares Times. La semana pasada, los grupos de la ONU publicarón sus cifras de forma inmediata antes de la reunión de los MDG. El New York Times hizo oídos sordos. Se lo había oído ya. A medida que el Guardian informó: “[E] l momento de este informe es una obviedad. Pero, curiosamente, los números no son nuevos. El del Instituto Métrica de la Salud de Seattle llegó primero.”

El simposio IHME también señaló a un montón de críticas, sin embargo, cuando se invitó a los detractores para un análisis de la mortalidad infantil y materna y luego surgió para ellos un nuevo papel muy complicado (con un apéndice de 219 páginas Web) y les ofreció una “oportunidad” para comentar al día siguiente. De acuerdo con los panelistas del simposio Ed Bos del Banco Mundial:

“El simposio y el artículo de The Lancet [sobre la mortalidad infantil] por Rajaratnam fueron, por supuesto, prevista para ocurrir a la misma hora, y mientras yo sabía que esto iba a suceder, el artículo no fue compartido, incluso cuando se le solicite, hasta la noche anterior. En lugar de todo el artículo, sólo he recibido un resumen de una página de los resultados, en la que basé mis comentarios.”

Aquí hay otro punto de vista último que dice que “La gente de la Fundación Gates a cargo de la conspiración para apoderarse de los medios de comunicación niegan que está sucediendo [http://gateskeepers.civiblog.org/blog/_archives/2010/12/23/4710333.html]” (por lo general simplemente evitar el tema, por lo que la negación a ser innecesarios).

No hay conspiración. Sólo programación mal pensada de por parte de la Fundación Gates.

Aquí hay una entrevista muy esclarecedora de los medios de Gates la gente de Tom Paulson, un analista de los medios de comunicación de Seattle, dá información privilegiada que es transparente y valiente. Él hace las preguntas difíciles, pero la gente de los medios, como era previsible, evita la mayoría de ellos. Es una lástima. Esta sería una buena oportunidad para ellos para demostrar que han examinado las cuestiones difíciles, en lugar de sólo evitarlas.

Interesante ver que Kate James piensa que los periódicos británicos escriben sobre el desarrollo, porque tienen un pasado colonial. ¿Por qué entonces la Fundación Gates financia uno de los periódicos más importantes de reino unido, el Guardián? ¿Es el dinero necesario para Guardian, a pesar del pasado colonial británico?

La Fundación Gates ama las médidas. ¿Cómo medir la independencia editorial? ¿O simplemente negar que es un problema?

El control de la prensa facilita el control de las mentes. Así que de nuevo nos sentimos obligados a compartir el vídeo a continuación. El lema de la Columbia Journalism Review es: “Prensa Fuerte, Democracia Fuerte”. Pero “fuerte” no significa sobornos y encargos, la independencia es necesaria.

Many thanks to Eduardo Landaveri of the Spanish portal of Techrights.

Links 15/1/2011: 1-Second Linux Boot, Firefox 4 Beta 9

Posted in News Roundup at 1:26 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Transferring Linux over the network.

    It finally happened. I managed to get my hands on a superseded workstation that had been replaced by a newer model. This workstation also had a brother of the same model in which the motherboard had failed. So I did what any good Borg would do and mashed the two together to make one monster, multi-cpu, fat ram beastie. The only thing left to do was install Linux on it.


    Lo and behold! Everything worked! Of course due to some different hardware some files had to be tweaked but that was a minor task compared to installing from scratch and having to set up everything again.

  • Welcome to the 2010 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Awards
  • I’m Not A Linux Geek.

    Granted, since running Linux, I’ve learned more about my computer, its hardware, and the way the OS works. But this would be the same if I ran Windows or Mac.

  • The Writer’s PC

    None the less, I was confident that I could build a working machine from an 11 year old 600MHz Celeron with 256MB of RAM.

    I started by downloading the latest Debian Squeeze Beta from here.

    I should say here that even though it’s officially a Testing release, it is , I have found, more stable than many final distributions.

  • Desktop

    • Lawyers Can Leave Windows for Linux OS – Ubuntu

      Most lawyers are managing most processes online or in standard office applications. In fact, when you get on a different operating system like Mac OS X or Ubuntu, you will find FireFox and suddenly experience a feeling of familiarity. With most of your daily work online, transitioning from Internet Explorer to FireFox or Chrome will take no time at all to adjust to and you can immediately proceed with business as usual.

      As for office applications, Oracle’s freely downloadable OpenOffice 3.2 (comes installed on Ubuntu) is compatible with Microsoft Office files and comes with a word processor, spreadsheet application, presentation creator (compatible with MS PowerPoint), and OpenOffice Draw, a more functional desktop publishing tool than Microsoft Publisher (not compatible with MS Publisher formats). OpenOffice is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems, so you could download it on your Windows computer before committing to it on a Linux installation. We actually switched to OpenOffice four years ago and have not looked back, with only a few of our computers still running Microsoft Office. [3]

  • Server

    • I, for one, welcome our Linux Penguin, Jeopardy Overlords

      There’s nothing surprising about that. The fastest of fast computers have long used Linux In the latest TOP 500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, 459 of the Top 500 supercomputers were running Linux.

      Watson is made up of ten racks of IBM POWER 750 servers running Linux, and has 15Terabytes of RAM; 2,880 3.55GHz POWER7 processor cores and operates at 80 Teraflops. You’re not going to find one of these at your local Best Buy.

  • Audiocasts/Shows

  • Kernel Space

    • RFC: An Overview of the Linux Integrity Subsystem
    • Upstreaming your code – a primer

      This document describes what steps chip vendors need to take to successfully upstream their code into the mainline Linux kernel.

    • ULatencyD Enters The Linux World

      Daniel Poelzleithner has announced to the Linux kernel world his new project named ulatencyd. The focus of ulatencyd is to provide a script-able daemon to dynamically adjust Linux scheduling parameters and other aspects of the Linux kernel.

    • Graphics Stack

      • NVIDIA OpenCL Linux Benchmarks

        In testing of OpenBenchmarking.org and preparations for the release of Phoronix Test Suite 3.0-Iveland at the end of February from SCALE, a lot of benchmarks have been happening to test the various analytical features and other new capabilities of this open benchmarking platform. In fact, it is really an overwhelming amount of benchmarks; the power capacity in my office is maxed out as benchmark after benchmark and system after system there is all sorts of test scenarios being looked upon. The benchmarks coming out on Phoronix.com over the past two months have just been barely scratching the surface of what has been going into the OpenBenchmarking.org system. Recently a lot of OpenCL compute benchmarks were pumped in, and since we have only published a few OpenCL Linux benchmarks — OpenCL on Linux vs. Mac OS X and OpenCL NVIDIA vs. ATI on Linux — here’s some more in this article.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • Different Desktop Environments on Linux

      There are a TON of things that happen when you install an OS, but you only see the graphical parts of it, the “graphical user interface” or GUI. Obviously, if that’s the main thing your seeing, its fairly important to you on every level. Linux however, took this whole concept a step further, and established several “flavors” of GUI for your desktop on your Linux OS. Wikipedia describes a desktop environment as just that: A Desktop Environment (DE) commonly refers to a style of graphical user interface (GUI) derived from the desktop metaphor that is seen on most modern personal computers.

    • The super new compiz debugging tool

      The tool activates in two ways: Firstly, it handles any signals that would cause compiz to die and spews all information in that case. It then uses some neat tricks the kernel team taught me to re-flag the signal again without our handler installed so that apport can catch it and grab the output we just spewed out. Secondly, if you hit some weird issue (like incorrect menu stacking, or something similar) you can just hit Control-Super-Shift-? and compiz will also begin spewing as much information as possible and feed that to apport so you can just file a bug directly.

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)

      • Burns Supper and KDE Release Party

        Me and Colin and Tomas are having a Burns supper at my place in Edinburgh to celebrate 4.6, let me know if you want to come

      • Random Ideas for a revolutionized Amarok Icon

        I like the icon, but I am sure that more could be done with it.

      • Revolution Music Player

        Taking after what great work Amarok has done over the years, it has come to my attention the different changes that Amarok has gone through. Now, with their current version 2.3.1 I am left wondering about what more could be done with the graphical interface. Amarok has wonderful technologies underneath as a music player. Amarok is also neatly connected to KDE widgets that display information for just about anything.

      • Opinion: Why KDE is People, Not Software

        A little over a year ago, an article was published on the Dot titled ‘Repositioning the KDE Brand’. The article publicized the outcome of a process within KDE to make sense of the relationship between the community and its products, and to reach a durable solution regarding the terms that should be used to refer to both.

      • Bug Statistics for KWin 4.6 Cycle

        Once again I used Bugzilla to get some statistics on how many bugs are opened, closed in KWin during the last development cycle (statistics are from Final Tagging 4.5 till today). Overall 437 new bugs have been reported and 425 bugs have been “closed”. Many thanks again to the bug day – without it the numbers would look worse. So this means that each day 2.4 bugs are reported. Assuming that we spent 10 minutes on each bug (in general Thomas Lübking and I are reading and responding to each bug comment), we spent 8 days just on bug managing. That sounds reasonable, but is very bad as it’s time spent managing and not fixing the bugs. This can be seen in the table below.

    • GNOME Desktop

      • 2D Unity To Be Available As An Option In Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal [Screenshots]

        “Does Natty’s Unity require proprietary graphics card drivers?” was a question posted on AskUbuntu and who better to answer this question then Mark Suttleworth himself (who apparently is quite an active AskUbuntu user)? Mark answered that there will be a a 2D implementation of Unity, available in 11.04 as an option and posted a link to further info and screenshots but unfortunately the link cannot be accessed anymore.

      • A collection of nice themes for Gnome and Ubuntu | 01-10

        This a nice collection of themes for Gnome

      • GNOME T-Shirt Design Contest Extended

        There were a few periods where the submission form was broken and your entry may not have been submitted. If you would like to confirm we have received your entry, please email Paul Cutler to inquire. We apologize for the inconvenience.

      • Wallpaper Community Pack #1

        * GNOME:Ayatana will have a small Artwork Package by the Community, I’m currently contacting Kmurat to check if he can change the licence on this artwork piece (with over 20.000 downloads on gnome-art) so I can use it for distribution. Currently it’s licensed as CC BY-NC-ND, in which the NC can be probably a problem. Let’s wait a couple of days and see… Either way for those who asked for the source of this wallpaper, click on the image above.

      • Backgrounds in The Board

        When I started writing The Board, I was quite pragmatic about the appearance of the app. I used my limited Gimp and Inkscape skills to produce the UI theme images and grabbed some free background images from internet.

  • Distributions

    • The Gentoo Service Station

      If you have a really ancient Gentoo install that needs to be updated to this decade, or you managed to horribly break things, or you want a lesson in Python programming, or you want a vServer running Gentoo, or you want to play a game of chess, or … well, if in doubt just ask, we’ll most likely do it. Conventional or unconventional, as long as no law is broken and no damsel in distress left hanging it can be arranged.

    • 7 Best Network Security Linux Distributions

      Here are some of the best Linux distributions (in no particular order) specially made for securing computer networks…

    • The ’69 Dart of Software

      The first was a blog post by an Emery Fletcher which paints Ubuntu as the be-all and end-all of Linux implementation. While I am eternally grateful for Ubuntu’s efforts in promoting Linux in the general public (even if it is to the point of putting itself first and FOSS second, but I digress) and while the blog presents an interesting point about Linux implementation, it’s hard to determine whether this blog item suffers from anything more than mere myopia.

      Current versions of Debian, OpenSUSE and Fedora are all as user-friendly as the current version of Ubuntu, but that does not enter into the equation in this blog. That’s unfortunate, too, because what both Fedora and OpenSUSE — with its new Studio spin — have done consistently with each upgrade have been remarkable. Mr. Fletcher may be lacking some perspective — think about where Ubuntu would be without the contributions to kernel development (warning: that link is a PDF file, courtesy of the Linux Foundation) and desktop development without the three distros mentioned at the beginning of the previous sentence — a harrowingly depressing thought, indeed.

    • Reviews

    • New Releases

      • Parted Magic 5.9 Is Available for Download

        Patrick Verner announced a couple of days ago, on January 12th, the immediate availability for download of the Parted Magic 5.9 Linux distribution for partitioning tasks. The new release is just a maintenance version that updates two programs and fixes various booting issues.

        The new Parted Magic 5.9 has been released just three weeks after Parted Magic 5.8 was announced on December 28th. It fixes an important booting issue with the for the DVD/CD version. It also fixes some issues with the Save Session function.

    • PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family

      • Mandriva Pulse 2 version 1.3.0

        Mandriva announces the release Mandriva Pulse 2 version 1.3.0 which had been in beta since March 2010.
        Mandriva Pulse 2 is a solution for the management of workstations, mobile computers and servers, designed to help users manage their information systems, notably in heterogenous environments.

    • Red Hat Family

      • What do you want to see ? CentOS 5.6 or CentOS 6.0 ?

        As you probably know (if you are interested in the Enterprise Linux market), Red Hat released earlier today 5.6 . So automatically some CentOS QA team members started to discuss about that in the appropriate IRC channel. As CentOS 6.0 isn’t (yet) released nor ready, the discussion was about putting 5.6 build & release as priority number one or not.

      • Linux ecosystem spins around Red Hat

        And then there’s Red Hat, king of the Linux and open-source crowd. It’s also sitting at a fortuitous moment in software history, when the industry is shifting to the cloud, which is essentially an open-source phenomenon in terms of its composition.

        In fact, Red Hat has become so essential to enterprise infrastructure, that even competitors like Salesforce build on Red Hat technologies.

      • What’s new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6

        Used for more than a year in a number of desktop distributions, such as Fedora and Ubuntu, Ext4 offers a number of advantages, such as more efficient storage with the use of extents, faster checks of file systems than in Ext3, more robust journaling and support for large file systems.

      • Fedora and Derivatives

        • Blag 139k alpha avialable

          After 5 days of hard work, finally an iso is avialable for blag i686. I’ll upload the x86_64 version later today.

        • Live from Fedora Moonbase Alpha, part 3.

          Quite a while ago, I wrote about the dead-simple process for setting up a microphone with Fedora’s PulseAudio sound system. That was part 2 in a series that was meant to discuss creating a better podcast. At the time, I meant to follow up with a piece on how to do some audio sweetening to make your recording sound better to your listeners. Unfortunately, life and work got in the way, and I didn’t get to part 3 — so here it is, hopefully better late than never.

          Thanks to John Poelstra for inspiring me to write this. We had a nice conversation about audio the other day, and I figured it would be worthwhile to capture some of what we spoke about, but also to explain better some of the concepts I tried to pass on to John but perhaps didn’t do it well.

        • Fedora Board Proposes Project Goals

          Fedora Board members have been working for quite some time to etch their vision and long-term goals for the Fedora project in stone. A Vision statement came together last year, but more specific goals were still desired. Well, after a lot of discussion some long-term goals have been proposed.

    • Debian Family

      • Changes to the Debian Mozilla team APT archive

        I made some changes as to how packages from the Debian Mozilla team that can’t yet be distributed in the Debian archives are distributed to users.

      • Invitation to the January 18th Debian-NYC Novice Night

        Novice Nights are Debian-NYC’s meetings for everyone. If you would like to install Debian, come on by. If you would like help with configuring or making Debian do what you need, we can do that too. If you want to hang out with Debianistas to pick up tips and tricks, come on by. We can also provide some help with other derivatives of Debian, such as Ubuntu.

      • Debian Project News – January 14th, 2011

        The first release candidate of the installer for Debian Squeeze was released on January 12. Many fixes are included in this release of the installer, along with new improvements: better OS and partition detection, new supported hardware, etc.

      • Debian Squeeze RC1 is released! | With Screenshots Tour
      • Canonical/Ubuntu

        • Earth Sunrise Is A Gorgeous Plymouth Theme For Ubuntu / Linux Mint
        • Why democracy will die

          Back in October there was the very controversial news that Canonical would be replacing the GNOME Shell with their own Unity project as the default desktop shell for Ubuntu 11.04 and going forward. The original version and specification for Ubuntu Unity (and as found in Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook) required 3D acceleration and would use Compiz as its compositing window manager. For those without the necessary graphics drivers to support the functionality, Canonical’s plan for Ubuntu was to have it fall-back to the traditional GNOME desktop and inform the user of their sad graphics support. However, now Canonical’s developing a 2D version of Unity for such scenarios.

        • Unity 2D (Qt) Now Available in A PPA For Ubuntu 10.10 And 11.04 [Video]

          I’ve tried Unity Qt in VirtualBox and I must say I am impressed: it’s not identical to Unity 3D but it’s A LOT faster! Further more, because Unity 2D seems to have more elements from Ubuntu 10.10 then 11.04 (even though some new stuff from 11.04 is there), it already has Dash (the application launcher / file browser) – something that’s currently missing in Unity 3D in Ubuntu 11.04.

        • Eva’s Great Guide to Ubuntu – Part 6

          Summary of part 6

          A. External monitor with NVidia
          B. Printers
          C. Useful Ubuntu and Linux links
          D. Ubuntu branding
          E. Final thoughts

        • Ubuntu To Launch Developer Portal

          In what is probably a long over due move: Ubuntu is putting together a developer portal. This portal includes the basics of making applications on Ubuntu, everything from which IDEs to use to publishing your applications in the software centre is covered.

        • Ubuntu 11.10 To Be Called Oscillating Ocelot?

          This was tweeted by Matthew Paul Thomas, who works for Canonical as an interface designer for Ubuntu. But until I hear it from Shuttleworth or as an official announcement, I will continue to support Orgasmic Okapi.

        • Ubuntu Tweak 0.5.11: bug fixed release for Ubuntu 11.04 Natty

          Yet another bug fixed release is coming, but it is for Ubuntu 11.04 Natty only. If you don’t use Natty, you can just ignore it.

        • Ubuntu Hardware Issues Poll – Results

          Proving from this information, half of the voters still find issues with critical pieces of hardware – graphics cards, wireless cards, printers, and scanners. We shouldn’t be focusing our efforts on making the desktop look nice when you can’t even effectively use the desktop because of hardware support fallacies.

        • 2D Unity To Be Available As An Option In Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal [Screenshots]

          “Does Natty’s Unity require proprietary graphics card drivers?” was a question posted on AskUbuntu and who better to answer this question then Mark Suttleworth himself (who apparently is quite an active AskUbuntu user)? Mark answered that there will be a a 2D implementation of Unity, available in 11.04 as an option and posted a link to further info and screenshots but unfortunately the link cannot be accessed anymore.

        • Ubuntu 11.04 to get 2D Unity option
        • Flavours and Variants

          • Linux Mint Debian Edition 10: Rolling Release Nirvana

            We first looked at Linux Mint Debian Edition when it was released in September of last year. Just before Christmas, the Mint team released a new spin of the Debian Edition with features from Linux Mint 10 that’s better than ever.

            The first release of LMDE was a bit of an experiment. I think the Mint team wanted to see how much interest there was in a Debian-based release rather than Ubuntu-based. Answer? A lot. Or at least enough to merit a second take.


            For Linux enthusiasts who like Debian but feel it could use a few additional touches, LMDE10 is exceptional.

  • Devices/Embedded

    • 1 second Linux boot!
    • Phones

      • Nokia/MeeGo

        • EPUB E-Rook Reader

          Eugeniy Meshcheryakov has released an E-Book Reader optimized for Nokia N900 with support for EPUB file format. The reader has library functionality, e-books on the device are automatically discovered using Maemo services.

        • Video: Cool as fek: Nokia N900 + MeeGo 1.1.8 + Xbox Media Centre (XMBC!)

          Now think about hooking this up to your TV, connecting it via BT remote, perhaps even an IR remote since it does have an IR app and IR receiver. BAM – pocketable media centre. This would be soooo great on a MeeGo phone or any MeeGo tablet.

      • Android

        • Tablet Battle to Heat Up, Prices to Fall in 2011

          Last week’s Consumer Electronics Show was indisputably dominated by tablets. Almost a year since Apple redefined portable computing with its iPad, competitors launched attempts to cut the Cupertino company’s lead. Taken together, the announcements at CES provide a much clearer picture of the likely evolution of the tablet market in 2011 and provide consumers a few tips on what to look for and when to buy.

    • Tablets

      • Microsoft’s Tablet Strategy and How Linux Compares

        Linux already works on ARM, and virtually every other architecture. Linux was designed for architecture portability and because it’s open, companies like Intel and IBM can work on optimizing the code for their platforms. This is one reason there is so much cross-architecture support.

      • Shogo, the tablet you can control, extend and hack

        Ability to install the software you want based on GNU/Linux in order to run Qt, C++ and HTML applications (See the developer documentation and forums)

      • A new Android tablet aimed at education

        A Canadian startup called mySpark Technologies is creating an Android tablet that sports a dual-core 1Ghz processor, and it’s aimed at educational institutions.

        The tablet slated to launch mid 2011, was solely designed with students and teachers in mind, and it will integrate with campus stores and libraries allowing students to download content and digital textbooks. Hopefully, at a dramatically discounted price.

      • CES 2011: A Tale of an Android Onslaught

        When you look at the wide range of tablets announced at CES, you have to try to break it down by differentiators. The first category is existing tablets running Android 2.2. This would include the Samsung Galaxy, which will soon have both a WiFi-only and a 4G-LTE model available. Then there is a group of devices that will release in the near future with Android 3.0. On the low end of the scale are any number of low-cost devices aimed at the price conscious consumer.

Free Software/Open Source

  • Open source distributors beyond the Thunderdome

    Besides, as previously noted, we do not dispute that the open source distributor approach will survive, or suggest that Red Hat will be the last man standing. But we do question whether any other vendors will achieve or better the scale achieved by Red Hat.

  • Report: Use savings of open source to develop new tools

    Public administrations should use the savings they realise by their use of generic free and open source applications, to pay for development of specialised IT solutions. “These resources could be used to pay for highly specialised tasks that are too special to attract the attention of the open source community. It will encourage the software companies that operate in this sector.”

  • Events

  • Web Browsers

  • Databases

    • New Cassandra comes with big data support

      Latest version of Apache’s open source distributed database can pack two billion columns into a row, which could be useful to big data cloud computing projects

  • Oracle

    • Libre Office VS Open Office – Looks And Stability

      Given time, the code bases may diverge, but at present, they are so close that there isn’t any substanial difference.

    • OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 RC9 arrives

      While Oracle had already released Oracle Open Office 3.3 in mid-December, the OpenOffice.org developers have only just issued the ninth release candidate for OpenOffice.org 3.3.0, the next major release of the Oracle owned open source office suite. According to the OpenOffice.org Wiki, this release candidate is expected to be the final development preview before the final version arrives. However, a final release date has yet to be confirmed.

    • The localization process changed into a continuous process

      The OpenOffice.org process has been changed into a continuous process which allows to provide l10n turnarounds cycles at every milestone. This process was presented at the OOoConf In Budapest: http://www.ooocon.org/index.php/ooocon/2010/paper/view/207 and is the outcome of Gregor Hartmann, Ivo Hinkelmann and Rafaella Braconi working on the so called “Continuous L10n” project.

  • CMS

    • A First Look At Diaspora – The Open Social Network

      Some people love Facebook, others hate it, and many have a little of both. It can be a great way to keep in contact with old friends and relatives, but it’s also a great way for third parties to harvest loads of free data that may not be used the way you want. Plenty of social sites have popped up over the years in the hopes of dethroning Facebook, but not many have had the goods, or really provided much that would entice a user to switch.

  • Education

    • An Education in Open Source

      The school relies on a text-to-speech program that allows teachers to scan a book and create audio files for students to listen to and take notes on. WordQ, SpeakQ, and Kurzweil Educational Systems’ Kurzweil 3000 lack open source licenses. However, Oracle’s free and open source OpenOffice.org provides word prediction, one of the features provided by the proprietary alternative, WordQ.

  • Funding

  • BSD

    • pfSense development in 2011

      Recently I contacted lead developers of different FreeBSD based projects and asked them about their development plans and ideas for 2011. Yesterday we looked at PC-BSD, let’s now see what the pfSense developers have in store.

      As most of you will be aware, pfSense is a free, open source customised version of FreeBSD tailored for use as a firewall and router. In addition to being a powerful, flexible firewalling and routing platform, it includes a long list of related features and a package system allowing further expandability without adding bloat and potential security vulnerabilities to the base distribution.

    • FreeBSD Foundation requesting project proposals (2011)

      The FreeBSD Foundation has requested proposals for potential funding. If you have any ideas how you can FreeBSD can be improved in 2011, why not submit you idea. In case you have no ideas but don’t mind getting paid for FreeBSD Development, have a look at the FreeBSD list of projects and ideas for volunteers.


  • Government

    • Open Source for America releases Federal Open Technology Report Card

      The results are in for U.S. agencies’ use of open source, thanks to a scorecard released today by Open Source for America. The Departments of Defense and Energy had the highest scores, largely due to the fact that they have “published agency-created software code as open source and provide clear guidance identifying open source as a permitted procurement option.”

      The survey of the federal departments included questions regarding public budgets, use of social media, and open source technologies practices. The Executive Summary states, “[t]he use of open formats, open source software, and open standards enables the government to make data freely available to the public for a variety of purposes, as well as to create programs that are more efficient and consumer-driven.”

    • Open Source for America Delivers Federal Report Card

      Ever since its inception, Open Source for America (OSFA) has had lofty goals and has been backed by some very heavy hitting people. Red Hat, Jaspersoft, Canonical’s Mark Shuttleworth, The Linux Foundation’s Jim Zemlin and many other companies and people back the organization, which is primarily aimed at encouraging the use of open source software at the U.S. Federal level. Now, the folks behind Open Source for America have published a Federal Open Technology Report Card that “evaluates key indicators of open government and open technologies developed through online crowd sourcing and refined metrics outlined by the OSFA leadership committee.” The report card includes questions and responses regarding public budgets, use of social media, and open source technology practices.

  • Openness/Sharing

    • European Commission Plans for All-Out War Against Sharing

      The European Commission just launched a new consulation on its disastrously dogmatic report on IPRED, a directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights, adopted by the EU in 2004. The report — whose logic is similar to ACTA — is based on an analysis of the application of IPRED. It calls for the massive filtering of the Internet to tackle file-sharing: according to the Commission, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should “cooperate” in the war against sharing to avoid the threat of litigation.

    • Open Data

      • Public Data Corporation: How Open, and How Public?

        Judging by the phrasing of that, it seems that the government hasn’t yet learned that open data is not an end itself, or something that can be bolted on to traditional government. It is actually part of a wider move towards a more transparent, collaborative form of democracy – and that implies seeking input from anyone interested before making major decisions. That’s particularly important for a body that calls itself the Public Data Corporation: we need to know just how open, and just how public it will really be.

      • What’s that coming over the hill, is it… the Public Data Corporation?

        A couple of days ago, there was a brief announcement from the UK Government of plans for a new Public Data Corporation, which would “bring together Government bodies and data into one organisation”.

    • Open Hardware

      • Open Source Your Rave with OpenLase

        Without a doubt, Laser Projectors are a great way to project large, bright images on any surface you can imagine. With a high enough quality projector and software package, excellent images and visualizations can be displayed in real time. [marcan], of the openkinect project, decided that there were not any open source laser projection packages out there that suited his wants or needs, so logically he decided to write his own. Because home-made laser projectors often use the audio out port of a PC, building the framework on top of the JACK unix sound software to control the hardware made perfect sense. OpenLase includes plugins for audio visualizations, 2D and 3D gaming, as well as converting video streams into laser format in real time.

  • Programming

    • Is Hand-Coding Becoming Obsolete?

      Increasingly, software developers are turning to a new approach for rapidly building robust database applications without programming — application generators. Today’s business environment demands managers find ways to do more with less, and application generation allows for building applications quickly and efficiently.

    • Why You Can’t Hire Great Perl Programmers

      It’s difficult to find great developers in almost any language, unless your language community is so small that it’s self-selecting against people just in it for a paycheck. (Even in that case, the truly great developers who know Haskell or Smalltalk or Common Lisp tend not to be in want of work for long.)

      In another sense, it’s difficult to hire great Perl developers because it’s so very easy to become a mediocre Perl developer. Despite the repeated myth that Perl 5 is difficult to learn, it’s not. It’s shockingly easy to learn just enough Perl 5 to build a working system. If you remember the mid to late ’90s at all, think back to all of the tiny little form scripts that you could FTP into a cgi-bin directory. Most weren’t worth using, due to various limitations, but real people learned just enough Perl 5 to write them.

  • Standards/Consortia

    • The march of WebM

      On Tuesday Google announced that it would be withdrawing support for the video standard h.264 from its Chrome browser in two months’ time. Back in June 2009 we covered the contortions that Google had gone through to use the open source video codec FFmpeg in Chrome to decode embedded videos without risking the wrath of the the owners of that standard, the MPEG LA h.264 patent pool. Essentially Google used FFmpeg but did not acquire a licence from the patent pool for FFmpeg itself, but instead for its Chrome browser. This was a cunning move but at the time it annoyed some around the open web standards community who felt – with some justification – that Google’s move was something of an ‘I’m alright Jack’ statement to the rest of them. Representatives of the Mozilla project who produce Firefox scalded Google on public lists, as reported in that previous post.


  • EU Report Warns of “Digital Dark Age” if Digitization of Cultural Heritage Left to Private Sector

    The European Union says its member states must do more to digitize Europe’s cultural heritage and not simply leave that work to the private sector. To do otherwise, suggests a recently commissioned report, could steer Europe away from a digital Renaissance and “into a digital dark age.”

  • Google Buys eBook Technologies – Possible Plans Leaked

    A company by the name of eBook Technologies has recently become part of the internet monster known as Google. ebook Technologies is aimed towards supplying “intelligent” reading devices and licenses technologies that enable publishing to be completely automated as well as control over content distribution.

  • Runet: Why the Russian internet doesn’t need the West

    Last month I visited Moscow to help chair the country’s first English speaking technology conference (TechCrunch Moscow) and was pleasantly surprised to discover a very self-contained and self-sufficient industry.

    The US technology giants, such as Google and Facebook, have a presence in the country, but unlike the majority of territories they have entered around the world, they have failed to dominate; Russian companies reign across search, social networking, digital media and email services.

  • Internet 2010 in numbers
  • What to Do When You Find Something Cool on the Internet: A Flowchart
  • First thoughts on Tunisia and the role of the Internet

    News from Tunisia looks good. For better or worse, many of us will be pondering the role that the Internet played or didn’t play in the events of the Jasmine Revolution. Below are some preliminary reflections, which, if you know me well, are likely to change by the end of next week!

    One thing to keep in mind is that revolutions will continue and Twitter won’t go away anytime soon. So, it’s reasonable to assume that there WILL be some new-media activity for any social or political turmoil. But correlation, as well all know, doesn’t always mean causation.

  • Tweeting tyrants out of Tunisia: the global Internet at its best

    Even yesterday, it would have been too much to say that blogger, tweeters, Facebook users, Anonymous, and Wikileaks had “brought down” the Tunisian government, but with today’s news that the country’s president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has fled the country, it becomes a more plausible claim to make.

    Of course there was more to such demonstrations than some new technology. An individual act of desperation set off the last month of rioting, as a college-educated young man set himself on fire after police confiscated his unlicensed fruit and vegetable cart. Tunisia’s high unemployment rate, rampant corruption, and rising food prices added to the anger at Ben Ali’s 20+ year rule.

  • One tweet *can* change the world

    Knowing that I wanted to do more to help people in the developing world, I took Karl up on his challenge immediately—lending $100 to a group of women in Bolivia who wanted to start small businesses selling groceries.

    And I felt remarkable.

  • Science

    • Bright star on January 2011 evenings? It’s the planet Jupiter

      Do you see a bright ’star’ in the south to southwest sky at early evening on these January evenings? You’re really seeing a planet, Jupiter.

    • Science: Ugly fonts aid content memorization

      Having difficulty getting your message across? Try an uglier font.

      Perhaps because people learn better when it’s a struggle to do so, content written in difficult-to-read fonts is more readily remembered than content rendered in visually pleasing fonts, a group of researchers has found.

      Their seemingly counter-intuitive findings could interest computer user-interface specialists wishing to maximize the impact of their designs.

  • Security

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

    • The Unexpected Return of ‘Duck and Cover’

      A terrorist bomb is likely to be relatively small — possibly only a fraction of the Hiroshima bomb’s explosive power — and likely exploded at ground level. This means that the area totally destroyed by the explosion is likely to be much smaller than the area exposed to lesser damage or to fallout radiation (this nuclear weapons effects calculator from the Federation of Atomic Scientists will let you see the effect of different sized bombs burst at different heights). Because of this, Homeland Security people in the Obama Administration have been encouraging a duck-and-cover approach, followed by advice to “shelter in place” against fallout rather than trying to evacuate the area.

  • Cablegate

    • The First WikiLeaks Revolution?

      Tunisians didn’t need any more reasons to protest when they took to the streets these past weeks — food prices were rising, corruption was rampant, and unemployment was staggering. But we might also count Tunisia as the first time that WikiLeaks pushed people over the brink. These protests are also about the country’s utter lack of freedom of expression — including when it comes to WikiLeaks.

    • Confinement Conditions Update

      Due to the lack of response from the confinement facility, the defense, pursuant to the provisions of Rule for Courts-Martial (R.C.M.) 305(g), filed a request earlier today with the Garrison Commander to direct the release of PFC Bradley Manning from pretrial confinement. This request is based upon the fact that the confinement conditions currently being endured by PFC Manning are more rigorous than necessary to guarantee his presence at trial, and that the concerns raised by the government at the time of pretrial confinement are no longer applicable. Further steps to address PFC Manning’s confinement conditions will be taken, if necessary.

    • Song for Bradley Manning
    • NRC, RTL access 3,000 Wikileaks cables from The Hague

      Iran, Geert Wilders and the joint strike fighter are among the subjects covered in some 3,000 diplomatic cables from US officials in The Hague to Washington, the NRC reports on Friday.

      The NRC and RTL news were given access to the cables – part of the 250,000 cable Wikileaks collection – by Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten using a back door route.

    • A Media Intervention for Wikileaks

      EFF staff activist Rainey Reitman will be talking about the rights of online publishers and the perils of censorship during an outdoor rally for Wikileaks. This event is part of the global days of action called for by Wikileaks activists. There will be outdoor art projects as well as speakers.

    • Blacklisting WikiLeaks

      Peter King, Chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security, wants WikiLeaks placed on the Treasury Department’s blacklist in order to “strangle (its) viability,” by threatening, if not strangling, the viability of any person or company that dares to engage in any economic transaction with WikiLeaks or Assange. Conducting business, or providing any economic assistance to a blacklisted entity, even unknowingly, no matter how trivial, is a violation of federal law, for which you too may be blacklisted, losing access to all your property and interests in the U.S. (I’ve written previously about the blacklists here and here.)

      King is especially incensed that an American publisher, Knopf, has entered into a book deal with Assange (who is reportedly receiving over a million dollars for his memoir); and if he is now blacklisted, you could conceivably break the law merely by buying his book, or contributing to a WikiLeaks defense fund. In other words, King is not simply targeting Assange and Wikileaks; he is targeting all of us — every American citizen and company. In his view, even a paying consumer of information and ideas from WIkiLeaks or Assange is collaborating in terrorism.


      Blacklisting is enabled by a network of federal statutes and executive orders, which requires study to begin to understand. (I doubt many members of Congress can explain it.) Complicated, obscure, and arbitrary, with an incredibly wide reach, this is a legal regime practically designed to be abused. It represents the politicization of law, for which both parties are responsible; and it’s a lot more tyrannical than health care reform.

    • John Pilger’s Investigation Into the War on WikiLeaks and His Interview With Julian Assange

      The attacks on WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, are a response to an information revolution that threatens old power orders in politics and journalism. The incitement to murder trumpeted by public figures in the United States, together with attempts by the Obama administration to corrupt the law and send Assange to a hell-hole prison for the rest of his life, are the reactions of a rapacious system exposed as never before.

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

    • US environmental agency revokes mine’s permit for mountaintop removal

      The Obama administration has vetoed one of the biggest coal projects in the US in a historic decision against the destructive practice of mountaintop removal mining.

      The Environmental Protection Agency said it was revoking the permit granted to the Spruce Number One mine in West Virginia, which would have involved blasting the tops off mountains over more than 2,200 acres, because it would inflict “unacceptable” damage to surrounding valleys and streams.

    • Japanese team confident of cloning a mammoth

      Previous attempts to clone the mammoth have failed because nuclei in the cells were too badly damaged by ice crystals. But in 2008, Japanese scientists succeeded in cloning a mouse from cells which had been frozen for 16 years, raising hopes for the resurrection of the mammoth.

    • Borneo indigenous leaders arrested

      Police in Sarawak, in the Malaysian part of Borneo, have arrested two indigenous leaders for possession of ‘seditious materials’.

      The offices of the Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA) were raided and its secretary, Nicholas Mujah, arrested along with two others, while indigenous lawyer Abun Sui Anyit was arrested at a Sarawak airport last Thursday. The two men were held separately and questioned, then released on bail. Abun Sui Anyit was called for further questioning by police yesterday.

  • Censorship/Privacy/Civil Rights

    • Interception Modernisation Programme

      That this House expresses its deep concern about the Government’s proposal, contained within the Strategic Defence and Security Review, to develop an interception modernisation programme; notes that such a programme would include a proposal to store every email, webpage visit and telephone call made in the UK for an unspecified period; further notes that the Home Office has previously estimated that sucha database would cost in the region of 2 billion to develop; believes that the development of an interception modernisation programme raises serious privacy, data storage and access concerns; and calls on the Government to issue a full public consultation on its proposals as soon as possible.

    • Facebook, the Control Revolution, and the Failure of Applied Modern Cryptography

      Fast forward to 2011, and the world is vastly more centralized than it ever was. Almost everyone’s most intimate conversations are held by four companies. And one company knows basically everything about everyone under 25.

  • Internet/Net Neutrality/DRM

    • Net Neutrality: Why It Matters

      The discussion about Net Neutrality continues to heat up. Over at LifeHacker, they asked “What Would You Miss Most if the Net Wasn’t Neutral Anymore?” One user responded with a comment that compared Cable TV to the Internet. Either I failed to understand his sarcasm, or he’s totally missing the point.

      Until recently, your cable company was just a transporter of someone else’s data — the TV networks. You paid extra for extra channels, which is fine with me, as your cable company is then paying the TV producers for the content. If paying my ISP meant all sites were then free to access, that might even be fine. But it won’t be, I’ll still be paying Netflix and my ISP.

    • The costly anti-piracy lesson Sony failed to learn from Microsoft

      Sony is in the news right now. It has taken several security researchers to court, after they released code circumventing the company’s digital rights management (DRM) technology. Unfortunately for Sony, this problem could have largely been avoided had it learned from Microsoft’s lessons.

    • The .wwf format in practice

      These were the reactions I got:

      1. My girlfriend wasn’t even able to open it, because the MIME-type wasn’t known in her Vista installation.
      2. I p*ssed off a very expensive consultant at work who ordered me to send a printable version or I’d have to look for another assignment.
      3. A colleague of mine who prints virtually everything sent it to another nerd colleague of mine who returned a printable version of the document using my “cracking” pages.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Copyrights

      • Megaupload to Copyright Critics: If We’re “Rogue” So is Google

        Says that Google is “probably hosts the world’s largest index of pirated content” and yet the site is “non-rogue,” and that we don’t blame Microsoft because people use its OS to transfer and “consume pirated content on a massive scale every day.”

      • Deep Linking Could Be Infringement In Germany If Website Puts Even Ridiculous Weak Attempts To Block It

        We’ve pointed out numerous problems with anti-circumvention rules, which make it infringement to break pretty much any attempt at circumventing any type of content protection measures (even if not to infringe on the copyright). Sometimes courts realize how silly this is, such as a ruling from a few years ago in Europe, which noted that it’s silly to consider such anti-circumvention rules reasonable if the technical protection measures are not considered “effective.” In other words, if your protection scheme is laughable, it’s silly to make it infringement to get around it. Apparently not all the courts in Europe have gotten this message yet. An anonymous reader points us to a case from a few months back in Germany, in which the court said that deep linking to content that had ridiculously weak measures to block deep-linking is still infringing (that link is a not so great Google translation of the original German — though, the submitter gave a more complete explanation).

Clip of the Day

Watch President Obama’s Full Speech at Tucson Memorial

Credit: TinyOgg

IRC Proceedings: January 14th, 2011

Posted in IRC Logs at 5:29 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz




#techrights log

#boycottnovell log

#boycottnovell-social log

Enter the IRC channels now

Links 15/1/2011: RHEL 5.6 Released, Debian 6.0 is Near

Posted in News Roundup at 4:26 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Server

    • Extensive Benchmarks Of Amazon’s EC2 Compute Cloud Performance

      Last month we delivered our first benchmarks of the Amazon EC2 Cloud, but those initial tests were limited to just a few of their cloud computing instances due to failures with the Ubuntu EC2 operating system on their other compute instances. Earlier this month we then showed how the Amazon EC2 Micro was comparable to a Nokia N900 and Intel Atom, but now we have a more exhaustive comparison complete of all major Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud types.

  • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Podcast Season 3 Episode 1

      In this episode: Firefox overtakes Internet Explorer in Europe while Android overtakes iPhone in the US, and TransGaming transforms Cedega into the GameTree Developer Program. Discover our new section and hear your own opinions in our Open Ballot.

  • Ballnux

  • Kernel Space

    • ULatencyD Enters The Linux World

      Daniel Poelzleithner has announced to the Linux kernel world his new project named ulatencyd. The focus of ulatencyd is to provide a script-able daemon to dynamically adjust Linux scheduling parameters and other aspects of the Linux kernel.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • GNOME Desktop

      • GNOME Shell 2.91.5 released

        GNOME Shell provides core user interface functions for the GNOME 3 desktop, like switching to windows and launching applications. GNOME Shell takes advantage of the capabilities of modern graphics hardware and introduces innovative user interface concepts to provide a visually attractive and easy to use experience.

      • GNOME 3.0 Is Getting Very Close

        Vincent Untz has announced the first GNOME release of 2011, which is one of the final development snapshots leading up to the long-awaited release of GNOME 3.0.

        GNOME 2.91.5 is today’s development release after the 2.91.4 release was previously skipped from making it out there due to blocking bugs during a collision with the holidays.

    • Xfce

  • Distributions

    • REMnux: Linux distribution for reverse-engineering malware

      REMnux is a lightweight Linux distribution for assisting malware analysts in reverse-engineering malicious software.

      REMnux is designed for running services that are useful to emulate within an isolated laboratory environment when performing behavioral malware analysis.

    • Reviews

      • Arch Linux is Tops In the Server Room

        For a straightforward, lightweight, command-line based Linux — whether a server, an older desktop or laptop, or if you just want to learn the Linux command-line better — it’s hard to beat Arch Linux.

    • Red Hat Family

      • RHEL 5.6 is released

        Today Red Hat has released RHEL5.6 after a beta period of ~2 months. There is no official announcement (yet), so the release highlights are unknown. Probably they are the same like the beta version.

    • Debian Family

      • Getting closer to the Squeeze release

        The Debian Installer team has announced the Debian Installer 6.0 Release Candidate 1 release. Read about all the changes and improvements at their announcement.

      • Debian Installer 6.0 Release Candidate 1 published

        This release candidate includes the new SpaceFun artwork for Squeeze. You can preview this artwork on the wiki page and watch a video of it in action.

      • Debian Installer 6.0 Release Candidate 1 release
      • Debian 6.0 Is Getting Ready With An RC Installer
      • Canonical/Ubuntu

        • Ubuntu rocks up in Google science fair video

          Google recently-announced an online science fair for 13-18 year-olds, tasked with finding the next ‘Sergey Brin’.

        • Canonical Announces Ubuntu Developer Relations Advocate Role

          Canonical underlined its focus on attracting partners and commercial software developers to the Ubuntu platform when it announced the creation of a “developer relations advocate” position. Here’s the scoop, and what it says about Ubuntu and Canonical in the long term.

          The announcement, posted on Canonical’s website by vice president of business development Steve George, describes the role of the developer relations advocate as “evangelizing the platform and assisting developers as they develop software for Ubuntu.”

          George also emphasized third-party commercial code, rather than contributions to Ubuntu itself, as the main point of interest for the new position: “Our focus is on commercial software developers since we believe that it’s important to create a sustainable ecosystem around the platform.”

        • New Ubuntu Translations Videocast tomorrow

          Ladies and gents, I’m pleased to announce the next Ubuntu Translations videocast tomorrow from Dallas, Texas, where this week we are holding the Canonical Platform Rally for the next version of Ubuntu, the Natty Narwhal.

        • Ubuntu developers talk reviews and ratings in the Software Centre

          Ubuntu Software Centre developer Michael Vogt and designer Matthew Paul Thomas tour ratings and reviews in Ubuntu 11.04 in this latest instalment of ‘Ubuntu developer diaries’.

        • Bright, light and beautiful!

          That’s what we want the Ubuntu desktops in Natty to feel like. We’re changing things a little bit for the coming release too. We’ll still feature some fantastic photography sourced from our Flickr group but this time we’re reserving at least 3 places for non photographic wallpapers, so things that are rendered or drawn.

        • Natty to include ’3 non-photographic’ wallpapers

          Ubuntu 11.04 is to ship with ‘at least 3′ non-photographic wallpapers, a move many designers within the community have been longing for.

        • Can We Appropriate Design?

          This is all good. However, the issue is not restricted to our Ubuntu developers. We should not forget that, in the wider opensource community, many developers do not have access to the Canonical, or any other, design team or to anyone with solid design training. They are the developers who work on their own free time and produce amazing software. They have to wing design. Many wish they could access such skills to help beautify and enhance the user experience of their products. These contributors deserve our support.

        • Firefox application menu coming along….
        • Flavours and Variants

          • First Ever Release of Elementary OS “Jupiter” Imminent, Available for Pre Order Now!

            Elementary project refined Linux desktop like no other. And now, the much anticipated Elementary OS codenamed Jupiter is all set to have its first ever official release. The official tagline goes like this – “Its gonna be huge”. Considering the sheer amount of changes and improvements Elementary OS is going to bring with it, the release of “Jupiter” is going to be huge indeed!

  • Devices/Embedded

    • 1 second Linux boot to Qt!

      At the end of last year, to demonstrate my company’s swiftBoot service, I put together a rather impressive demo. Using a Renesas MS7724 development board I was able to achieve a one second cold Linux boot to a Qt application. Here’s the demo…

    • Phones

      • Nokia/MeeGo

        • Uninstall Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Install MeeGo OS On Nexus S Device

          The XDA developers are too quick to bring these hacks. Here they wo with another one. Stroughtonsmith named hacker has successfully ported MeeGo operating system on Google Nexus S smartphone. The developer used rootfs images on the internal memory to boot Meego on Nexus S without flashing the phone.

          For those who are unaware of this, MeeGo is an open source Linux based operating system designed to target mobile devices, notebooks, tablets, embedded systems etc. MeeGo was aimed to merge the features and work of Nokia’s Maemo and Intel’s Moblin.

        • My First Android Phone

          Several days ago, I bought my new cellphone, which is an Android device. It is Moto Quench XT502, only available for China Mainland. But you can find out XT5 is the same with XT502. As we know, All the cellphones need to be modified something as Chinese edition. Google Services have to be removed in China and added some localized applications due to the relationship between government and Google.

      • Android

    • Tablets

      • CES 2011 roundup: tablet strategies, chip strategies, 3D TV, smart TV, and MIAs

        What a lot of tablets. Around 80 were launched, almost all of them running Android. Motorola wowed the show by announcing its 10-inch (1280×800) Xoom, which will run Android 3.0 (aka “Honeycomb”). You couldn’t actually see it running Honeycomb, though; all the stand had was a sort of video demonstration running on the device. Battery life? Price? Ship date? “Competitive”, “competitive” and “aiming for Q1″.

Free Software/Open Source

  • Open-sourcing Kafka, LinkedIn’s distributed message queue

    We are pleased to open-source another piece of infrastructure software developed at LinkedIn, Kafka, a persistent, efficient, distributed message queue. Kafka is primarily intended for tracking various activity events generated on LinkedIn’s website, such as pageviews, keywords typed in a search query, ads presented, etc. Those activity events are critical for monitoring user engagement as well as improving relevancy in various other products. Each day, a substantially large number of such events are generated. Therefore, we need a solution that’s scalable and incurs low overhead.

  • Ex Microsoft marketing honcho targets tall apparel

    But Tindall says it really wasn’t a hard choice. “Some of the better products for ecommerce are open source,” he said. “When you work at a company like Microsoft, it’s all about scale and that played into my decision of what software to use – how could I drive scale without a huge infrastructure? And one of the great things is how well these programs work with search engine optimization.

  • Events

    • The Linux Foundation Announces 2011 Event Schedule; Book Early for Special Discounts

      In addition to announcing its event schedule, the Linux Foundation is also opening its Call for Presentations for all of the 2011 events and being offered are special promotions to book their registration for LinuxCon North America and Europe early. Also The Linux Foundation is offering a special promotional discounted registration fee of $200 USD is for the first 50 people who register for each event. The Linux Foundation encourages interested people to register now as those special discounts and promotions will go quickly.

    • Linux Foundation: Events for 2011 include new LinuxCon Europe

      The Linux Foundation has published its 2011 event schedule and confirmed that its premier Linux conference, LinuxCon, is coming to Europe this year. LinuxCon Europe will take place from the 26th to the 28th of October in Prague, Czech Republic. Amanda McPherson, Linux Foundation VP of Marketing and Developer Programs said “As we approach the 20th anniversary of Linux and the operating system experiences increasing adoption throughout Europe, it is only fitting that we host LinuxCon where Linux originally took root”.

      The Foundation has also announced the Call for Presentations for its entire 2011 event line-up – this includes its LinuxCon conferences in North America, Japan, Brazil and Europe, as well as other events focusing on embedded Linux in both North America and Europe. Following the announcement in October of last year that the Linux Foundation and the Consumer Electronics Linux Forum (CELF) would be merged, the Foundation will organise and host the Embedded Linux Conferences (ELC) in North America and Europe.

    • Open Database Camp 2011 in Sardinia: Combining duty and pleasure

      The Europen edition of the Open Database Camp 2011 will take place in Sardinia, hosted by the Sardinia Technology Park, a local scientific and business institution with international links.

    • A flood update from linux.conf.au
  • Web Browsers

    • Can Google and Mozilla dethrone H.264 on the Web?

      Good news today for open Web proponents: Google has announced it be pushing WebM and Theora for the HTML5 video element in Chrome as well as the open source Chromium project. Potentially bad news for the majority of the Web, which is going to have to ride out a years-long standards format war. Again.

      Here’s the scoop so far in a nutshell. Once upon a time, the HTML5 video element was going to specify what format(s) should be supported by the browser, and the leading contender was Theora. Then that changed to a comment that it would be “helpful” if browser vendors could all support the same codecs, but “no known codecs… satisfy all the current players.” Here “players” refers to the vendors participating in the spec.

    • Google and H.264 – Far From Hypocritical

      A large number of commentors on the Google blog said that the move was unjustified “because H.264 is now free”. This is a complex topic that it’s hard to explain concisely. But as I said last August, H.264 is not the kind of Free that matters. The MPEG-LA patent consortium taxes the H.264 standard so that the patent holders don’t have to get their hands dirty or be identified as information highwaymen, and their fee waiver delivers some flexibility to some people.

    • Last Week, IE Was The Top Browser On TechCrunch. Wait, What?

      You might not think that’s a big deal considering that IE is still by a fairly large margin the most-used browser overall. But as long as we’ve been keeping track of stats for TechCrunch, it has never been the top browser here. In fact, it has been number four for quite some time. And it’s normally about five percentage points behind number three: Safari. So for it to surge to number one is a real oddity.

      So what happened?

      One word: AOL.

      We’ve written about this before; being on AOL’s homepage can lead to a massive surge in traffic depending on where you’re featured. And if we’ve learned one thing from our new parent, it’s that its users love IE. I mean, really love IE. Digging further into the data, almost all of them were using IE (with nearly none using Chrome).

      Read into that what you will. The aging giant, etc. But clearly much of the rest of the web is going the other way.

    • Why Google Isn’t Evil (Today, at Least)

      If open source projects like WebM and Mozilla – and the open Web – are the big winners here, the loser is clearly the H.264 codec that Google is no longer supporting in Chrome. Until now, H.264 has been the undisputed standard for video on the Web – and off it: it’s widely used in many video consumer devices.

      In fact, it’s so widely used that Google’s move might seem quixotic. Even though WebM and Theora codecs are freely available, while H.264 requires a licence (free for some but not all uses), surely most content developers and hardware manufacturers will remain locked in to H.264 just by virtue of its overwhelming market share?

      Well, that might have been a persuasive argument a year, or even six months ago, but things are moving rapidly in this area. Chief among the developments are the rise of Firefox and – in particular – Google’s own Chrome. As I noted last week, Firefox now holds a major chunk of the brower market, particularly in Europe, while Chrome is growing very rapidly there and elsewhere. Put their market share together and you have a very strong argument for Web sites to offer content using the WebM technology that both will be favouring.

    • Google kills H.264 in Chrome

      And to conclude, my favorite of the commentary. Simon Phipps tells everyone to relax, calling “this bold move…another step towards an end to the Flash monopoly on rich media” (Google and H.264 – Far From Hypocritical).

    • Mozilla

      • Game On Submissions: Now Closed!

        Thanks to all who entered the Mozilla Labs Game On 2010 competition – submissions are now closed. Come back Wednesday, January 12th to see the entries and vote for the community favorite!

      • Mozilla Open Data Competition – Announcing The Winners!

        Back in November, Mozilla Labs and the Metrics Team together launched the first Mozilla Open Data Visualization Competition. While we set out to discover creative visual answers to the open question, “How do people use Firefox,” we really didn’t know what level of participation to expect from the Mozilla and data analysis communities. In fact, we were overwhelmed by both the number and quality of submissions – so much so that we had to give ourselves an extra few days to thoroughly review them all!

      • Firefox 4 T-shirt Design Challenge

        The goal of this challenge is to create a unique design that captures the essence of Firefox 4. The winning design will be printed as the official Firefox 4 launch t-shirt, a limited edition item featured in the Mozilla store and distributed to thousands of fans and contributors around the world. It will also be highlighted across key web properties like mozilla.com, the Creative Collective homepage, the Mozilla blog, our Facebook page, and more.

      • The why of HTML5 for games development – the introductory talk at #gameon10

        Yesterday I went to London’s Old Street to talk about HTML5 and the web at the Mozilla Labs Gaming Special. Here are the slides, the audio and my extensive notes of what I had to say.

      • IndexedDB in Firefox 4

        Mozilla is pleased to announce support for IndexedDB in the upcoming Firefox 4 Beta 9 and recent trunk nightlies. IndexedDB allows web apps to store large amounts of data on your local system (with your explicit permission, of course) for fast offline retrieval at a later time. We’re hoping that webmail, TV listings, and online purchase history will one day be as convenient to access offline as they are online.

      • Let’s Play Some Games!

        We built the Game On Gallery so that people who use the Web everyday can access and enjoy your games. Starting today, registered users of the Game On website can vote on their choice for the winner of the Community Choice prize category. Over the next couple weeks, our expert judges will be selecting winners for the other prize categories. Winners will be announced the first week of February.

      • Mozilla Exec: Firefox 4 Will Arrive in February

        Firefox 4 is nearly ready for release, a recent post on Mozilla’s developer mailing list suggests.

      • Firefox beta getting new database standard

        The ninth beta version of Firefox, due imminently, is set to get support for a standard called IndexedDB that provides a database interface useful for offline data storage and other tasks needing information on a browser’s computer.

        “IndexedDB allows Web apps to store large amounts of data on your local system (with your explicit permission, of course) for fast offline retrieval at a later time. We’re hoping that Web mail, TV listings, and online purchase history will one day be as convenient to access offline as they are online,” Ben Turner, who develops IndexedDB for Mozilla’s browser, said yesterday in a blog post.

      • Firefox Four Isn’t Going To Kick Ass – It’s Already Kicking Ass!

        But it’s fast. Very fast. It’s more stable (I’m one of those idiots who likes having a hundred tabs open at once…) It’s nice.

  • Oracle

    • Hudson/Jenkins – some more context and thoughts

      Andrew Bayer just posted a blog post on Hudson-labs.org with a proposal for renaming the Hudson project to “Jenkins”. Since Kohsuke Kawaguchi, founder of and lead contributor to the Hudson project, is part of CloudBees, and I’ve helped Andrew and Kohsuke bounce ideas, I wanted to share some more context and thoughts.

      Each and every Open Source project has its own DNA, its own philosophy that gets established over time. Born in 2004, Hudson has had plenty of time to find its cruising altitude. Yet, after Kohsuke left ORCL, ORCL decided they didn’t necessarily liked the way the project was handled and asked for some changes to take place.

  • Education

    • Remixing Euclid

      When we talk about geometry, the vast majority of us are actually talking about what mathematicians now call, more precisely, Euclidean geometry. And why do they call it Euclidean geometry? Because the Greek mathematician Euclid laid out its foundations in a manuscript about 2400 years ago, and mathematicians have been nodding their heads in agreement ever since.

      Euclid’s Elements made its way from Alexandria to Athens, to Rome, to Baghdad, back to Europe, and around the globe. In days gone by, one could not be considered properly educated without having studied Euclid. Until the 20th Century, Elements was the second most printed book in the world, ahead of Shakespeare and behind only the Bible. It is said that country lawyer Abe Lincoln carried a copy from town to town so that he could study its proofs by candlelight. Einstein called it “the holy little geometry book”.

  • Project Releases

    • LibreOffice 3.3 Release Candidate 3 available

      The Document Foundation is happy to announce the third release candidate of LibreOffice 3.3. This release candidate is not intended for production use! The final release of LibreOffice 3.3, for production use, will be available soon.

  • Government

  • Openness/Sharing

  • Programming

    • Calculating Alcohol By Volume in Python on Android

      Wow, I just managed to combine three of my favourite things in a single title! Recently, I’ve been getting further into home brewing, with a book I received as a Christmas present (Home Brewed Beers and Stouts, by C.J.J. Berry). Since I’d never actually measured the Alcohol By Volume (ABV) of my beer I decided to write some Python code to automate the process. The simple modules I came up with work from the command line and also on Android phones via SL4A, which makes them very useful when doing quick measurements.

    • Too Busy
  • Standards/Consortia

    • The Document Foundation joins OpenDoc Society

      OpenDoc Society, the global association that promotes best practices for office applications, today announced that The Document Foundation has become an organizational member. The Document Foundation joins other companies, Open Source communities, public sector organizations and not-for-profits that are already members organizations of OpenDoc Society, such as Cap Gemini, Google, IBM, CWI and the Netherlands Department of Defense. OpenDoc Society brings together individuals and organizations with a stake or interest in the openness and future of documents, to learn from each other and share knowledge and best practices about core technologies, available tools, policy issues, transition strategies, legal aspects and of course the latest innovations.


  • Witches Use Spells To Protest New Taxes

    Solace for world leaders trying to enforce painful austerity measures: At least you’re not running Romania.

    Angry witches are using cat excrement and dead dogs to cast spells on the president and government who are forcing them to pay taxes. Also in the eye of the taxman are fortune tellers, who should have seen it coming.

  • View SketchUp models in your hand with augmented reality

    Augmented Reality is a concept that has a lot of potential in the coming years. In particular, technologies like Layar could prove to be very useful as the GPS accuracy and the underlying dataset continue to get more accurate.

  • Delusions Aside, the Net’s Potential Is Real

    Evgeny Morozov’s new book, The Net Delusion, is an important contribution; its publication has been widely welcomed as an important correction to cyber-utopianism, and greeted with laudatory reviews. I found myself agreeing with the majority of its arguments.

    But I write here neither to praise nor bury the book, but to engage it critically. Morozov challenges the intellectual laziness that characterizes so many analyses of the Internet’s impact, which do tend to be on the utopian side. That is well, but just as cyber-utopianism is fashionable in some circles, it’s equally fashionable in others to pooh-pooh the fundamentally transformative impact of the Internet, denying it any great world-historical importance. To some intellectuals, the mundanity of human sociality exposed through the Internet deserves to be mocked, and people’s sincere attempts to express their identity and convictions through online methods are derided as meaningless “slactivism.”

  • NYC’s Computer-System Cash-Dump Disaster

    The anonymous author alleged that the project was hopelessly corrupt and out of control and had been for years. The writer, who claimed to have been employed on the project, went on to name three people he alleged were responsible for that corruption.

    The commenter accused a consultant, Mark Mazer, of being “the most crooked person on the team,” and said consultant Scott Berger was building a home in Florida at city expense.

  • World IPv6 Day Is June 8. Should You Care?

    Most web workers have probably heard that “the Internet is running out of addresses.” In response, The Internet Society, together with such major players as Facebook, has announced World IPv6 Day. What will this mean for web workers, businesses and individuals?

  • World IPv6 Day has Facebook, Google & Yahoo Support
  • Court: Medical residents not students

    Settling a 20-year legal battle between teaching hospitals and the federal tax collector and saving the Treasury some $700 million a year in future revenue, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Tuesday that medical students who have become doctors in training as residents are not students under federal tax law, and thus are subject to federal taxes to cover Social Security and Medicare (so-called FICA taxes). The decision, however, will mean that the taxes are due only on residents’ stipends paid after April 1, 2005. Earlier payments are being refunded by the Treasury’s own choice (see this news release). Justice Elena Kagan did not take part in the decision.

  • How Physical Media Can Still Have a Future

    It has become common wisdom that retail stores that carry physical media – CDs, books, movies in particular – are, to use the scientific term, “toast”.

  • Publishing industry may be headed for another e-jolt

    A device coming from a Rhode Island company this spring promises to shake the publishing industry in the same way CD burners shook the music industry and forever changed copyright laws in the early 1990s.

    ION Audio’s Book Saver looks like a miniature overhead projector combined with a cradle and can scan a 200-page novel in less than 15 minutes.

  • AOL’s New Problem: Mike Arrington

    When AOL bought TechCrunch last September, the first question on everyone’s lips was, “How long could Mike Arrington possibly last as an AOL employee?”

    Yesterday, four months after the deal, we may have begun to learn the answer to that question. On Tuesday evening, for no apparent reason, Arrington threw public punches at AOL’s crown-jewel technology blog, Engadget, and Engadget’s editor, Joshua Topolsky.

  • Fox Shoots Hunter

    The man said he wounded the fox with a shot by a double-barrel gun and tried to finish off the animal with a blow by the gun’s butt. But the fox, which attempted to fight back, hit the trigger with a paw, causing the gun to fire.

  • Science

    • This robot exoskeleton will let you walk again for $1,500 a month

      And the the elderly and disabled will walk again! Thanks to robots of course, specifically a system called “Hybrid Assistive Limb”, shortened to HAL and created by Japanese company Cyberdyne. The powered robot exoskeleton moves in response to nerve signals in a human’s legs. Users only need to “think” and the robot legs will move for them. Think of the legs like an incredibly advanced Segway that is actually sensing your nervous system. The HAL suit is available to hospitals and clinics in Japan to rent for about $1,500 per month.

    • A Googol of Genomes?

      Earlier this week we took a look back at 2010 and offered our projections for the coming year in personal genomics. Topic #1, just as it was last year: the $1,000 genome.

      In hindsight, it might have been ill-advised to offer predictions about the near-term future of genome sequencing during the same week in which one of the year’s major industry conferences (the JP Morgan annual Healthcare Conference) is taking place.

    • White House commissions report on 3-D printers
    • MIT pioneers ad hoc network-bottleneck breaker

      Two researchers may have found a way to greatly reduce traffic bottlenecks that could take place in ad hoc networks. Such work may be essential for the future development of sensor networks, they say.

      Keren Censor-Hillel, a postdoctoral research student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and Hadas Shachnai, an associate professor of computer science at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, presented their work last week at the 2011 Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, held by the Association of Computing Machinery and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

    • Seminal UK computer Edsac to be recreated

      Edsac, the UK’s first fully operational general-purpose computer, is to be recreated at The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park.

  • Health/Nutrition

    • Promoting Anorexia: An Interview With Kenneth Tong. This Was No Hoax

      Women should “get thin or die trying,” and you can “never start too young.” It is better for a girl to “risk [her] life dieting than be sub-par by being a plus-size.” Remember: “Hunger hurts but starving works.” When an ultra-wealthy but forgotten former British reality show Big Brother contestant called Kenneth Tong started Tweeting these sentiments — and worse — a fortnight ago, a Twitter-storm broke. Everyone from Rihanna to Gordon Ramsay told their followers he was a dangerous fool, but Tong gathered tens of thousands of young girls who followed him. He became the most discussed subject on Twitter in the world for three days. His message? “The words lunch, breakfast, and dinner should now mean nothing to you, you have eaten enough for a lifetime. Stop. You are disgusting.”

      Then Tong claimed it was all a hoax — just an hour after I interviewed him. In our long discussion he passionately defended every word he had said, but when I told him that his arguments could kill young girls and expose him to serious legal liability, he visibly began to panic. When I spoke to him on the phone later in the day, after his ‘revelation’, he said “it was dangerous ground we were treading on, I can see that now” and begged me not to publish his comments. So I don’t believe it was a hoax at all — but that he was finally scared off by the legal implications of what he was saying and doing. You can judge for yourself.

    • Open source returns integrity to science

      Imagine it is 1912, but that the Titanic is fitted with an underwater radar system. Imagine that it senses an iceberg so large that even the captain can understand that by the law of conservation of momentum, the ship will be stopped in its path. Should the captain use the radar information to inform the decision to alter course, or should the captain ignore it because radar is merely an invention of science therefore prone to exaggeration and false findings?

      The New Yorker Magazine has just published an immensely popular article titled “The Truth Wears Off — Is there something wrong with the scientific method?” The article reports several examples of scientific findings that appeared to be significant when first published, but when tested over time, demonstrate weaker and weaker results. Zyprexa is a second-generation anti-depressant that showed great promise in clinical trials in the nineteen-nineties. By 2001, Zyprexa earned more revenue than Prozac, and it remains Eli Lilly’s top-selling drug.

    • Is self-policing enough to stop NHS records being viewed in India?

      It’s remarkable that SBS isn’t even bigger than it is. When the public sector net debt is about £950bn, why don’t most NHS trusts pay their staff through the SBS shared services model? Why don’t many more trusts give SBS their back-office processing work?

      Steria says that SBS will save the NHS £224m over 10 years. It should be more, a point made by John Neilson, SBS’s managing director.


      Media controversy as NHS work is carried out in India

      But the media has raised questions about whether any NHS work that involves medical records or appointments should be handled in India, where legislation covering data protection is not as it is in the UK.

  • Europe

    • Liberal MEPs initiate Hungarian Presidency boycott

      MEPs from the European Parliament’s liberal ALDE group have called for the venue of a meeting to be changed from Budapest to Brussels, as a sign of protest against a controversial media law recently adopted in Hungary, the country holding the rotating EU presidency.

    • Response to Commissioner Barnier on EU’s refusal to support right to read

      We were therefore disappointed to see that the Commission insists that a non-binding, “soft” “WIPO Recommendation” would be the best sort of international legal instrument to provide for the transfer of accessible books between countries.

  • Security

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

    • N.Y. Republican wants to outlaw guns near officials, judges

      New York Rep. Peter King, chairman of House Homeland Security Committee, will introduce a bill to ban carrying a gun within 1,000 feet of a member of Congress and federal judges. The measure will also apply to carrying weapons near the president or vice president.

      King announced the measure at a press conference today with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who heads a gun control group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns and who is backing the bill. King’s move may indicate there may be gaining momentum for some sort of gun-control measures in the wake of the Tucson shooting.

    • Law passed to ban picketing at Tucson funerals
    • Police raid ‘cannabis factory’ and discover it’s home for guinea pigs

      The squad rushed in after a force helicopter picked up a ‘hotspot’ on Pam Hardcastle’s property, thinking it betrayed a lighting system used to grow the drug.

      But all they found was a heater for Simon and Kenny, the pets of Ms Hardcastle’s ten-year-old son, Jack.

      ‘When I opened it up and they saw the guinea pigs, they didn’t say anything,’ said the 42-year-old primary school worker.

    • The Devil Wears Underwear

      We don’t buy this justification easily. We prod and poke until we get to the truth. So why when it comes to our own harassment and humiliating experiences in the name of “security” do we accept it and shut up?

      As female journalists working in this region we constantly find ourselves putting clothes on to please Hamas and taking them off to please the Israelis.

    • Palin: Violent Rhetoric Doesn’t Inspire Violence — But Criticism Of Violent Rhetoric Does

      So, according to Sarah Palin, violent rhetoric plays no role in inspiring violent acts — but criticism of violent acts incites “hatred and violence.”

    • Israel keeps Palestinian ‘Gandhi’ imprisoned

      Amnesty International has condemned an Israeli military appeal court’s decision to extend the prison sentence of a Palestinian non-violent activist, convicted over his involvement in organizing protests in the occupied West Bank.

      Abdallah Abu Rahma, head of the Popular Committee Against the Wall in the West Bank village of Bil’in, had his sentence extended from 12 months to 16 months by the Israeli Military Court of Appeals at Ofer in the West Bank on Tuesday, after the prosecution argued that his initial sentence was too lenient.

    • Latin America: For a solidarity `Marshall Plan’ with the Cuban Revolution!; Un Plan Marshall para Cuba

      Cuba is currently faced with a crucial dilemma: either it updates, revises and reconstructs its economic model or it runs the risk of succumbing to the combined pressures created by its own errors and the aggression of the US embargo. The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as all of those in Africa and Asia, cannot remain indifferent towards this situation or limit themselves to contemplating how the revolution delivered this decisive battle without any assistance other than their own strength.

    • Former CIA Asset Luis Posada Goes to Trial

      On January 10 one of the most dangerous terrorists in recent history will go on trial in a small courtroom in El Paso, Texas. This is not the venue the Obama administration has finally selected to prosecute the perpetrators of 9/11; it is where the reputed godfather of Cuban exile violence, Luis Posada Carriles, may finally face a modicum of accountability for his many crimes.

    • Kinder Surprise egg seized at U.S. border

      A cross-border kerfuffle over a popular chocolate treat nearly cost a Winnipeg woman a $300 fine and saddled her with a bureaucratic headache.

      Lind Bird was recently stopped at the U.S. border and selected for a random search of her vehicle. She was warned she could have faced a fine after the customs official found — and seized — her $2 Kinder Surprise egg as illegal contraband.

    • The Sun Never Sets on the PATRIOT Act

      A year ago, the protracted wrangling in Congress over the re-authorization of several expiring provisions of the PATRIOT ACT made plenty of headlines. Most observers expected the sunsetting powers to be extended, but civil libertarians hoped serious and sorely needed reforms might be part of the package. The House and Senate Judiciary Committees held multiple hearings on the topic, and an array of competing reform and reauthorization bills (PDF) were proposed, adding extra safeguards (of varying stringency) to the greatly expanded surveillance powers Congress had approved in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

    • So anyway, those guns, Professor Spafford…

      But even with that said, to pretend that guns are somehow “safe” because they kill fewer people than cars only indicates that the debate has ceased to be a debate; instead it’s reached the religious level, where idees fixes have completely taken over the minds of adherents and detractors alike, and cannot be budged without the most enormous effort of will. To ask gun adherents to imagine an America without the Second Amendment is like asking a Christian to imagine a world without their imaginary God. From what I’ve seen, there’s a relatively large overlap there. Which ought to give pause for thought. Dogma is dangerous wherever it’s found.

    • Dad’s arrest in sex case results in $1.8M settlement

      More than three years after police in West Bloomfield arrested a man and accused him of raping his autistic daughter, the township’s insurance carrier has agreed to pay his family and attorney $1.8 million to settle a wrongful-arrest suit.

    • It takes a village to raise a child

      It is an acknowledged trend of modern-day life that young people want to be older, even as it is an undeniable trend that older people want to become younger.

    • Tonight we are all Tunisians

      Over the last few days we have seen some of the bravest people facing down some of the worst.

      Armed with nothing more than a revolutionary heart and hopes of a better future they gathered and protested as government forces aimed their weapons and fired live rounds in to the crowds.

      But the ammunition and the underlying threats of arrest and torture meant absolutely nothing to the masses – for they had simply lost their fear.

  • Cablegate

    • Q&A: Birgitta Jonsdottir on Wikileaks and Twitter

      Birgitta Jonsdottir, an Icelandic MP, writer, artist, activist and former Wikileaks collaborator, spoke to the Globe and Mail’s editorial board on Tuesday. She is in Toronto to kick off the 2011 Samara/Massey journalism seminars. (Samara is a charitable organization that studies citizen engagement with Canadian democracy.)

    • 2 p.m.: Live videostream of Icelandic MP and former WikiLeaks volunteer Birgitta Jonsdottir

      It’s not news that WikiLeaks and some of its supporters often find themselves in the hot seat. The website deals in publishing documents and videos that have embarrassed politicians and countries around the world. Icelandic MP Birgitta Jonsdottir was an active volunteer for WikiLeaks, and played a central role in publishing the “Collateral Murder” video. Last week she learned that prosecutors investigating the disclosure of thousands of classified government documents by WikiLeaks were doing a little anti-secrecy lobbying of their own.

    • Assange lawyers fear death sentence

      Julian Assange’s lawyers will argue he faces the threat of the death penalty in the United States if he is handed over to Swedish authorities following next month’s extradition hearing.

      Mr Assange’s legal team released a skeleton report of their case for the February 7-8 extradition hearing in London following Mr Assange’s brief court appearance on Tuesday morning.

      In it, Mr Assange’s legal team said it expected the Swedes to “bow to US pressure and/or rely naively on diplomatic assurances from the USA that Mr Assange would not be mistreated.”

      Swedish prosecutors have issued an arrest warrant for Mr Assange following accusations of sexual offences against two women in Sweden during a trip last August.

    • WikiLeaks Twitter spying may break EU privacy law

      A group of European MPs will today push EU bosses to say if the US government breached European privacy laws by snooping on Twitter users with links to whistle-blowing site WikiLeaks.

      The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) will today pose an oral question to the European Commission, seeking clarification from the US on a subpoena demanding the micro-blogging site hand over users’ account details.

    • European politicos protest DOJ WikiLeaks-Twitter probe

      An influential group of European politicians is protesting the U.S. government’s attempt to pry WikiLeaks-related information out of Twitter, saying that EU privacy rules may have been violated.

    • Speedy Trial Update

      On 9 January 2011, the defense filed a demand for speedy trial with the Government. PFC Manning has been in pretrial confinement since 29 May 2010. Since 12 July 2010, the case has been on Government requested excludable delay under R.C.M. 707(c). This delay request by the Government was approved by the court-martial convening authority.

    • Assange: WikiLeaks To Speed Release of Leaked Docs

      WikiLeaks will step up its publication schedule of secret documents, founder Julian Assange announced Tuesday, promising more revelations based on the group’s stash of confidential U.S. embassy cables and other leaks.

    • ACNIS launches new research resource project

      In addition, the database also has a separate section devoted entirely to the compilation and classification of all relevant “WikiLeaks” documents, updated and sorted as they are released.

    • WikiLeaks set to turn spotlight on Beijing

      It will publish documents that will embarrass the Chinese government, according to a supporter of the whistle-blowing website.

      Gavin McFadyen, a London-based television producer who has collaborated with WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange, said yesterday critics of the website were wrong to say it was obsessed with embarrassing the US government rather than exposing more repressive regimes.

    • Can’t hide love for WikiLeaks

      I recently put the proposition, to a senior frontbencher in Federal Parliament, that the WikiLeaks horse had bolted, and that shutting down Julian Assange could not reverse a fundamental shift in the balance of power towards the citizens and away from the institutions that govern them.

      His response was: ”The Catholic Church shut down Galileo for a hundred years. I think we can shut down Julian Assange.”
      Advertisement: Story continues below

      I now find myself in the uncomfortable position, as a fairly unreconstructed conservative, of being in furious agreement with the Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young. I make no judgment on the merits of the Swedish extradition proceedings that Assange is defending in London. I do regret that this unquestionably gutsy Queenslander is being required to take on the entire global ”establishment” with one hand tied behind his back.

    • How propaganda poisons the mind – and our discourse

      Last week, on January 3, The Guardian published a scathing Op-Ed by James Richardson blaming WikiLeaks for endangering the life of Morgan Tsvangirai, the leader of the democratic opposition in Zimbabwe. Richardson — a GOP operative, contributor to RedState.com, and a for-hire corporate spokesman — pointed to a cable published by WikiLeaks in which American diplomats revealed that Tsvangirai, while publicly opposing American sanctions on his country, had privately urged their continuation as a means of weakening the Mugabe regime: an act likely to be deemed to be treasonous in that country, for obvious reasons. By publishing this cable, “WikiLeaks may have committed its own collateral murder,” Richardson wrote. He added: “WikiLeaks ought to leave international relations to those who understand it – at least to those who understand the value of a life.”

    • Exclusive interview: Julian Assange on Murdoch, Manning and the threat from China

      The contents of these files are unknown, but, according to Assange, “They speak more of the same truth to power.” It is not just government that should be worried about the content of these files, however. “There are 504 US embassy cables on one broadcasting organisation and there are cables on Murdoch and News Corp,” he says.

    • GoDaddy is OK with killjulianassange.com
    • Wikileaks volunteer detained and searched (again) by US agents

      Jacob Appelbaum, a security researcher, Tor developer, and volunteer with Wikileaks, reported today on his Twitter feed that he was detained, searched, and questioned by the US Customs and Border Patrol agents at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on January 10, upon re-entering the US after a vacation in Iceland.


      • It’s very frustrating that I have to put so much consideration into talking about the kind of harassment that I am subjected to in airports.

      • I was detained, searched, and CPB did attempt to question me about the nature of my vacation upon landing in Seattle.

      • The CPB specifically wanted laptops and cell phones and were visibly unhappy when they discovered nothing of the sort.

    • Wikileaks: The first full-scale pitched battle between Government and the Open Web

      The whole Wikileaks saga has revealed both strengths and weaknesses. The most obvious choke point is that governments were able to exert political pressure on domain hosts to force them to find a pretext to throw Wikileaks off their servers and so Assange and his colleagues had to play a game of cat and mouse, relocating Wikileaks on different servers. The countervailing strength was and is that they could do this but there is always the danger that the plots will dry up, so to speak, and this whistle-blowing website will run out of hosting space as the American Government pressurises companies and countries to deny it refuge. However, it is a matter of record that it has over five hundred mirrors and closing them all down would be a big task.


      What the Wikileaks story is really about is a clash of world views, about how we handle and process information and who controls it. The political establishments are like Europe before the Reformation and the invention of printing, like businesses trying to impose an outmoded model on top of technologies which threaten to overwhelm them.

    • Icelandic MP Says It’s Our Duty to Fight For WikiLeaks

      Birgitta Jónsdóttir, a member of the Icelandic parliament and an early supporter of WikiLeaks, said that despite having had a falling out with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange over his role in the organization, she is willing to “stand up and stick my neck out for him” and defend the document-leaking entity against attacks by the U.S. government and others, because doing so is her duty. “We must all stand behind WikiLeaks and defend freedom of information and freedom of speech,” Jónsdóttir said in a presentation at the University of Toronto on Tuesday night, in which she also called on media outlets to support the organization. Jónsdóttir also said “even if they chop the head off WikiLeaks, a thousand more heads will come out.”

    • WikiLeaks condemns US embargo move

      WikiLeaks today condemned calls from the chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security to “strangle the viability” of WikiLeaks by placing the publisher and its editor-in-chief, Julian Assange, on a US “enemies list” normally reserved for terrorists and dictators.

      Placement on the US “Specially Designated National and Blocked Persons List” would criminalize US companies who deal with WikiLeaks or its editor. “The U.S. government simply cannot continue its ineffective piecemeal approach of responding in the aftermath of Wikileaks’ damage,” King wrote in a letter to the Secretary of the US Treasury, Geithner. “The U.S. government should be making every effort to strangle the viability of Assange’s organization.”

    • A Whale Of A Cable – Whaling In Norway

      Yet despite a small market and low profits for the meat, the government of Norway has not shown any willingness to let go of whaling.

    • WikiLeaks gives $15,000 to soldier’s defense fund

      A legal defense fund for the US soldier suspected of leaking secret US documents to WikiLeaks said Thursday it has received a 15,000 dollars contribution from the website.

      US Army private Bradley Manning, 23, has been held in a military brig in Virginia since July on suspicion of leaking secret US military documents and State Department cables to WikiLeaks.

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

  • Finance

    • EU economic governance: Commission sets the yearly priorities for EU growth

      Europe has a comprehensive plan to respond to the crisis and to speed up Europe’s economic growth. It now needs to focus its efforts in a coordinated manner and with an eye on priorities. That is what the Commission is presenting today. The Annual Growth Survey charts a clear direction on where Europe should be heading in the next year, with ten pressing actions focussed on macro-economic stability and fiscal consolidation, structural reforms and growth-enhancing measures. The Annual Growth Survey is the start of the first “European Semester” which changes the way governments shape their economic and fiscal policies. Once agreed by the European Council, Member states will reflect these recommendations in both their policies and national budgets. For the first time ever, Member States and Commission will therefore jointly discuss macro-economic stability, structural reforms and boosting growth measures in a comprehensive way.

    • Memorandum of Understanding with China in the IT & C

      Cu această ocazie, cele două părți vor semna un Memorandum de înțelegere care va permite cooperarea consolidată și schimburi de experiență în sectorul TIC, date fiind capacităţile şi oportunităţile României și Chinei în acest domeniu. On this occasion, the two sides will sign a Memorandum of Understanding that will enable closer cooperation and exchanges of experience in the ICT sector, given the capabilities and opportunities for Romania and China in this field.

    • Spinning Unemployment in a Collapsing Empire

      The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported Friday that the economy gained only 103,000 new jobs in December–not enough to keep up with population growth–but the rate of unemployment (U.3) fell from 9.8% to 9.4%. If you are confused by the report, you are among the many.

      In truth, what fell was not the number of unemployed people but the number of unemployed people who are actively looking for work. Those who have become discouraged and have ceased looking for work are not considered to be in the work force and are not counted as unemployed in the U.3 measure. The unemployment rate fell because discouraged workers increased, not because employment rose.

    • The rise (and fall) of the global elite

      In my opinion, the oligarchs and their minions give themselves far too much credit for their success. It may be true that they are clever, industrious, and hard-working, but so too are con men, embezzlers, and a goodly number of thieves and other criminals. Is it clever and industrious to appropriate for oneself (by force, intimidation, bribery, or manipulation), resources that are by nature the birthright of all (“the commons”), or to use one’s “insider” position to abuse a public trust? Far too many fortunes have been made that way.

      The Atlantic article concludes “The lesson of history is that, in the long run, super-elites have two ways to survive: by suppressing dissent or by sharing their wealth. It is obvious which of these would be the better outcome for America, and the world. Let us hope the plutocrats aren’t already too isolated to recognize this.”

  • Murdoch

    • Don’t let Murdoch and Hunt stitch it up

      The BBC have just revealed that Ofcom thinks there are big problems with Murdoch’s BSkyB power grab. Their report says the Competition Commission needs to be involved.

    • MySpace Confirms Sale Rumors

      News Corp. is seriously considering hanging a “For Sale” sign on its MySpace social networking real estate, the beleaguered company’s CEO confirmed on Wednesday.

  • Censorship/Privacy/Civil Rights

    • BlackBerry maker agrees to Indonesian net filters

      BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion is to implement internet pornography filters in Indonesia after being threatened with a blackout for its 2 million users in the country.

    • UK and EU ISPs Bash European Proposals to Force Blocking of Child Abuse Sites

      The European Internet Services Providers Association (EuroISPA) has called on the European Parliament to consider permanently removing internet based child sexual abuse content at source, which would be instead of forcing EU and UK ISPs into merely filtering out (blocking) such material. The latter would only provide a merely cosmetic appearance of having done something useful and is easily circumvented.

      EuroISPA believes that removing abuse material at source is the “only” effective “technical measure” that can actually work. It proceeds to state that the alternative use of blocking still allows the content to remain online and available for use by those who present a real danger to children.

    • Missing China activist Gao Zhisheng ‘tortured’

      One of China’s most prominent human rights activists, Gao Zhisheng, has told of his torture by police during more than a year in secret detention.

      The lawyer told the Associated Press he was stripped naked, beaten and pistol-whipped until he feared for his life.

    • Web blocking discussions in European Parliament reach critical stage

      The European Parliament is currently at a crucial stage in the discussions on the European Commission’s proposals on web blocking. The MEP in charge, Roberta Angelilli, has presented her draft report, other parliamentarians have until 20 January to propose other amendments and an “orientation vote” which will informally set Parliament policy on issues of general agreement will take place on 3 February.

      Despite the fact that the original proposal was made by the Commission in March 2009, the level of debate has not developed to any great extent after almost two years of discussion. The fact that the Commission failed to provide any evidence from countries that already block websites has not had any positive impact whatsoever. The fact that blocking is increasingly irrelevant due to the use of P2P and hacked servers instead of static “blockable” websites or the fact that blocking will give criminals immediate warning that they have been detected are of no particular importance in the debate. Indeed, even the actual purpose of blocking – accidental access, deliberate access or something else – is not an issue which has been discussed in any detail.

    • EFF urges US tech companies to aid Tunisian protests

      Civil unrest in Tunisia prompted by government censorship of internet access and freedom of expression continues to spiral out of control this week as the nation’s officials find even more ways to stifle citizens’ pleas for support. Now, the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) has begun rallying support from American technology companies to aid Tunisian residents in making their voices heard.

    • Accuracy, nuance big casualties in latest War on Piracy salvo

      Another day, another antipiracy study (or “study”) from a self-interested party. What’s new? This time, one of the named targets is fighting back, alleging “defamation” and reserving the right to sue the study’s authors.

      The study comes from MarkMonitor, a company in the business of selling its brand protection services to companies concerned about intellectual property theft and counterfeiting online. The study is tough to take seriously, since it really just amounts to assembling a list of 100 websites and then grabbing traffic data on them from Alexa.

    • Use of Derogatory Word for Gays in a Song Breaches Broadcast Codes, Says Canadian Broadcast Standards Council

      The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) today released its decision concerning the broadcast of the unedited version of the song “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits on CHOZ-FM (OZ FM, Newfoundland). The CBSC concluded that the presence of the word “faggot” in the song contravened the Human Rights Clauses of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters’ (CAB) Code of Ethics and Equitable Portrayal Code.

    • France wants to put Internet regulation on the G8 agenda

      A senior French official has called for a new report on online terrorism and pedophilia. French Internet advocates dismissed renewed demands for regulation, pointing to critiques of controversial anti-piracy law.

  • Internet/Net Neutrality/DRM

    • T-Mobile: how massive do you like your fail?

      I don’t know whether the company really holds its customers in that sort of disdain, even though I’ve seen plenty of evidence over the years that it can do. It could just be industry-defining massive stupidity, matched with rancid greed. But I know how it feels – and I know that T-Mobile has done itself a great deal of damage. Could I recommend anyone move to T-Mobile? I could at the beginning of the week. I can’t now.

    • MetroPCS: Net Neutrality Violator

      A terrible new service plan from MetroPCS — the fifth-largest mobile phone carrier — is the latest round in the phone industry’s war against Net Neutrality.

    • T-Mobile UK Does A U-Turn On Its New Data Caps: Now For New Subs Only

      Some major back-pedalling over at T-Mobile in the UK this afternoon, and a major win for its customers. The company has said that its new policy, reducing all fair usage data caps to 500 megabytes, will now only apply to new and upgrading customers, not existing subscribers. When T-Mobile had originally announced the changes on Monday, it said it “affects everyone.” But over the last few days, that policy resulted in an avalanche of angry comments on sites like Twitter and threats of a mass exodus of users.

    • New group formed for Net Neutrality!

      The giant Internet Service Providers such as Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon seek to:

      1. Abolish the flat service fee. This means that you will pay for the amount of time you spend on the Net and the amount of data you download. For example, you will be charged for downloading a video from You Tube. If you don’t have much money to spend, you will have less access to information than a person who has more money.

      2. Make website operators pay for bandwidth. This means that companies with deep pockets like Fox and MSNBC will connect quickly whereas small website operators who can’t afford the high costs will operate “in the slow lane.” The Net result will be an Internet that will become much like cable TV. You will get only the information that the big media companies (and their governmental affiliates) want you to get. You will get a lot less, and you will pay a lot more for less.

    • Sony goes after George Hotz

      That’s from George Hotz, aka Geohot, here.He’s been hit by corporate MAFIAA mobster Sony.

    • Sony Sues Geohot Over PS3 Jailbreak

      Geohot has updated his site again telling people that Sony has filed lawsuits against both him and the fail0verflow german team for jailbreaking PS 3 and allowing packages to be installed.

    • Dodgy salesmen?

      Think again! You’re not actually buying something. You’re licensing the use of an ebook. You can’t buy a licence. You pay a fee, they share some of their rights with you. This is a massive, massive difference between the physical books sold today, and ebooks. An ebook is not your property, it remains, at all times, Amazon’s property.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Jeff Koons claims to own all balloon dogs

      Lawyers representing Jeff Koons, the pop artist known for remixing common objects and other peoples’ art, have demanded that San Francisco’s Park Life stop selling book-ends that look like balloon dogs. Koons’s lawyers argue that since Koons once produced a set of iconic statues of balloon dogs, all representations of balloon dogs are henceforth Koons’s exclusive purview, and anyone who makes or sells a balloon dog infringes on Koons’s copyright.

    • Microsoft seeks to block Apple ‘App Store’ trademark

      Microsoft has said that it has asked US officials to block Apple’s attempt to trademark the words “App Store”.

      Apple submitted an application for the phrase – used for its iPhone, iPad and Macintosh download services – in 2008.

    • Copyrights

      • Cyberlockers Take Over File-Sharing Lead From BitTorrent Sites

        In terms of visitor traffic Cyberlockers have taken over the file-sharing lead from BitTorrent sites. This trend has been developing over the last few years and has accelerated in recent months to a position where the number of one-click hosting sites that are larger than The Pirate Bay in terms of traffic has grown to five. All signs indicate that file-storage services are becoming the new sharing standard.

      • Band Discovers Leaked Song… And Its Response Is To Release A Better Version For Free

        We’ve talked in the past about how there are all sorts of ways that bands and musicians can react to the fact that their music has leaked out into the world (and, yes, it will leak out). There’s a range of strategies from calling your fans “thieves” and getting angry, all the way to a much more fan-friendly approach. Time and and time again it appears that taking the fan-friendly approach seems work much better. The latest example of a band taking a much more fan friendly approach is Eisley, who had one of their new songs debut on a podcast, and people got so into it that they cut it out of the podcast recording and even started playing it on the radio. Rather than freak out about it, the band was happy about it.

      • Chinese Crackdown On Piracy Enters The Digital Domain

        Since late last year there have been rumblings that China would soon carry out another crackdown on piracy. During the last week reports suggested that the country’s actions were mainly in the physical domain but now, alongside reports that 4,000 people have been arrested, it seems China is conducting both a music and video piracy purge. More than 200 sites are under orders to remove music and some of the country’s leading video sites are deleting illicit content and cuddling up to Hollywood.

      • It Begins: Content Execs Prepare To Lobby Again

        Didn’t we predict that the government’s new intellectual property review would see a replay of all the entrenched dogma that was flung in Digital Britain’s direction?

        The UK music industry was on Wednesday due to discuss what view it should submit to the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills’ (BIS) review of “how the intellectual property system can better drive growth and innovation”, commissioned from Professor Ian Hargreaves in November, MusicWeek reports…

      • Israeli Court Enforces for the First Time a Creative Commons License

        A court in Israel found that taking CC-licensed pictures from Flickr and publishing them in a book violated the copyright in each and every picture separately. (Source: www.law.co.il, including a link to the decision in Hebrew).

        The facts are trivial: Plaintiffs, amateur photographers, uploaded their pictures to Flickr under a CC attribution, non-commercial, no-derivative license. Defendant, a commercial publisher, published the pictures both in a physical format (a book) and some of them also on its website.

      • California Continues Protecting Hollywood: Imposes Greater Fines On Infringement Based On Faulty Reasoning

        The BSA’s numbers are even more ridiculous than the IPI’s and have been debunked over and over again. Even the company that put together the numbers for the BSA had admitted that the BSA clearly exaggerates what they mean. For example, the BSA still insists on using a 1:1 unauthorized copy = lost sale argument, which anyone with an ounce of common sense knows is laughable.

      • The Unacceptable Face of Copyright

        Open access is about making copies of publicly-funded research available freely online. This stems from the belief that (a) having paid for it, the public has a right to see it and (b) a general view that access to knowledge should not be restricted to those that can pay for it (not least because it is precisely those that *cannot* pay who need it most).

        Against that background, and of the growing success of open access in bringing knowledge to the developing countries, this is disgusting:
        From 4 January Elsevier Journals withdrew access in Bangladesh to 1610 of its publications, including the Lancet stable of journals, which had been available through the World Health Organization’s Health Inter-Network for Access to Research Initiative (HINARI) programme. HINARI was set up in 2002 to enable not for profit institutions in developing countries to gain access online to more than 7000 biomedical and health titles either free or at very low cost.

        Springer has withdrawn 588 of its journals from the programme in Bangladesh and Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 299 journals. The American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Society for Animal Science have withdrawn access to, respectively, two and three of their journals.


        I do wonder how the well-paid fat-cats running these huge publishing conglomerates (disclosure: I once worked for part of Reed-Elsevier, so I have some experience of these things) look at themselves in the mirror after making decisions like this.

      • Highly Flawed ‘Piracy’ Report Used To Support Positions That Are Unrelated

        Last year, we pointed out that Steven Tepp, who worked at the US Copyright Office at the time, and was heavily involved in pushing for ACTA (and downplaying the legitimate concerns of ACTA critics), jumped ship to the private US Chamber of Commerce, which has been one of the stronger supporters of such bad laws. The Chamber of Commerce, which is basically a lobbying organization for some of the world’s biggest businesses, has a history of making up absolutely ridiculous claims about intellectual property, so it’s really not a surprise that it would hire Tepp, who did the same thing from within the government.


        As for the actual report that Tepp was commenting on, it doesn’t actually say what Tepp says it says. You can read the details of the report (pdf) here. It’s almost laughably weak in its methodology. Nowhere does it support any of Tepp’s claims — and you would think that a journalist wouldn’t quote a biased commenter making claims that have nothing to do with the report in question. Specifically, the MarkMonitor report simply looked at some sites that are used for infringement, then assumed that they were used entirely for infringing purposes, and then used Alexa ratings (perhaps the least credible measuring system out there) and simply added up all visits, and seemed to suggest that this was all for infringement. When it came to pharmaceuticals, the researchers did not appear to make much of an attempt to determine which offerings were really gray market importers of generic drugs, as opposed to counterfeits. Instead, it just made some assumptions based on the sites themselves.

Clip of the Day

Tuxguitar on Gentoo Linux

Credit: TinyOgg

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