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IRC Proceedings: December 20th, 2011

Posted in IRC Logs at 12:46 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz



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Links 20/12/2011: Red Hat Results, Mageia 2.0 Alpha 2, Firefox 9

Posted in News Roundup at 5:55 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



Free Software/Open Source

  • Five Last-Minute Gifts for Open Source Fans

    Are you at a loss for what to buy the open source aficionados on your holiday shopping list? It’s actually not as difficult as you may think. Peruse this Linux fan’s personal picks to find inspiration as quick as a wink.

  • Web Browsers

  • Databases

    • Grails 2.0 with more cloud support and NoSQL connectivity

      After nearly a year of development, the Grails team has released Grails version 2.0, their Groovy language based open source web framework. The new version sees improvements throughout the Grails framework including an improved user and developer experience, additional cloud support via Heroku and Cloud Foundry, integration with the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) and support for a range of NoSQL databases.

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

    • Open Letter to the Open Document Format Ecosystem

      In such a large ecosystem it is impossible to agree upon a single vision for all participants, Apache OpenOffice does not seek to define a single vision, nor does it seek to be the only player. Instead we seek to offer a neutral and powerful collaboration opportunity.

      The permissive Apache License 2.0 reduces restrictions on the use and distribution of our code and thus facilitates a diverse contributor and user base for the benefit of the whole Open Document Format ecosystem. Within an Apache project it is possible to rise above political, social and commercial differences in the pursuit of maximally effective implementations of freely available open standards and related software tools.

      Our license and open development model is widely recognised as one of the best ways to ensure open standards, such as ODF, gain traction and adoption. Apache OpenOffice offers much more potential for OpenOffice.org than “just” an end-user Microsoft Office replacement. We offer a vendor neutral space in which to collaborate whilst enabling third parties to pursue almost any for-profit or not-for-profit business model.

  • Business

    • Exploitation? Entrepreneurship, Capitalism, and Making Money on Free Software

      Recently, I was directed toward an excellent analysis of commons-based peer production as a phenomenon which separates “entrepreneurs” (who want to get things done and create value in the world) from “capitalists” (who want to get a return on an investment of property without contributing any labor). An observer — clearly outside of the community of free software developers — expressed dismay at the example of Mozilla Foundation, which makes money from the open source Mozilla project, but does not pay for most voluntarily contributed code improvements to the Mozilla software. Is he right? Is this exploitation of those contributors?

  • Project Releases

  • Public Services/Government

    • Open source exceeds Munich’s expectations

      The German city of Munich has been very precise at bumping off Windows PCs to give its Linux operating system Lebensraum .

      Munich’s LiMux project has been going great guns and today the city announced that it had migrated 9,000 systems away from the PC and onto Linux. It only wanted to migrate 8,500 of the 12,000-15,000 PC workstations used by city officials in Munich but it turned out a bit easier than expected.

  • Programming

    • Cracks in the Foundation

      PHP has been around for a long time, and it’s starting to show its age. From top to bottom, the language has creaky joints. I’ve decided to take a look at how things got to this point, and what can be (and is being) done about it. I start out pretty gloomy, but bear with me; I promise it gets better.


  • Saudi Prince Pumps $300 Million Into Twitter

    In an unexpected move, a member of the Saudi royal family has invested $300 million in social networking company Twitter. This morning, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, founder and CEO of Kingdom Holding Company and one of the wealthiest people on the planet, announced the investment, which was reported first by Bloomberg.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • Spinning the Occupation

      As winter sets in and Occupy Wall Street (OWS) encampments contract, the three-month old movement continues to have a big impact on the campaign trail. President Obama as well as some GOP candidates have adopted OWS concerns and language, while big bank lobbyists and GOP spinmeisters work hard to hold the line, defending U.S. economic institutions and the American “free market” system against what they fear could be a broad-based populist uprising.

  • ACTA

Latest Examples of Patents Culture Takeover

Posted in Patents at 11:49 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

A brave new world for parasites and trolls


Summary: A set of news items about patents along with some commentary

THE patent maze expands to more and more walks of life, even to the point where the money system is affected (“Battle plans: patents in the financial services industry”).

Companies increasingly depend for their survival not on their products but on patents. TiVo is one example where, according to this:

…companies agreed to pay TiVo $500 million in May to settle the litigation.

This is what influences the value of TiVo, as opposed to its implementation, performance, service, etc. How sad this must be for software developers. Check out this new announcement that says: “the new Fix-It Utilities 12 introduces unique patent-pending PC Analyzer technology to identify why your PC is slow.” So there are patents to be granted around Windows malware and cra*ware now?

“They are trying to impose their patent monopolies on poor people in order to crush them and utilise the law to justify it.”Here is another example of patents on the money system. It is made possible by software patenting and to quote: “Company officials could not be reached to comment about the software initiative or to provide details about which mobile phones could accept the software after its patent approval.”

Using a tilted panel, debates on issues like business increasingly make the above a norm. To quote: “Graeser Associates International, Inc. (GAI), an international intellectual property firm specializing in the preparation, filing and prosecution of medical device, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, bioinformatics and medical software patents, is leading a series of free panel discussions on international business in the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries.”

They are trying to impose their patent monopolies on poor people in order to crush them and utilise the law to justify it. They also harm real professionals, not paper-pushers who steal their jobs.

“Intellectual property is the next software.”

Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft patent troll

OSChoice Addresses Microsoft Bundling Against Choice

Posted in Site News at 11:38 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: Call for action against unfair competition at the OEM channel

ONE impediment to GNU/Linux is the practice of Microsoft bundling inside OEMs’ territories. Users never get to even choose their software, only their hardware. This is not fair competition — an issue close to our hearts here at Techrights.

Iophk points out that “It is bundling, but there was a work-around that MS had to replace the illegal per-processor licensing.” We covered this some years ago when we showed court evidence about it. [...]”

“Anyway,” he adds, “the OSChoice idea would have to overcome that barrier, among others.”

Here is a new article about OSChouice.eu. To quote:

It is worth to note that a judge in Florence Court, Italy, ruled in favour of a user that had long been demanding the refund of the unused Windows licence from HP. Similar sentences have been pronounced in France against Asus and Acer[3], as well as elsewhere around the world. I am unsure whether those verdicts would still hold today, since Microsoft has since updated its End User License Agreement (EULA). Indeed, the EULA for Microsoft Windows 7 states that, if in disagreement with the licensing terms, one should “contact the manufacturer or installer to determine its return policy [and] comply with that policy, which might limit your rights or require you to return the entire system on which the software is installed”[1]. It should also be underlined that the real price the consumer pays for an OEM Windows license is unknown, as the bills of PC purchases do not show the cost of the different components. Such licensing terms are a disrespectful violation of consumers’ rights, and result in the de facto impossibility of buying many computer models without purchasing a Windows licence.

The retailers’ offer of laptops without Windows pre-installed is extremely limited and often restricted to the very low (old and cheap) or very high (and expensive) segments of the market. Of the 571 laptops available on the web site of the Italian store eprice.it, as of August 1st 2011, only 13 machines are shipped with non Windows operating systems – namely GNU/Linux, Free Dos or none. In other words, only 2.3% of laptops available on the retail website come without Windows pre-installed.

Some may argue that the 2.3% offer of mainstream stores is more or less in line with the 2.8% market share of operating systems other than Windows and Mac OS[*]. I reject this critique because the low level of adoption may very well be a consequence — not the cause — of not offering a choice for operating systems.

Furthermore, Microsoft recently announced that the upcoming Windows 8 will require manufacturers to support secure boot in order to participate in its certification programme[2]. This could potentially make things really hard for Linux enthusiasts that purchase a computer with Microsoft Windows and then install their favourite distribution on top of it, as the computer might be locked by the vendor to only run the operating system it was sold with.

We wrote about this subject very extensively in the past. The regulators need to take action to make it possible to trivially buy PCs without Windows. At present, there is no fair competition because people who do not want Windows are often forced to pay for it. We will revisit this subject later because the wheels are moving [1, 2].

More Trouble for FOSS and the Presence of Former Microsoft Managers (‘Inside’ FOSS Communities)

Posted in Free/Libre Software, GNU/Linux, GPL, Microsoft at 11:29 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Black Duck

Summary: Another roundup of dubious incursions inside the FOSS community/ies

Friends of Microsoft, such as the 'Microsoft press', are still trashing Free/open source licences and firms that are headed by former Microsoft managers are making new announcements about ‘fogification’ (cloud) of software and the relevance of licences. We are talking about OpenLogic, which just like Black Duck is a proprietary software company whose products are pimped under “open source” banner in the news. The main business model is getting rich by trashing FOSS licences or creating a scare around FOSS. Here is the press release [1, 2] which openwashes this product. Microsoft is trying to buy itself a voice inside the “Open Source” community also by pushing press releases that are said to be giving us a survey. So, Microsoft is now conducting Open Source surveys too? On whose behalf? This is the recipe for controlling one’s opposition. Mind the latest extortion from Acacia, which is also manned by former Microsoft staff (see our wiki page about Acacia).

It was only days ago that we warned about GPL FUD coming from Microsoft circles. Watch out and stay alert. Black Duck is placeboware — something to check a box with and spend money on for alleged fear of “non compliance” (excepting code search for other FUD like common security issues). As Microsoft MVP Miguel de Icaza put it a few weeks ago:

Koders is part of Black Duck, and searching for the term renders a bunch of matches. Not a single one of the results displayed actually contain a single use of the kSecReturnData constant. And not a single one of the snippets actually show the kSecReturnData constant. It is as useful as configuring your browser to use StumbleUpon as your search engine

We urge people to be suspicious of firms that were created by former Microsoft marketing managers. They know how to make money by deceiving people. It’s what they are professionally trained to do with a straight face.

Patents on Software, Life, or Both

Posted in Site News at 10:58 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Super frog

Summary: The patent debate in the United States and a mention of NZ and Europe as well

THE US patent system penalises programmers for programming. Soon enough, based on this new analysis from Timothy B. Lee, it might also penalise doctors for saving lives by legalising yet more medical patents.

Also see this article which says: “Computer, drug and biotechnology companies have a message for the U.S. Supreme Court as it prepares for arguments this week on patents for diagnostic medical tests: Be careful.”

America (US), wake up. The freedoms, the human rights, and the democracy are rapidly going away.

Maria Korolov, who “belong[s] to a business group… that recently expressed interest in setting up a virtual space for its members” says that all the pieces are in places but like others in this field she expresses concerns about the patents situation:

In fact, SpotOn3D’s plugin would work, if the other pieces were there. This particular organization doesn’t have a position one way or another about software patents, so the controversy would be a moot point. They’d even be willing to pay extra for the license.

We wrote about the sad state of patents in virtual worlds on numerous occasions before. Some companies claim to have invented the digital equivalent of life (e.g. Second Life). Patents on life and software at the same time. A lot of it boils down to software and business methods. Kill those patents and much of the problem quickly goes away.

Over in Europe the situation is still debated (more on that in a separate post) and over in NZ where the situation is eerily similar to Europe we learn that:

Patents – the legislation that would remove software patents is gathering dust and, as was clear at the InternetNZ election debate, there is cross-party support to pass the Patents Bill. Time to get this through the house toute de suite. An ICT minister wouldn’t want to see the government accused of holding back legislation to facilitate the passing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

This ‘trade agreements’ are like a form of imperialism, so seeing them abolished would be fine. Those are profitable for large corporations that operate internationally, but they harm human rights.

IRC Proceedings: December 19th, 2011

Posted in IRC Logs at 4:02 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz



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Links 19/12/2011: Linux Kernel 3.2 RC 6, Razor-qt 0.4.0

Posted in News Roundup at 11:16 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



  • Application Development: Linux Skills Open Huge Job Opportunities
  • Server

    • Raytheon banners COTS data transfer system

      The servers run a hardened Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system.

    • File Sharing Made Easy With Media Servers and NAS
    • LinuxForce Cluster Service Now Available

      LinuxForce, Inc. announced today the availability of LinuxForce Cluster Services℠, a new IT (Information Technology) service offering. LinuxForce Cluster Services℠ design, provision, and maintain redundant, high availability (HA) clustered servers. HA servers are needed by organizations to assure a reliable system for delivery of critical business applications whether on-site, colocated, or “in the cloud”. LinuxForce’s advanced approach to implementing HA server clusters protect valuable data and assure continuity for virtualized systems while minimizing overall costs and maximizing performance without burdening existing staff.

  • Audiocasts/Shows

  • Kernel Space

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • ANNOUNCE: Razor-qt 0.4.0

      We are glad to announce the release of Razor-qt 0.4.0, after a months of development since the last release…

    • Razor-Qt: A New Qt-Based Desktop Environment

      The Razor-Qt desktop was just updated to version 0.4.0 after being in development for months. This release improves stability of the lightweight desktop, introduces several new components, offers new translations, a new theme, new panel plug-ins, and much more. The new Razor desktop components are azor-runner, razor-config, qtxdg, and Razor own menu.

    • Users voted for best XFCE-based Linux distribution

      Most Linux distributions use one or more mainstream desktop environments. To be honest with you, I prefer KDE. My next preference is XFCE, followed by GNOME. And LXDE brings up the rear of the mainstream desktop environments for me. Every user has his own preferences, of course. That’s why arguments over Linux distributions and desktop environments will never end. People will always have differences of opinion.

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)

  • Distributions

    • McRae: Pacman Package Signing – 4: Arch Linux

      Back in March 2011, LWN examined package signing (or the lack thereof) in the Arch Linux distribution. Things have advanced considerably since then. Allan McRae has now posted the fourth in a series of articles about the adoption of signed packages in Arch.

    • New Releases

      • Chakra Edn 2011.12, The Arch Linux Fork Released

        The Chakra Development Team has announced the release of Chakra 2011.12. Chakra is one the most popular Arch Linux forks. This version is Linux 3.1 and KDE 4.7. With this release KDE is updated to 4.7.4, kernel to Linux 3.1.4. The sound group has been rebuild/updated, latest networkmanagement and mesa-stack are also included. Chakra is now offering a DVD and CD version.

      • SystemRescueCd and GParted Live updated

        The SystemRescueCd and GParted Live developers have each released new versions of their Linux distributions for administering and repairing systems. Both of updated distributions include the recent 0.11.0 release of the open source GParted partition editor and new kernels, as well as other changes and package updates.

    • Red Hat Family

    • Debian Family

      • The newsletter for the Debian community
      • Derivatives

        • Canonical/Ubuntu

          • Canonical Will Remove Java From Ubuntu

            Canonical announced a few hours ago, December 15th, that it will remove all Sun JDK (Java Development Kit) packages from the Canonical Partner repository.

          • Oracle Java Dies On Ubuntu
          • MyUnity: A configuration tool for Unity
          • Puppy Linux Racy Review

            Puppy Linux is a tiny distribution that is geared towards older PCs and giving them a second life. Puppy Linux can be run from a Live CD or USB (for faster performance) or just install it onto your system.

            The software programs that come part of Puppy Linux are those that are specifically picked out to ensure that resources are not wasted while providing a productive machine. The programs that are part of Puppy you will not usually find on a distribution such as Linux Mint or Ubuntu which are geared towards more modern systems but that does not mean they are any less useful.

          • Ubuntu; apparently, a Linux apart from Linux

            When I decided to start a blog and write about Linux, I never thought that I would see this. Since this surprised me somewhat, I decided to share it.

          • Move unity launcher to the bottom with Unity Bottom Launcher | PPA Ubuntu
          • Ubuntu Squeezebox music server: update and modifications

            Six months ago I wrote about a weekend project to install the SqueezeServer Squeezebox media server on an aging PC (a Hush PC based on a 1.2 GHz Via system with 40GB hard disk and 1 GB of memory) running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

            This is an update. I have spent the last few months tweaking the setup and buying additional Logitech Squeezebox devices, allowing me to stream music throughout the house with the same song playing in different rooms, or each room playing different music.

          • Thunderbird 70-100% CPU idle in Ubuntu Oneiric 11.10

            Dear People From The Future
            Use gtk-theme-switch2 to change from Oxygen-Molecule to some other theme, Oxygen-Molecule caused me massive CPU usage for Thunderbird and *some* other GTK software. Oxygen-Molecule-Flat works fine.

          • Ubuntu targets smartphones, clouds

            Ubuntu 11.10 has some jagged edges and documentation isn’t easy to locate, but Canonical is certainly dreaming big with this latest update, dubbed Oneiric (dreamy) Ocelot.

          • New Canonical portal a sign of mobile to come?

            Canonical is showcasing a new effort to reach out and touch hardware manufacturers… an effort that coincides well not only with its ongoing desktop PC push, but perhaps also Canonical’s latest drive to target the mobile device market.

          • Flavours and Variants

            • Pear OS Linux Panther 3 review

              Pear OS is a new Linux desktop distribution based on Ubuntu Desktop with the graphical installer. Its development started in early August 2011 by David Tavares (from France), and on August 15 2011, Pear OS 1.0, the first version marked “stable,” was released. The latest edition, release on December 14 2011, is Pear OS Linux Panther 3.

              Though a Linux distribution running the GNOME 3 desktop, Pear OS’s desktop is fashioned after Apple’s Mac OS X, and each major version’s code name is taken from the Mac OS release with a corresponding version number. So, “Panther,” the code name of Pear OS Linux 3, is taken from the code name of Mac OS 10.3. If you have not been following Apple’s flagship operating system, each Mac OS edition is named after a big cat. Like all reviews published on this website, this one is based on test installations of the 32-bit edition of Pear OS Linux Panther 3 (a 64-bit edition is available too) in virtual environments and on real hardware.

            • Create desktop launchers in Linux Mint 12
  • Devices/Embedded

    • Timesys Expands Professional Services and Training Programs
    • Linaro scheme recognizes effort by contributors

      Linaro, the open organization focused on improving Linux on ARM, has formed the Linaro Community Contributor Process and Team. Linaro Technical Leads now have the opportunity to nominate any individual who has made sustained contributions over a significant period of time as a Community Contributor of Linaro.

    • Phones

      • How HP and Open Source Can Save WebOS
      • Android

        • Google Starts Rolling Out Android 4.0 To Nexus S

          Yesterday Google made available Galaxy Nexus in the US and today the company started rolling out Android 4.0 to its Nexus S phones.

          The Google + page of Android posted that “We’re rolling out Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich, to GSM/UMTS Nexus S devices over the coming month, starting today.”

        • 6 Best Free Android FTP Tools

          File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a popular and time-honored method of transferring files to and from remote network sites and devices. FTP is built on a client-server architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and server applications. The FTP client connects to the FTP server, and enables the user to send and retrieve files from that server.

        • Pilotage Assistant LE

          Released with a GNU GPL license (see notice below), this is the application only. The distribution package contains the version 1.0 application .apk, source code, and all resources in an eclipse IDE workspace. There is a user’s guide.

        • How to: view core Android Java sources in Eclipse

Free Software/Open Source

  • EGL Goes Open Source

    Last week, IBM announced that it was taking Enterprise Generation Language (EGL) into the open-source realm with the debut of Eclipse EGL Web Developer Tools version 0.7, which is built on an open, extensible compiler and generator framework. ( You can download it and get more information here.)

  • Web Browsers

    • Chrome

      • Lime: Chromium OS with extra hardware support

        Chromium OS Lime logo Following nearly a one year delay, web developer and hacker Liam “Hexxeh” McLoughlin has released new builds of Lime, a customised Chromium OS-based operating system. Chromium OS is the open source branch of Google’s Chrome OS, the company’s minimalist Linux-based operating system that is built around the Chrome web browser.

  • SaaS

  • Business

  • Funding

    • VC funding for OSS hits new high. Or does it?

      There are still a few days left for funding deals to be announced in 2011 but it is already clear that 2011 will be a record year. $672.8m has been invested in open source-related vendors in 2011, according to our preliminary figures, an increase of over 48% on 2010, and the highest total amount invested in any year, beating the previous best of $623.6m, raised in 2006.


    • It’s been great!

      Hello, it’s Andrew the FSF campaigns intern. My internship is coming to a close, so I’d like to share with you what I’ve done this fall.

    • GNU Telephony plans for 2012

      Today is a good day. I just distributed ucommon 5.1.0, and a second api and utilities snapshot for what will eventually become GNU Bayonne 3.0. I think GNU Bayonne will become strategic to our goals in 2012, along with GNU SIP Witch and the GFC client. We have already discussed internally an outline and possible goals for 2012 development in GNU Telephony, and I have made preliminary plans to attend LibrePlanet2012 in March.

  • Project Releases

  • Public Services/Government

  • Openness/Sharing

  • Programming


  • Security

  • Finance

    • Salon Corporate Challenge: Goldman Sachs

      But what singles Goldman Sachs out for special opprobrium isn’t the culpability it shares with other investment banks for helping to create the financial crisis and then get bailed out with taxpayer dollars. It’s the fact that Goldman Sachs figured out, before any of its Wall Street colleagues, that the housing boom was a house of cards and the entire mortgage-backed security market was headed for a crash. Goldman wasn’t caught by surprise by the revelation that the mortgage securities it was creating were toxic junk. Quite the opposite. But instead of sending up an alarm bell and using its political influence and lobbying muscle to try to fend off the coming disaster, Goldman Sachs simply liquidated the positions in which it would be vulnerable to a downturn and started betting, instead, on the likelihood of disaster. As the Senate report acidly notes, in December 2006, “when it saw evidence that the high risk mortgages underlying many RMBS and CDO securities were incurring accelerated rates of delinquency and default, Goldman quietly and abruptly reversed course.”

    • Occupied Media: Interview With Professor William K. Black
    • Bill Black: Dante’s Divine Comedy – Banksters Edition

      Obama did not explain what Wall Street behavior he found least ethical or what unethical Wall Street actions he believed was not illegal. It would have done the world (and Obama) a great service had he been asked these questions. He would not have given a coherent answer because his thinking on these issues has never been coherent. If he had to explain his position he, and the public, would recognize it was indefensible.


      I have explained at length in my blogs and articles why:

      • Only fraudulent home lenders made liar’s loans
      • Liar’s loans were endemically fraudulent
      • Lenders and their agents put the lies in liar’s loans
      • Appraisal fraud was endemic and led by lenders and their agents
      • Liar’s loans could only be sold through fraudulent reps and warranties
      • CDOs “backed” by liar’s loans were inherently fraudulent
      • CDOs backed by liar’s loans could only be sold through fraudulent reps and warranties
      • Liar’s loans hyper-inflated the bubble
      • Liar’s loans became roughly one-third of mortgage originations by 2006


      As a criminologist, I do not favor sentencing criminals to the fates they richly deserve.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • Walker Enlists Karl Rove Protégé to Promote New Protest Policy

      As Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s new policies restricting protest in the Wisconsin capitol take effect in advance of the anniversary of 2011′s historic labor uprisings, the controversial governor has enlisted a new spokesperson to sell the rules, a 28-year old protégé of Karl Rove and new political appointee of the governor.

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