Posted in Antitrust, Deception, GNU/Linux, Google, Java, Microsoft at 7:47 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
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Publicado por Antitrust, Deception, GNU/Linux, Google, Java, Microsoft at 7:13 am por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Credit: unknown (Twitter)
Summary: Otro recordatorio de la realidad que Microsoft está muy activo en el frente E.E.E., not no sólo contra GNU/Linux pero también Android y Java
NO es un secreto que Microsoft está tratándo de obstaculizar el desarrollo de Android o dominárlo completamente, no simplemente extorsiónandolo con patentes de software o ejerciéndo influencia/control usando patentes de software. Entonces también hay el aspecto antimonopolio; fue Microsoft y sus proxies/grupos frontales que impulsaron a los que impulsaron a los políticos Europeos a ir detrás de las aventuras Linux de Google (hemos cubierto estos hechos muchas veces por casi una década).
“Entonces también hay el aspecto antimonopolio; fue Microsoft y sus proxies/grupos frontales que impulsaron a los que impulsaron a los políticos Europeos a ir detrás de las aventuras Linux de Google (hemos cubierto estos hechos muchas veces por casi una década).”
Ahora mismo encontramos a Jason Perlow [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (un empleado de Microsoft que habitualmente ataca a los rivales de Microsoft) haciéndo el anti-Java y anti-Android berrinche en ZDNet, quién estupidamente emplea empleados de Microsoft como periodistas. La última de Jason Perlow tiene carnada en el títular, “La crisis existencial de Android: ¿El porqué Java necesita morir en devices móbiles?” (ataque contra ambos Android y Java; dos pajaros, una piedra).
Cuánt típico es todo esto. Agenda disfrazada de ‘noticias’. Ese es el modus operandi y el modelo de negocios de CBS, quien es dueño de ZDNet. Para entender mejor el porque de Perlow desearíá basurear/hablar mal de ambos Java y Android, consideren el caso de RoboVM, e cual Microsoft acaba de matar usando el clásico E.E.E método. El último nuevo artículo acerca del asesinato de RoboVM por parte de Microsoft de James Darvell (y por extensión dañar a Android y a Linux) va como sigue:
Microsoft recientemente hizo un gran ruido alrededor de su amor y apoyo de la comunidad Open Source (especialmente Linux), pero al mismo tiempo se trata de hacer medidas concretas para mejorar su apoyo a los proyectos de software libre, sus motivos no puede ser totalmente altruista. Microsoft sigue financiando ataques legales contra los proyectos de código abierto en varios frentes, y se ha aplastado proyectos de código abierto cuando conviene a la empresa.
Tal es el caso de RoboVM, un compilador de Java-a-móvil que apoya el desarrollo móvil de plataforma cruzada.
RoboVM fue originalmente un proyecto de código abierto, aunque eso cambió después de que la empresa matriz fue adquirida por Xamarin en octubre de 2015. Xamarin tenía varios productos similares que apoyan el desarrollo multiplataforma utilizando diferentes lenguajes de programación. Naturalmente, Xamarin vio RoboVM como una adición adecuada a su establo.
Poco después de la adquisición, se hizo un anuncio en el sentido de que el modelo de desarrollo de código abierto “no estaba funcionando” para el equipo RoboVM. El proyecto se cerró, y derechos de licencia se incrementaron para que coincida con las otras herramientas en la alineación de Xamarin.
A principios de este año, Microsoft adquirió Xamarin, y mientras se está promocionando con orgullo la mayoría de conjunto de herramientas de Xamarin, parece que no hay lugar para RoboVM en los planes de desarrollo multi-plataforma de Microsoft. La semana pasada, el equipo RoboVM anunció que el proyecto sería cerrada.
Actualmente, RoboVM no dijo esto después de su compra pero poco tiempo antes de ella, probablemente cuando negociaba la toma de control por parte de Microsoft todavía tuvo lugar [1, 2, 3]. Darvell del Linux Journal continua:
Sin embargo, hay algunos que dirán que Microsoft no le gusta Java. Microsoft consiguió sus dedos quemados en 1997, cuando Sun demandó a Microsoft por su intento de apropiación de Java. En aquel entonces, Java se convertirá en el “lenguaje de Internet”, y trayendo el apoyo applet de Java en Internet Explorer era un objetivo importante. Al estilo de Microsoft, Java VM de Windows admite sólo parcialmente los Java estándar lo que es más, añadido funciones publicados que no formaban parte de la norma oficial.
El objetivo era crear una situación en código que se ejecutaba en una máquina virtual de Microsoft no se presentaría en cualquier otra plataforma. Secuestrando el estándar de Java, Microsoft planea capturar base de usuarios de Sun y dictar el futuro de Java. Por supuesto, ese plan resultó en un desastre caro, lo que explica la actitud tibia de la compañía a Java desde entonces.
Nos preocupa que el próximo E.E.E. de Microsoft que haya pueda ser Canonical. Entonces allí esta la preocupación acerca de la Linux Foundation, la cual como Canonical al presente tiene dinero de Microsoft money en su mesa. Hablando de lo cual, la propaganda de Microsoft está siendo amplificada por la Linux Foundation incluso dos veces el mismo dia (ayer), levantando dudas como, ¿para quién están trabajando estos dias? Despues de permitir antiguo personal de Microsoft dentro de ellas, y haber estado recibiéndo dinero de Microsoft, el poder del dinero los amenaza también.
“No sobrestime la malicia de Microsoft. Está todavía dirigida por la misma gente.”
Microsoft tiene una historia de usar la corruptible influencia del dinero para demoler a sus competidores, e.g. al contratar a sus empleados, pagar por cláusulas de no competición, hacerse cargo de ellas sólo para desmántelarlas. No sobrestime la malicia de Microsoft. Está todavía dirigida por la misma gente.
“Infestaciónes de Linux están siéndo descubiertas en muchos de nuestros grandes cuentas como parte de los comprómisos de escalación.”
–Microsoft Confidential
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Posted in GNU/Linux, Microsoft, Novell, Rumour, Ubuntu at 7:42 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
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Publicado en GNU/Linux, Microsoft, Novell, Rumour, Ubuntu at 6:48 am por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz
“Microsoft está coercionando a la gente a pagarle por patentes, pero no menciónan cuales. Si un tipo entra a una tienda y dice: “No es un barrio seguro, porque no me pagas 20 dólares y me aseguraré de que nada te pase,” eso es ilegal. Es chantaje.”
–Mark Shuttleworth
Summary: Teniendo en cuenta los últimos movimientos de Canonical, algunos expertos piensan que es posible que Shuttleworth elija el dinero a Microsoft sobre principios sino también inste para que esto ocurra
DESPUÉS de evitar a los medios de comunicación durante semanas o incluso meses (Googlebombing “Linux” en las noticias) y chantajeando compañías de Linux utilizando patentes de software (por paquetes, no sólo los pagos), mientras que cabildea por unas patentes de software más fuertes que crecen cada vez más preocupados en la fase del “abrazo” (como en EEE) continúa hacia la siguiente “extender”. Microsoft ya está pagando a Canonical (esperen que Shuttleworth no se atreve a decir nada negativo de Microsoft) y devore Ubuntu, al igual que lo hizo con Novell con Hyper-V (encerrándo a GNU/Linux en una cárcel de propiedad de Microsoft).
“Microsoft ya está pagando a Canonical (esperen que Shuttleworth no se atreve a decir nada negativo de Microsoft) y devore Ubuntu, al igual que lo hizo con Novell con Hyper-V (encerrándo a GNU/Linux en una cárcel de propiedad de Microsoft).”
A partir de esta semana, sacando a luz la gran mentira (“Microsoft ama Linux”), Janakiram MSV desde el 1% ‘media/boquilla (waripolera de Bill Gates) dice que “la estrategia de código abierto de Microsoft esta incompleta sin esta adquisición” (alude a Canónical).
“Para hacer el caso más fuerte, aquí están algunas de las razones por las que Microsoft debería considerar la adquisición de Canonical”, escribió. Como Susan Linton puso esta mañana: “Cuando la Microsoft y Canonical nueva relación amistosa todavía está en la mente de muchos, Janakiram MSV aseguró que” hoy la estrategia de código abierto de Microsoft es incompleta “sin ellos. Dijo Microsoft está tratando de cambiar su imagen lejos de ser sólo para Windows, sólo tiene sentido comprar Canonical. Ubuntu tiene millones de usuarios y “. Un ejército de desarrolladores y administradores de sistemas” Aparte de la gente, Canonical viene con LXD, Snappy Ubuntu Core y Juju – todas las cosas que podrían hacer más competitivo Microsoft en el Cloud y IT. Para Janakiram, no hay inconvenientes para Microsoft.”
“No es impensable que Microsoft por lo menos atente comprar a Canonical.”
Hace dos años hemos escuchado posts como “¿Por qué Microsoft debería comprar Canónical?” y el año pasado hubo rumores en ese sentido.
No es impensable que Microsoft podría al menos tratar de comprar Canonical. Ya intentó la contratar (caza furtiva) administrador de la comunidad de Canonical de Ubuntu (este, con coraje que saludamos se negó). Pero ¿el señor Shuttleworth vendería más de lo que ya lo ha hecho? Shuttleworth dejó algunos comentarios aquí en los días después de haber comprado licencias de códecs (por las patentes de software) de Microsoft. Eso fue hace 8 años.
“Eso es extorsión y deberíamos llamarlo como lo es. Decir, como Ballmer dijo, que hay un no publico balance de liabilidad, eso simplemente es extorsión y deberíamos rechazar dejar arrastrárnos a ese juego.”
–Mark Shuttleworth
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Posted in News Roundup at 6:52 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Some Linux pundits and users have long awaited the year of the Linux desktop. But somehow it still hasn’t arrived. A writer at Digital Trends thinks that the year of the Linux desktop is a myth that will never happen.
Just wrapped up another outstanding year at Linux Fest Northwest! Despite some technical hiccups, the guys over at Jupiter Broadcasting did a great job as always. Below, you can also see some former co-hosts that stopped by to chat with the guys at JB. Both myself and openSUSE’s Bryan Lunduke made appearances, however Bryan went a step further and took the show on a trip down memory lane.
Kernel Space
Open Container Initiative, the vendor conglomerate from different platform camps (Docker, CloudFoundry, etc.) with the promise of creating vendor neutral container standards, has announced the release of new image specification for container images. I thought this is a good time to reflect on the balkanization of containers and do a reality check. If you read further, keep in mind that there is an undercurrent of sarcasm in my commentary :-).
Stephan Mueller has published his second version of the in-development patches of the Linux Random Number Generator (LRNG) that seeks to provide a new, drop-in replacement for Linux’s /dev/random implementation.
Mueller describes of his work in V2 form, “The following patch set provides a different approach to /dev/random which I call Linux Random Number Generator (LRNG) to collect entropy within the Linux kernel. The main improvements compared to the legacy /dev/random is to provide sufficient entropy during boot time as well as in virtual environments and when using SSDs. A secondary design goal is to limit the impact of the entropy collection on massive parallel systems and also allow the use accelerated cryptographic primitives. Also, all steps of the entropic data processing are testable. Finally massive performance improvements are visible at /dev/urandom and get_random_bytes.”
Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS), a global provider of In-Vehicle-Infotainment (IVI) and In-Flight-Entertainment (IFE) solutions, is proud to be a sponsor of the 14th GENIVI All Member Meeting April 26-29, 2016 in Paris, France. GENIVI is a not-for-profit industry alliance committed to driving the broad adoption of specified, open source, In-Vehicle Infotainment software. ICS is contributing its open source Media Manager software for building an IVI system, teaching an innovative hands-on workshop on IVI development at the meeting, and demoing their latest IVI concept at the member showcase and reception.
The GENIVI Alliance is a group of 150 tech firms and car manufacturers committed to setting technical standards for Linux-based car infotainment software GENIVI.
GParted developer and maintainer Curtis Gedak proudly announced the release of the GParted 0.26.0 open-source partition editor utility that’s widely used in numerous GNU/Linux operating systems.
It’s taken six weeks crammed with activity to reach this point. The LibreELEC collective has grown to approx. 45 people (someone needs to start a who’s who guide) and there’s generally been some rather cool things happening around us. Happy times indeed.
LibreELEC, the recent fork of OpenELEC by a number of the developers for that project building an OS around XBMC/Kodi, has issued their v7.0 release.
LibreELEC has grown to having around 45 contributors and thus they’ve managed to put together a “7.0.0″ release in a matter of weeks. This LibreELEC 7.0 version that provides “just enough OS for Kodi” is powered by the new Kodi 16.1.
The new LibreELEC fork of the media player focused OpenELEC Linux distribution is available in a final version 7.0.0 built around the new Kodi 16.1 release.
The fork of the Kodi-centric OpenELEC Linux mini-distribution has been building in recent months, and culminated in the Mar. 20 announcement of a new LibreELEC project. Since then the project team has grown from 25 to 40 people, backed up by what appears to be the bulk of the OpenELEC developer community. Its v7.0.0 release is built around the newly finalized Jarvis 16.1 version of the Kodi media center application, formerly known as XBMC. The new project bills itself as a JeOS (Just enough OS) for Kodi.
iWedia, a leading provider of software solutions for TV devices to service operators and Consumer Electronics manufacturers, today announced that its Linux-based Teatro-3.0 STB software solution is available for the latest HiSilicon’s family of System-on-Chip (SoC) for connected STB from HiSilicon Technologies Co., Ltd., a worldwide leading company providing silicon solutions for digital home, communications and wireless terminals.
If you aren’t excited by today’s Firefox 46 release with GTK3 support but happen to be a fan of the up-and-coming, multi-platform Vivaldi web-browser, there is a new release on that front too.
The Opera-inspired Vivaldi web-browser is up to its v1.1 milestone, less than one month after the Vivaldi 1.0 debut. Vivaldi 1.1 has more improvements to tab handling, enhances the tab hibernation mode, Speed Dials were improved from Opera 12, and the browser’s engine was upgraded against Google’s Chromium 50.
Softpedia has been informed today, April 26, 2016, by Vivaldi about the immediate availability for download of the first point release of the Vivaldi 1.0 web browser for all supported platforms.
Yes, we’re talking about Vivaldi 1.1, which has been in development for the past month. During this time, it received a total of three RC (Release Candidate) builds that fixed most of the bugs and annoyances reported by Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows users since the release of Vivaldi 1.0 back at the beginning of April 2016.
After a lengthy and productive Early Access period, Darkest Dungeon officially released in January to very strong reviews. That doesn’t mean Red Hook Studios has moved on, though: the game continues to get regular updates, with the next poised to introduce new ‘Town Events’ to the game, which will bring some life and variety to the game’s Hamlet.
Today is the day we get another popular game! Darkest Dungeon is now officially available on Linux, ported by Aaron from Knockout Games.
A reader sent in that Heliborne, a combat sim where you pilot an assortment of different helicopters has a Linux beta available on Steam.
It’s Early Access, and the Linux version is currently in an even more unpolished form, but it’s still really great to see more developers dip their toes into the Linux pool.
You just have to select the Linux beta from the Steam properties for the game to get access to it (if you own it).
Humble has put out two more games with Linux support into the Humble Devolver Bundle, now it makes this already great bundle pretty amazing really.
You only need to pay more than the average to unlock them, which is currently less than $5 which is a crazy-silly price.
Desktop Environments/WMs
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
The nice thing is that we can reuse the information for AppStream to automatically create a website for each application which is at least a lot more informative for end users than what quickgit provides. Of course, those projects who have the manpower and motivation to create gorgeous websites like that for Minuet or Krita should still do that, but the others would still get at least something useful.
After many months since the last release, I’ve finally found the time to finalize the next stable release for kronometer. The main change is a redesign of the main window. The toolbar is now smaller and in top position, the statusbar is gone and the menubar is hidden by default. Usability of other dialogs has been improved as well.
As breeze is a monochrome icon set the contrast is one of the biggest issues. With Plasma 5.6, the developers solved this problem by applying the system color scheme to the icons. Now the icons use the same color (and contrast) as the text. With this shiny new feature, users can define the colors of the icon set by themselves.
Well, the wait for the results of Google Summer of Code 2016 is over. My proposal has been accepted and is a GSoC project now. I will be spending the summer writing code for KDE for implementing the project Minuet Mobile(KDE-edu).
For the past week has been a somewhat active mailing list thread about the Qt Project being misrepresented on The Qt Company’s qt.io web-site.
The KDE e.V. report for the first half of 2015 is now available. It presents a survey of all the activities and events carried out, supported, and funded by KDE e.V. in that period, as well as the reporting of major events, conferences and mentoring programs that KDE has been involved in.
KDE is not the right place for Thunderbird [Ed: This post, "KDE is not the right place for Thunderbird," has just been deleted. One wonders what happened. Maybe pressure from peers?]
For years, Mozilla has been saying they are no longer focused on Thunderbird and its place is outside of Mozilla. Now it seems they are going to act on what they said: Mozilla seeks new home for e-mail client Thunderbird.
The candidates they are exploring are the Software Freedom Conservancy, The Document Foundation, and I expect at least the Apache Software Foundation to be a serious candidate, and Gnome to propose.
Hats of for making it happen in India again. Most of the information regarding conference available at web. Though i am using Gnome almost 10+ years, this is my first Gnome summit and also mine first conference as a Keynote speaker.
I was recently asked how to make 3rd party repositories add apps to GNOME Software. This is relevant if you run a internal private repo for employee tools, or are just kind enough to provide a 3rd party repo for Fedora or RHEL users for your free or non-free applications.
ORINDA, CA. Recently, the GNOME Foundation sent out a request seeking donations of ARM build server hardware so that the GNOME project could improve the support and quality of the GNOME desktop on ARM devices.
The Outreachy page has announced the interns for the May-August 2016 internship. There are five interns who will work with GNOME. I look forward to working with Ciarrai, Renata, and Diana on usability testing for GNOME. Congratulations on being accepted to the internship!
It’s a no denying fact that future belongs to open source and Linux, and our younger generation should be introduced with the open source alternatives for Windows and OS X. Along the similar lines, here are the top 5 best Linux distribution for kids and younger audience. Choose wisely and start learning.
Most Linux beginners content themselves with a single system partition and a swap drive. However, as they gain experience, they learn the advantages of dividing the system across several partitions.
Bodhi Linux is elegant and lightweight. It is based on Ubuntu but runs only the forked E17 desktop. It is a very handy distro for those who like the idea of designing their own customized desktop look and feel. You literally have no bloat because you only add what you want to use.
Despite the kudos for Bodhi’s configurability, the relatively young desktop environment is devoid of much of the eye candy and animated niceties found in heavier-weight desktops such as Cinnamon and KDE. This is by design and is not a shortcoming. Bodhi is first and foremost true to its minimalistic philosophy.
Bodhi is very easy to use. It has a low learning curve; new Linux users can get acquainted right away. A Quick Start wiki automatically loads on first run.
You can install Bodhi as a dual boot on a Chromebook.
New Releases
Today, April 26, 2016, Parted Magic LLC announced the release of the Parted Magic 2016_04_26 Live CD that users can use to do various system administration tasks.
Parted Magic is a payed distribution, an independent commercial project based on popular open-source software projects, such as the widely used GParted partition editor, TestDisk partition recovery and file undelete tool, and, of course, the Linux kernel.
Today’s Parted Magic 2016_04_26 release of the commercial Live CD provides updated partitioning and data recovery tools, among which we can mention Linux kernel 4.5.2, TestDisk 7.1, AMDGPU (xf86-video-amdgpu) 1.1.0, OpenSSL 1.0.1s, OpenSSH 7.2p2, Mozilla Firefox 45.0.2, GNU ddrescue 1.21, NTFS-3G 2016.2.22, Mozilla NSS 3.23, and wimlib 1.9.0.
Arch Family
The Manjaro development team announced today the availability of the seventeenth update for the Manjaro Linux 15.12 (Capella) operating systems, bringing users the latest software updates and security fixes.
I had a short but intense affair with Manjaro that ended in our going our separate ways. It was not I who ended what seemed to be a promising relationship, though. Obviously, Manjaro had had enough of me after only 4 days and left me cold.
Red Hat Family
Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has built a new private cloud based on Red Hat’s build of the OpenStack framework to fulfil the growing computing requirements of its space missions, such as the Mars rovers.
The move was announced to coincide with the OpenStack Summit, and means that Nasa’s JPL has access to enterprise-scale computing resources that will enable researchers to tap into their own private cloud and maximise the organisation’s server and storage capacity to process flight projects and research data.
Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that the University of Cambridge, one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious academic institutions, has selected Red Hat to support its OpenStack-based high performance computing (HPC) initiatives. In addition to deploying Red Hat OpenStack Platform for its HPC-as-a-Service offering, the University of Cambridge also plans to collaborate with Red Hat to bring HPC capabilities to the upstream OpenStack community.
Open source solutions provider, Red Hat, has launched its Open Innovation Labs, a new consulting service.
The program allows customers to work collaboratively in a residency-oriented lab environment with Red Hat experts to fuel innovation and software development initiatives using open source technology.
The service hopes to help customers develop and integrate applications using microservices, deploy them in containers, and deliver them using DevOps (Development and Operations) method across physical, Cloud and mobile environments.
ACI Worldwide has responded with a Red Hat Enterprise Linux version of UP Retail Payments…
This post will provide a quick tutorial about Fedora Media Writer, and its usage in both Fedora and Windows. Fedora Media Writer is a very small, lightweight, comprehensive tool that simplifies the linux getting started experience – it downloads and writes your favorite Fedora flavor onto a USB drive, which can be later used to boot up any system.
On Friday, April 22nd, Google officially announced the participants for the 11th year of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. If you’re not familiar with Google Summer of Code, you can read more on the Community Blog. There were 1,206 projects submitted for this year. Several open source organizations participated by offering projects for students to work on.
This summer, I’m excited to say I will be trying on a new pair of socks for size.
Bad puns aside, I am actually enormously excited to announce that I am participating in this year’s Google Summer of Code program for the Fedora Project. If you are unfamiliar with Google Summer of Code (or often shortened to GSoC), Google describes it as the following.
Ever needed to make a quick screencast of your desktop to share what you are working on with someone else? Fedora Workstation ships with an easy way of capturing high-quality, short videos of your screen.
Okay, so let’s move on and talk about Hubs and Badges, particularly in light of some convos we’ve had in the regular weekly Fedora Hubs check-in meetings as well as an awesome hack session Remy D. and jflory7 pulled together last Thursday night.
Debian Family
Lintian 2.5.44 was released the other day and (to most) the most significant bug fix was probably that Lintian learned about Policy 3.9.8. I would like to thank Axel Beckert for doing that. Notably it also made me update the test suite so to make future policy releases less painful.
Having Microsoft endorse a GNU/Linux distribution was once not the best advertisement for that distribution. These days, however, that has changed.
Thus when Microsoft recently endorsed Debian GNU/Linux in its Azure marketplace and later announced it would be using the same distribution to launch Linux-based tools for networking, it was taken as a compliment.
New Debian project leader Mehdi Dogguy (seen above) attributes this choice to the fact that Debian is generally a great platform for derivatives.
In casual conversation, most Linux users will tell you that the Debian distribution is hard to install. Mention that you have installed it multiple times, and people are apt to look at you as if you are some kind of stone-cold geek. After all, wasn’t the original point of Ubuntu was to make Debian available to everyone?
The truth is, Ubuntu came along just as Debian started to solve its own inaccessibility. A look at the Debian Installer proves that it no longer lives up to its reputation. Since 2005, Debian has worked constantly to improve its Installer, with a result that the process is not only simple and quick, but often allows more customization than the installer for any other major distribution.
The story was different once. Before 2005, the Debian Installer tossed users into the deep end, exposing them to unfamiliar concepts and assuming that they knew packages they needed for a graphical interface, and how to choose them from dselect, a package tool that was even more complicated than the rest of the installer combined.
Today, April 26. 2016, the Tails project has had the great pleasure of announcing the official availability of the Tails 2.3 amnesic incognito live system, a Debian-based anonymous Live CD based on the Tor project.
If you’ve been waiting for a powerful Ubuntu smartphone, today is your lucky day. Canonical has announced that the Meizu Pro 5 Ubuntu Edition is now on sale, officially giving Ubuntu a flagship phone to offer users.
Both companies also worked together to bring Bash to Windows 10, something developers have come to love since it was released. It is clear that Canonical is Microsoft’s strongest partner in the open source community, but unfortunately we can’t imagine an acquisition even taking place.
For so long now, the battle has been Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) against anything but not Microsoft. Microsoft has had the upper hand with now near sign of it being toppled. The scenarios are however taking a twist. In an industry that once fiercely pounced on Linux, it is not mending ends to make it a key part of a long-term strategy. Microsoft is embracing open source, eliminating the line between the two ends.
The Meizu Pro 5 Ubuntu Edition is the most powerful smartphone to have Ubuntu phone software pre-installed. It features a 5.7 inch full HD display, a Samung Exynos 7420 octa-core processor, and 3GB of RAM.
If you’re looking for a tablet that will allow you to get your work done, one that won’t break your bank (the M10 currently runs for around $260.00 USD – purchase here), and one that can serve nearly all your needs (from mobile to desktop), the Ubuntu Tablet has you covered. Once Ubuntu Touch matures, this device will be a game changer…of that there is no doubt.
Canonical, I am seriously impressed.
Arne Exton today informs Softpedia about the availability of a new build of his popular and free RaspEX Linux distribution based on the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) operating system and engineered for Raspberry Pi 3 and 2 SBCs.
Last year, IBM introduced LinuxONE, a new pair of IBM mainframes along with Linux and open-source software and services. These new systems are the LinuxONE Emperor, which built on the IBM z13 mainframe and its little brother, Rockhopper. LinuxONE is the heart of IBM’s hybrid cloud efforts. At the OpenStack Summit, Angel Diaz, VP of IBM Cloud Architecture & Technology, said LinuxONE with Ubuntu and OpenStack can deliver the “speed and flexibility that businesses need to make the Benjamins money.”
The Mele PCG02U is a fanless PC stick with an Intel Atom Bay Trail processor and Ubuntu 14.04 software. It’s available from AliExpress for $70.
Every two years a release of Ubuntu is designated Long-Term Support (LTS). Ubuntu 16.04, code-named Xenial Xerus, is the latest in that line. LTS releases are supported for five years instead of the usual nine months, but they also have less obvious implications. LTS releases are usually geared toward the enterprise, which means they generally include fewer new features and more testing. Both qualities are attractive to risk-averse companies running production software on Ubuntu servers, but provide comparatively little to the desktop user.
However, Xenial Xerus bucks this trend with a handful of new features and some welcome improvements. With the new app store, the stand-alone calendar, and the movable Launcher, Xenial might be one of the more feature-rich releases in a few years. In this review, I’ll start by walking through these new pieces and improvements, and end with a look at how Ubuntu stacks up — in terms of installation, ease, features, and so on — against other desktop operating systems you might be familiar with.
Flavours and Variants
Canonical released the new range of its operating systems last week which includes many members of Ubuntu 16.04 family: Ubuntu itself, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu GNOME and, of course, Xubuntu.
Of course, you can purchase your own disk with any of these and many other distributions through the Buy Linux CDs site. It is easy and cheap.
Our Pi guy finds a lot to like as he gets down and dirty with Ubuntu MATE’s latest and greatest release for the Raspberry Pi.
Before 16.04 was released, Ubuntu MATE was already setting the pace for what an operating system for the Raspberry Pi should and could be. Prior to Ubuntu MATE, if you wanted to experience all the Raspberry Pi had to offer, then Raspbian was the only game in town. Although Raspbian is Pi’s official OS, it has never really had the look and feel to make the Raspberry Pi seem like it’s a desktop alternative.
Taiwan-based Tibbo Technology has been developing embedded devices since 2008, including a highly modular Tibbo Project System (TPS) platform that runs its lightweight Tibbo OS (TiOS) operating system. The company’s “Size 2” TPP2 and larger, “Size 3” TPP3 automation controller boards each run TiOS on a Tibbo T1000 ASIC, and support a variety of optional “Tibbit” I/O modules and connectors. Now, Tibbo has launched its first Linux-based TPS board supporting the same Tibbit ecosystem. The “Size 3 Linux Tibbo Project PCB” (LTPP3) board adopts the 165 x 94mm Size 3 footprint, and features -40 to 70°C extended temperature support.
Docoss X1 is an Android phone that is priced at Rs 888. Of course, if you’ve never heard of Docoss X1, don’t be surprised; it appears to be a phenomena that has come up in a day, similar to how Ringing Bells and Freedom 251 had flooded the Indian internet.
Along with the Android N Developer Preview, Google released a preview version of Android Studio to allow developers to begin testing their apps. Android Studio 2.1 has now been released to the stable channel with updates to Instant Run, along with other Android N development features.
Most people don’t realize that they’re not limited to the Android apps found in the Google Play store. There are also great open source apps available from F-Droid. The apps found in F-Droid are both open source and specifically designed for your Android device. In this article, I’ll share some of my favorite open source Android apps and share my experiences with each application.
Apple is nowhere near to threaten Samsung for top notch but also far safely ahead of the number 3 rival (Huawei) who can’t catch Apple for a long while to come.
HTC has announced a new smartphone now that it’s successfully launched its flagship HTC 10. It’s called the HTC One S9.
Here is what you should know about the HTC One S9. It’s being universally hailed as a “mid-range” Android phone. That means it has components that aren’t really the best, but still are put together into a nice-looking package. 2GB of RAM, a 1080p screen, 16GB of storage with expandable microSD, and a 13-megapixel camera. No fingerprint reader, though.
Chinese semiconductor company Allwinner has unveiled its dirt-cheap Remix OS laptop, priced at $79 if purchased in bulk. The entry-level laptop will run a custom version of Android and will be powered by 64-bit quad-core A64 processor, or a 32-bit octa-core A83T chip.
The amount of digital data we are creating every day is mind-boggling. But the photos we take, tweets we send, places we check into and other digital detritus is often siloed into proprietary formats from various companies stored on disparate sites across the web.
The Internet runs on open source code. Linux, Apache Tomcat, OpenSSL, MySQL, Drupal and WordPress are built on open source. Everyone, every day, uses applications that are either open source or include open source code; commercial applications typically have only 65 per cent custom code. Development teams can easily use 100 or more open source libraries, frameworks tools and code snippets, when building an application.
Yesterday, Dell Networking announced — in partnership with Verizon, Big Switch Networks, Dell, and Red Hat — that it had released the largest known network function virtualization (NFV) OpenStack cloud deployment across five of Verizon’s US data centers.
Not resting on its laurels, today Dell announced that it’s driving ahead with its Linux-based Operating System 10 (OS10) development. Underneath the base module is the Open Compute Project Switch Abstraction Interface, a platform is designed for large scale data centers. Dell is also integrating OS10 with open-source community projects including Open Compute Project (OCP) and Microsoft’s Software for Open Networking in the Cloud (SONiC).
Individuals start open source projects because it matters to them. Whether motivated by passion, interest, necessity, curiosity or fame, projects are often started by individuals who want to build better software. Do better work. Have an impact. See their code in the world’s best technology and products.
Because open source today makes up an ever increasing footprint in technology infrastructure and products, we have a responsibility to these individuals and the community and industry at large to support this work and build practices and processes that sustain the world’s greatest shared technologies for the long term.
This morning, Forrester analyst Lauren Nelson dropped a bombshell: “41 percent of enterprise decision makers say that increasing use of open source is a high or critical priority for 2016.”
Let’s a few minutes to talk—well, read and write—about one of my favorite parts of the creative process: concept development. You can call it brainstorming, spit-balling, daydreaming, pre-production, or even imagining. (Just don’t call it “ideation,” please.
In recent years, astronomers have discovered many planets orbiting other stars. The PANOPTES project aims to put the science and tools necessary for this work in the hands of ordinary folk and crowdsource the discovery of new planets! I had a short Q&A with Wilfred about the project.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are creating a lot of buzz right now, and open source tools are part of the buzz. Google has made a possibly hugely influential contribution to the field of machine learning. It is has open sourced a program called TensorFlow that is freely available. It’s based on the same internal toolset that Google has spent years developing to support its AI software and other predictive and analytics programs.
Flisol is a big event on latam, many communities join and celebrate and exchange free software and knowledge with each others and general public. Normal event will include free software installations, talks and workshops.
Web Browsers
Mozilla was in the news today first for releasing Firefox 46 with GTK+ 3 integration. They’re also making headlines for trying to find a new home for Thunderbird, their browser-based email client. In competing news, the Vivaldi project announced version 1.1 of their new browser already, not even a month since its initial release. Elsewhere, Bruce Byfield discusses the Debian installer and Jack Germain said “Bodhi Linux is elegant and lightweight.”
The latest version of Firefox was released today. It features an improved look and feel for Linux users, a minor security improvement and additional updates for all Firefox users.
Firefox and Thunderbird have reached a fork in the road: it’s now the right time for them to part ways on both a technical and organizational level.
SaaS/Back End
Among the many approaches seen in the OpenStack arena, OpenStack as a service is emerging as an interesting choice. Platform9, which focuses on OpenStack-based private cloudy, has announced a new release of its Platform9 Managed OpenStack, which is a SaaS-based solution with integration for single sign-on (SSO) solutions. The company also updated its private-cloud-as-a service offering from OpenStack Juno to OpenStack Liberty.
The latest bi-annual survey data of OpenStack users shows a continuing march of the open source cloud software into mainstream of enterprises, but also the project’s continued challenges related to ease of deployment and management.
Four years ago tensions between OpenStack and Amazon Web Services were at a high. The open source cloud computing platform was being developed as an alternative to AWS’s and members of the community spoke despairingly about the public cloud behemoth.
Fast-forward to today, and the relationship between these two cloud platforms seems quite undefined.
2016 marks the largest OpenStack Summit yet. With more than 7,600 attendees in Austin, Texas, and numerous partnerships, it is safe to say OpenStack has arrived. Back at home in Texas, OpenStack is flourishing amid its native state’s southern hospitality.
“I never thought I’d become an open licensing geek in my life,” said Mark Collier, founder and COO of OpenStack Foundation. Collier joined Jonathan Bryce, executive director at OpenStack, for an interview with Stu Miniman and Brian Gracely, cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team.
Gone are the days when the open-source community was a guerrilla organization of free-spirited independent experts working together, according to Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth. He sees a very different modern community, where tactical positioning by large organizations is the new standard behavior and open source is viewed as a weapon to be used to go faster than standard development processes.
Last May, the open-source OpenStack Foundation announced that it was moving from a restricted integrated project release model to the Big Tent model. Under the Big Tent, more projects are included under the definition of OpenStack, providing a wide array of capabilities to users. Now, a year after the Big Tent was announced, leaders of the OpenStack project discussed what’s wrong and what’s right with the Big Tent at the OpenStack Summit here.
The OpenStack Summit 2016 is taking place these days, and Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth is there to talk about the latest technologies and trends, including Ubuntu, Big Data, and LinuxONE.
Pseudo-Open Source (Openwashing)
The ubuntuBSD project announced the other day the availability of the official ubuntuBSD forums at https://forums.ubuntubsd.org, where users can collaborate to the upcoming OS.
One of the less talked about GNU projects is GNU remotecontrol.
Public Services/Government
On April 26, the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning and the National Information Society Agency (NIA) unveiled the first version of the PaaS-TA, which is an open-source platform as a service for cloud computing service development.
The ministry worked on the cloud computing platform with the Ministry of the Interior from March 2014. At present, the domestic PaaS sector is characterized by various companies’ different development environments and a low level of compatibility, which have caused software service providers to repeat their development processes for services on different platforms.
The South Korean government developed the PaaS-TA at this time in order to address this problem. Supporting at least six development languages and diverse cloud computing infrastructure services, it is open-source software and can be utilized by anyone. In addition, it comes with the standard e-government framework and is capable of realizing e-government services on the cloud computing platform.
An annoyed user couldn’t fix his printer as the printer’s source code wasn’t available to users. This was the reason that led to the start of the open source movement. Organizations have saved billions of dollars and man hours by collaborating and innovating on the open source platform. The open source software has been used almost everywhere, and most importantly, technologists are taking full advantage of it when the world needs it to solve humanitarian problems.
Here are some humanitarian crises that technologists have built open source platforms for, just to give a new life to those badly affected by it.
Europe’s relative weakness in digital consumer markets, in web and internet services and notably in data platforms is becoming a major challenge to the whole economy.
In addition, users feel that proprietary platforms do not satisfy their needs. They get locked-in to a specific provider and have very little influence on the evolution of the platform.
Norway wants to make its eGovernment services more user-friendly, writes Jan Tore Sanner, the minister responsible for government modernisation, in a report to parliament on the Digital Agenda for Norway.
Open Access/Content
Chemistry professor Edward Neth has decided to use an open source textbook for his introductory chemistry course in the fall. The textbook will be free online and $55 to print. (Mei Buzzell/Daily Campus)
Almost two years ago, the University of Connecticut’s Undergraduate Student Government spent $20,000 to help an open-source chemistry textbook make its way into classrooms.
During the upcoming fall semester, Edward Neth, a professor in chemistry, said introductory chemistry courses will use this open-source. The textbook will be free to students electronically and cost $55 printed.
Researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Computer Science recently unveiled Futhark, an open source functional programming language designed for creating code that runs on GPUs, for use in machine learning and other high-performance applications.
Futhark is meant to be more convenient to use than standard C/C++ frameworks for programming GPUs. It can automatically generate both C and Python code to be integrated with existing apps.
We tend to talk about “CI/CD” (continuous integration / continuous delivery) as though it were one thing, and there wasn’t a slash between them. Even when Jez Humble and David Farley published a book on the latter to distinguish it as a goal unto itself, the book’s presentation presents it as building on the “foundation” of CI, or a “natural extension” of CI. You don’t have to look much further to find CD presented as the “logical evolution” of CI. More than once, Microsoft has presented CD as the magic button you push when you’re done with CI. And last and/or least, IBM has presented CD as CI except with a “D.”
Contributing to open source is now stunningly easy, and more people than ever are doing it. What does that mean for the future of open source code and developer communities? I spoke recently with Mikeal Rogers of Node.js to get his take.
London startup Yieldify has been hit with a second lawsuit from competitor Bounce Exchange, again alleging that it copied its code. The more recent suit also names some of Yieldify’s customers as defendants in the suit.
Bounce Exchange, a New York-based company, alleges in New York and Texas court filings that it gave Yieldify executives a demonstration of its product in 2013 and that Yieldify went on to launch a very similar competing product.
The TV drama is well produced but based on such an implausible premise it is misleading and inauthentic
A federal court rejected the argument from a Christian group in Kansas which said that evolution was religious “indoctrination” and should not be taught in schools.
After the state of Kansas adopted Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in 2013, Citizens for Objective Public Education (COPE) argued that teaching science without a religious explanation for the creation of the universe would indoctrinate children into atheism.
COPE said that teaching evolution took children “into the religious sphere by leading them to ask ultimate religious questions like what is the cause and nature of life and the universe—‘where do we come from?’”
Some of the biggest names in tech and corporate America, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, have teamed up with governors and educators to ask Congress to provide $250 million in federal funding to school districts in order to give every single K-12 student in the nation an opportunity to learn how to code. On the legislative side, these tech CEOs are joined by governors from both sides, including California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (R).
In 2017, the EC will make open by default all scientific data produced by future projects under the EUR 77 billion Horizon 2020 research and innovation funding programme, the Commission announced on 19 April “The benefits of open data for Europe’s science, economy and society will be enormous”, the statement quotes Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, as saying.
Support for the “war on drugs” has eroded so much that anti-drug-war hoax statements from senior officials sounded plausible even to the mainstream media, writes Jonathan Marshall.
Cheap food relies on billions of dollars of externalized costs that are kept hidden from consumers.
Microsoft’s Windows Defender Advanced Threat Hunting team works to track down and identify hacking groups that perpetrate attacks. The focus is on the groups that are most selective about their targets and that work hardest to stay undetected. The company wrote today about one particular group that it has named PLATINUM.
Like about 90% of the news today, this would be terrific satire, if it wasn’t true.
America is dropping so many bombs on ISIS that the country is in danger of running out.
“We’re expending munitions faster than we can replenish them,” said Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has asked Congress to include funding for 45,000 “smart bombs” in the Defense Department’s 2017 budget. But it could take a while to rebuild the stockpile.
One of the frustrations of following the Syria conflict from the Arabic press is that when you then turn to the English language accounts, they tend to play down the importance of al-Qaeda or the Support Front (al-Jabha al-Nusra).
In American parlance, there have just been three sides– the regime of Bashar al-Assad, the Free Syrian Army, and Daesh (ISIS, ISIL). The Free Syrian Army is depicted as democrats deserving US support (only some of them are).
From the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 shoot-down to Tom Brady’s NFL suspension, reality gets defined not by facts and reason but by power and propaganda, reports Robert Parry.
Foreign leaders visiting King Salman of Saudi Arabia have noticed that there is a large flower display positioned just in front of where the 80-year-old monarch sits. On closer investigation, the visitors realised that the purpose of the flowers is to conceal a computer which acts as a teleprompter, enabling the King to appear capable of carrying on a coherent conversation about important issues.
Venezuela and Brazil are the scenes of a new form of coup d’état that would set the continent’s political calendar back to its worst times. Meanwhile, in Argentina, the brutal model for the demolition of democracy is set forward by the continental oligarchic right and the hegemonic forces of US imperialism who wish to impose their model in the region.
As we can see in the previews that test the memory of the peoples in the continent, it is difficult to accept that the new types of coups are actually softer and more covert than those which Latin America suffered for so long.
That Obama is focusing on this Kurdish-Arab coalition is a further slap in the face to Saudi Arabia and Turkey, who are backing hard line far-right Salafi groups like the Freemen of Syria in the Aleppo area, who have been attacked by the Arab/Kurdish SDF, which is to their left.
During my many years as a correspondent in Mexico, some of my best reporting happened around dinner tables. So on a recent trip back, I dined with a range of old contacts to catch up on how Mexico was handling its most pressing challenges, like the 2014 student massacre in southern Mexico, which shocked the world and ignited protests across the country.
But all anyone wanted to talk about was Donald Trump.
A 23-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, and an example of the collateral damage of America’s longest war, Kakar has been stuck in Turkey since March 20, waiting for human smugglers to get him to Greece. But things have recently tightened up in the Mediterranean route, with Greece even sending some asylum seekers back.
France has just sold 1 billion dollars worth of military equipment to Egypt. Prime Minister François Hollande flew there to sign the eye-watering deals. Other European nations are counting on Field Marshall Al-Sisi’s regime and Turkey to keep ISIS in check. Egypt’s help with Libya is crucial. The scenario is complex. What else can be done to do posthumous justice to the Cambridge PhD student? Not an easy one.
On April 22, the leader of the Union of Left Forces (Союз Лівих Сил) of Ukraine, Vasyl Volga, was attacked in Zaporizhia, southern Ukraine by ‘activists’ – extreme nationalists – of the Azov Battalion and Syla Natsii (Force of the Nation). Volga and his colleagues came to Zaporizhia to present the program of their party which fights for the cessation of war in Ukraine, the restoration of peace and integration of Donbass back into Ukraine.
Volga and his colleagues were heading to a building in Zaporizhia to hold a press-conference. In an interview with Channel 112 television after the attack, Volga told the 112 journalist that he tried to talk to his attackers but they replied that Ukraine needs war and that they do not want politicians like Volga. One of these thugs attacked Volga from behind. Volga and his colleagues were able to escape thanks to Zaporizhia local police.
Good to see that history, if it does not possess historical cunning, as Hegel rather foolishly observed, has, at the very least, some humour. US President Barack Obama has been busy making it his business to make sure that Britain remains in the European Union after the referendum elections of June. The urging has all the meaning of a Wall Street plea. If Britain leaves, there will be instability. A world of chaos will ensue.
Obama in imperial mode has been some sight. Armed with words of condescension, he has treated Britons in a fashion they are rarely used to: being lectured as subjects in need of a good intellectual thrashing. For years, the nostalgic establishment Briton has become the supposedly sagacious backer of US power in various parts of the planet. The US has been assured that it can count on vassal insurance when Washington’s more bizarre imperial failures come to light.
Release of the 28 secret pages from the congressional 9/11 report may be long overdue, but the depth of Saudi involvement with Islamic radicals goes much deeper, says Gareth Porter at Middle East Eye.
What’s the difference between “boots on the ground” and military personnel wearing boots who are engaged in combat – and perhaps dying – on the ground? If you can answer that question convincingly, perhaps you’d like to apply for John Kirby’s job, because he’s not doing it very successfully. Kirby is the State Department spokesman who, in answer to a question from a reporter about the 250 US troops being sent to Syria, denied President Obama ever said there’d be “no boots on the ground” in Syria.
Thickly bearded men — some wrapped in traditional outfits, others masked — can be seen these days driving through Yemen’s central city of Taiz in pickup trucks mounted with machine guns.
The men belong to a growing faction of Salafis, an ultra-conservative Sunni religious group. In Taiz, the Salafis were once known for being preachers in mosques and religious scholars, but now they have become the most dominant fighters among local resistance to the Shiite Houthi rebels, who ousted from power Yemen’s President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
Like grade inflation in college, the Pentagon has engaged in medal inflation, diluting awards for actual heroism by proliferating ribbons for bureaucratic skills, as Chuck Spinney and James Perry Stevenson explain.
As the Obama administration belatedly weighs releasing the 28 pages on the Saudi role in 9/11, Americans should not be fooled by claims minimizing the Saudi involvement, writes 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser.
The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has condemned the beheading of a Canadian hostage kidnapped by Islamist militants in the Philippines.
John Ridsdel, 68, was taken from a tourist resort with three others by the Abu Sayyaf group in September 2015.
The Grauer’s gorilla, the world’s largest primate, has been a source of continual worry for conservationists for more than two decades. Longstanding conflict in the deep jungles of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo left experts with no choice but to guess at how that gorilla subspecies may be faring.
Now, with tensions abating somewhat, researchers finally have an updated gorilla head count — one that confirms their fears. According to findings compiled by an international team of conservationists, Grauer’s gorilla populations have plummeted 77 percent over the last 20 years, with fewer than 3,800 of the animals remaining.
In the shadow of last week’s contentious vote to impeach President Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s indigenous agency FUNAI and environmental agency IBAMA made unexpected, decisive rulings in defense of indigenous rights and ecological protection in the Amazon. As if pouncing on the opportunity to finally do their jobs without the overbearing interference of an embattled executive, FUNAI moved to demarcate a besieged indigenous territory while IBAMA took this cue to suspend approval of São Luiz do Tapajós, a mega-dam projected to flood it and displace its Munduruku inhabitants.
If you tuned into CNN earlier this year, when NASA And NOAA announced that 2015 was the hottest year on record, you weren’t likely to see much coverage of that announcement. In fact, you were more likely to see an ad for the fossil fuel industry than a news story on how fossil fuels are driving the planet’s warming, according to a new report.
It’s been the subject of protests and debates, but if anything is improving in Flint, Michigan, it’s hard for any of us on the ground to see.
One of the city’s lead pipes has been replaced for the benefit of the press, but more than 8,000 additional service lines are likely corroded and still leaching toxic lead. It took a mom, a pediatrician, and a professor in Virginia to discover Flint’s children were being poisoned. It took cable television to get the nation to give a damn.
The Great Barrier Reef’s coral is dying, and it may never be the same again.
Last month, as historically high ocean temperatures bathed the waters around the Great Barrier Reef, the Australian government raised the coral bleaching threat to the highest level possible.
On an aerial reconnaissance trip from Cairns to Papua New Guinea, researchers observed the parts of the reef that are supposed to be the most pristine and vibrant. What they saw was chilling.
Just this week, the Associated Press described Belarus, where 70 percent of the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl landed, as “a nation showing little regard for the potentially cancer-causing isotopes still to be found in the soil.”
April 26 marks the 30th anniversary of the catastrophic explosion at theChernobyl nuclear power plant.
It comes as Germany, which is phasing out all its reactors, has asked Belgium to shut two of its nukes because of the threat of terrorism.
It also comes as advancing efficiencies and plunging prices in renewable energy remind us that nukes stand in the way of solving our climate crisis.
Particularly worrisome to human rights organizations was the government’s response within the first 48 hours after the murder, in which investigators allegedly tampered with the crime scene and treated COPINH members as suspects, while ignoring the escalating death threats Berta had been receiving for her opposition to Agua Zarca — a hydroelectric dam project that would have impacted communities surrounding the Gualcarque River.
In this week’s episode of “Days of Revolt,” Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges sits down with Tim DeChristopher, founder of the Climate Disobedience Center.
The two analyze how the industrialized world fails to significantly confront climate change, beginning with the “exercise in make-believe” that was the 2015 Paris climate conference.
Prince Mohammed bin Salman is the deputy crown prince of Saudi Arabia — second in line behind the crown prince, and his father, King Salman. Before his father ascended the throne a year ago, Prince Mohammed began to quietly plan for his kingdom’s future with the encouragement of the late King Abdullah, according to Bloomberg. Kings and princes frequently plan for the future, but this time the House of Saud wants to be able to thrive in a low-carbon economy.
April, 26, 2016 marks the 30th anniversary of the accident in Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, which resulted in a very large release of radionuclides which were deposited over a very wide area in the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in Europe and, most particularly, in Belarus, Northern Ukraine and part of Western Russia.
Much work has been conducted immediately after the accident and in the 30 years since in order to secure the area, limit the exposure of the population, provide support and medical follow-up to those affected and study the health consequences of the accident.
Following VW’s smog-testing cheating scandal in September, Mitsubishi on Tuesday announced that its employees used outdated emissions testing methods outlawed in Japan on millions of vehicles sold since 1991.
The outdated methods violated Japanese regulatory standards and provided deceptively low results for emissions measurements. The environmental impact of Mitsubishi’s decades-long deception is as of yet still undetermined.
Throughout Exxon’s global operations, the company knew that CO2 was a harmful pollutant in the atmosphere years earlier than previously reported.
DeSmog has uncovered Exxon corporate documents from the late 1970s stating unequivocally “there is no doubt” that CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels was a growing “problem” well understood within the company.
Throughout Exxon’s global operations, the company knew that CO2 was a harmful pollutant in the atmosphere years earlier than previously reported.
DeSmog has uncovered Exxon corporate documents from the late 1970s stating unequivocally “there is no doubt” that CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels was a growing “problem” well understood within the company.
April 26 marks the 30th anniversary of the catastrophic explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
It comes as Germany, which is phasing out all its reactors, has asked Belgium to shut two of its nukes because of the threat of terrorism.
It also comes as advancing efficiencies and plunging prices in renewable energy remind us that nukes stand in the way of solving our climate crisis.
For over five years now, Kansas has served as an economic policy experiment for anti-tax, small-government conservatives. Their lab work is costing the state hundreds of millions of dollars, crippling public service budgets, and making life harder for low-income families without reducing the state’s poverty rate at all.
With his political star beginning to tarnish, Gov. Sam Brownback (R) came to Washington on Wednesday to discuss his poverty policies at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. At one point, the embattled governor justified his policy of forcing people off of food stamps if they can’t find a job by likening low-income and jobless people to lazy college students.
Keron Blair will look you directly in the eye the whole time he’s talking to you, making sure you absorb every single word he’s saying. His personality seemed a bit reserved when he sat down with me at a Starbucks to discuss Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools, the coalition he is director of, which been responsible for organizing and supporting school protests across the country. But when you listen to his speeches, you hear a minister’s voice.
“Public education…could die on our watch,” Blair said at a recent event for the Milwaukee Teachers Association. “The reality is what drew me to this fight is the shared acknowledgement that we are in fact at war, and what I’ve learned about wartime is that you cannot operate with the same kind of rules. You’ve got to make some wartime adjustments.”
With fast food workers on the march nationwide, deep-pocketed corporate interests have quietly turned to state lawmakers for help.
The quiet push uses low-profile legislation to shore up a liability firewall that has made it hard for workers in some industries to pursue their labor rights fully since the mid-1980s. Last month, buried in a stack of 59 different laws, Gov. Scott Walker (R) signed a bill that made Wisconsin the latest state to join the party.
Businesses in the state that use franchising agreements to insulate corporate headquarters from legal liability down at ground level will have a slightly easier time thanks to Wisconsin Act 203. The law prohibits state labor agencies and judges from applying the same logic the federal National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has invoked in recent years to eat away at a common corporate liability shield.
By now, the theoretical risks of including corporate sovereignty chapters in TPP and TAFTA/TPP are becoming more widely known. But as Techdirt wrote back in 2014, there’s already a good example of just how bad the reality can be, in the form of the monster-sized case involving Russia. An investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) tribunal ruled that Vladimir Putin really ought to pay $50 billion to people who were majority shareholders in the Yukos Oil Company. The Russian government didn’t agree, and so naturally took further legal action to get the ruling overturned.
I am willing to predict that Cameron, Blair and Clinton all find their way on to Philip Green’s new yacht. I am willing to bet that no ex-employee of BHS ever does.
The truth is that there is very little hope for young people in the UK. They are saddled with massive tuition fee debt as they leave a commoditised education system in which University Principals are paid £300,000 a year plus. They move in to a market which does not provide nearly enough graduate level jobs for the number of graduates produced. Work they do find leaves them at the mercy of their employers with very few rights or benefits. They will normally live most of their lives in private sector rental, where each will be a small part of the astonishing 9 billion pounds per year the taxpayer gives to private landlords in housing benefit – yet another direct transfer by the state from ordinary people to the rich. Indeed, for a great many tenants, every penny they pay in tax goes in effect to their landlord in housing benefit.
The TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would have “lots of risks and no benefits” for the UK, according to a government analysis released publicly Monday through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the advocacy group Global Justice Now.
The New York Times actually mentioned the ongoing strike against Verizon on Tuesday.
David Wacker, a service technician with Verizon who is one of around 39,000 landline and cable employees participating in the largest U.S. strike action in four years, was quoted in an article about Bernie Sanders supporters, which noted, in a subordinate clause, that he was on strike.
That brief reference was the first mention of the Verizon labor action on the news pages of the New York Times in a week.
The most recent references before that also had to do with Sanders, when he visited a Verizon picket line in midtown Manhattan on April 18. Outside of those Sanders-focused stories, the New York Times hasn’t run a story on this major labor battle since its second day of action, nearly two weeks ago.
Overcrowded classrooms. Crumbling bridges. Shuttered libraries. These have become our everyday realities after over a generation of tax-cutting political bravado.
A shrinking middle class. Rising dead-end poverty. The splurges of a new super rich. These have also become the markers of our time.
Once upon a time, the super-wealthy endowed their tax-exempt charitable foundations and then turned them over to boards of trustees to run. The trustees would spend the earnings of the endowment to pursue a typically grand but wide-open mission written into the foundation’s charter—like the Rockefeller Foundation’s 1913 mission “to promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world.” Today’s multibillionaires are a different species of philanthropist; they keep tight control over their foundations while also operating as major political funders—think Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, or Walmart heiress Alice Walton. They aim to do good in the world, but each defines “good” idiosyncratically in terms of specific public policies and political goals. They translate their wealth, the work of their foundations, and their celebrity as doers-of-good into influence in the public sphere—much more influence than most citizens have.
Call it charitable plutocracy—a peculiarly American phenomenon, increasingly problematic and in need of greater scrutiny. Like all forms of plutocracy, this one conflicts with democracy, and exactly how these philanthropists coordinate tax-exempt grantmaking with political funding for maximum effect remains largely obscure. What follows is a case study of the way charitable plutocracy operates on the ground. It’s a textbook example of the tug-of-war between government by the people and uber-philanthropists as social engineers.
GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump may have to testify shortly before November’s election in a case accusing his now-defunct Trump University of fraud. On Tuesday, a New York judge ruled the New York Attorney General’s case against Trump University will go to trial.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman first filed the lawsuit in 2013 and only recently received the go-ahead from the New York Appellate Division.
Voter suppression is real and comes in many forms.
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that “Populist Tone Rankles America’s Executives.”
Apparently the CEOs and board members of big American companies are “increasingly frustrated” by the anti-business rhetoric of both parties, and concerned such sentiments might translate into meaningful public policy change after the election.
“The precipitousness of the political debate is a little scary right now,” Boeing CEO Jim McNerney told The Wall Street Journal. General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt informed investors that relations between government and big business is “the worst I have ever seen.”
So it’s a go for Zeus to launch the thunderbolt. Neo-Athena – minus the wisdom – Hillary Clinton, Queen of Chaos, Goddess of War, Empress of the Perma-Smirk, will finally have her shot at the U.S. presidency. After the Battle of New York, she’s on top on number of votes; number of states; number of pledged delegates; number of superdelegates.
Newly-released documents expose how shadowy political operatives flaunt campaign finance law to keep donors secret – and that federal regulators are asleep at the switch.
The Commission on Hope Growth and Opportunity (CHGO) formed in February 2010 – just weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC –told the Internal Revenue Service it would not “spend any money attempting to influence” any “election.”
Shortly after making those sworn assertions to the IRS, however, CHGO officials prepared a memo and PowerPoint slides telling donors that the group’s goal is to “win Senate seats” and to “make a measureable impact on the election outcome” but “with no donor disclosure.” Citizens United, the group told donors, “creates unprecedented opportunity.”
The campaign to allow money to be spent in the political system without a hint of its origin — the growing phenomenon known as dark money — racked up a major victory last week when a federal judge in Los Angeles issued a permanent injunction ending California Attorney General Kamala Harris’s attempt to obtain the donor list for Americans for Prosperity, the primary campaign and elections arm of the Koch brothers’ $889 million advocacy network.
Sen. Bernie Sanders suffered a crushing defeat Tuesday night, losing three out of five states to Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton by significant margins at press time.
In a speech shortly after most polls closed at 8 pm, Sanders blamed his loss on closed primaries, which barred independent voters from participating in four of five primaries. He did win Rhode Island, which allows participation by independent voters.
Should Bernie Sanders abandon the Democratic Party, which he’s technically not a member of, and make a run of some kind either as an Independent or in amalgamation with Jill Stein and the Green Party? It’s a fair question, one many of his supporters will be asking.
Legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh weighs in on the foreign policy positions of the 2016 presidential candidates. “For me to say who I’m going to vote for and all that … I’m not a political leader, that’s not what I’m into,” Hersh says. “But I will say this: Something that’s amazing is happening in this country, and for the first time, I do think it’s going to be very hard for a lot of the people who support Sanders to support Hillary Clinton. … There’s a whole group of young people in America, across the board, all races, etc., etc., who have just had it with our system.”
But it’s not just that American factory workers were sold out. At the same time, professionals (the same class of people who tell us it’s inevitable) were carefully protected. “The arguments on gains from trade are the same with doctors as with textiles and steel,” Baker noted. “The reason that we import manufacturing goods and not doctors is that we designed the rules of trade that way.” Those rules made it easy to off-shore jobs, but retained obstacles to foreign professionals moving here to work. “The reason is simple,” Baker pointed out: “Doctors have more political power than autoworkers.”
Don’t call it strategy, call it strategery: Ted Cruz and John Kasich are going to cooperate to deny Donald Trump the Republican nomination. Also, I don’t know, maybe a hurricane will dishevel Trump’s comb-over and reveal his bald pate, causing such mortification that he quits the race. Or maybe there will be an earthquake next week in Indiana, affecting only precincts where Trump has a lead.
Ted Cruz’s tour de transphobia, launched last week to capitalize on Donald Trump’s criticism of North Carolina’s anti-transgender law, has embraced a new extreme position. Speaking to reporters this weekend in Indiana, he actually admitted that he doesn’t believe transgender people should be allowed to use any restroom except the ones in the privacy of their own home.
All Cruz is really doing is reminding Americans that social conservatism was born in anti-integration politics and anti-gay hysteria.
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign operation has been anything but subtle in suggesting that now that her win in the New York primary Tuesday has made her nomination at the Democratic convention pretty much inevitable, it’s time for the Bernie Sanders campaign to die with dignity.
Let’s get on with the laudatory memorial service, the campaign seems to be saying, and then the estate sale, in which Sanders’ cadre of fervent and largely young supporters can be snapped up for pennies on the dollar.
But Sanders, to the Clinton campaign’s frustration, is not bowing to this bit of conventional wisdom because the Sanders campaign is not a typical campaign. It is, to use Sanders’ oft-repeated word, a “revolution.”
With all the talk of legalized corruption, it should be good news that money can’t always buy an election—case in point, Jeb Bush. But even months after the once “inevitable GOP frontrunner” dropped out, GOP megadonors have been actively throwing money at Trump’s opponents, without catching a break.
“John Kasich’s campaign took in $4.5 million and his supporting super-PAC $2.8 million for the month,” The Hill reported, also stating that “Ted Cruz took in just $12.5 million in March—less than half of Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s campaign haul.”
Any average person would look at these numbers and think, “That’s a lot of money.” But it’s a actually not enough money.
Bernie Sanders’ path to the nomination as the Democratic Party standard bearer in 2016 was all but closed off by Clinton’s four big wins on Tuesday. His only hope had been to get close enough to her in pledged delegates to have a substantial number of super-delegates switch to him. (This kind of switch actually took place in summer of 2008 when super-delegates deserted Clinton for Obama). Sanders could not turn a string of primary wins into a victory because he went on splitting the state’s delegates with Clinton. His loss in New York was probably already fatal to his campaign, but the delegate count turned radically against him yesterday. If she can keep her super-delegates, which she now can, Clinton is only a couple hundred away from clinching the nomination (she has on the order of 2,168 with super-delegates, and just needs 2383). Even if she only gets half of California’s 475 Democratic pledged delegates, that would put her over (and she did defeat Barack Obama in California in 2008).
Donald Trump moved closer to the Republican nomination on Tuesday as he swept five mid-Atlantic primaries, while Bernie Sanders slipped further behind Hillary Clinton—despite winning the smallest state, Rhode Island, and promising to keep campaigning to influence the Democratic Party’s agenda.
Censorship/Free Speech
According to YG, the message behind his single with Nipsey Hussle “Fuck Doanld Trump” has been heard. The Compton, California rapper tells TMZ that the Secret Service has been on his tail since the release of the song earlier this month and have threatened to censor his music.
“They asked to see the lyrics of my album,” he says, “to see if I’m talking about him on my album because if I talk about him on my album, they’re gonna take it off the shelves.”
It also talks a lot about Creative Commons and the efforts it took to get all these well-known artists to contribute their songs. Hell, the very same issue even (shockingly) included an article by former RIAA boss Hilary Rosen, talking about how much she now loved Creative Commons, after Larry Lessig convinced her to change her views.
Lots of people wrote about all of this in one way or another. We, somewhat sarcastically (hey, what do you expect?) covered Rosen’s conversion to being a CC supporter. Most of the coverage, however, focused (rightly) on the music. This included a young copyfighter named Derek Slater, who back in the olden days when blogs were blogs, wrote one on Harvard’s website called A Copyfighter’s Musings. He was so excited about the Wired issue and Creative Commons music CD that he wrote about it and posted the mp3s.
According to Tom Mulligan, a librarian’s job is to awaken souls.
During his presentation at Tuesday morning’s Reminisce Society, Mulligan played the part of Forrest Spaulding in the program “The Not So Quiet Librarian.”
“When I was first asked to do a show as this character, I had no idea who he was,” said Mulligan. “There was only a picture of him in the library and maybe a plaque somewhere else in Des Moines.”
The relatively unknown nature of Spaulding is surprising when one looks at the impact he had on the literary world in the 1930s into today.
BBC World Service staff warned that the plan to move the broadcaster’s Chinese service headquarters from Britain to Hong Kong may threaten its editorial independence and integrity.
More than 50 Christians in Hong Kong marched to the Beijing liaison office over the weekend to protest the religious oppression happening in mainland China.
Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun was among those who attended the Hong Kong protest against violation of religious freedom in China. The organizers of the activity say Chinese authorities have forcibly taken down crosses from more than 2,000 churches in Zhejiang in the last two years, the South China Morning Post relays.
Will Cai is a pedigreed insider in China where he clerked on the nation’s highest court and went on to become a high-profile M&A lawyer. That hasn’t made it any easier to run a news website at a time of the country’s worst media repression in years.
Although the Hong Kong National Party’s calls for independence have upset many people, the party is on a hiding to nothing. Hong Kong is an integral part of China, and this will not change. Beijing will never yield an inch of territory.
The Electronic Sports League (ESL) has banned a team from its competitions because it is sponsored by pornography website YouPorn.
NSA whistleblower and privacy advocate Edward Snowden took part in his first public debate on encryption on Tuesday night, facing off against CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, a journalist and author known for his coverage of international affairs.
Zakaria, in New York, defended the government’s right to access any and all encrypted messages and devices as long as there’s court approval. Snowden, speaking over a live video-link from Moscow, argued the security of the Internet is more important than the convenience of law enforcement. The debate was organized by NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service and the Century Foundation.
There are a bunch of different cases going on right now concerning the FBI secretly running a hidden Tor-based child porn site called Playpen for two weeks, and then hacking the users of the site with malware in order to identify them. The courts, so far, have been fine with the FBI’s overall actions of running the site, but there are increasing questions about how it hacked the users. In FBI lingo, they used a “network investigative technique” or a NIT to hack into those computers, but the FBI really doesn’t want to talk about the details.
In one case, it was revealed that the warrant used by the FBI never mentions either hacking or malware, suggesting that the FBI actively misled the judge. In another one of the cases, a judge has declared the use of the NIT to be illegal searches, mainly based on jurisdictional questions (the warrants were for Virginia, but the individuals were far away from there).
Changes to the metadata program notwithstanding, NSA’s powers of data correlation have arguably been augmented by the Intelligence Community IT Enterprise, a four-year-old program that allows for easier data sharing among intelligence agencies through common standards and cloud storage.
The EFF and ACLU — along with the assistance of a very fortuitous public records request by Stingray-tracker extraordinaire Mike Katz-Lacabe — have uncovered more hidden use of IMSI catchers by law enforcement. A criminal prosecution relying on real-time tracking of a suspect’s cell phone has finally led to the admission by Wisconsin police that they used a Stingray to locate defendant Damian Patrick.
The information wasn’t handed over to the court until the EFF, ACLU, and Katz-Lacabe’s FOIAed documents forced the government to admit it used the device. Up until that point, testimony given by officers gave the impression that tracking Patrick down only involved the use of records from his service provider. They also claimed the information pinpointing Patrick’s location in a parked vehicle was just a tip from an “anonymous source.”
If history repeats itself first as tragedy and then as farce, what does the FBI have in store next for its encryption war with Apple? After withdrawing its demands in San Bernardino and then reopening hostilities with a drug prosecution in Brooklyn, the G-men abruptly dumped the second case over the weekend too. Is anyone in charge at the Justice Department, or are junior prosecutors running the joint?
We just learned there is, however, one number that should be easy-peasy to make public (and one I’m frankly alarmed the HJC members didn’t mention, as they should have known about it for some time): the number of back door searches FBI conducts on Section 702 data for reasons other than national security.
Although the police in Cairo sealed off parts of the Egyptian capital where protests scheduled on Facebook were to have taken place on Monday, opposition activists managed to stage brief rallies that resembled flash mobs, calling for an end to military rule and the cancellation of a deal to surrender two islands to Saudi Arabia.
Techdirt has naturally been following closely the battles over government attempts to bring in ever-more intrusive surveillance laws, particularly in the US, UK, and China, which are some of the worst culprits in this regard. But it’s important to remember that this is a struggle that is taking place all around the world, even in the smaller countries that often get overlooked by mainstream media. For example, Georgia — the country, not the state — is witnessing exactly the same tussle between the politicians and the courts that we find elsewhere, as reported here on the civil.ge site…
Civil Rights/Policing
Researchers have found that such mental sorting is commonplace in American classrooms and has huge impact on a student’s ability to succeed. When teachers think a student is “teachable,” he or she supports that student in hundreds of invisible ways: by giving them more time to answer questions, or through visual cues such as nodding and smiling. What’s more, new research found that when a white teacher and a black teacher evaluate the same black student, white teachers are almost 40 percent less likely to think the black student will graduate high school. That same bias often translates into a white teacher being less rigorous with the student and more prone to discipline him or her.
After Buck was convicted of murder, his own attorneys retained a now-discredited psychologist who testified that Mr. Buck is more likely to be a danger to society in the future because he is black. This testimony then went unchallenged at a later, crucial state court proceeding even though Buck was then represented by a new lawyer. The only new claim that lawyer raised at this proceeding was “based on a non-existent provision of the penal code.”
Poland has become yet another European country to take the risky route of a nationalist policy, much to the despair of its international partners, including but not limited to the European Commission, Council of Europe and the United States.
Theresa May, the Home Secretary, gave a speech yesterday which included a call for the United Kingdom to leave the European Convention on Human Rights.
The speech is set out in full at ConservativeHome, and (as it appears to be a statement on behalf of her department) it is also now on the Home Office site.
The statement is, of course, more about the politics of Brexit and succession to the Tory leadership than anything serious about law and policy. It is a sort of counter-balance to her position on the UK remaining in the European Union.
Peter and Mickey spend the hour examining immigration issues. They speak to two undocumented young adults who arrived in the US as children. Also on the show are two immigration attorneys, who explain the Obama Administration’s DACA and DAPA actions — one of which is now before the Supreme Court — and the millions of US residents affected by them.
Placing one of the most important black women in American history on the 20 dollar bill hasn’t been so popular among conservatives, explains the “Full Frontal” host.
This comes after the December 2015 UN Security Council Resolution endorsing the road map for the peace process in Syria, and setting a timetable for talks. Resolution 2254 already set optimistic targets including a six-month political process to arrive at an agreement on both governance arrangements and a process for drafting a new constitution – while also acknowledging “the close linkage between a ceasefire and a parallel political process”. Kerry and Lavrov’s call for a draft constitution by August seems to accelerate this already problematic and challenging timetable and raises alarm in light of recent constitutional transitions.
After four decades of mass incarceration and over-criminalization in the United States, as many as 1 in 3 Americans now have some type of criminal record, and nearly half of U.S. children now have a parent with a record.
Today, as part of the Department of Justice’s inaugural National Reentry Week, Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro visited Philadelphia to hear how brushes with the criminal justice system have stood in the way of employment, housing, and more—and how people have persevered.
Here are three stories told to Attorney General Lynch and Secretary Castro—they are representative of the experiences of millions of Americans held back by a criminal record.
Egyptian Marxist and political economist, Samir Aziz on the other hand has long made known his preference for what he refers to as “convergence of diversity.” Diversity is what the left does well, so why can’t it make it work?
Part of the problem is that we don’t have a good working definition for such a condition of diversity. Those of us who grew up in a north west European culture have been exposed to the tradition of precise and clinical thinking. We sometimes call this “clear thinking” even in the midst of muddle. This has served us well, especially in the physical world. In the social world where diversity thrives and often seems to be ahead of our particular curve its utility is less certain.
So we are left with one of life’s old conundrums. How to do the right thing, how to do the thing right? The technocrats and many of my friends in political parties seek to eliminate risk. Others accept risk – this is not just for the entrepreneur classes – it’s part of diversity.
In the meantime RISE – like them or loath them – goes to the electorate with a convergence of diversity working model, ready to be tested in the referendum. That’s got to be a good start.
Another week, another video of police abuse surfaces. This time the video shows San Antonio school resource officer Joshua Kehm body-slamming 12-year-old Rhodes Middle School student Janissa Valdez. Valdez was talking with another student, trying to resolve a verbal conflict between the two, when Kehm entered and attacked her. “Janissa! Janissa, you okay?” a student asked before exclaiming, “She landed on her face!” In a statement on the incident, co-director of the Advancement Project Judith Browne Davis wrote, “Once again, a video captured by a student offers a sobering reminder that we cannot entrust school police officers to intervene in school disciplinary matters that are best suited for trained educators and counselors.”
As we slog through another negative, money-saturated presidential campaign, Americans are doing everything they can to let their leaders know they are fed up. As if the votes for anti-establishment candidates weren’t enough to send the message, thousands of activists spent the last week in Washington and more than 1,200 were arrested in sit-ins at the Capitol.
The reality is that the settlers are there precisely because of a subsidy that involves American tax monies. This in turn means that, should Americans demand of their tax dollars cease being used to fund the illegal settlements, the Israelis will either have to do some serious financial restructuring or the settlers will have to move to subsidized housing inside Israel proper. Those who refuse to budge will have to do so in a Palestinian state. Think removing this subsidy is impossible? How long did it take Bill Clinton to get rid of the subsidy to poor mothers via Welfare?
Should a Muslim woman who enrolls as a cadet at the Citadel, a public military college in South Carolina, be permitted to wear hijab with her uniform?
One student cadet at the Citadel doesn’t think so. As The Washington Post recently reported, when Cadet Nick Pinelli found out that an incoming Muslim student had requested a religious accommodation to wear hijab, he took to his Facebook page, publicly proclaiming it “shameful that people expect to be accommodated by groups that are opposite to themselves” and calling on people to “Make America Great Again.”
In the last few years, there seems to have been a drastic increase of police violence plaguing the United States, as if everyone with a badge is auditioning to become Mad Max in the pending societal breakdown. However, the even more depressing truth is that things haven’t really gotten worse. Quite a few cops have been dragging their asses way over the thin blue line since time immemorial. For instance …
ONE YEAR AND one day after Freddie Gray succumbed to the spine injury he received during a 45-minute drive in a police van, the Baltimore police commissioner sat on stage before a room packed with people who had poured into the city’s streets demanding justice. On the walls, black-and-white photos of protesters reminded everyone of the rawness and emotion of Baltimore’s breaking point.
Jurors who don’t obey a judge’s admonition to refrain from researching the Internet about a case or using social media during trial could be dinged up to $1,500 under proposed California legislation.
The first-of-its-kind measure, now before the California Assembly, would give a new weapon to judges in the Golden State who can already hold misbehaving jurors in contempt. But under the new law, designed to combat mistrials, a judge would have an easier time issuing a rank-and-file citation under the proposed law instead of having to go through all of the legal fuss to charge somebody with contempt.
Judges routinely warn jurors not to research their case or discuss it on social media. Normally, errant jurors are dismissed without any penalty, and sometimes a mistrial ensues. Under the new law, levying a fine would be as easy as issuing a traffic ticket.
“We are all on our cellphones and iPads all the time,” the bill’s sponsor, state Assemblyman Rich Gordon, said. “The problem with that is that it can lead to a mistrial. We’ve seen that happen across the country where verdicts have been tossed out, trials have had to be redone.”
Internet Policy/Net Neutrality
We entrust our most sensitive, private, and personal information to the companies which provide us access to the Internet. Collectively, these companies are privy to the online conversations, behavior, and even the location of almost every Internet user. As this reality increasingly penetrates the Brazilian public consciousness, Brazilian Internet users are justifiably concerned about which companies are willing to take a stand for their privacy and protection of personal data. That is why InternetLab, one of the leading independent research centers on Internet policy in Brazil, has evaluated key Brazilian telecommunications companies’ policies to assess their commitment to user privacy when the government comes calling for their users’ personal data.
For several years now we’ve noted how instead of adapting to the cord cutting age, many in the cable and broadcast industry have responded with the not-so-ingenious approach of aggressive denial, raising rates as fast as humanly possible, and stuffing even more ads into every television hour. And when broadcasters can’t get the ads to fit, they’ll just resort to speeding up or editing programs to ensure that they’re hammering paying customers with more ads than ever. Given the rise in alternative viewing options, this obviously isn’t the most ingenious form of market adaptation.
When the deal is complete, two-thirds of the nation’s high-speed Internet subscribers will be under the control of just two corporations, Charter and Comcast.
M-Lab isn’t just about open data either—it’s an open platform for a few different research projects. The one that most people know is called Network Diagnostic Test (NDT). NDT measures your Internet connection by seeing how much information it can transfer between you and a server in 10 seconds. Everything about how NDT works is published openly, and anytime someone runs an NDT test the data is published to M-Lab and available for others to study and analyze.
Brazilian internet freedom activists are nervous. On Wednesday, a committee in the lower house of Congress, the Câmera dos Deputados, will vote on seven proposals ostensibly created to combat cybercrime. Critics argue the combined effect will be to substantially restrict open internet in the country by peeling back the right to anonymity, and providing law enforcement with draconian powers to censor online discourse and examine citizens’ personal data without judicial oversight.
Intellectual Monopolies
Meanwhile, some 34 civil society groups issued a letter [pdf] this week, titled, “Save the World Health Organization from the undue influence of corporations and corporate linked entities.”
Given this year’s theme for the forum of ‘Sustainable and Affordable Innovations in Healthcare’, the conference discussed innovation across a whole range of issues. This included sessions on the multi-sectoral approaches to health in the era of SDGs, in dealing with viruses such as Zika and Ebola, on health cooperatives, on the IT revolution for health, innovation solutions for migrations and health, access to innovation at scale for Universal Health Coverage, and on healthcare insurance, among many others. There were also side events on clinical trials and on the future of global public health procurement.
At an open session on April 21, on ‘Innovation Funding for R&D and Access to Global Health’, TDR – the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases – presented the proposal for a global financial mechanism. The session’s speakers at the Geneva Health Forum included representatives from TDR, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), and the University of Geneva.
There’s no better way to celebrate something than by doing the opposite of it. That seems to be the message of a leading publishing company. In a campaign today to hail the virtues of intellectual property, it appears to be hoping to gain goodwill – and possibly some sales – by removing intellectual property on some of its products.
It provides open access to numerous – admittedly intriguing – chapters from copyrighted academic books and journals, like samplers of products for sale.
Exceptions and limitations to copyright are a part of copyright law. But publishers have been under fire for years to make products open access in order to encourage sharing and creativity, and have had to defend the benefits to authors, research and business of copyrighting content.
On Monday, the Washington Redskins asked the Supreme Court to hear its case, which challenges the constitutionality of allowing a trademark to be barred if it “disparages” others.
We’ve talked quite a bit around here about the saga of the Washington Redskins trademark cancellation. The long-held mark by the football team was cancelled after a group of Native Americans petitioned against it, claiming that the team’s name was disparaging of their people. After I, dare I say, flip-flopped from cheering on the cancellation to having the team itself change my mind with a delightfully vulgar ruling, which demonstrated that the USPTO grants all kinds of marks on “offensive” terms, the current status of the trademark remains cancelled. Well, the team has now appealed to the US Supreme Court, not only seeking to have its own case reviewed, but also seeking to tie their case to another that we’ve talked a bit about, that of the Asian music group, The Slants.
The Slants’ case is different from the Redskins’, with the music group never getting its trademark registration, also based on the notion that its name was disparaging of the very group of people who comprised the band. An appeals court declared the refusal of the band’s trademark applications was a First Amendment violation, rightly. But the USPTO has appealed to the Supreme Court. The Redskins, meanwhile, have petitioned the Supreme Court to take the two cases in tandem, arguing that the slight differences between the two would give the court a well-rounded look at the question of whether blocking disparaging trademarks was a constitutional violation.
The Trade Marks Registry recently accepted the first movement mark for registration since the IPD published guidance two years ago. What lessons are there for applicants?
Earlier this year the Federal Communications Commission promised to “tear down anti-competitive barriers” by opening up the set-top box market in the United States and freeing consumers from $20 billion a year in rental charges. The proposals have spooked content owners, not least the MPAA who fear that pirate sites will take the opportunity to build a “black market” business.
A proposal to rewrite parts of copyright law being pushed by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office would create new restrictions for filmmakers, journalists, and others using recordings of audiovisual performances. Against the background of the the Next Great Copyright Act lurching forward and the Copyright Office convening a new series of roundtables on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, few have noticed the USPTO push happening now. But these proposals are a classic instance of copyright creep and are dangerous for users, creators, and service providers alike.
We’ve written many times about how copyright is frequently used for censorship, and just recently we wrote about law professor John Tehranian’s excellent article detailing how copyright has a free speech problem, in that people using copyright to censor has become more common and more brazen. Whenever we write this kind of thing, however, I get pushback from copyright maximalist lobbyists and lawyers, who insist that no one really wants to use copyright for censorship purposes, but merely to “protect” their works.
I’m finding those claims difficult to square with the following story, which I only found out about because the Copyright Alliance — a front group for the big legacy entertainment companies, and put together by some well known lobbyists — tweeted out a link to a story on a blog by Hugh Stephens, entitled A Whale of a (Copyright) Tale. Stephens is a former copyright policy guy for Time Warner as well as a former diplomat, who blogs about copyright issues in Canada.
He happily tells the tale of how the Vancouver Aquarium has successfully blocked filmmaker Gary Charbonneau, who made a documentary critical of the Aquarium’s treatment of dolphins and whales, from using clips from the Aquarium’s website. In the original version of the documentary, approximately five minutes of the hour-long film came from clips he pulled from the Aquarium’s own website. The Aquarium wanted to get the entire film blocked by the court, giving you a pretty clear vision of how they were looking to censor the film. While the courts have not gone that far, they did order Charbonneau to make a new edit and remove all of those clips.
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Posted in America, Asia, Europe, Intellectual Monopoly, Patents at 11:29 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Summary: A critique of the declining quality of patents in some of the world’s biggest patent offices, where the aspiration seems to be neo-liberal in the economic sense
THE patent system — collectively speaking — isn’t functioning like it was supposed to. Rather than encourage innovation it slows innovation down, in the same way that worldwide copyright laws these days grant a monopoly longer than a person’s lifetime, meaning that the incentive to produce more creative works isn’t quite there.
“Rather than encourage innovation it slows innovation down, in the same way that worldwide copyright laws these days grant a monopoly longer than a person’s lifetime, meaning that the incentive to produce more creative works isn’t quite there.”Based on this bit of news, hardware patents are getting US companies sued, owing to the US patent system (but by Asian companies), which means that the US patent system isn’t even necessarily serving the US, it serves a particular class of people in the US and abroad (corporations and billionaires).
Sites like IAM, maximalists of patents (by their own admission), keep trying to spin a negative as a positive by saying that in China “grants [are] growing more quickly than applications” (that’s because China’s patent office is increasingly a joke, more like a filing system than a patent system with examination phase/barrier). Then again, the USPTO is also like this, especially in recent years as some barriers to patenting got removed and patent numbers soared (nearly doubled). Might one get the impression that the USPTO is just a filing office now? No quality control. For trademarks and patents alike; the profit motive led to this (neo-liberalism). Professor Mark Lemley has just quoted J Breyer as saying that the USPTO “has been issuing billions of patents that shouldn’t have been issued — I overstate, but only some.” http://1.usa.gov/1Wmel7j
Well, “billions of patents” sounds like a one-patent-per-person scheme of some kind. Given that some patents are trivial enough to have been automatically-generated by an algorithm or thought of by a primary schools student, this would not be so unthinkable (if the patent fees were less prohibitive).
“The reality of patents in the US is changing right now.”IP Kat‘s Nicola Searle has just correctly noted that “I’ve been meaning to do a post for some time on why patents are a poor indication of innovation (I’ve mentioned it before but not really gone into detail.) It’s not an anti-patent bias, it’s a pro-good data approach. As for lobbying and patent strategies…”
Well, maybe it’s time for Searle to do a post about it. It’s the second time in about a week that she says something to that effect and patent lawyers get all worked up about it (in the comments section).
The reality of patents in the US is changing right now. It’s long overdue. As this new press release puts it, “Software patents in the post Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) era are very difficult to attain from the USPTO.” They’re even more difficult to defend in a courtroom. To quote the whole paragraph:
“This patent covers an important element in the foundation of our mobile engagement platform and embodies the uniqueness of our gamification intellectual property,” said Blue Calypso CEO, Andrew Levi. “Software patents in the post Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) era are very difficult to attain from the USPTO. We anticipate expanding our patent portfolio to cover a broad set of intellectual property in this area as well as others.
“They care neither about justice nor innovation (which are basically marketing terms to them).”Worry not, however, as patent lawyers and their media are in there for ‘the rescue’. They’re attacking AIA, Alice, PTAB, and whatever else threatens the patent maximalists and aggressors. Here is the term “patent death squad” again, showing up in IAM’s ‘analysis’ of Cuozzo at SCOTUS. Because yes, calling bogus, invalid patents “invalid” makes you an executioner? A “patent death squad”? We wrote about the overuse of euphemisms and demonisation terms here before. Sites like IAM are as guilty as anyone of bias. Here are ten more articles we found on the subject last night [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. MIP said that “The Supreme Court has heard oral arguments in Cuozzo Speed Technologies v Lee, the first Supreme Court case to consider an appeal of a PTAB decision” (PTAB is itself already a kind of appeal, so how much more in terms of fees should be added to keep the poor inventors disenfranchised or broke?).
As one might expect, based on these examples from last night [1, 2, 3], patent lawyers are just trying to sell their services. They care neither about justice nor innovation (which are basically marketing terms to them).
“Once again we see CAFC getting involved, despite its track record of being applicant- or plaintiff-friendly (irrespective of the context and the law, e.g. on software patents). “More business for ‘IP’ lawyers is noted right now (even colours are becoming monopolies!) because more lawsuits and feuds are being measured in Europe. As part of yesterday’s new series about trademarks at MIP [1, 2, 3] we found this one titled “EU design cases looking up” and it says: “2015 was a year of definite improvement over 2014 for design decisions from the Court of Justice and the General Court in Luxembourg. David Stone explains, however, that progress still needs to be made to provide certainty for designers and practitioners” (in the US design patent are under SCOTUS scrutiny, but that’s not the same as registered designs). As Patently-O put it yesterday: “After Coleman’s appeal was docketed, the Federal Circuit disavowed the “factoring out” rule that many had read in Richardson. As discussed previously on this blog, in Apple v. Samsung and again in Ethicon v. Covidien, the court insisted that Richardson did not, in fact, require the elimination of functional elements from design patent claims.”
Once again we see CAFC getting involved, despite its track record of being applicant- or plaintiff-friendly (irrespective of the context and the law, e.g. on software patents). CAFC is rife with corruption, especially in recent years (we covered this several times before). It’s not much better than the EPO, which having subverted French media for propaganda a year ago is doing so again, in spite of the risks. Examination quality not only declined because of Battistelli's policies but there are also talks about replacing examiners with machines (that’s how filing systems are likely to work, capable of duplicates detection at best).
“It’s not much better than the EPO, which having subverted French media for propaganda a year ago is doing so again, in spite of the risks.”A reader has just reminded of us an old article from a well-known victim of this system, noting: “His talks are long (he has many others) but they start to explain, indirectly, what is going on with the EPO and similar disasters. The bottom line is that there is no democracy in Europe, the power structure is outside that and the real participants have active contempt for democracy.”
When will there be democracy in Europe if ever at all? Right now few billionaires and non-EU corporations decide for all of us. It is becoming a lot like the US, where political parties are being ‘bought’ (or sold to the highest bidder/s), elections are up for sale, and the USPTO is little more than a corporate tool for very large corporations like IBM and Microsoft. As for China’s system, need we say more? █
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Posted in Antitrust, Deception, GNU/Linux, Google, Java, Microsoft at 7:13 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Credit: unknown (Twitter)
Summary: Another reminder of the fact that Microsoft is very active on the E.E.E. front, not just against GNU/Linux but also Android and Java
IT IS no secret that Microsoft is trying to derail Android development or take over it, not just tax it using software patents or exerting influence/control using software patents. Then there’s the antitrust aspect; it was Microsoft and its proxies/front groups that pushed European politicians to go after Google’s Linux endeavours (we have covered this in dozens of posts going half a decade back).
“Then there’s the antitrust aspect; it was Microsoft and its proxies/front groups that pushed European politicians to go after Google’s Linux endeavours (we have covered this in dozens of posts going half a decade back).”Right now we find Microsoft’s Jason Perlow [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (a Microsoft employee who habitually attacks Microsoft’s rivals) doing the anti-Java and anti-Android spiel at ZDNet, which foolishly employs Microsoft staff as journalists. Perlow’s latest piece has a bait headline, “Android’s existential crisis: Why Java needs to die on mobile devices” (attack on both Android and Java; two birds, one stone).
All we can say is, how typical. Agenda as ‘news’. That’s the modus operandi and the business model of CBS, which owns ZDNet.
To better understand why Perlow would wish to trash-talk/badmouth both Java and Android, consider the case of RoboVM, which Microsoft has just killed using its classic E.E.E. method. James Darvell’s good new article about Microsoft’s assassination of RoboVM (and by extension harm to Android and to Linux) goes as follows:
Microsoft recently made a big noise about its love and support of the Open Source community (especially Linux), but while it’s making concrete steps toward improving its support for FOSS projects, its motives may not be entirely altruistic. Microsoft continues to fund legal attacks against open-source projects on multiple fronts, and it has crushed open-source projects when it suits the company.
Such is the case with RoboVM, a Java-to-mobile compiler that supported cross-platform mobile development.
RoboVM originally was an open-source project, although that changed after the parent company was acquired by Xamarin in October 2015. Xamarin had several similar products that support cross-platform development using different programming languages. Naturally, Xamarin saw RoboVM as a suitable addition to its stable.
Shortly after the acquisition, an announcement was made to the effect that the open-source development model “wasn’t working out” for the RoboVM team. The project was closed, and licensing fees were increased to match the other tools in Xamarin’s lineup.
Earlier this year, Microsoft acquired Xamarin, and while it’s proudly touting the majority of Xamarin’s suite of tools, it seems there’s no place for RoboVM in Microsoft’s cross-platform development plans. Last week, the RoboVM team announced that the project would be shut down.
Actually, RoboVM didn’t say this after the buyout but shortly before it, probably when negotiation with Microsoft’s outpost still took place [1, 2, 3]. Darvell of Linux Journal continues:
But, there are some who will say that Microsoft just doesn’t like Java. Microsoft did get its fingers burned back in 1997 when Sun sued Microsoft over its attempt to appropriate Java. Back then, Java was set to become the “language of the Internet”, and bringing Java applet support to Internet Explorer was an important goal. In true Microsoft fashion, the Windows Java VM only partially supported the published Java standard—what’s more, it added features that were not a part of the official standard.
The goal was to create a situation where code that ran on a Microsoft VM would not run on any other platform. By hijacking the Java standard, Microsoft planned to capture Sun’s user base and dictate the future of Java. Of course, that plan resulted in an expensive debacle, which explains the company’s lukewarm attitude to Java ever since.
We worry that next on Microsoft's E.E.E. queue there might be Canonical. Then there’s concern about the Linux Foundation, which just like Canonical currently has Microsoft money on its table. Speaking of which, Microsoft propaganda is being amplified by the Linux Foundation even twice in one day (yesterday), raising questions such as, who are they working for these days? After letting former Microsoft staff in, and having received money from Microsoft, the power of money threatens them too.
“Don’t underestimate Microsoft’s malice. It’s still run by virtually the same people.”Microsoft has a history of using the corrupting influence of money to demolish competitors, e.g. by poaching employees, paying for non-compete clauses, taking over only to dismantle and so on. Don’t underestimate Microsoft’s malice. It’s still run by virtually the same people. █
“Linux infestations are being uncovered in many of our large accounts as part of the escalation engagements.”
–Microsoft Confidential
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Posted in GNU/Linux, Microsoft, Novell, Rumour, Ubuntu at 6:48 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
“Microsoft is asking people to pay them for patents, but they won’t say which ones. If a guy walks into a shop and says: “It’s an unsafe neighbourhood, why don’t you pay me 20 bucks and I’ll make sure you’re okay,” that’s illegal. It’s racketeering.”
–Mark Shuttleworth
Summary: Taking some of Canonical’s recent moves into account, some pundits not only think it’s possible for Shuttleworth to choose Microsoft money over principles but also urge for this to happen
AFTER gaming the media for weeks if not months (googlebombing “Linux” in the news) and blackmailing Linux companies using software patents (for bundling, not just payments) while lobbying for a stronger software patents impact we grow increasingly concerned that the “embrace” phase (as in E.E.E.) is moving forward to “extend”. Microsoft is already paying Canonical (expect Shuttleworth to dare not say anything negative about Microsoft) and devouring Ubuntu, just like Novell with Hyper-V (enclosing GNU/Linux in a proprietary jail of Microsoft).
“Microsoft is already paying Canonical (expect Shuttleworth to dare not say anything negative about Microsoft) and devouring Ubuntu, just like Novell with Hyper-V (enclosing GNU/Linux in a proprietary jail of Microsoft).”Starting this week, sporting the big lie (“Microsoft loves Linux”), Janakiram MSV from the 1%’s media/mouthpiece (Bill Gates’ cheerleader) says that “Microsoft’s Open Source Strategy Is Incomplete Without This Acquisition” (he alludes to Canonical).
“To make the case stronger, here are a few reasons why Microsoft should consider acquiring Canonical,” he wrote. As Susan Linton put it this morning: “With Microsoft and Canonical’s new chummy relationship still on the minds of many, Janakiram MSV today said “Microsoft’s Open Source strategy is incompletely” without them. He said with Microsoft trying to change their image away from being Windows-only, it only makes sense to buy Canonical. Ubuntu has millions of users and “an army of developers and system administrators.” Besides people, Canonical comes with LXD, Snappy Ubuntu Core, and Juju – all things that could make Microsoft more competitive in the cloud and IoT. To Janakiram, there are no downsides for Microsoft.”
“It’s not unthinkable that Microsoft would at least attempt to buy Canonical.”Two years ago we heard of posts like “Why Microsoft should buy Canonical” and last year there were rumours to that effect.
It’s not unthinkable that Microsoft would at least attempt to buy Canonical. It already tried hiring (poaching) Canonical’s community manager for Ubuntu (he declined). But would Mr. Shuttleworth sell out more than he already does? Mr. Shuttleworth left some comments here back in the days after he had bought codec licences (for software patents) from Microsoft. That was 8 years ago. █
“That’s extortion and we should call it what it is. To say, as Ballmer did, that there is undisclosed balance sheet liability, that’s just extortion and we should refuse to get drawn into that game.”
–Mark Shuttleworth
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Posted in IBM, Law, Microsoft, Patents at 6:13 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
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Publicado en IBM, Law, Microsoft, Patentes at 12:13 pmam por el Dr. Roy Schestowitz
IBM también cae en este criterio, en todos sus puntos (cabildeo, financiamienteo, y despidos aspirándo convertirse en una compañíá de orientación licensiadora)
Sumario: Una mirada al esfuérzo de trae una resurgencia de las patentes de software en los Estados Unidos (con un clarísimo rol de Microsoft en él) y la fundación/conf ianza de Microsoften las patentes de software como arma contr Linux/Android porque las ganancias de Windows se están secando y el Windows Phone está al borde del colápso
“Esfuerzo concertado presionándo al Congreso para eliminar las elegibilidad de restricciones de la Sección 101″
ELobjetivo de TECHRIGHTSha girado últimamente* de la EPO hacia la § 101 (en los EE.UU.), en una reacción proporcionada a una nueva clase de asalto a la § 101 de antiguo Director of the USPTO, David Kappos, y aquellos que le pagan su salario para hacerlo (La Sagrada Familia: Microsoft, IBM, Apple, HP, entre otros). Es difícil ignorar el cablildeo de un cada vez más codicióso David Kappos, solventado por la industria de patentes de software (La Sagrada Familia) para aquellos que no se hayan dado cuenta.
Como elProfessor Dennis Crouch lo puso el otro dia: “Esfuerzo concertado presionándo al Congreso para eliminar las elegibilidad de restricciones de la Sección 101″
Este es un esfuerzo para legalizar las patentes de software sin ningún tipo de restricciónes. Quieren que creamos y/o aceptemos que las grandes (mega) corporaciones on más importantes que la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos y simplemente dejar de lado lo que ella pronunció. “Esa es la sugerencia,” Crouch agregó, “tal vez un límite en “las ideas abstractas como tales.”
¿El cierre de los agujeros que deje la EPO (“como tal”)? Como Benjamin Henrion del la EFF dijo, “no como tal, por favor.”
“Recuérden quien está finánciado a Kappos para que cabildee/presione por las patentes de software.”
“Parece que ambosIBM y Microsoft están en Manióbras”
Recuérden quien está finánciado a Kappos para que cabildee/presione por las patentes de software. Incluso nuestros viejos ‘amigos’ de IAM escribieron: “Parece que ambosIBM y Microsoft están en Manióbras.”
Lo que tenemos aquí es más información (1) de que hay un “Esfuerzo concertado presionándo al Congreso para eliminar las elegibilidad de restricciones de la Sección 101″. Y (2) “Parece que ambosIBM y Microsoft están en Manióbras.”
“Talvez el “nosotros” no es IBM pero IBM asociado con su antiguo empleado, quien se convirtió en Director de la USPTO y ahora un cabildero financiado por IBM contra Alice.”
No sólo nosotros hemos estado viendo esto y escribir sobre ello. Una gran cantidad de estas maniobras o “esfuerzo concertado” son impulsadas por Gene Quinn y sus pro-patentes de software en círculos de IP Watchdog. Hace unos días, escribieron acerca de las patentes de automóviles de conducción (poniendo en algoritmos de lo que las personas han hecho/usado por generaciones), señalando: “Es en este ambiente que Eagle Harbor Holdings, LLC (EHH), de Rolling Bay, WA, está tratando de trazar un curso hacia adelante sobre la venta de una cartera de patentes relacionadas con los vehículos conectados y coches autónomos. A partir de esta semana, EHH será la búsqueda de posibles compradores para una cartera con 74 activos totales, incluyendo 42 patentes concedidas y 17 familias de patentes.”
¿Qué Deberíamos Hacer Con Alice?
Un artículo más revelador fué titulado: ¿Qué Deberíamos Hacer Con Alice? (Nosotros como en IBM)
Escribimos acerca de esta perorata de Schecter la semana pasada y esto es lo que IP Watchdog escribe: “En la mañana del martes 19 de abril de 2016, Manny Schecter, que es el principal asesor de patentes de IBM, hizo una presentación de apertura en los Insights Innography conferencia de 2016 en Austin, Texas. El título de su presentación fue sencilla y directa: ¿Qué debemos hacer con Alice”?
“Hay una fuerte y creciénte cabildeo por las patentes de software financiado por las corporationes en los EE.UU.”
Talvez el “nosotros” no es IBM pero IBM asociado con su antiguo empleado, quien se convirtió en Director de la USPTO y ahora un cabildero financiado por IBM contra Alice. A juzgar por tweets relacionados con el presente (Gen Quinn quien me bloqueó en Twitter no por que haya sido grosero, sino debido a que perdió el argumento, pero todavía puedo ver lo que hace y escribe), estos propagandistas han creado una especie de alianza anti-Alice y algunos son pagados directamente (Kappos por ejemplo), así como indirectamente. No es amor al chancho sino a los chicharrones. Vale la pena recordar que Schecter y Quinn son cercanos (compadres diríamos nosotros).
Vean cómo incluso Martin Goetz (proponente de las patentes de software por mucho tiempo, junto a Quinn) se une a este esfuerzo de presión en IP Watchdog. Esto no es una coincidencia, ¿verdad? Hay una fuerte y creciénte cabildeo por las patentes de software financiado por las corporationes en los EE.UU. en este momento. Más luz necesita ser derramada en esta campaña y estamos contentos de ver que incluso Crouch (Patently-O) así como IAM no pueden negar esto. Los conglomerados de agresión de patentes (por ejemplo, la mencionada Sagrada Familia), junto con sus abogados de patentes, obviamente, tratan – y tratarán – de hacer fracasar la decisión de SCOTUS contra las patentes de software, pero inteligentemente esconden su papel con el fin de evitar o minimizar la inercia.
”Protegiéndo GUIS con Patentes de Diseño”
“El primero de estos ataques, suficiéntemente revelador, vino del antiguo Consejero en Jefe de PatentesChief de Microsoft. El mismo incorrégible/noreformable Microsoft que todavía cabildea y paga a cabilderos para recuperar los colmillos de las patentes de software.”
Alla en MIP, hace unos dias, este artículo aconsejó a compañías a perseguir patentes de diseño (“protegiendo GUIS con patentes de diseño”) cuando las patentes de software sean rechazadas. Para citar al sumario: “la protección útil de patentes para las invenciónes de software ha sido severamente limitada desde la decisión Alice. Tracy-Gene G Durkin considera una alternativa: proteger GUIS con patentes de diseño” (simplemente otra clase de patentes de software, el cual podría muy pronto ser inválidas con intervención de SCOTUS tambiém).
“Estos casos clave ofrecen una oportunidad significativa para establecer aclaraciones muy necesarias.”
Crouch de Patently-Oreconoció que “Hay un esfuerzo concertado presionándo al Congreso para eliminar las elegibilidad de restricciones de la Sección 101″. y parece como si este sitio se ha convertido en un campo de batalla § 101, en medio de esta nueva campaña de presión, basado en tres artículos muy recientes. Éste sobre “el significado del § 101 en un post invitado por Jeffrey A. Lefstin, Profesor de la Universidad de California, Hastings College of Law, y Peter S. Menell, Profesor de la Universidad de California, Berkeley en la Escuela de Derecho.
“Actualmente tener muchas patentes tiene un efecto negativo en la industria, a menos que uno hable de la industria de los abogados de patentes.”
Otra acerca de § 101 proviene de un abogados de patentes, a saber, “Bruce Wexler [...] y Edwin Mok [...] Su práctica se centra en los litigios sobre patentes y ensayos.” (En otras palabras, se beneficiarían del derribo de Alice y un cambio de § 101).
El primero de estos ataques, suficiéntemente revelador, vino del antiguo Consejero en Jefe de PatentesChief de Microsoft. El mismo incorrégible/noreformable Microsoft que todavía cabildea y paga a cabilderos para recuperar los colmillos de las patentes de software. Ahora consigue una plataforma para su cabildeo. Para crédito de Patently-O hay al menos una divulgación de tres artículos. Lo que el ex asesor de patentes en jefe de Microsoft dijo fue: “Estamos en un momento crítico en la definición del alcance y aplicación correcta de la Sección 101. A menos que el poder judicial delinee un marco más claro para permitir la protección de patentes significativa en áreas como la biotecnología y software en el que Estados Unidos tiene sido un líder en tecnología, los EE.UU. podrían perder rápidamente su ventaja competitiva en estas industrias vitales.”
“Su problema no es clarificar; ellos simplemente están molestos que les están negando patentes en las cortes o en la oficina de patentes.”
Esas son mamadas. Actualmente tener muchas patentes tiene un efecto negativo en la industria, a menos que uno hable de la industria de los abogados de patentes. También dijo: “Si bien no creo que todavía es tiempo de adoptar medidas legislativas, llamadas recientes para la abolición de la Sección 101 en su totalidad y la insatisfacción con la aplicación de la prueba de Mayo/Alice está alcanzando un nivel crítico. Estos casos clave ofrecen una oportunidad significativa para establecer ”aclaraciones” necesarias. En caso de que esta oportunidad se puede perder, es difícil ver cómo una intervención del Congreso puede ser evitado.”
Lo para ellos significa “clarificaciones” (estrategia usada por Kappos) es su eliminación. Su problema no es clarificar; ellos simplemente están molestos que les están negando patentes en las cortes o en la oficina de patentes.
“Las ventas de Lumia disminuyeron un 73%, Tiene una venta sólo de 2,3 millones de unidades en total.”
“Windows mobile está prácticamentemuerto.”
Mientras tanto, juzgando por las últimas noticias de Microsoft, sus acciones cayeron como una roca después de los decepcionantes resultados (también disminuyen en la tributación/impuestos de patentes) que conducirá a aún más despidos, como señalamos aquí el viernes. IAM salió con con el titular “Microsoft informa un declive en dinero proveniente de Android y pueda tener que mirar a Asia para cerrar la brecha“. “Microsoft no da a conocer los números de licencia”, escribió IAM “, pero algunos han estimado que la empresa podría estar haciendo la mayor cantidad de $ 6 mil millones cada año a partir de monetizar activos de patentes que las reclamaciones se leen en el sistema operativo Android de Google.” estos son meramente especulaciones, como hemos venido diciendo aquí durante años. Microsoft también utiliza las patentes de coacción, no sólo gravar el dinero, por lo que hay un costo oculto/ganancia del chantaje patentes/extorsión/extorsión (IAM defiende este chantaje a pesar de la Ley RICO). No es difícil ver por qué Microsoft recurrió a estas tácticas feas. Como este nuevo artículo dice: “Sobre la base de la información proporcionada en el informe trimestral reciente de la compañía, los ingresos de la compañía de la división móvil registró un descenso del 46%. Además, en los últimos tres meses, su teléfono inteligente, Lumia, disminuyó sus ventas en un 73%, vendiéndo sólo 2,3 millones de unidades en total.”
“Cazadores de Talentos de Microsoft Buscan Gente de Linux”
“En vez de hacer algo de valor Microsoft actualmente opera como un parásito dentro de ‘anfitrión’, sea Android o lo que sea.”
Windows mobile está virtualmentmuerto. Es un muerto ‘hombre’ caminando. Se le mantiene vivo por malguíadas especulaciónes que pueda recuperárse, pero ni siquiera infiltrándo y destruyendo Nokia contribuyeron a ello. En vez de hacer algo de valor Microsoft actualmente opera como un parásito dentro de ‘anfitrión’, sea Android o lo que sea. Cuando se trata de GNU/Linux en el desktop, Microsoft está tratando de convertirse en su anfitrión para (devorar) GNU/Linux. la extorsión de Microsoft de Linux a través de las patentes de software no obstante, hay un nuevo grupo de artículos (basado en el Canal de Microsoft 9) acerca de cómo logra devorarlo [1, 2, 3] y también aprendemos que Microsoft intenta devorar a los empleados del competidor, simplemente como lo hizo a Borland (vea los artículos “Microsoft está contratando gente de Linux para una secreta unidad de código abierto” y “cazadores de talentos de Microsoft buscan gente de Linux para su secreta unidad de código abierto“). De acuerdo al portavoz de Microsoft (Ina Fried), todo está bien y Microsoft “viene en paz” (cobertura engañosa usualmente). Como una red de noticias conectada a Microsoft lo puso: “. Esta idea proviene de un par de citas dado a volver reportero/citar de Ina Fried esta semana” Fried es más como Microsoft PR desde sus días de CNET, casi no es una reportero objetivo y también una autor de la propuesta de largo plazo de la agresión de patentes de Microsoft. Ella solía ser la principal portavoz de la CBS de Microsoft, le asigna la sección “Microsoft”, donde también habló mal habitualmente Linux. Así que esto parece como otro ejercicio de relaciones públicas.
Mientras Microsoft impulsauna acción antimonopolio contra Android y utiliza las patentes contra Android se supone que debemos creer que hay paz ahora. Para citar: “Microsoft ha discutido mucho con socios de hardware de Google acerca de las supuestas violaciones de patentes de software asociados con el uso de Android, un sistema operativo móvil de código abierto impulsado por Google.”
“Mientras Microsoft impulsa una acción antimonopolio contra Android y utiliza las patentes contra Android se supone que debemos creer que hay paz ahora.”
¿A acabado esto alguna vez? NO
“Microsoft Ha Estado Cazando Furtivamente Completas Linux Distribuciones A Traves de “Sociedades” Con Aquellas Compañíás”
Alla en FOSS Force, Christine Hall afirma que “Microsoft Se Está Convirtiéndoe El Nuevo Pero Exitóso, Novell” (la comparación es débil).
“Microsoft Ha Estado Cazando Furtivamente Completas Linux Distribuciones A Traves de “Sociedades” Con Aquellas Compañíás” Hall nota. No ha cambiado nada desde entonces.
“Fraudulentamente Obtuvo Patentes y Matoneó A Competidores para dominar el Mercado”
“Microsoft puede ahora ser persiguiéndo las patentes de Yahoo, años después de haber destruido afectivamente la empresa (Microsoft recuerdan cómo ‘robó’ las patentes de Novell después de la demolición de la compañía).”
Microsoft puede ahora ser persiguiendo las patentes de Yahoo, años después de haber destruido afectivamente la empresa (recuérden comoMicrosoft ‘robó’ las patentes de Novell después de la demolición de la compañía). Comprar estas patentes on sería tan caro ahor porque, como este nuevo artículo lo pone: “La decisión Alices de 2015 de la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU, “evisceró los métodos de negocios de patentes de varias compañías y daño muchas patentes de software,” dijo la firma.”
¿Cuántos más proyectos y las empresas tienen que ser destruidos antes de que sea ampliamente entendido que Microsoft es malicioso y no se puede confiar en él? Históricamente, y especialmente en la última década (desde que el acuerdo Novell), Microsoft ha utilizado patentes para intimidar a los rivales y monopolizar el mercado, al igual que OptumInsight **. No debería ser sorprendente que detrás de las escenas y detrás de proxies Microsoft ha estado presionando a los reguladores europeos por FRAND (esencialmente patentes de software) en las normas, poner en marcha una acción antimonopolio contra Android (que está matando el monopolio de Windows), y ahora está pagando a Kappos la promoción de las patentes de software en los EE.UU.. ¿Se supone que debemos creer Microsoft ha cambiado realmente? No sean cójudos por favor.
* El ciclo de noticias también ha respondido a la cambio en la atención, con un nuevo artículo señalando que: “La Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos esta semana se negó a revisar la decisión de una corte de apelaciones federal para reactivar un veredicto por violación de patente $ 45 millones en contra de Limelight Networks Inc.” Este es que afecta también a las empresas no tecnológicas, como de acuerdo con esto: “la decisión Genetic Technologies se une a una larga lista de otros casos que demuestran cómo los casos de la Corte Suprema de Mayo y Alice están creando cambios radicales en el sistema de patentes de Estados Unidos.” el uso de 35 USC § 101 para invalidar las patentes de software y la CBM, Samsung se encuentra Alice útil. Para citar: “Samsung presentó inicialmente una petición para instituir método de negocio cubierta (CBM) de revisión de patentes de la reivindicación 11 de la patente de EE.UU. Nº 8.033.458 en base a la afirmación de que la reivindicación 11 se dirige a la patente objeto inelegible bajo 35 USC § 101. Más tarde, Apple presentó una petición para instituir opinión CBM de la reivindicación 11, basándose en la misma planta, y Apple presentó simultáneamente una “Propuesta de Acumulación” de su nuevo caso presentado con el caso previamente establecido de Samsung. El PTAB concedió la petición de Apple y consolida los dos procedimientos “.
** Veán el nuevo artículo de “Arreglos Necesarios en Trifulca de Patentes de Software Medicas”
Un juez federal desestimó el viernes con permiso para modificar una demanda reclamando una empresa de análisis de datos de patentes obtenidas de forma fraudulenta y competidores intimidado a dominar el mercado de la organización de reclamaciones médicas de software.
Cueva Consulting Group, o CCGroup, demandaron OptumInsight en julio de 2015, acusando a la empresa de defensa de violaciónes, publicidad falsa y persecución maliciosa.
CCGroup dice Simmetry Salud Data Systems, adquirida por OptumInsight en 2003, mintió y omitió hechos cuando se solicitó y defendió las patentes con la patente de EE.UU. y la Oficina de Marcas.
Simmetry y más tarde OptumInsight llegó a controlar el 85 al 90 por ciento del mercado de software médico reivindicaciones mero tras demandar dos competidores por infringir sus patentes “mal habidas”, reclamó el CCGroup.
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Posted in News Roundup at 5:26 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has slammed opposition leader V S Achuthandnan for preaching free software on the one hand and using a product of Microsoft for his own website. The Chief Minister said though Achuthanandan had repeatedly accused Microsoft of being a global monopolist, his website has been developed using asp.net , which is a product of Microsoft.
Continuing his attack on V S Achutanandan, Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy today slammed the Marxist veteran for using a product of Microsoft, which he had earlier dubbed as a “global monopoly giant”, to develop his website ahead of the May 16 assembly polls.
Chandy has asked Achuthanandan to explain why he opted for Microsoft when it came to setting up his own website and Facebook page while he has been battling for free software (open source) all these years.
An argument has taken the form of a verbal running gun battle at our shop, depending on who’s working that day. Does training a student in the use of Linux deprive them of valuable, life-long learning opportunities? I mean, it’s hard to argue the value of being able to delve into the registry and edit the offending subkeys and values that are allowing your banking information to be spread across three continents. How are they to learn the ins and outs of virus and malware protection and for Pete’s sake, do it for the children. Make sure they learn how to use Malwarebytes. For the love of Linux, please don’t fail these kids.
Every culture has its myths and prophecies. For Linux users, it was “The Year Of The Linux Desktop.” The idea: someday in the future, likely soon, everyone is going to notice how great Linux is and just switch over, en masse.
Kernel Space
From my experience interviewing for jobs and to advance my career, it has been a personal desire of mine to understand the inner workings of a computer, and Linux provided a platform for doing that by having a design philosophy that doesn’t shy away from the command line so that caused me to dive right in!
I like open source because of the free software movement (we can always do with more free software), and more importantly because such a movement is capable of inspiring an operating system like Linux which powers servers of Fortune 500 companies and services we depend on like Banks, Facebook, Twitter, etc., and my favorite mobile OS – Android.
This year will feature a four-fold deeper dive into checkpoint-restore technology, thanks to participation by people from a number of additional related projects! These are the OpenMPI message-passing library, Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart (BLCR), and Distributed MultiThreaded CheckPointing (DMTCP) (not to be confused with TCP/IP), in addition to the Checkpoint/Restore in Userspace group that has participated in prior years.
Posted today to the GPUOpen blog was a guide on setting up the Radeon Open Compute Platform (ROCm) support. The RoCm 1.0 platform consists of the ROCK kernel driver, ROCR runtime, ROCT Thunk Interface, HCC compiler, LLVM-AMDGPU-Assembler-Extra, and LLVM/Clang. AMD/RTG offers the Radeon Open Compute Platform packages for Ubuntu/Debian systems as well as Fedora/RedHat distributions.
Matt Fleming at Intel sent out the set of patches he intends to submit as the queue of EFI changes for what will become the Linux 4.7 kernel. He noted of this queue, “this is probably the biggest EFI pull ever sent, and there quite a few different topics covered.”
Purple Hangouts is a libpurple plugin which adds support for the proprietary protocol that Google uses for its Hangouts service.
Using it, you can get extra Google Hangouts features that aren’t available through the XMPP interface in Pidgin and other applications that use libpurple.
Good news for anyone doing livestreaming or recording their gameplay, as OBS Studio 0.14 (and .1 hotfix) are now available.
OBS Studio is a free, open source application which allows video recording and live streaming, available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
The application is popular among game streamers, being used to stream to various popular website such as Twitch.tv, YouTube, Hitbox.tv, Vaughn Live / iNSTAGIB.tv, DailyMotion, Connectcast.tv, GoodGame.ru, CyberGame.tv, CashPlay.tv along with custom streaming servers.
Over the last few months, I have been working casually on a new package to integrate MessagePack with R. What is MessagePack, you ask? To quote its website, “It’s like JSON, but fast and small.”
After informing the community two weeks ago that he picked up the maintenance of the well-known Shotwell open-source image viewer and organizer software, developer Jens Georg now released the first major version since Shotwell 0.22.0.
It has been more than a year since Shotwell 0.22.0 was released, back on March 24, 2015, and on April 16, 2016, the new maintainer pushed a very small point release, version 0.22.1, updating some translations and making sure everything is OK for him to continue the development of the acclaimed software.
Good news for you today GOG fans! BIT.TRIP Runner, BIT.TRIP PRESENTS… RUNNER2: FUTURE LEGEND OF RHYTHM ALIEN and BIT.TRIP BEAT are all now on GOG with Linux support.
Desktop Environments/WMs
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
Apart from providing a non-allocating, non-throwing way to inspect a region, there are other positive effects. Because no QVector is returned that needs to be destroyed by the caller, even in projects (such as QtGui) that are compiled with exceptions disabled, porting even a few loops to the new construct saves more than 1KiB in text size on optimized GCC 5.3 Linux AMD64 builds, not to mention countless memory allocations at runtime.
So far when one started KWin/Wayland on a virtual terminal it took over this virtual terminal. This made it difficult to read the debug output and even more difficult to run the complete session through gdb.
The reason for this behavior is that KWin interacts with logind and needs to take session control on the current logind session. This is needed to have logind open the restricted device files like /dev/dri/card0 or the /dev/input/event* files.
GNOME’s Epiphany web-browser has done its first development release in the GNOME 3.21 series, which is culminating with the GNOME 3.22 release this September.
Some of the changes to find with Epiphany 3.21.1 include “paste and go” support for the address bar, allow opening WebP files with the open dialog, redesigned error pages, a Duplicate Tab menu item for tabs, various fixes, updated translations, and more.
The incarnation of GNOME Software used by endless looks pretty different from what the normal GNOME user sees, since it’s adjusted for a different audience and input method. But it looks great, and is a good example for how versatile GS already is! And for upstream GNOME, we’ve seen some pretty great mockups done by Endless too – I hope those will make it into production somehow.
For those of you not in the loop, the GNOME Project is currently working hard on implementing new features of the upcoming GNOME 3.22 desktop environment, and they are about to seed the first development milestone.
GNOME 3.21.1 will be the first development version towards the major GNOME 3.22 desktop environment, due for release on September 21, 2016, and it should be ready for deployments tomorrow, April 27, 2016, according to the release schedule. And, as part of this first GNOME 3.22 milestone, several core components have been updated with new features and bug fixes.
Hello everyone! I am participating in the Google Summer of Code program for the second time with GNOME, this year working on Epiphany. I am one of the two students working on this product, the other person being a friend of mine. We are both excited to leave our mark with some serious contributions.
Kali Linux is bird of a slightly different feather, in terms of Linux distributions. Kali’s focus is on security and forensics, but some Linux novices have been installing it without knowing much about either thing. DistroWatch has a full review of Kali Linux 2016.1 and doesn’t think it’s really appropriate for beginners.
VirtualBox is a great tool for trying out some new Linux distro, but you’ll usually have to spend a while finding a download and setting up your VM and operating system, first.
OSBoxes.org makes life easier by providing 40+ prebuilt VirtualBox (VDI) and VMware images for Android x86, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Gentoo, Linux Mint, Remix OS, Ubuntu and many more.
When setting up a new web server for your website, one of the most important decisions you have to consider making is which operating system you are going to use. If you’ve moved past the Windows Server versus Linux Server debate and decided to go host your website on a Linux Server, you have a whole host of distributions to chose from.
Every Linux Distribution will have its pros and cons, and all of those pros and cons are dependent on your own needs and requirements for the project.
In this infographic, the team at Future Hosting takes a look at three of the most popular Linux distributions to try to help you answer all of these questions while guiding you along the path to choosing the right operating system for your next website.
The most recent version of elementary OS, codenamed Freya, was released in December 2015 and is based on Ubuntu’s 14.04 Long Term Support distribution. I downloaded the distro’s ISO from their website, for a paltry fee of $0.00, and loaded it onto a USB using Unetbootin. After the quick Unetbootin boot-up screen, I found a familiar install process. elementary’s installation process is beautiful, simple, and works. This is because the installation software, much like everything else in this distro, is based off of Ubuntu. Using the Ubuntu installer is very easy, but elementary turns it into an exercise in beauty as well. The install was quick, taking only about ten minutes to complete.
The first thing I noticed about elementary was the dock. The dock is located at the bottom of the screen and includes the applications that the elementary team thinks you will use most. Initially included on the dock are applications for music, pictures, videos, mail, the calendar, the web browser, and the settings panel.
The desktop environment on elementary is called Pantheon. Pantheon includes the dock at the bottom and the panel at the top. The panel at the top is a picture of sheer beauty, and I mean sheer. Where previously the panel was a solid bar at the top of the screen with text in it, it is now completely transparent. This gives the effect that the words are part of the screen. The panel includes the applications on the left, a clock in the middle, and the indicators on the right to show wi-fi, alerts, and battery life, among other things. Pantheon was overall a big hit for me, and I would love to see this desktop environment get ported over into other big distros. Unfortunately, Pantheon crashed many times during my use. Each time it automatically restarted and prompted me to send a bug report; I am disappointed by this instability.
New Releases
Today we are releasing Black Lab Linux 7.6. Black Lab Linux 7.6 is the latest release of our stable 7.x series of OS’s. Black Lab Linux 7.6 is supported long term until April 2019.
After the last Pisi-Linux-Alpha 7 Release, the Team has work on a lot of bug fixes, to give you a good stable beta Pisi Linux.
Google made an announcement April 22 that 1,206 students were selected for the Google Summer of Code and six of those students will be mentored through the openSUSE Project, which is one of 178 mentoring organizations in this year’s GSoC.
Red Hat Family
After the initial ramp-up period last summer, the trend for new issues is approximately linear, with a hundred new issues opened each month. The trend for issues being closed is different: we seem to have longer and shorter periods of bugfixing activity, separated by periods where very few bugs are being closed. The final outcome is not too bad, with 265/1015 ≈ 26% issues remaining open.
Red Hat has appointed Massimo Fatato vice president of its telecommunications business in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
According to the company, Fatato will lead strategic development and programme execution to support Red Hat’s expansion in the telecommunications market in EMEA.
Two new products from Red Hat announced today are aimed squarely at helping enterprise clients deploy private clouds. Red Hat Cloud Suite and Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8 are each designed to offer companies a complete solution for building and deploying private clouds, the company said.
The OpenStack Austin Summit gets under way today in Austin, Texas, and with it comes news of continuing momentum among some big-name organizations. Verizon is announcing a major OpenStack cloud networking milestone, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory reveals it is using Red Hat’s OpenStack Platform, and Red Hat now claims to have trained 10,000 IT professionals on OpenStack.
As the enterprise moves toward its digital transformation, OpenStack is becoming a key player in the arena of hybrid cloud. The changes in open-source software and the growth of OpenStack has enabled the enterprise to develop a dynamic infrastructure that will help them migrate workloads to and from the cloud, working with on-premise and with legacy systems.
In the past I have configured my personal computers to be able to snapshot and rollback the entire system. To do this I am leveraging the BTRFS filesystem, a tool called snapper, and a patched version of Fedora’s grub2 package. The patches needed from grub2 come from the SUSE guys and are documented well in this git repo.
We had about 250 at Fedora Game Night, gave away shirts to table winners and ran out of early sign-in badges.
If you live in the Northwest come an join all the Linux enthusiast this weekend at LinuxFest NorthWest. Seminars and Exhibits are at Bellingham Technical Collage Saturday and Sunday, and the Fedora sponsored Game Night is Friday from 6-10 at Fox Hall at the Hampton Inn. If you join us at Game Night you can get your pass early, play some board games and try out the SuperTuxKart races. At the exhibit on Saturday and Sunday you can participate in the SuperTuxKart Tournament at the Fedora booth. We could also use some help staffing the booth, contact me if you can help.
The Fedora Project attended as an event sponsor this year. At the event, we held a table in the hacker arena. The Ambassadors offered mentorship and help to Bitcamp 2016 programmers, gave away some free Fedora swag, and offered an introduction to Linux, open source, and our community. This report recollects some highlights from the event.
I’ve decided to use Fedora as my default GNU/Linux operating system to develop and test data science stuffs. Fedora is pretty nice because it has regular releases and includes most updated mainstream packages.
I’ve managed to clean the scripts even further, and now it is using Docker images from Koji to set itself up instead of downloading RPM’s. You save a lot of data and a lot of time. It now can install a base Fedora system in less than a minute.
In the Fedora 24 alpha release, you could preview an early version of the default wallpaper for Fedora 24. Each release, the Fedora Design team collaborates with the Fedora community to release a set of 16 additional backgrounds to install and use on Fedora. The Fedora Design team takes submissions from the wider community, then votes on the top 16 to include in the next release.
Across the Linux communities, there are several people that write and maintain their own blogs across all four corners of the world. From low-skills men to professionals, a lot of contents are posted everyday and informations at all levels are available on the Internet. What about to stay in touch with Fedora people that publish on the web?
Fedora Project’s Sirko Kemter announced the winners of the community wallpapers that will be included in the upcoming Fedora 24 Linux operating system, due for release on June 7, 2016.
The Fedora 24 Linux distribution is currently in heavy development, and it only saw a first Alpha release until now, unveiled at the end of last month, so it’s now time for early adopter and public beta testers to get their hands on the Beta build of the upcoming Linux kernel-based operating system sponsored by Red Hat.
As with every new release of the Fedora Linux OS, the artwork is being tweaked, optimized, and revamped, with a new default wallpaper, as well as a brand-new set of supplemental desktop background images contributed by various members of the Fedora community as part of a well-organized contest.
I have just deployed a new version of Fedora Developer Portal. The most visible part is refreshed look with more uniform layout. I have also compressed all the images in titles (from ~1.2MB to ~50kB in average) – so the loading should be much faster.
Debian Family
As of 25 April, one year after the release of Debian 8, alias “Jessie”, and nearly three years after the release of Debian 7, alias “Wheezy”, regular security support for Wheezy comes to an end. The Debian Long Term Support (LTS) Team will take over security support.
The Ubuntu MATE team has been proud to announce today, April 25, 2016, the general availability of the Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) operating system for Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 single-board computers.
Canonical claims it has taken legal advice and that it is allowed to ship OpenZFS with its Linux.
What ever the legal rights and wrongs, Ubuntu’s support is clearly aimed primarily at the server use case. ZFS is not an option within the installer. In fact you’ll need to install the userland parts of ZFS yourself before you can format disks and get everything working. Still, if you’re interested in trying Ubuntu atop ZFS, Canonical has a guide to using ZFS.
The Budgie-Remix distro has been in development for the past couple of months, and it now finally sees an official release, based on the recently launched Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) operating system and built around the awesome Budgie desktop environment from the Solus Project.
Now that more and more users are buying the brand-new BQ Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Edition tablet, the official forums and mailing lists are getting filled with all sorts of questions about how to use the Ubuntu Tablet device.
It’s true that until today Canonical didn’t publish any detailed information on how users can actually use the various modes of their first ever Ubuntu tablet, the BQ Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Edition, which anyone can now purchase from BQ’s online store for the sum of €289.90 for the Full HD version and €249.90 for the HD model.
While originally Canonical was planning for Vulkan support in Mir by Ubuntu 16.04, that didn’t pan out and the support for Vulkan continues to slip.
While Mir developers have demoed early support for Vulkan, it doesn’t look like it’s a high priority item or a lack of manpower is crippling the Vulkan support from passing the finish line.
You all know the the word ‘Ubuntu’’ — and if you don’t, how’d you end up here?! — but do you know the correct way to pronounce it?
Without a doubt, Ubuntu 16.04 is said to be the biggest and most significant release of the distro in years. In my opinion, the reason for this release’s perceived significance comes down to one thing – Ubuntu snap packages.
The idea (from the user’s perspective) behind snap packages is that Ubuntu enthusiasts can have access to the latest software packages without needing to worry about rushing to a new release of Ubuntu. Obviously, one must have 16.04 or higher going forward, but the general idea stands.
Flavours and Variants
On behalf of the team and all the developers who contributed to this build, I am proud to announce the release of Cinnamon 3.0!
The first x86-based community-backed hacker SBCs not backed by Intel or AMD have reached market, offering higher prices than most ARM SBCs, but with faster processors and competitive power consumption. The Kickstarter-backed newcomers, all of which run Linux or Android, include the now-shipping JaguarBoard, the soon to ship UP board, and the Udoo X86, due in November.
Boardcon’s 40 x 40mm “MINI287” COM runs Linux on an NXP i.MX287 SoC, offers dual Ethernet and CAN ports, and is also available as a sandwich-style SBC.
Thanks to the cost and power consumption sensitivities of the IoT market, old-time ARM9 system-on-chips continue to arrive in new embedded boards. Boardcon’s tiny (40 x 40mm) MINI287 computer-on-module taps the NXP/Freescale i.MX287, the highest-end member of the power-sipping i.MX28x SoC family, differentiated by its dual CAN interfaces, dual Ethernet ports, and L2 switch support. Boardcon recently released an Android-ready MINI3288 COM based on a Rockchip RK3288 SoC.
The first community supported x86 hacker SBCs not backed by Intel or AMD are pricier than most ARM SBCs, but offer faster CPUs and competitive power drain.
The first x86-based community supported hacker SBCs not backed by Intel or AMD have reached market, offering higher prices than most ARM SBCs, but featuring faster processors and competitive power consumption. The Kickstarter-backed newcomers, all of which run Linux or Android, include the now-shipping JaguarBoard, the soon to ship UP board, and the Udoo X86, due in November.
Chromium OS for SBC project, through Dylan Callahan, informs Softpedia about the immediate availability for download of the Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi 3 single-board computers.
The v2 Raspberry Pi Camera and low-light PiNoIR Camera advance from 5- to 8-megapixels via a Sony IMX219PQ sensor with improved image quality.
The Raspberry Pi Foundation has replaced its official 5-megapixel Raspberry Pi Camera and night-vision Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera with improved 8-megapixel models. Like the older cameras, which are almost out of stock, the new cameras are priced at $25. As before, the Raspberry Pi PiNoIR camera is almost identical to the visible light camera except that it removes the infrared (IR) filter for improved imaging in the dark.
So we decided to try one out ourselves. We grabbed a side room at our offices in Red Hat Tower and spent an hour or two learning what it can do.
First step, attaching the device. Easy enough!
We’re very happy to announce that the source code of the real-time operating system (RTOS) powering the Arduino 101 and Genuino 101 is now available for hacking and study purposes.
The package contains the complete BSP (Board Support Package) for the Curie processor on the 101. It allows you to compile and modify the core OS and the firmware to manage updates and the bootloader. (Be careful with this one since flashing the wrong bootloader could brick your board and require a JTAG programmer to unbrick it).
Without doubt, the maker space has gathered real momentum over the last half decade with significant interest in the various incarnations of the Raspberry Pi as well the numerous boards that support Arduino platform.
UDOO has already made a name for itself in the Arduino space with its UDOO Dual and UDOO Quad single board computers launching on Kickstarter back in April 2013. These were followed up by the UDOO Neo, launching two years later in April 2015. Both campaigns were successfully funded and fulfilled despite some delays in the shipment of all units.
Many Android users are already very familiar with the Google Play Store as a means of downloading the latest apps, as well as other content like music, books, and video. Now, it seems that the storefront might soon be accessible on Chromebooks, too.
Over the weekend, a user called TheWiseYoda made a post to Reddit about a strange new addition to the Chromebook settings menu — a tickbox that would allow users to “Enable Android Apps to run on your Chromebook.” This intriguing option would apparently disappear shortly after the menu was opened.
The last few years have been rough for HTC, with several flagship phone launches that didn’t go as well as the company expected. At the same time, Samsung was reinventing its industrial design and implementing new screen technology. This year might be HTC’s last chance to show it still has something to offer in the top-tier smartphone market, and it’s making the argument with the HTC 10. This all-aluminum slab has very similar internals to the Samsung Galaxy S7, but they don’t have much in common beyond that. Let’s see how these two devices stack up.
Like with any technology, smartphones get better while staying at the same price. And while we would have been a little more hesitant to recommend cheaper phones till a couple of years ago, that’s not the case any more. In fact, the quality of Android phones you can now get for less than Rs 7,000 is astounding. Let’s take a look at some of the best budget phones your money can buy.
How open is Android, Google’s Linux-based mobile operating system? That’s a question European regulators are now asking as they level antitrust charges against Alphabet, Google’s parent company. To gain some perspective on the issue, a brief history of Android and its role in the open source ecosystem is in order.
Just last week, in conjunction with covering the Allura project, I wrote about the many projects that the Apache Software Foundation has been elevating to Top-Level Status. The organization incubates more than 350 open source projects and initiatives, and has squarely turned its focus to Big Data and developer-focused tools in recent months.
Today, the foundation announced that Apache Apex has graduated from the Apache Incubator to become a Top-Level Project (TLP), signifying that the project’s community and products have been well-governed under the ASF’s meritocratic process and principles. Apex is a large scale, high throughput, low latency, fault tolerant, unified Big Data stream and batch processing platform for the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. Here is more on the project, and Apache’s other Big Data projects.
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to those who organized each one of the FLISoL’s that were held at Venezuela and THANK YOU to the hundreds of visitors that went to each one of those locations, without you, none of this would have been possible. From my position as National Coordinator I was able to see how 17 cities from our country joined the largest OpenSource celebration from LATAM, at large locations and small ones, with months of planning and also just days. What matters is to multiply that knowledge that can help many.
Nowadays microprocessors are used in thousands of items that were previously not computer-related. These are embedded inside such devices. Together with the proprietary software controlling them, they each form a so-called embedded system. Several of these are at work in an average middle-class household, hundreds in cars, and as the American multinational semiconductor company AMD concludes in its 2014 annual report: “There is significant demand [...] which address the growth of data and content in a world of 50 billion connected devices”.
Web Browsers
Firefox 46 won’t be formally announced until the morning, but in usual fashion the source and various platform binaries have appeared this evening.
Just a few moments ago, we discovered that Mozilla has uploaded the final version of the Firefox 46.0 web browser to its FTP servers, making them available for download for all supported platforms.
The Firefox 46.0 web browser is expected to be officially unveiled by Mozilla later today, April 26, 2016, finally bringing the GTK3 integration for the GNU/Linux platform, along with improved security of the JavaScript JIT (Just In Time) compiler and support for using the Content Decryption Module (CDM) as a fallback for decoding unencrypted H.264 and AAC streams.
Since December, Simon has been working on a report describing the options the leaders of the Thunderbird mail client community have for hosting their project now that Mozilla is ready to take the last steps of separation they have long trailed. The report was published today and is now being considered by the Thunderbird community. While it considers a number of potential destinations, it recommends a choice between the Software Freedom Conservancy, The Document Foundation and a new, arms-length status at the Mozilla Foundation.
Five years ago, I wrote a column about how the fax machine refuses to die. Five years is a long time in terms of technology, but only a short time in terms of fax machines. Depending on how you define the point of origin of the first method of distributing images or photographs over an electrical wire, the fax machine may date back to 1843.
SaaS/Back End
It’s somewhat ironic these days that even as hardware is becoming denser and more modular, infrastructure is becoming larger and more distributed. Both trends are feeding off one another, of course, driven by the decreasing cost of commodity systems and the emerging needs of Big Data and the data economy.
But this is also propelling a need for more open architectures, both in the data center and across third-party infrastructure, which is both a blessing and curse for the enterprise. Everyone loves the idea of extending abstract data environments without regard to underlying infrastructure, but open systems also tend to be more operationally complex than proprietary ones, and they do not always produce the most cost-effective solution.
One of Microsoft’s Office 365 program chief advantages over open source alternatives is the ability to sync documents via the cloud so you can edit them everywhere. Open365 has stepped up to finally match this feature set.
Open365 works a lot like Office 365 does. The suite builds on LibreOffice Online to let you open your documents in the browser, or use any of the client apps for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android to open them. Open365 also gives you 20GB of cloud-based storage to store your files on that will be synced across your devices.
Open365 is an open source Office 365 alternative that allows you to edit or create documents online, and to sync files with the cloud.
The service is in beta currently but you can sign up for it already on the official website. You may use it using a web browser, download clients for Windows, Mac or Linux desktop machines, or for Android. An iOS client is in the making currently and will be made available as well soon.
Open 365 offers two main features that you can make use of. First, it enables you to synchronize files between devices you use and the cloud.
Today I would like to focus on a quite interesting project, even though it is rarely spoken of: The Document Liberation Project. The Document Liberation Project is LibreOffice’s sister project and is hosted inside the Document Foundation; it keeps its own distinct goals and ecosystem however. We often think of it as being overly technical to explain, as the project does not provide binaries everyone may download and install on a computer. Let’s describe in a few words what it does.
Pseudo-Open Source (Openwashing)
Theo (deraadt@) writes in to the tech@ mailing list, with a clever idea that we would like to try.
Tom Stellard of AMD has laid out his release plans for shipping the first point release to LLVM 3.8 this summer.
Today the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and the GNU Project announced evaluations of several major repository-hosting services according to the standards of the GNU Ethical Criteria for Code Repositories. Released in 2015, these criteria grade code-hosting services for their commitment to user privacy and freedom. At the time of publication, Savannah and GitLab have met or surpassed the baseline standards of the criteria.
The Free Software Foundation today announced their evaluations of major code repository-hosting services per the standards of the GNU Ethical Criteria for Code Repositories.
All four projects sound exciting to us and we are happy to see progress on these fronts. Happy hacking!
Public Services/Government
Industry-friendly open source licences should become the norm for building data platforms, for the web, and for digital consumer services, says Günther Oettinger. The European Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society urges cooperation between standardisation organisations and open source communities on cloud computing services.
But once your database and your application matures, you will have put all the important meta data in place and you can focus on your business logic only. The following 10 tricks show amazing functionality written in only a few lines of declarative SQL, producing simple and also complex output.
At the Linux Foundation’s Vault storage conference, held last week in Raleigh, North Carolina, European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) researcher Nick Goldman talked about the feasibility of using DNA as a long-term storage format, a talk timely not only because it was at a storage conference, but also because Monday is DNA Day.
John Sheu, known at the factory as Big John, or the Mayor, is giving the tour to a Bloomberg reporter. He’s the president of Pegatron’s facility, where as many as 50,000 people assemble iPhones. It’s his job to make sure that more time is spent making phones rather than wasting it on unproductive distractions, like roll calls and ID checks.
What is an end game? In the case of malaria, the end game is at the same time obvious and enormously challenging. Obvious because the disease can be prevented (mosquito target) and treated (human target) with tools which already exist – so that it is, indeed, obvious that it can be done. Challenging because, as colleagues running national malaria programs are quick to emphasize, doing this at a national scale, given the millions of people infected, is really an uphill task. Besides the complexity of the parasite that causes malaria, the capacity of both the parasite and mosquitoes to develop resistance to widely used drugs and insecticides, the variability of the immune responses – the list goes on –, there exists an uneasy truce between the parasite and humans, developed over thousands of years. Most infections actually do not result in death, particularly in the case of adults who have some level of immunity from prior infections. If left unchecked, however, malaria has shown it can make a comeback, as it did in the 1990s, when deaths increased to about a million per year – mostly children, mostly in Africa. If merely controlled, the entire package of tools, systems and trained staff need to remain in place forever.
The most straightforward solution to this problem, of course, is to make sure that marijuana edibles are kept away from children. If that does not happen, the fact that gummy candies are shaped like stars instead of bears is not going to make much of a difference.
Just as humans are terrible drivers, we are terrible developers. We won’t fix auto safety with training any more than we will fix software security with training. Of course there are basic rules everyone needs to understand which is why some training is useful. We’re not going see any significant security improvements without some sort of new technology breakthrough. I don’t know what that is, nobody does yet. What is self driving software development going to look like?
This Windows security flaw lets you run any app on Windows without admin rights…
Newly discovered Windows security hole bypasses AppLocker and lets apps run without admin rights. Proof-of-concept code published.
This blog post is the first in a regular tech series from the Yell engineering team looking at challenges they face and problems they solve across Yell’s various digital solutions.
Here, Yell’s Head of Web Engineering, Steve Workman, looks back over Yell.com‘s seven-month transition to HTTPS, (a secure version of the HTTP protocol – which sends data between a browser and a website) to raise awareness of the issues with the move in the industry and to make the adoption process easier for other engineering teams.
On April 30, 1977, Azucena Villaflor de De Vincenti and a dozen other mothers gathered in the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina’s capitol city to demand justice for their children, who had been “disappeared” by the military junta during the Dirty War period – a reign of terror that would last from 1976 to 1983, backed by the CIA.
Washington is currently conducting economic and propaganda warfare against four members of the five bloc group of countries known as BRICS—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Brazil and South Africa are being destabilized with fabricated political scandals. Both countries are rife with Washington-financed politicians and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Washington concocts a scandal, sends its political agents into action demanding action against the government and its NGOs into the streets in protests.
A defense contractor hired mercenaries from Africa for $16 a day to guard American bases in Iraq, with one of the company’s former directors saying no checks were made on whether those hired were former child soldiers.
The director of Aegis Defense Services between 2005 and 2015, said contractors recruited from countries such as Sierra Leone to reduce costs for the U.S. occupation in Iraq. He said none of the estimated 2,500 boys recruited from Sierra Leone were checked to see if they were former child soldiers who had been forced to fight in the country’s civil war.
…when he argues the official U.S. account of how bin Laden was found and killed was deceptive, and that Pakistan detained bin Laden in 2006 and kept him prisoner with the backing of Saudi Arabia. He suggests that the U.S. and Pakistan then struck a deal: The U.S. would raid bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, but make it look as if Pakistan was unaware.
President Barack Obama on Monday announced plans to send up to 250 more troops to Syria to allegedly aid in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS), just a day after he made emphatic statements against using ground troops to deal with the crisis there.
The deployment will increase the U.S. troop count in Syria to 300. Obama made the announcement during a visit to Hanover, Germany, stating that the decision comes in response to Syrian fighters recently gaining back territory from the militant group.
“Given the success, I’ve approved the deployment of up to 250 additional personnel in Syria, including special forces to keep up this momentum,” he said.
The Israeli prison service released a 12-year-old girl, believed to be the youngest Palestinian female ever imprisoned, on Sunday after she confessed to planning a stabbing attack against Israelis in a West Bank settlement.
“I am happy to be out. Prison is bad,” the girl, Dima al-Wawi told AP after her release, where she was greeted by around 80 relatives. “During my time in prison I missed my classmates and my friends and family.”
In mid-April, economist Michael Hudson told The Real News Network that global oil and mining industries and the U.S. State Department created Panama and Liberia for the express purpose of tax evasion.
So SWIFT had warning there were vulnerabilities in its local printer system (though it’s not clear this is the same vulnerability the Bangladesh thieves used).
You’d think SWIFT would have made some effort when that became public to shore up vulnerabilities in the global finance system. Instead, they left themselves vulnerable to a $10 router.
Golly, what a novel idea, hacking an adversary that relies on the Internet for its external strength? Imagine how many people we could have saved if we had done that a few years ago? And all this time CyberCom has just been sitting on its thumbs?
Sanger suggests, of course, that CyberCom has been otherwise focused on Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, which (post-StuxNet) would be significantly an active defense. He pretends that cyber attacks have not been used in the ISIS theater at all.
Of course they have. They’ve been going on so long they even made the Snowden leaks (as when NSA “accidentally” caused a blackout in Syria).
But it would be inconvenient to mention attacks on Syria (as distinct from its ally Iran), I guess, because it might raise even more questions about why we’d let ISIS get strong enough, largely using the Internet, to hit two European capitals without undercutting them in the most obvious way. It all makes a lot of sense if you realize we have, at the same time, been directing those resources instead at Bashar al-Assad.
The military says its nearly two years of bombings against Islamic State have killed 41 civilians, but a key monitor group puts the number far higher.
Yet the United States mutes its criticism of such practices because of the pervasive myth among US policymakers that the Saudis can manipulate world oil prices and that the American economy will crash if the Saudis wink and create a world price spike. Neither is true.
Gaddafi’s arsenals were looted by Islamists and other militants.
Thanks to Target Liberty for its diligence in “Mad Dog” spotting, we see the (former) house organ of the CIA, Time Magazine, joining the neocon cheering section behind the notion of a third party run by retired Major General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, former Commander of the US Central Command.
Yerevan is consumed by passionate commemoration of the end of the centennial of the Armenian genocide. What is striking is the new, humanist message.
When the commemorations started on 24 April 2015, the slogan was “I remember and I demand”: a political message in the tradition of the century-long Armenian struggle, demanding recognition that the mass slaughter that took place during the first world war constitutes a genocide – which remains to be addressed.
This year, the message emanating from Armenia has a significantly different tone. It is no longer angry, but serene; it is no longer about Armenians, but about humanity still struggling to cope with its own self-destruction.
The racist protesters were outnumbered by police in over-the-top riot gear, as well as by several hundred anti-racism protesters under the auspices of Rise Up Georgia. The protesters, including about 50 Black Lives Matter activists, had carefully orchestrated the action, beginning with blocking traffic by paying $15 park entrance fees in pennies. Others took to the woods to get around police, scuffled with them or threw rocks at them; several were arrested. Using hashtags like #HeritageofHate and #Time2Escalate, the protesters argue against having to fight a newer, subtler racism that feels as offensive as the old explicit kind. “It’s 2016,” said Shanda Neal. “We should not be dealing with this same BS of racism and prejudice. There’s no room for it. It should just be over.” Decades ago, Georgia’s own Otis Redding sang of it: “It’s been a long, long time coming/ But I know, but I know a change is gotta come.”
As Obama administration and Gulf ally try to evade accountability, 28-page document may be declassified by June
“I’m on the front line of the suffering” from climate change, Assaad Razzouk told me at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on Friday.
Razzouk, the sharp-eyed CEO of Sindicatum, a sustainable energy developer based in Singapore, had just finished excoriating Wall Street for sticking its head in the sand with regards to the costly impact of climate change.
The Indonesian province of Riau declared a state of emergency last month as haze from agricultural fires across Sumatra continued to envelope the region. The fires are the result of an early dry period, which comes all too quickly after last year’s extended dry season that saw agricultural fires burn over two million hectares of peatland mostly in Central Kalimantan, Riau, and South Sumatra.
It’s been a good week for anti-pipeline activists in the Northeast.
Plans for two proposed natural gas pipelines have been scrapped within the last week — but not for the same reasons. On Wednesday, energy company Kinder Morgan halted operations on its Northeast Energy Direct pipeline, which would have carried natural gas from northeastern Pennsylvania into Massachusetts. Kinder Morgan said it wasn’t able to secure the commitments from energy customers it needed to justify building the pipeline, and said that low energy prices made it difficult for natural gas producers to commit to the pipeline.
Then, on Friday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration rejected water quality permits needed to construct the Constitution Pipeline, effectively killing the project, which would have brought natural gas 124 miles from Pennsylvania to New York. New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation said in its decision to reject the permits that the pipeline would have impacted about 250 streams, “including trout spawning streams, old-growth forest, and undisturbed springs.”
Pennsylvania Democrats will have the opportunity to choose a host of anti-fracking candidates on the states’ primary ballot on Tuesday—representing a potential sea change against the industry at the heart of the Marcellus Shale, one of the country’s largest fracking plays.
The state is the second largest producer of natural gas in the country, after Texas. Pennsylvanians living close to wells and suffering the accompanying adverse effects on their health and land have long appealed to corporate officials and local politicians to put a stop to the controversial practice.
The day before Pennsylvania voters cast their votes in the primary election, the leading Democratic candidate for attorney general has confirmed to ThinkProgress that, if elected, he would join a growing coalition of state attorneys general in examining whether fossil fuel companies like ExxonMobil have purposefully misled the public on climate change.
“Climate change is one of our world’s most pressing issues and and I’ve made addressing it a top priority in my campaign and have pledged to hold the fracking industry accountable for violating Pennsylvania’s environmental laws,” Josh Shapiro, who according to the most recent polling from Harper Poll leads the current Democratic attorney general race by almost 20 points, told ThinkProgress via an emailed statement. “I applaud [New York Attorney General Eric] Schneiderman and the 16 other state Attorneys General who are investigating Exxon Mobil for misleading investors about climate change. As Attorney General, I will join them in looking closely at whether fossil fuel companies like Exxon Mobil have violated Pennsylvania’s laws.”
World leaders signed the COP21 Paris climate accord on Friday, Earth Day. Whether it will be meaningful in stopping carbon dioxide emissions and emissions of other dangerous greenhouse gases that are warming our planet remains to be seen. But there is some good news on the emissions front, and new renewable energy installations are key to it.
According to a 10-page letter obtained by the Guardian, the unnamed executive warned that proposed pollution cuts and a push for clean technologies “has the potential to have a massively adverse economic impact on the costs and competitiveness of European refining and petrochemical industries, and trigger a further exodus outside the EU.”
Nuclear fall-out, like carbon dioxide and other climate-changing greenhouse gases, does not respect national borders.
On 26 April 1986 an explosion at the Chernobyl power plant, in Ukraine but only a few kilometres from the southern border of Belarus, sent clouds of radioactive dust into the atmosphere.
It’s estimated that up to 70% of the fall-out from what rates as the world’s worst nuclear accident fell on Belarus, affecting hundreds of thousands of people.
How Clinton handles such endorsements, or even the occasional kind word from Charles Koch, is important. She already has a problem with perceptions. After all, she earned millions of dollars in speaking fees from strategically-situated business groups and has refused to release the transcripts of those talks. Her vote on the Iraq war in 2003 was a true and monumental misjudgment. Still, she will likely be the Democratic nominee. (And I should add that if she is the nominee, I am likely to vote for her myself).
A substantial majority of people want to see the UK’s electricity and gas services in public ownership.
The water in Flint, Michigan, is still unsafe to drink — two years after the crisis was set in motion. Badly needed federal assistance has been marooned by a handful of congressional Republicans. And the larger national problem of lead in too much of our drinking water is yet to be addressed.
The amount of radioactive waste that has been leaking between the two walls of one of the underground tanks at Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State for several years grew dramatically on Sunday, April 17, with up to 13,000 liters (3,500 gallons) of new waste.
An Australian elected official set fire to a river in Queensland this weekend in an act of protest against the coal seam gas industry, stating that fracking causes methane to seep into the river.
In a video posted to his official Facebook page, Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham can be seen leaning over the side of an aluminum boat on the Condamine River, touching a barbecue lighter to the water and setting it instantly ablaze.
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership will have “few or no benefits to the UK”, according to the only official assessment of the deal commissioned by the UK Government.
The stark warning was disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information request by anti-TTIP campaigners Global Justice Now.
Campaigners filed a request to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to ask what risk assessments had been made about the treaty.
The contention is being (seriously) made that President Obama’s use of “back of the queue” in a speech about Brexit shows that the phrase was inserted by his UK hosts. This contention rests on “queue” not being a word Americans use. They use the word “line” instead.
Barack Obama’s key message to Europe’s leaders last week was “let’s speed up TTIP”. The US-EU trade deal, formally called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, has been mired in controversy on both sides of the Atlantic. The “free trade” agenda has become poison in the US primaries, forcing even pro-trade Hillary Clinton to re-examine TTIP.
The next round of talks begin on Monday in New York and Obama is worried – unless serious progress is made in coming months, his trade legacy may be doomed. The problem for the US president is selling TTIP at the same time as trying to warn against the dangers of Brexit. This is a tough ask because TTIP has been a godsend for Brexit campaigners, who argue that the deal is a major reason to cut loose from Brussels.
It’s true that TTIP is a symbol of all that’s wrong with Europe: dreamed up by corporate lobbyists, TTIP is less about trade and more about giving big business sweeping new powers over our society. It is a blueprint for deregulation and privatisation. As such it makes a good case for Brexit.
At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution factories were owned an operated by individuals with a view to making a living. Over time the Captains of Industry (his words) built up capital and began to treat factories not as sources of livelihood but assets to be bought and sold, and operated as generators of profit from investment. As Veblen describes the activities of the businessmen, it feels like the creation of a market in plants and equipment and other rights of ownership like railroad rights-of-way and patents. The industrial processes themselves were not operated, or even necessarily understood, by the Captains. They were designed and operated by engineers, inventors and mechanics, ond operated by workers with varying degrees of skill. All of them were working to make production as simple and as useful as possible. They depended for their livelihoods on paychecks from the Captains of Industry.
Look, João: like virtually all Brazilians, I had to battle a great deal to earn my place in life. I did not inherit a huge company and billions of dollars from my parents. The things I have had to overcome in my life are far more burdensome than your effort to discredit me with condescension, and it is thus not difficult to demonstrate that your response was filled with falsehoods.
The “Last Week Tonight” host outlines the Puerto Rico debt crisis and calls on Lin-Manuel Miranda, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and star of the Broadway hit “Hamilton,” to explain just how dire the situation in the U.S. territory is.
1209 North Orange Street in Wilmington is a nondescript two-storey building yet is home to Apple, American Airlines, Walmart and presidential candidates
Also on Tuesday, Twitter reports results. When co-founder Jack Dorsey came back to lead the company last year, he put it through the wash — laying off employees, changing the boardroom, dropping some projects and prioritising others. Turns out Twitter shrunk in the wash – in its latest financial results, Twitter revealed it lost users for the first time in its history.
Analysis by the UK housing charity Shelter recently found that since 1969, house prices for first time buyers have increased by 48 times, far out-pacing incomes which have only grown 29 times. The received wisdom is that this is a simple issue of supply and demand: build more houses and the market will sort itself out. But the truth is more complex. As a group called Positive Money has pointed out, the role played by huge increases in mortgage credit is potentially far more significant.
Will Bernie Sanders’s supporters rally behind Hillary Clinton if she gets the nomination? Likewise, if Donald Trump is denied the Republican nomination, will his supporters back whoever gets the Republican nod?
If 2008 is any guide, the answer is unambiguously yes to both. About 90 percent of people who backed Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries that year ended up supporting Barack Obama in the general election. About the same percent of Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney backers came around to supporting John McCain.
But 2008 may not be a good guide to the 2016 election, whose most conspicuous feature is furious antipathy to the political establishment.
“If she continues to be a proponent of establishment politics and establishment economics … she’s not going to generate the excitement that I think we need.”
For one thing, journalists as a whole don’t look like the rest of America. “The typical U.S. journalist is a 41 year-old white male,” began a 2006 report by the Pew Research Center. When that report was updated in 2013, that typical journalist had become a 47 year-old white male, and the median age had risen not only at newspapers, where one might expect journalists to be aging along with their institution, but also at TV and radio stations and even online news sites.
Hillary Clinton’s heated defense of the money she has raised from Wall Street and other interests won’t cut it. Her protests contradict the basic case that virtually all Democrats and reformers have made for getting big money out of politics. It is vital that voters not be misled by them.
Policy and ethics aside, I’m impressed. My attempt to write a more comprehensive history of Angleton’s mole hunt has been limited. My plans to quote Cram and Applewhite on Angleton’s legacy have been called into question. My chapter describing the human toll (and the taxpayer’s bill) for the mole hunt will have to be revised. As I write the story of one of the CIA’s most notorious characters, the agency is redacting my book, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. That’s how the CIA writes history.
Just before the New York primary, the New York Times (4/16/16) published an op-ed by Michael Lind called “Trumpism and Clintonism Are the Future.” It’s a good guide to how the wishful thinking of the pundit class will likely lead them to misread the clear message of the 2016 elections.
IN THE FINAL DAYS leading up to Maryland’s Democratic voters going to the polls on Tuesday to choose their U.S. Senate nominee, Rep. Donna Edwards has been barraged by ads and mailers from the Super PAC backing her opponent, Rep. Chris Van Hollen, called the Committee for Maryland’s Progress.
A television ad assails Edwards as “one of the least effective members of Congress,” contrasting her career with Van Hollen’s legislative record. It mentions no foreign policy issues, despite the dominant issue motivating one of the Super PAC’s largest funders.
Recently released disclosures reveal that $100,000 — a sixth of what the Super PAC has raised —comes from a single source: a donation by pro-Israel billionaire Haim Saban.
Bernie Sanders is changing the face of American politics, a new poll from Harvard’s Institute of Politics suggests.
According to the survey released Monday, Sanders remains the most popular presidential candidate for so-called millennials between the ages of 18-29, 54 percent of whom view him favorably, compared to 31 percent who harbor unfavorable views.
Friday, Clinton super PAC Correct the Record announced it was starting a million-dollar social media campaign to “push back” against online criticism of Clinton supporters and her superdelegates. It’s a plan awash in PR posture about “cyberbullying” that amounts to little more than a classic social media astroturf campaign—the likes of which we’ve seen everywhere from Russia to Mexico to the Department of Defense.
Sanders continues to trounce Trump by double digits, 51 to 40 percent, according to the George Washington University survey
Here are the final Pollster aggregates for the Democratic primaries in Pennsylvania and Maryland, the two big states up for grabs tomorrow. If this is how things turn out, there’s really no case left to be made that Bernie Sanders has a chance to win the nomination. A few minutes ago I was watching his town hall with Chris Hayes, and it seemed like he knew it. He struck me as more subdued than usual, pumping out his standard answers sort of mechanically, rather than with any passion. He may have said “revolution” several times, but his eyes didn’t seem to agree. We’ll see.
Censorship/Free Speech
The right of the Labour party is trying to smear the left as antisemitic. Their claims aren’t matched by the evidence.
Libel claimants may have higher hurdles to clear, but the proliferation of social media and privacy instructions is keeping lawyers busy…
Civil Rights/Policing
Michigan is among the states with the highest number of children who have a parent behind bars, according to a report released Monday.
Some 228,000 children — one out of 10 — have had a parent incarcerated, according to Kids Count in its report “A Shared Sentence: The Devastating Toll of Parental Incarceration of Kids, Families and Communities.”
Michigan ranked fifth in the number of kids affected in 2011-12, the latest figures available. California was first with 503,000, followed by Texas, Florida and Ohio.
On the eve of the release of a report investigating a student massacre in 2014, its authors and other human rights advocates fear an attempt to pre-empt the findings and discredit the work.
When it comes to changing the way we talk about race in America, Black Lives Matter has been one of the most successful political movements in the country’s recent history. At Dooby’s, Mckesson told me that the future of Black Lives Matter is one of continued coalition building, with the goal of strengthening what he calls “the inside-outside,” or the pressure placed on institutions of power from both agitators on the outside and political playmakers within.
More than one million New York City residents participated in Tuesday’s presidential primary. I served as a poll worker on election day and it left me with many questions. Why did many would-be voters receive affidavit ballots on Tuesday? What do you do when everything breaks down at once? Once you go through this process, you have a newfound annoyance with the way New York conducts elections.
There is now a lot of discussion over the affidavits that many people, especially in Brooklyn, had to fill out on Tuesday. Brooklyn is not alone, and at PS 51 we saw voters who had not moved or changed parties in 10 years and were not listed in the book. We had new voters who registered properly and were not in the book. We found misspellings, birthdate issues, and we even found someone’s name backwards. When I placed a follow-up call to the Board of Elections today, I was told by a spokesperson that they do not know how many affidavit ballots they have received but they will be counted in three to four weeks. Whether an affidavit ballot is approved or not will be subject to the same database that showed the voter to be ineligible to cast a regular ballot in the first place.
New York City voters stepped up to do their civic duty on Tuesday. They deserve an election system better than this.
Many have found a Norwegian court’s ruling that mass murderer Anders Breivik was being tortured in jail hard to swallow
Four Turkish academics go on trial Friday for “terrorist propaganda” in the latest of a series of court cases that have highlighted growing restrictions on free speech under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Across town, journalists accused of divulging state secrets also return to court for the third hearing of their Istanbul espionage trial.
The university scholars are being prosecuted for signing a petition along with over 1,000 colleagues and supporters denouncing the government’s military operations against Kurdish rebels in the country’s southeast.
Theresa May’s call for Britain to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights would be a betrayal of the post-war generation who helped create it, human rights groups have said.
In a speech on the EU, the Home Secretary said that the ECHR was able to “bind the hands of Parliament”, by preventing the deportation of foreign criminals, and called for Britain to stay in the EU but withdraw from the Convention.
The comments drew immediate criticism from human rights campaigners.
Bobby James Moore has a lifelong intellectual disability, yet he sits on Texas’s death row because the courts there used John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men” to decide his fate.
That’s right—the Texas Criminal Court of Appeals went with a fictional novel over science and medicine to measure Bobby’s severe mental limitations. The justices heard a vast body of evidence demonstrating these limitations, which meet the widely accepted scientific standards for defining intellectual disability. Then they rejected it all according to seven wildly unscientific factors for measuring intellectual disability, drawn in large part from the fictional character Lennie Small. Bobby was no Lennie, they concluded, ruling that his disability wasn’t extreme enough to exempt him from the death penalty. On Friday, the Supreme Court will decide whether to take Bobby’s case.
I am a Christian woman who follows the Biblical instruction on headscarves, and the state of Alabama should respect that.
I have always been a spiritual being. Even as a young child I would spend countless hours delving into the tattered pages of my Bible. Though I often have failed, I have tried to remain obedient to God and his Word. But last December, at the Alabama Department of Motor Vehicles, my faith was tested in a way that was humiliating and demeaning.
In accordance with my Christian faith, I cover my hair with a headscarf, but the DMV refused to take my driver’s license photo unless I removed it. The DMV officials said only Muslims were allowed to keep their headscarves on for photos. I didn’t know what to do. Without question, I believe that Muslim women should not have to violate their faith just to take a driver’s license photo, but neither should Christian women.
A scathing report issued Sunday accuses the Mexican government of stonewalling an international probe into the disappearance of 43 students in September 2014, and Mexican police of torturing suspects in the case.
The 608-page report from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights—the fruit of an oft-obstructed, year-long investigation—was unveiled “at an emotional press conference on Sunday attended by some of the relatives of the missing students,” according to VICE.
No high-ranking government officials showed up.
Basic human rights are under greater attack in the UK than in any other member state. We have more communications surveillance, more video surveillance, more organised government informers under “Prevent” and more secret police per head of population than either Russia or Turkey.
It is therefore not surprising that it is in the UK that the responsible Minister – Theresa May – is today calling for the UK to leave the European Convention of Human Rights. It is indeed complete affirmation of the truth of what I have been saying about the police state the UK has become.
President Obama is on his farewell tour. Speaking to a young, university audience in London while trying to drum up some support for Britain to stay in the European Union, he offered what has to be seen as totally gratuitous advice to them – and of course all of the rest of us – about what he sees as the proper, underline “proper,” role for social movements and activists.
PM David Cameron and other prominent politicians campaign for a Remain vote. Stefan Rousseau/PA images. All rights reserved.As confirmed a Remainer I watched with some dismay Chancellor George Osborne’s high-profile defence of British membership in the European Union. The alleged crushing monetary cost of Brexit constituted the central message delivered in his performance in Bristol at the National Composite Centre (who thinks up these names?).
For progressives – and any open-minded voter — the problems with Mr Osborne’s championing of the EU cause were 1) the Treasury cost estimates are dubious to the point of absurd, 2) the Osborne argument seeks to inspire fear by appealing to narrow self-interest, and 3) for reactionary political reasons the central benefits of the EU were ignored.
During a Monday afternoon rally in Warwick, Rhode Island, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump warned Ocean State residents to “lock your doors” because Syrian refugees, some of whom he thinks might be associated with ISIS, are being resettled in the state.
While reading off Rhode Island factoids from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Trump said, “Here’s one I don’t like… Syrian refugees are now being resettled in Rhode Island.” The audience responded with loud boos.
Police body cameras aren’t the cure-all for bad policing. However, they are an important addition to any force, providing not only a means for accountability (albeit an imperfect one) but also documentation of day-to-day police work. They can help weed out those who shouldn’t be cops as well as protect officers from bogus complaints.
It’s not enough to just have the cameras, though. Effort must be made to keep them in working order (and to prevent intentional damage/disabling). The footage must also be preserved and provided to the public when requested. This does mean there’s additional workload and expenses to be considered, but the potential benefits of increased documentation should outweigh the drawbacks.
The City of Cleveland announced on Monday that it will pay $6 million to settle a lawsuit by the family of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old boy who was tragically killed by police officers in 2014 while holding a toy gun.
The Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association released a statement responding to the settlement. Rather than acknowledging any error on the police’s part, the association suggested that the Rice family use the funds to “educate the youth of Cleveland in the dangers associated with the mishandling of both real and facsimile firearms.”
Hours after the city of Cleveland revealed it will pay $6 million to settle a wrongful death lawsuit brought by relatives of slain 12-year-old Tamir Rice, the labor group that represents the police officers who killed Rice sought to remind the world that the boy brought this on himself.
“We can only hope the Rice family and their attorneys will use a portion of this settlement to help educate the youth of Cleveland in the dangers associated with the mishandling of both real and facsimile firearms,” Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association (CPPA) President Stephen Loomis said in a statement.
We face a crisis in this country: A majority of young Americans have lost faith in our government. According to a 2015 Harvard poll, only 17% of 18-29 year olds trust Congress as an institution.
Having spent three years as a student organizer, I’ve witnessed this political distrust first hand. Many young people view Congress as an auction house, in which politicians are bought via political donation. Given our dysfunctional campaign finance and lobbying systems, none of this should come as a surprise. Indeed, most Americans of all ages believe politicians are more responsive to large donors than their constituents.
Over 150 years ago, the state of Alabama took up arms against the United States in order to defend the state’s practice of enslaving black people and forcing them to work to enrich white property owners. Today, the state celebrates its four years of treason in defense of slavery with a statewide holiday.
Under Alabama law, the fourth Monday in April is “Confederate Memorial Day” — and this is actually one of two Confederate-themed holidays celebrated by the state. State law also recognizes the first Monday in January as a celebration of Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s birthday. State offices, courts, and licensing offices are all closed on Monday because of the state holiday.
For the first time, a federal judge is allowing torture victims to sue the psychologists who devised the CIA’s brutal interrogation methods that included sleep deprivation, starvation and forcing captives into coffin-like boxes.
Poll suggests Welsh nationalists could become second biggest party ahead of Tories in next week’s assembly election
Films, like every kind of art, are often made purely for cinema’s sake – but sometimes they aren’t. Some of the most iconic recent films have actually played a major role in inspiring rights’ movements and protests around the world.
Ten Years, recipient of Hong Kong’s best film award on 3 April 2016, is just one of the latest examples of how cinema can side up with rights: films have often given protests momentum and a cultural reference.
Sometimes, directors have spoken out publicly in favour of protests; other times the films themselves have documented political abuses. In other cases, protesters and activists have given a film a new life, turning it into an icon for their protests on social media even against the directors’ original ideas.
Clearly, if these bills pass in their present form, they will nullify many of the safeguards found in the Marco Civil. The key vote is expected to take place on April 27, and the EFF has a page where you can ask Brazilian lawmakers to reject the proposals. There is also a joint statement to the Brazilian congress, which companies active in the country are invited to sign.
In the most draconian statewide anti-abortion measure yet, the Oklahoma state House of Representatives approved a state Senate bill last week that could make nearly all abortions in the state illegal and jail doctors who provide the procedure.
The measure, SB 1522, would make it a felony to perform an abortion, with no exceptions for a woman’s health. The minimum punishment for those who do so would be one year in prison. If it is discovered that they have provided an abortion, doctors would be stripped of their state medical licenses. The only exception to these rules would be abortions to save the life of the mother, and the bill makes clear that the threat of suicide by a woman seeking an abortion doesn’t fulfill the “life” requirement. The bill is now with Gov. Mary Fallin. It’s unclear if she will sign it, though historically she has supported anti-abortion legislation.
Internet Policy/Net Neutrality
Last year, we noted that Comcast was refusing to let the company’s customers access HBO’s streaming video service on certain platforms. In order to watch a service like HBO Go on your Roku or, say, gaming console, you need to log in using your cable credentials, as with most “TV Everywhere” type services. Most cable operators had no problem quickly enabling this authentication, but when it came to say — HBO Go on Roku or the Playstation 3 or 4, Comcast refused to let the services work. Why? If users can’t access this content via a third-party app, they’re more likely to watch the content on Comcast’s own apps, devices, and services.
If you recall, the FCC and DOJ blocked Comcast’s acquisition of Time Warner Cable, in large part because of the sheer volume of nonsensical benefits Comcast tried to claim the deal would bring consumers. When Charter Communications subsequently announced its own acquisition of the company, it decided to take a different tack; most notably by taking a more congenial tone with regulators, dialing back the tone-deaf rhetoric and astroturf, and even hiring long-time net neutrality and consumer advocate Marvin Ammori to help seal the deal.
And it’s now apparent that Charter’s approach paid off. After months of meetings with regulators, both the FCC and the DOJ have announced they intend to approve the deal — with a few conditions. After Bloomberg leaked word of the looming approval, FCC boss Tom Wheeler issued a statement saying (pdf) that most of the conditions being attached to the deal will focus on preventing Charter from harming Internet video competitors.
Intellectual Monopolies
The Medicines Patent Pool announced today that its current licensing agreement with ViiV Healthcare for a new antiretroviral drug will be extended to all lower middle-income countries.
According to an MPP press release, this decision to amend the agreement allows generic dolutegravir distribution in four countries with patents that were not covered in the initial agreement: Armenia, Moldova, Morocco and Ukraine. These were the last lower middle-income countries remaining uncovered, it said.
The recently introduced EU trade mark reforms limit the scope of the own name defence. James Whymark and Rachel Boakes explain why the change was introduced, and ask if it is really necessary
Nothing is likely to deter the DTSA from passing on Wednesday. The House Leadership is not permitting further amendments prior to the vote and no strong opposition has been voiced other than a group of law professors. States-rights activists have not suggested any reason why the traditional state-law-tort should not also be a federal cause of action.
The case highlights the curious lack of copyright harmonisation across the EU, which goes against the single-market premise. Under a single market, capital, goods and services are freely able to move. This freedom stems requires moving towards harmonisation in domestic regulations, lower barriers to trade and reduced restrictions on labour mobility, among others. The goal is to create a trade bloc which functions more like a single European economy, rather than a collection of smaller economies. In theory, this creates a stronger economy that is able to compete internationally with other large economies such as the U.S. and China. In practice, well, geo-blocking is only one example of a number of contentious issues.
Original equipment manufacturing for export raises several potential trade mark issues in China. Matthew Murphy, Yu Du and Joyce Chng examine the impact of the recent Pretul and Dong Feng cases
Sports sponsorship is big business, and can bring benefits to both the brand owner and the endorser. Nisha Kumar discusses how you can minimise the damage when things go wrong
We don’t see nearly enough good trademark rulings, especially concerning Fair Use, that it’s worthwhile in highlighting those that do occur. A nice recent example of this is a court tossing a trademark action started by several horse racing tracks against a gambling gaming company over the latter’s use of track names. To get just a bit of background on this, Encore Racing Based Games makes electronic gambling games, including video slots and video poker. You see these types of machines in bars and restaurants wherever this type of gaming has become legal. But they also make a more innovative type of game in which players are presented with historical races and given the option to bet on them in a parimutuel fashion. The results, as best as I can tell, are based on the real-world outcomes of what I assume are obscure enough races that people aren’t able to simply look up the results on their smartphones in whatever the allotted time is that they’re given. Those results and races, naturally, include the names of the venues in which they were run.
Kim Dotcom and the site he founded, MEGA, appear to be at war. After Dotcom warned users to back up their files last week, MEGA hit back with an attack on the entrepreneur’s business plans, noting that his MegaNet project has failed to materialize. Unfazed, Dotcom says MEGA is losing a million dollars per month.
As networked computers disappear into our bodies, working their way into hearing aids, pacemakers, and prostheses, information security has never been more urgent — or personal. A networked body needs its computers to work well, and fail even better.
Graceful failure is the design goal of all critical systems. Nothing will ever work perfectly, so when things go wrong, you want to be sure that the damage is contained, and that the public has a chance to learn from past mistakes.
That’s why EFF has just filed comments with the FDA in an open docket on cyber-security guidelines for medical systems, letting the agency know about the obstacles that a species of copyright law — yes, copyright law! — has put in the way of medical safety.
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