EPO 2016 Archive
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Colour codes:
2016: The Year EPO Staff Went on Strike, Possibly “Biggest Ever Strike in the History of the EPO.”
Open EPO Letter Bemoans Battistelli's Antisocial Autocracy Disguised/Camouflaged Under the Misleading Term “Social Democracy”
EPO’s Central Staff Committee Complains About Battistelli’s Bodyguards Fetish and Corruption of the Media
Translation of French Texts About Battistelli and His Awful Perception of Omnipotence
German Justice Minister Heiko Maas, Who Flagrantly Ignores Serious EPO Abuses, Helps Battistelli's Agenda ('Reform') With the UPC
The EPO Under Benoît Battistelli Makes the Mafia Look Like Rookies
Bad Service at the European Patent Office (EPO) Escalated in the Form of Complaints to European Authorities/Politicians
Leaked: Letter to Quality Support (DQS) at the European Patent Office (EPO)
Negative Publicity (Personal or by Association With the EPO) is Devouring the Institution
2017 Will be the Year Team Battistelli Collapsed and EPO 'Reform' Became All About Detoxifying the Organisation
Crisis Inside the EPO as Elodie Bergot, Unqualified for Her Job, Fails to Maintain Staffing
“Whoever at the EPO Took This Action Clearly Never Heard About the Concept of Separation of Powers”
Sean Dennehey, UK Delegate (EPO) and Head of UK IPO, Already Resists Battistelli; Should Also Understand British Businesses Don't Want or Need the UPC
IAM is Still the EPO's Favourite Propaganda Mill
Accusations of Administrative Council (of the EPO) Complicity in Illicit Retaliation Against Appeal Boards at the Behest of Battistelli
With Lucy Neville-Rolfe Out (Confirmed Today!) and Chaos in the EPO's Management, the UPC's Prospects Look Worse Than Ever in the UK and Europe as a Whole
No Justice at the EPO, Whose Underlying Purpose Was (Originally) to Do Patents Justice
Leaked: After Vicious Attacks on SUEPO -- in Defiance of the Administrative Council's Demands! -- Team Battistelli Pretends to Want Union Recognition
'SIPO Europe': The EPO's Race to the Bottom of Patent Skills and Patent Quality
Benoît Battistelli's Reign of Terror at the EPO Milks a Terror Attack Again, Shows Extreme Hypocrisy
From Bad to Worse: When a Horrible Regime (EPO) Publicly Makes Itself Look Like One
EPO President Benoît Battistelli “Should Be in Prison”
EPO Appeal Boards, Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and Other Newsworthy Tidbits (partly about EPO)
More and More Lobbying for Software Patents, Not Just in Battistelli's EPO But Also in India and the US
Not Just in Europe: EPO 'Mafioso' Benoît Battistelli Brings Software Patents (“Computer-Implemented Inventions”) to Another Place That Explicitly Banned Them
Fury Over the Administrative Council of the EPO Controlling Nothing and Being Controlled by Battistelli
Will the Patent Microcosm of London Please Stop Misleading the Public About UPC?
Small Nations With Almost Not a Single European Patent Sign the Death Knell of EPO Patent Quality
Why EPO Staff is Up in Arms
Vote for Exile of the Boards of Appeal Shows That the Administrative Council of the EPO is Still Compromised and Complicit
Big Crack in Team Battistelli: EPO’s Vice-President Willy Minnoye is Leaving!
Team UPC Salivating Over Unitary Patent Fantasy Even Though It is Stuck in a Limbo
Shame on the German Media for the Media Blackout Surrounding EPO Protests in Munich (and Sometimes Berlin)
Confirmed: Judge Carl Josefsson Chosen by the Administrative Council for the Secretive Patent Organisation
Rumour: Carl Josefsson to Head EPO Boards of Appeal, Battistelli Unhappy
Administrative Council of the EPO Must Recognise Critical Brain Drain, Loss of Talent, Loss of Patent Quality
Large Protest Against EPO Management, in Pictures
Outside Pressure is Growing: CERN Staff Association Reaffirms Commitment to SUEPO, The Staff Union of the EPO
EPO is “Googlebombing” Croatia With Puff Pieces Rather Than Discussion/Coverage of Vice-President's Dark Side
EPO Protest Begins and ILO Staff Union Expresses Support for EPO Staff
EPO Staff: Mr. Battistelli is Causing Immeasurable Damage to the Office; He is Now Untenable
Media Blackout in Croatian Mainstream Media About Criminal Charges Against EPO's Croatian Vice-President and EPO President's Notoriety
The EPO Keeps Bullying Examiners and Even Judges, EPO's Mouthpiece PwC Now Bullies Researchers
Staff Union of the European Central Bank Blasts Benoît Battistelli
Another New Book, This Time From Dr Luke McDonagh, Chronicles the Demise of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Agreement
The European Patent Office Suffers Quality Crisis, Finally (Belatedly) Agrees to Publicly Comment on It
Benoît Battistelli Besieged
Caricature: The European Patent Office Finds Quick Fix for ILO
The EPO Sent Its Second 'Monster' to Croatia to Lobby for the Unitary Patent (UPC), Did Not Mention Anything About It
EPO 'Reform' Seems to Strive for Echo Chamber Mentality, Elimination of Unions, Crackdown on Experienced (Well-Paid) Employees, and Departure From Patent Quality
“Corrupt Benoît Battistelli and Željko Topić Today in Zagreb at 25th Anniversary of SIPO Croatia”
EPO Protest This Coming Wednesday Strives to Restore the Rule of Law and Freedom of Speech at the Office
The EPO is Collapsing. Attacks on Journalists, Interns as Staff, Patents on Plants, and Bureaucratic Red Tape...
Ignore the Bristows UPC Echo Chamber, the UPC is Not Happening
British Media Slams Battistelli for Attempting to Cover Up 2 Years of Juridical Abuses With Help From the Administrative Council of the EPO
Boards of Appeal Still Under Attack From Team Battistelli While the EPO Proceeds to Granting Patents on Carlsberg BEER!
Memo “Deliberately Leaked to Cover up the UPC” With Its Many Associated Issues Amid Brexit
The UPC Scam Part VII: A Fine Mess in the Making, as Nothing Can be Made of It Amid/After Brexit
The UPC Scam Part VI: The Real Story Which People Missed Due to Puff Pieces Seeded by Battistelli-Bribed Media is That UPC Technically Cannot Come to the UK
EPO Spiraling Down the Drain as Experienced Examiners and Judges Are Seemingly Being Replaced by Interns
EPO Suicides Greater in Number Than is Widely Reported, Unjust System a Contributor to These
Heiko Maas, the SPD “Cash for Access” Affair, and Suspicions of Unwarranted Censorship at IP Kat (Again)
Endgame for Battistelli at the European Patent Office (EPO)
Les Échos Chamber: Having Corrupted the Media (With EPO Money), Battistelli Now Uses It for More UPC Propaganda
Rumour: EPO in Berlin the Next Casualty of Battistelli's 'Reform' (Organisational Suicide Plan)
Caricature: the Maas App
Leaked: Battistelli Acknowledges Bunk 'Justice' in About 100 Cases at the Internal Appeals Committee of the EPO
The UPC Scam Part V: Unitary Patent Regime a Fantasy of Patent Trolls
EPO at a Tipping Point: Battistelli Quarrelling With French Politicians, Administrative Council Urged to Act, Staff Unrest Peaking
Quality of Patents at the EPO Dependent on the Appeal Boards When Battistelli Assesses Performance Using the Wrong ‘Production’ Yardstick
More French Politicians Are Complaining That Benoît Battistelli is a Disgrace to France and Urge for Action
Dutch Media Covers Latest EPO Scandals, German Media Totally Absent (a Media Blackout of Convenience)
Relocating the Boards of Appeal to Haar is a Poisonous Priority at Battistelli's EPO
The Rule of Law and Justice Don't Exist Inside the EPO, Confirms the International Labour Organisation (ILO)
A Day in the Life of... Battistelli's Banana Republic
Two ILO Decisions on EPO Cases Are Released, at Least One Judgment is Considered Good for Staff
Dutch and French Politicians Complain About the European Patent Office, British Media Coverage Regular Now
The UPC Scam Part IV: Bumps Along the Road for UPC, With or Without the UK and Brexit
The UPC Scam Part III: The “Patent Mafia”
The UPC Scam Part II: The Patent Echo Chamber at Work, Prematurely Congratulating Itself in Its 'News' Sites
The UPC Scam Part I: EPO-Bribed Media Outlets Lie to Brits (and to Europeans) About the UPC
European Public Service Union Asks EPO Administrative Council “to Re-establish the Rule of Law at the European Patent Office”
ILOAT Decisions: Upcoming Publication of Two EPO Cases (Abuse Against Staff)
Mixing Politics and EPO: How Battistelli Defies the Very Basic Rules of the Office
EPO DG1 Principal Director “Out of the Muppet Show”
Learning From the Mistakes of the US Patent System (and More Latterly China) When Assessing Patent Maximalism (partly about EPO)
The International Labour Organisation Once Again Proves Useless for Labour of the EPO
CERN Slams the European Patent Office for Abuse of Employees
Patent Attorney Mark Summerfield: EPO Administrative Council “Members Should be Ashamed.”
EPO Caricature: Slowing Down Justice and Giving Luxury Cars as Gifts
Danger of Letting a Bunch of Patent Law Firms Attempt to Hijack the European Patent System With UPC
Caught in a Lie Again: EPO Management Just Cannot Stop Lying, Even About People Whom It Gags Using Threats (to Cover Up Battistelli's Abuses)
Benoît Battistelli's Affinity for Tiny Countries Exploits the Ease of 'Buying' Their Votes
The Sad State of German Anti-Corruption Authorities and Investigative Journalism, as Demonstrated by the EPO
Duplicate Events for Lobbying by Team UPC Meddle in Politics in an Effort to Enrich Itself at Europe's Expense
SLAPP-Happy EPO Vice-President Slapped Out of the Municipal Criminal Court in Zagreb for the Third Time!
EPO and the Art of Distraction, Disinformation
Report From Yesterday's EPO Protest at The Hague, Which Several Politicians Attended
Asking Team UPC or the EPO About the UPC is Like Asking Clinton About Winning Presidential Elections
Patent Quality at the EPO Depends on the Future of the Boards of Appeal (Which Battistelli is Killing Not So Softly)
Video and Audio: Press Coverage From Today's EPO Protest at The Hague
Union Syndicale Fédérale Writes Letters to the Chinchilla Man of the Administrative Council About Battistelli's EPO Abuses, No Sign of Reply/Reaction
European Patent Office Workers Take Action Against 'Tyrannical' Director
Employees of European Patent Office Take Action Against Culture of Fear
Anonymous EPO Staff: EPO Management's Moral Compass is Broken
EPO Protest Tomorrow at The Hague
Caricature: Team Battistelli's UPC Strategy
Caricature: EPO ‘Voting’ When All Votes Are Equal Irrespective of Country’s Size
Crisis at the EPO Deepens as Dutch Parliament Dives in, European Parliament Snubbed by EPO Management, and Battistelli Relies on 'High Corruption' States
Cases Against the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Demise of Transparency International (Which EPO Partly 'Absorbed')
European Media, Dutch Parliament and Spectacularly Enough Even IP Kat (Yes, It's Back!) Subject the EPO to Serious Scrutiny
Drunk on ‘Production’, the European Patent Office (EPO) Grants Patents on Recipes
Like Team UPC, the Internet Association (Megacorporations' Front Group) Hijacks the Voice of Small Businesses in an Effort to Steer Patent Policy Against Them
Cheapening of Patents at the EPO, Cheapening of Staff of the EPO, and Emergence of Large Corporations' Tax Evasion Using Piles of Patents
Battistelli Should be Made Redundant (Fired) Before All EPO Staff Becomes Redundant in a Defunct Office That Flagrantly Mocks the Law
Amid Scapegoating, Union-Shaming and Gagging by Battistelli, SUEPO's Prunier Provides More Details on Union Busting at the EPO
The EPO Lowering Patent Quality, Accused of Issuing Invalid Patents, and Promoting Software Patents (Hence Trolls)
Violations of Human Rights at the EPO in the Name of Fraud Prevention
Breaking: Dutch Parliament Debate About Immunity of the EPO and the Tyranny of Benoît Battistelli
Leaked Letter Reveals How Battistelli Still Exploits FFPE-EPO (Yellow Union) to Attack the Real EPO Union, SUEPO
Guest Post: Behind the GCC Meeting and How Battistelli Finds Excuses for His Union-Busting Campaign at the EPO
Leaked: Proof That Benoît Battistelli Disregarded Orders From the Administrative Council (Again)
In the European Patent Office, Battistelli Implements Changes That Clearly Defy the Rule of Law
Elodie Bergot's Double Standards: Can Flagrantly Defame EPO Staff Representatives on the Intranet (Union-Shaming), But Cannot Publish Facts
Call for Disciplinary Procedures and Dismissal of Mr Battistelli, Mr Topić and Ms Bergot at the EPO
EPO Caricature: Fabricating Evidence
Benoît Battistelli Reinforces the Perception That García-Escudero is His Pet Chinchilla at the Board of Appeals Committee (BoAC)
Decline in Patent Quality at the EPO Increasingly Reaffirmed by More Branches, Insiders, and Even the European Commission
Battistelli Must Go, Says Yet Another French Politician, Arguing He is “Extremely Damaging to the Image of France”
SUEPO (EPO Staff Union) “Fears Now That the Intention Behind This Blow is “to Destroy” the Union.”
“Not My President“: The Sentiment of European Patent Office Staff Towards Their Fascistic Boss
Benoît Battistelli's Marching Orders in Spain Through His 'Pet Chinchilla' Patricia García-Escudero, Whom He Got Overseeing the Boards of Appeal
EPO Social Workshops on Monday and Tuesday? No, EPO Staff up in Arms!
At EPOPIC Today, As Expected, Software Patents Courtesy of EPO
EPO I.U. Cartoon Highlights the Way EPO Staff Feels About the Management Under Battistelli
Don't Believe Team UPC; the UPC is Going Nowhere Fast
Threats to Dismissed EPO Staff Representative Allegedly Hold Pension (Blackmail Point) to Silence Him Even After Unjust Dismissal, Munich Goes Protesting for Him
EPO Ally IAM Magazine Calls Battistelli's Dismissal of EPO Staff Representative Laurent Prunier “a Needless Own Goal.”
The Death of Patent Quality at the EPO and the European Commission's Latest Smackdown of the EPO's Patent Maximalism
UPC a Threat to the Boards of Appeal at the EPO (Soon Haar) and to Patent Quality in Europe
Dismissal of Laurent Prunier Worse Than It Seems as Battistelli Almost 'Pulls a Hardon' by Taking Away Pension Rights Too
EPO President Benoît Hernandez About the Social Atmosphere and Life’s Great Joys
Has the Advisor of Željko Topić Just Quit, Got Sacked, or is EPO Vice-President Topić Gaining Even Greater Powers?
In the Case of Frenchman Laurent Prunier, Battistelli Reasserts Himself as Psychopathic Bully
Leaked: An Out-of-Control EPO Union-Busting Parade of Battistelli Marches on in The Hague
Caricature: European Patent Office as Mordor
Breaking the European Patent System With the UPC Hammer, Courtesy of the EPO and Lawyers-Centric 'News' Sites
Patent Maximalism is Destroying the European Patent Office (Just a Paperwork Assembly Line), Exile of Boards Ensures No Turnaround
The Insane World of Patent Maximalism and Professor Joshua Pearce’s Case for Weakening Patent Rights (partly covers EPO)
FTC Slams Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs), Effectively Patent Trolls, Which Are a Growing Problem in Europe
The Patent Trolls Are Moving East as Patents on Software Lose Their Lustre in the United States
The Former Chief Economist of the EPO Warns That Battistelli's Implicit Policy of Lowering Patent Quality (for Quantity) Will Bring Patent Trolls to Europe
How to Tell You're Deliberately Not Covering Important EPO Scandals
The EPO's Balkan Express Keeps Chugging Along Despite Predictions of Derailment
Advice to Journalists: Stop Repeating Propaganda of the EPO, a Serial Liar With a Track Record
Leaked: Ljiljana Kuterovac Covering Željko Topić's (EPO) Back
Leaked: Budget and Finance Committee Outcomes That Jeopardise What's Left of the EPO's Future
'Balkan Express' Teaser: EPO's Željko Topić, Kuterovac, Campinos, Gurry, Battistelli and the DKPTO (Kongstad)
Budget and Finance Committee of the Administrative Council (EPO) Confirms Exile of the Boards of Appeal
Leaked: EPO's Vice-President Willie Minnoye Saying the Unsayable, Then Threatening Anyone Who Keeps Record (Evidence) of It
Puff Pieces of the EPO-IPO (EPO+EUIPO) Have Begun to Appear Amid New Evidence of Brain Drain, Lowered Standards
Leaked: Minutes From the Administrative Council of the EPO Regarding the 'Reform' (Exile) of the Boards of Appeal
No Promising Future For the EPO Under Battistelli (If Any Future At All)
Leaked Minutes From the EPO Reveal That Battistelli is Detached From Reality and Blames Everything on “Union Officials”
Battistelli Plans to Expand the Social {sic} 'Study' (Then 'Conference') Propaganda Until Next Month, Under the 'Workshop' Umbrella
EPO and EUIPO Join Hands to Release Propaganda (for European Media to Parrot) Some Time Tomorrow
UPC Preparatory Committee Puts the Brakes on UPC Amid Brexit and Growing Uncertainty
Updates Regarding EPO and BoAC: Unrest and Injustice Carry on
EPO and the “Iberian Connection”: Patricia García-Escudero Márquez – Battistelli’s Pet Chinchilla on the Boards of Appeal Committee?
Open Letter Exposing the Farce Which Was Battistelli’s ‘Social Conference’ Coinciding With Further (New) Attacks on EPO Staff Representatives
Translation of Latest Rant From French MP Philip Cordery About Benoît Battistelli’s Abuses at the EPO
Battistelli-Commissioned PwC ‘Study’: Leaked Document Shows PwC’s Dishonesty and Misrepresentation of EPO Staff
Battistelli-Commissioned PwC ‘Study’: Survey Comparison Shows Serious Deterioration and Efforts by PwC to Disguise the Truth
EPO Teaser - The "Iberian Connection" - Some Photos of García-Escudero and His Royal/Government Connections
Disruption to Site's Service
EPO Caricature: Battistelli's High Five
Battistelli Ruins Not Only the EPO But Also the Whole of Europe By Ushering in Software Patents That Patent Trolls Love So Much
EPO Spokesman Lies to IP Watch in Order to Save Face and Save the King (Battistelli)
Unitary Patent (UPC) is Dead, But ‘Managing IP’ and Selfish Patent Law Firms Still Try to Resurrect It
Battistelli-Commissioned PwC ‘Study’: The Raw Outcome Shows Distortion of the Facts at the EPO’s Notorious ‘Social Conference’
Addendum: EPO’s Alberto Casado Cerviño, WIPO’s Francis Gurry, and EUIPO’s Archambeau
Worrisome Connections Between EPO VP2 Alberto Casado Cerviño and Patricia García-Escudero Márquez
EPO Caricature: EQE Questions
The Long History or Seeds of Control by Fear and Punishment at the EPO
Subject of the European Patent Office’s Abuses Raised in European Parliament by Ulrike Müller (ALDE)
French Article About the EPO "Crisis"
Battistelli Wants Us to Believe a Patent Office in a Freefall (EPO) is “Stronger and More Sustainable”
Leaked Documents Shed More Light on What Happened to Alison Brimelow and How Battistelli Rose to Power
Leaked: Outcomes of 149th Administrative Council's Meeting at the European Patent Organisation
Danish Press Coverage of the European Patent Office and the Problems Explored by Techrights
EPO Updates: Battistelli in Trouble, Grossenbacher and Battistelli Having a Fight, EPO Doubles Down on Željko Topić
EPO Social Conference Another Example of Astronomical Waste of Money by Benoît Battistelli
UPC Preparatory Committee Projects Optimism in an Effort to Salvage Its Dying Project, the Unitary/Unified Patent
Outline of Latest Press Coverage Regarding the European Patent Office (EPO)
As Expected, Benoît Battistelli Puts Longtime Ally Roland Grossenbacher on Top of Boards of Appeal
EPO Administrative Council Meeting Turning Point - Part V: “Siegfried Bross as President of the Boards of Appeal!”
EPO Administrative Council Meeting Turning Point – Part IV: When ~1,200 EPO Workers March in Protest and European Politicians Say “Battistelli Must Go”
EPO Administrative Council Meeting Turning Point – Part III: How Benoît Battistelli Planned to Expand His Attacks on EPO Staff (But Failed)
EPO Administrative Council Meeting Turning Point - Part II: More Photos From Today's Protest at The Hague
EPO Caricature: EPO-Funded PwC on EPO Happiness
EPO Administrative Council Meeting Turning Point – Part I: Protest at The Hague and the Huge Things at Stake
The EPO is Out of Control on (Patent) Scope and Team UPC Floods the Media in a Desperate Last Attempt
Index: Our Jesper Kongstad Series of Danish Stories
Addendum II: Article About the Kongstads' Villa Becoming a Breeding Farm for the Fur Industry
Addendum I: Danish Fur Industry - Further Information Regarding Political Lobbying
Danish Stories - Part V: Jesper Kongstad's Chinchilla Fur Farming
“Very Mysterious Things Going on at the IPKat Recently”
Danish Puff Pieces: Latest 'Puff Pieces' From Denmark About the Opening of a New DKPTO Branch Office
The Staff Union of the EPO (SUEPO) Protested Today in Munich (Against the EPO's Management) While President Benoît Battistelli Lied
New Letter to the Delegates of the Administrative Council
New Caricature: President Blatter Speaks to the Administrative Council of the EPO
From World's Best to World's Worst: China's SIPO (Worst of Asia) and France (Worst of Europe) the Vision for EPO
Has IP Kat's Unofficial (Self-)Censorship Policy Expanded From Protecting the EPO's Image to Protecting the UPC?
The UPC is Dead, Says Opinion Partly Funded by Team UPC, But Patent Scope in Europe Remains an Issue
The Administrative Council Seems to Have No Issues With Battistelli Wasting Millions of Euros Buying the Media and Fake ‘Studies’
Addendum II: FJORDBLINK MEDICAL ApS - Further Information and a Mystery
Addendum I: FJORDBLINK MEDICAL ApS Technically Housed in Jesper Kongstad's New Mansion?
Danish Stories - Part IV: Jesper Kongstad and FJORDBLINK MEDICAL ApS
Rumour: The European Patent Office Intends to Sack Staff Representatives at The Hague Like It Did in Munich
Danish Stories - Part III: Jesper Kongstad a Danish Civil Servant With a Distinctly Entrepreneurial Streak
Team Battistelli Keeps Lying About Judges and Staff Representatives in Order to Decapitate EPO Staff and Even the 'Independent' Boards of Appeal
Battistelli's Preparation for a Propaganda Session That Excludes EPO Staff Representation
Addendum II: Photos of Troel Lund Poulsen With Fur
Addendum I: Photos of Troel Lund Poulsen and Michael Dithmer
Danish Stories - Part II: Kongstad's Political Masters in Denmark and Rumoured Connections to the Venstre Party
Echo Chamber's Lobbying: Team UPC Citing Team UPC as 'Proof' Regarding the UPC
Loose Patent Scope Becoming a Publicity Nightmare for the EPO and Battistelli Does a China Outreach (Worst/Most Notorious on Patent Quality)
No Justice Even for a Judge at the EPO, as the Whole Institution is Beyond Rotten and Quite Corrupt
Staff of the EPO is Going Out in Protest (Munich and The Hague) While EPO Management Buys European Media to Control This Media, Promote UPC
Addendum: Controversial Chinchilla Farming by the Kongstad Family
Introduction to Jesper Kongstad, EPO Chairman of the Administrative Council
Danish Fairy Tales and Legends: The Secret Life of Jesper Kongstad
Translation and Response to Battistelli’s Face-Saving ‘Interview’ With Juve
Not Just the European Patent Office But the Organisation Too a Culprit in Immunity and Impunity
Immunity of the European Patent Office and Lack of Oversight Within the Organisation Mean That It's a Rogue Entity Above the Law
Benoît Battistelli and Team UPC Are at War With European Democracy, Which They View as an Obstacle to Money and Power
Dutch Court Rules Against SUEPO (in a Reversal), But EPO Management Would Have Ignored the Ruling Even If SUEPO Won
New Paper Provides Evidence of Sinking Patent Quality at the EPO, Refuting the Liar in Chief Battistelli
Battistelli Locks EPO Staff Union Out of Social Conference So That He Can Lie About the Union and the Social Climate
Unprecedented Levels of UPC Lobbying by Big Business Europe (Multinationals) and Their Patent Law Firms
Team UPC is Interjecting Itself Into the Media Ahead of Tomorrow's Lobbying Push Against the European Council and Against European Interests
IP Kat is Lobbying Heavily for the UPC, Courtesy of Team UPC
Leaked: Conclusions of the Secretive EPO Board 28 Meeting (8th of September 2016)
Letter From the Dutch Institute of Patent Attorneys (Nederlandse Orde van Octrooigemachtigden) to the Administrative Council of the EPO
EPO's Board 28 Notes Battistelli's “Three Current Investigations/Disciplinary Proceedings Involving SUEPO Members in The Hague."
Cementing Autocracy: The European Patent Office Against Democracy, Against Media, and Against the Rule of Law
Team Battistelli Intensifies the Attack on the Boards of Appeal Again
After the EPO Paid the Financial Times to Produce Propaganda the Newspaper Continues to Produce UPC Puff Pieces, Just Ahead of EU Council Meeting
The EPO's Continued Push for Software Patents, Marginalisation of Appeals (Reassessment), and Deviation From the EPC
The Battistelli Effect: “We Will be Gradually Forced to File Our Patent Applications Outside the EPO in the Interests of Our Clients”
The Moral Depravity of the European Patent Office Under Battistelli
What Insiders Are Saying About the Sad State of the European Patent Office (EPO)
The EPO Does Not Want Skilled (and 'Expensive') Staff, Layoffs a Growing Concern
Patent Quality and Patent Scope the Unspeakable Taboo at the EPO, as Both Are Guillotined by Benoît Battistelli for the Sake of Money
Bristows LLP's Hatred/Disdain of UK/EU Democracy Demonstrated; Says “Not Only Will the Pressure for UK Ratification of the UPC Agreement Continue, But a Decision is Wanted Within Weeks.”
Released Late on a Friday, EPO Social 'Study' (Battistelli-Commissioned Propaganda) Attempts to Blame Staff for Everything
White Male-Dominated EPO Management Sinks to New Lows, Again
Journalism 102: Do Not Become Like 'Managing IP' or IAM 'Magazine' (the Megaphones of the EPO’s Management)
Journalism 101: Do Not Believe Anything That Benoît Battistelli and the EPO’s Management Say (Also Don’t Fall for the UPC Hype)
Like Big Tobacco Lobbyists, Benoît Battistelli and Team UPC Are Just Chronically Lying and Manipulating Politicians With Their Lies
The EPO's 'Investigative' Function is Totally Out of Control and Continues to Get Bigger, Whitewashed by So-called 'Review'
With or Without the UPC (Which Will Probably Never Happen) Battistelli is Crushing the EPO and Ejects Experienced Staff, a Future Without Examination Possible
When EPO Liar-in-Chief Benoît Battistelli Defamed His Staff in Parliament, Comparing Them to Nazis and Criminals
EPO President Benoît Battistelli and Team UPC Are Still Lying, Don't Believe a Word They Say
Battistelli is Lying About Patent Quality While It Continues to Nosedive at the EPO as Part of His Neo-liberal ‘Production’ Strategy
Battistelli and His Circle — Not Just Team UPC — Still Delusional About the Prospects of a Unified Patent Court (UPC)
As Part of So-called 'Reforms', the EPO's President is Gradually Eliminating the Boards of Appeal, Not Just Their Independence
Team UPC Has Not Grown Tired of Kicking a Dead (Trojan) Horse
Battistelli is Killing the EPO, in His Own Words...
Web Site 'Managing IP' is Managing to Come Across as an EPO Mouthpiece
The Duke Law Patent Quality Conference and the Planned Erosion of Patent Quality at the EPO, for the Sake of So-called 'Production'
Brain Drain at the EPO Under Battistelli is Becoming a Critical Problem
EU Law and UPC: Brought to You by Microsoft and the European Patent Office
Benoît Battistelli is Putting More EPO Staff Representatives in Front of His Firing Line
New Paper Outlines Concerns That the EPO as a Patent Examination Office is Dying, Gradually Turning Into a Registration Office
The Collapse of the European Patent Office Under Battistelli Has Already Begun
A New Wave of the EPO's Much-Expected Propaganda Push, Aided by 'Managing IP' and IAM 'Magazine'
The European Privacy Offender (EPO) Sells Data But Only to the Rich and Powerful
Another New Low for the EPO and Battistelli
Convergence Between the EPO and the Media: ‘Managing IP’ as Battistelli and UPC Platform
High on EPO: Battistelli’s ‘Social Conference’ Nonsense is Intended to Help Suppress Debate About His Abuses Against Staff and Union-Busting Activities
The EPO’s Assistant/Secretary for Bergot (Nepotism Supreme) Demonstrates a Race to the Bottom With Temporary Appointments, Operation ‘Clean House’
There is No Future for the UPC in Spite of What the EPO and the Patent Microcosm Keep Telling Us
The EPO is Wasting a Fortune and Flying to Other Continents in an Apparent Effort to Recruit (Because Brain Drain Continues Very Rapidly)
Battistelli is Even Attacking the French, and Not Just in Germany But Also on Dutch Territory
Specialists in Public International Law Bemoan Privacy Violations at the European Patent Office
The European Patent Office is Utterly Desperate for Attention as Its Status Worldwide Sinks and It Resorts to ‘Spamming’ All Major Universities in Europe
UPC Threatens to Send the European Patent Office Circling Down the Drain
The Long Reach of Battistelli’s Policy of Retribution

Nothing Whatsoever Has Improved at the European Patent Office, It's Just Summer's Recess (and Silence)
More Lies From President Benoît Battistelli and the EPO Crisis Which Continues to Deepen
The EPO's Francesco Zaccà Presenting in Turin Alongside Patent Trolls (Like the Patent Mafia Sisvel) and Lobbyists/Front Groups for Software Patents, UPC
The EPO, USPTO, and Patent Microcosm Peddle Myths About Patents in Public Universities and Research
Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice Calls the European Patent Office “Rotten”, Other Sources Scrutinise Recent Moves
Not Just President Battistelli: EPO Vice-Presidents Are Still Intentionally Misrepresenting EPO Staff
Battistelli the Liar Causes a Climate of Confrontation in French Politics, Lies About Patent Quality (Among Many Other Things)
The Cost/Toll of the 'New' EPO and Where All That Money Goes or Comes From
The End of an Era at the USPTO as Battistelli-Like (EPO) Granting Policies Are Over
Battistelli's European Patent Office Goes to the United States to Speak About the UPC and Software Patents
Turkey Subjected to the European Patent Convention (EPC) But Benoît Battistelli is Not?
Personal Audio LLC and Patent Troll Jim Logan Demonstrate the Harms of Software Patents and Why They Must Never Spread to Europe
That Time When the Administrative Council Helped Battistelli Crush Oversight (Audit Committee) and What ILO Said About It a Month Ago
The EPO's Administrative Council Keeps Postponing Debate About Grounds for Firing the President
A Surge of Staff Complaints About the European Patent Office Drowns the System, Disservice to Justice Noted
Clawing Back the Staff Benefits at the European Patent Office (EPO)
Patent Microcosm Shuts Out the Poor: Unified Patent Court (UPC) Promotion by Practising Law Institute (PLI) Only for the Wealthy
German Media Becomes Aware of Battistelli's Defiance of the Very Basis of the EPO
‘Constitutional Crisis’ at the European Patent Office (EPO)
The EPO’s Twitter Account is Drunk (on Battistelli’s Kool-Aid)
Rumours About Likely Salary of (or Compensation to) Jesper Kongstad of the EPO Administrative Council
Deviation From (and Violation of) the EPC Under Battistelli at the EPO for the Sake of 'Production'
“EPO Shows an Operating Loss of €145,000,000”
“EPO is Quickly Turning Into a Registration System”
EPO's Vice-President Willy Minnoye Was Rumoured to be Leaving
Rumours About Secret EPO Salary of Benoît Battistelli
Managing IP (MIP) Organises a UPC Event (European Patent ‘Reform’ Forum), the Largest Patent Microcosm/Corporate Players Dominate Through Fee Discrimination
Francis Gurry — Like Benoît Battistelli — Compared to Sepp Blatter of FIFA
Patent Quality in Europe (EPO) Declining Under Battistelli in Spite of the USPTO's Cautionary Tale
Lucy in the Sky With Battistelli's Diamonds (EU Budget) But No UPC in Sight
The Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the UPC is a Dead End, But Team UPC Tries to Ram it Down Europeans’ Throats
Software Patents Still a Problem in Europe (in Spite of the European Patent Convention), the UPC Would Make Things Worse
Actions by Team Battistelli Against the European Patent Convention (EPC) and the Role Played by Željko Topić in Crushing Opposition
EPO Crushed the Boards of Appeal (i.e. Quality Control) and Insiders Explain Why
EPO Loses More Than 80% of Cases at the International Labour Organisation (ILO)
To Understand What Battistelli Has Turned the EPO Into Look at Turkey and China
Patent Lawyers Move Closer to Battistelli’s Rubber-stamping Office While the Appeal Boards Pushed Away as Collective Punishment Which Masks Decline in Patent Quality
Early Certainty That Benoît Battistelli is Dangerously Clueless and a Major Risk to the EPO
Munich Attack Mentioned by EPO But Not Ansbach
Kluwer Thinks People Are Clueless About the Unitary Patent System and Pretends It's Business as Usual
Almost Everything That the Government Accountability Office Says is Applicable to the EPO
Leaked: Boards of Appeal Face 'Exile' or 'Extradition' in Haar After Standing up to Battistelli
Haar Mentioned as Likely Site of Appeal Boards as Their Eradication or Marginalisation Envisioned by UPC Proponent Benoît Battistelli
EPO Attaché Albert Keyack Viewed as Somewhat of a Mole, Reporting From the US Embassy in Brazil Until Shortly Before the Temer Coup
EPO Insiders Explain Why the EPO's Examination Quality Rapidly Declines and Will Get Even Worse Because of Willy Minnoye
Glimpse at Patent Systems Across the World: Better Quality Control at the USPTO Post-America Invents Act (2011), Unlike the EPO Post-Battistelli (2010)
EPO USA: Under Battistelli, the ‘European’ Patent Office Emulates All the Mistakes of the USPTO
Battistelli Has Implemented De Facto EPO Coup to Remove Oversight, Give Himself Total Power, and Allegedly Give UPC Gifts (Loot) to French Officials
EPO Social Report is a Big Pile of Lies That Responsible Journalists Must Ignore
Exploiting Perceived Emergencies/Disasters, Suspending the Rule of Law, and Suspending Judges: How Erdoğan is Like Battistelli, Except the Coup
After the FTI Consulting-EPO Reputation Laundering Deal's Expansion in Germany Süddeutsche Zeitung 'Forgets' That the EPO Even Exists
Benoît Battistelli and Persistratos
Whistleblower Protection Desperately Needed at the European Patent Office
This is Why Benoît Battistelli Has 0% Approval Rating Among ‘His’ Staff at the EPO
What If EPO Under Battistelli Gets Broken Beyond Repair Just Like the UPC? (Spanish translation
EPO’s Battistelli, Who Breaks the Law, Subverts the Course of Justice and Refuses to Obey Court Orders, Says the Unthinkable Amid Terror Attacks (Spanish translation
Deathwatch of the Unified Patent Court Agreement (UPC)
EPO Management on Trial Tomorrow, But It Stated Upfront It Would Not Obey the Legal Ruling While It Rigs Its Own Rulings
EPO's Battistelli Continues to Court Small Countries' Officials and Spin That as “Small Businesses From These Countries” (Spanish translation
Hot Summer: EPO Management on Trial This Week
“We Need to Inform {Politicians, Journalists ... Ministers or Representatives} that the Whole European Patent System is at Risk.”
Will Battistelli's Friend/Ally Lucy Neville-Rolfe Shamelessly Attack British Democracy and Push for UPC in Spite of Brexit?
Coup D’état in Relation to the European Patent Office
Benoît Battistelli's Attacks on EPO Unions, Judges, Boards, and Even Justice Itself the Subject of Media Fascination
Battistelli and Team UPC Working Behind Closed Doors to Overcome Brexit and Impose Patent Injustice (Spanish translation
Weapons of Mass Distraction at the EPO Cost the EPO Millions of Euros
The ‘Administrative’ Council is to Benoît Battistelli What FISA is to the NSA (Spanish translation
Decline of Patent Quality at the EPO to Further Exacerbate With Latest Crackdown on Appeal Boards
SUEPO “Speechless” About Administrative Council Delegates for “Cavalier Attitude Towards Law-Making” and “Contempt for Consultative Processes”
Potential Alignment of Special Interests at Mishcon de Reya: EPO, Microsoft, and Brexit (or UPC) (Spanish translation
Team Battistelli Parties Like It's Still 2010 (Pre-Battistelli Governance), Fails to Acknowledge Demise of EPO as Popular Employer and Instead Lies to Staff
Image of Battistelli’s EPO Tarnished in the UK and Elsewhere as Battistelli Warms up to Cuba, Colombia, and Panama (Spanish translation
UPC a Dead Project, as Per Analysis From Foley and Lardner LLP; What Next for Team Battistelli and Team UPC?
The European Patent Organisation Jokes About Independence on the 4th of July (US Independence Day)
Grim Situation at the European Patent Office Following Battistelli's Latest Lawlessness Tendencies, as Explained by Concerned Insiders
IAM's Latest Take on the UPC: Dead End For Another 2.5 Years (At Least) With No Effective Workarounds (Spanish translation
Post-Jeremy IP Kat Deems It OK to Publish Anonymous Comment Comparing Techrights to “Daesh” While Censoring Polite Response to That
What Team Battistelli Claims to be Independence of the Boards of Appeal Actually a Likely Dismissal Plan for ‘Unwanted’ Judge (and Maybe His Protectors), Potentially Permanent Unemployment Plan
Battistelli's Destructive Actions Will Drive EPO Applicants Away to National Patent Offices, Putting at Risk the Whole EU-Wide (and Beyond) Project (Spanish translation
As Expected, 'Team UPC' Continues Fighting for Its Project's Survival in Spite of 'Brexit' (Spanish translation
Realistic English Translation of EPO Announcement About Crushing of Patent Quality (Spanish translation
The European Patent Organisation’s Administrative Council Helps Benoît Battistelli Destroy Patent Quality for the Sake of ‘Production’
At the European Patent Organisation the Administrative Council Does Not Care About Staff
EPO Leak: Administrative Council’s Latest Meeting Report
Publicly-Available Information About the Meeting of the EPO’s Administrative Council
Battistelli's Last Moves Are Desperate Attempts to Crush the Messenger (SUEPO), Which Will Almost Certainly Backfire on (if Not Fire) Battistelli
EPO Staff Representative Jesus Areso Explains the Crisis to the Administrative Council
Shadows of Alleged Criminality Over the European Patent Office (EPO)
You Know That UPC is Quite Likely Dead (at Least in the UK) When Even Baroness Neville-Rolfe Dodges the Question
Short Report From Today's EPO Protest in Munich
Growing Consensus Even Among Patent Professionals That UPC is Dying Everywhere If Not Just in the UK
Battistelli Attacks Not Only His Staff But Also Patents Themselves (Their Quality) and the Legal Legitimacy Surrounding the EPO
Battistelli is Creating an Atmosphere of Terror at the EPO While Exploiting Terror Attacks to Garner Sympathy
Rumours That EPO President Battistelli Got Sacked to be Replaced by Christoph Ernst Appear to be Baseless
The EPO Has Become Battistelli's Circus and the Administrative Council Has Been Reduced to (Illegal) Circus Animals Controlled With 'Treats'
The Latest Lies About the Unitary Patent (UPC) Would Have Us Believe That It’s Alive and Well
EPO Management Bunker: “The Bailiff Who Came to Deliver the Subpoena was Escorted off the Property by Five Security Guards.”
Benoît Battistelli Further Weaponises His EPO ‘Stasi’ With CA/52/16
EPO Caricature: Administrative Council Control of Benoît Battistelli
EPO Caricature: Firing Benoît Battistelli
New Efforts to Work Around Barriers to UPC in Light of ‘Brexit’; Behind These Efforts Are Self-Serving Patent Profiteers
Injunction Against Battistelli’s Investigative Unit (Known Internally as ‘Gestapo’) Amid Serious Injustices and Bogus ‘Trials’
From Alleged Organised Crime to Vice-President of the European Patent Office (EPO)
Battistelli May Still be on the Way Out as Pressure Grows in Germany, UPC in Shambles
Caricature: European Patent Office (EPO) Under Battistelli
Techrights (Almost) at 10: From Software Patents to Novell and to Present Focus on EPO (reflection)
With UPC Dead for Battistelli's Entire Remaining Term, No Reason for the EPO or the Administrative Council to Keep Battistelli Around (Spanish translation
Benoît Battistelli Should Resign in Light of New Leak of Decision in His Vendetta Against Truth-Telling Judge (Spanish translation
Fake Patents on Software From Fake Australian ‘Inventor’ of Bitcoin and the Globally-Contagious Nature of EPO Patent Scope (just partly about the EPO)
Looks Increasingly Plausible That Battistelli is Covering up Bogus and/or Illegally-Obtained ‘Evidence’ From the EPO’s Investigative Unit (Spanish translation
As Decision on the UK’s EU Status Looms, EPO Deep in a Crisis of Patent Quality
Another Demonstration by European Patent Office (EPO) Staff on Same Day as Administrative Council’s Meeting
IP Europe’s UPC Lobbying and the EPO Connection
EPO “Recruitment of Brits is Down by 80%”
The Conspiracy of Patent Lawyers for UPC and Battistelli's Role in Preparing by Firing People
EPO Self-Censorship by IP Kat or Just Censorship of Opinions That IP Kat Does Not Share/Accept
Caricature: Bygmalion Patent Office
Under Battistelli’s Regime the EPO is a Lawless, Dark Place
New Paper Demonstrates That Unitary Patent (UPC) is Little More Than a Conspiracy of Patent ‘Professionals’ and Their Self Interest
Money Flying to Private Companies Without Tenders at Battistelli’s EPO (by the Tens of Millions!)
Patent Examiners and Insiders Acknowledge Profound Demise in Patent Quality Under Battistelli
The Rule of Money and Power, Not the Rule of Law, at the European Patent Office
Brain Drain at the EPO: Qualified Patent Examiners Leave in Droves, Young Ones Blindly Loyal to Management Reduce Patent Quality
No Exaggeration Necessary: the EPO Under Benoît Battistelli Has North Korean Standards of ‘Justice’
When the EPO’s PR Team Says About UPC (Unitary Patent) That It Can be Delayed It Means Derailed or Called Off
Benoît Battistelli Admits That UPC is Not a Done Deal, in Spite of His Expensive PR and Misleading Media Coverage That He Had the EPO Pay Untold Millions For
Benoît Battistelli Apparently Breaks the Rules Again and Says That Transparent Trial is Unlawful, Threatens Those Involved
Benoît Battistelli’s Façade Continues: Exploiting Terror Attacks Again, Throwing Expensive Parties at the EPO’s Expense, Crushing More Workers’ Rights
EPO Crisis: What If There Was an Administrative Council Meeting and Nobody Came?
EPO Brain Drain Goes All the Way to the Top as Head of Patent Administration Abruptly Resigns
EPO Investigative Unit Causes “Trauma, Will Ruin the Health or Even the Family”
British Media Tackling Other British Media That the EPO’s Benoît Battistelli Paid for His Propaganda Campaign
Battistelli’s European Patent Office Broadens FTI Consulting Contract to Undermine the Media, Wastes Millions of Euros (Spanish translation
Endgame of Manipulating Media With Payments and PR: The ‘Blame Everything and Everyone But EPO Management’ Tactics
Detailed Account of Today's 'Trial' of a Judge Who Said the Truth About the EPO
Timely ‘Gifts’ From Battistelli to Member States (Shortly Before They Can — and Should — Sack Him) (Spanish translation
EPO and Its ‘Buddies’ in the Media Lobby for the UPC in Spite of and in the Face of Resistance (Spanish translation
Battistelli is Sending Threatening Messages/Letters Again, in Another Desperate Effort to Cover Up His Campaign of Defamation Against EPO Whistleblowers (Spanish translation
Another EPO Staff Demonstration Planned for a Fortnight From Now When Battistelli Wishes to Make the EPO Even Crazier
Bought Media Coverage at the European Patent Office
New Essay: EPO “president and Council are morally corrupt”
Report From Thursday Protest in EPO Munich Branch/Headquarters
Spontaneous Protest at EPO Today as Battistelli Still Acts Defiantly, Three Days of ‘Trial’ Starting Tomorrow
Out-of-Control Battistelli Repeatedly Breaks Office Rules and EPC Rules, Then Tries to Change the Rules (Retroactive Legalisation)
Association of the Members of the Boards of Appeal Urges EPO Administrative Council to End Battistelli’s Coup
The Corruption of the Media: EPO Budget as a Gift to Broadcasters Under the EIA2016 Umbrella, FTI Consulting Contracts
Why Anonymous Dissent Against EPO on Google Platforms May be Risky
EPO Press Spokesperson and Director External Communications Busy Creating Distractions From EPO Controversies
The EPO is in a Mess So Sordid That It Pays for Positive Publicity, Further Abolishes Labour Rights (to Punish Whistleblowers) and More
EPO 'Bought' the Financial Times, Which Now Operates in 'Mouthpiece Mode' for Mr. Battistelli (Spanish translation
Battistelli’s EPO is Buying Media Coverage for Lobbying Purposes, But Not at Battistelli’s Expense (Spanish translation
The Commission is Complicit in EPO Abuses, According to Marc Tarabella (Spanish translation
Tuesday Hearing at Room 131 Regarding Illegally Suspended (and Then Defamed) Judge Who Said the Truth About Serious Abuse at the Top of EPO (Spanish translation
Photos From Yesterday's EPO Protest at The Hague, Reports From Munich and The Hague Staff Protests (About 1,200 in Attendance in Spite of Heavy Rain)
Battistelli is Said to be Engineering Further Attacks on People Whom He Already Fired From the EPO (Spanish translation
Dutch Media Reveals That Battistelli Continues His Vicious War on Staff Unions, Laurent Prunier the Latest Casualty (The Hague) (Spanish translation
EPO’s European Inventor Award 2016 (EIA16) is Not an Award Event, It Is a Propaganda and Lobbying Event of Battistelli, EPO Just Foots the Bill (Spanish translation
Caricature of the Day: Presidential Brakes
Leaks Required: EPO's Plan to Crush the Appeal Boards and Media Contracts for Puff Pieces
Goodbye to Patent Quality at the EPO, Thanks to Team Battistelli With Its Extreme Policies
EPO Powers Up Its Spam Machines, 'Media Partners' Start Their Prepared 'Articles' (Puff Pieces)
Time to Call Out Joff Wild (IAM’s Editor in Chief) for His EPO-Connected UPC Propaganda, Other Agenda-Pushing Initiatives
Enlarged Board of Appeals Can Decide Whether Battistelli’s Attack on the Boards Will Become Public
Perpetual Attack on EPO Staff, Even After the Staff Leaves the EPO
EPO Protest Tomorrow: Help the Media (Not 'Media Partners' in EPO Management's Pocket) See What EPO Staff Really Thinks
EPO’s Old Spokesman (10 Years in Munich) Resigns Again After Only 5 Weeks, EPO is Just Buying the Media Now
Politicians Susann Biedefeld (MdL) and Agnes Jongerius (S and D) the Latest to Express Anger at EPO's Management Over Its Abuses
Streisand Effect Award Won by EPO: It Has Just Blocked IP Kat Blog
Today’s Caricature: European Patent Office (EPO) ‘Social Study’
Public Proceedings Next Week Could Expose Battistelli's Incredible and Unprecedented Attack on EPO Judge
The Enemy Within: How Patent Lawyers, Their Media and the Whole Patent Establishment Became an Enemy to Their Nations (partly about the EPO)
EPO Tyranny Comes Under Fire From Politicians in Luxembourg
Battistelli is Destroying the European Patent Office and Wasting a Lot of Money Hiding This Fact
Software Patents in Europe and the UPC Already a Problem
How the EPO Helped Prop Up — With ‘European Inventor Award 2015′ — a Fraud That Killed a Lot of People
Closer Look at Players in Battistelli’s Information War: Part IV (Wellkom) (Spanish translation
Closer Look at Players in Battistelli’s Information War: Part III (Buying the Media, Manufacturing ‘Studies’ With Secret Contracts) (Spanish translation
Closer Look at Players in Battistelli's Information War: Part II (BlueCoat) (Spanish translation
Closer Look at Players in Battistelli's Information War: Part I (Spanish translation
Save the Boards of Appeal to Save the EPO From Battistelli’s Neoliberal Vision and Recipe for Disaster
As Bavarian Parliament Expresses Disdain Over EPO Leadership's Abuses German Media Listens and Staff Union Releases New Survey
FFPE-EPO Going Ad Hominem Against FICSA, Brings Nationality Into It
Vice-President of the European Patent Office Under Many Police Investigations
Battistelli’s Self-Serving ‘European Inventor of the Year’ Charade a Classic Example of Waste and Abuse (Spanish translation
Crazed Battistelli is Trying Plan B to Demolish the Boards of Appeal (Quality Control), Praesidium/Association of Members Strikes Back (Spanish translation

Data Mining Company: EPO is Like Suicide
Extremely Dodgy Dealings at the European Patent Office (Spanish translation
The EPO's Media Partners Like Les Echos Already Produce EPO Puff Pieces (Marketing/Stenography) (Spanish translation
Unitary Microsoft: EPO Excludes People Who Are Not Microsoft Customers From UPC Participation (Spanish translation
New EPO Caricature: Nouveaux Garde-Vélo (New Bicycle Guards)
Battistelli's 'Special Relationship' With Portugal and the 'Inventor of the Year' Charade
Rumour: Battistelli Wants to Extend the Term of Topić's EPO Appointment in Spite of Criminal Charges Against Him (Spanish translation
Battistelli's Assault on EPO Staff's Right to Strike in Relation to French Politics and That 'Bicycle' Pretext for Crackdowns (Spanish translation
Vice-President of the EPO Under Investigation: Treason, Abuse, Violations, Giving and Receiving Bribes
EPO Management Warns People About Scams When the EPO's Management is Itself Falling for Scams (Spanish translation
Warning: EPO Surveillance May Have Just Gotten Even More Intrusive (Spanish translation
Victim Card Ends up in Another Blunder for Battistelli and His Six Bodyguards (Spanish translation
Italian Report About EPO Now Available in English
The EPO is Doing Great, Says EPO-Connected ‘News’ Site (Spanish translation
EPO Management Under Growing Stress From Croatian Law Enforcement Authorities, German Politicians, Italian Media (Spanish translation
The Latest EPO Victim Card (Played by Željko Topić) Should be Treated as Seriously as Those Bogus Claims of Violence by a Judge
The Media Starts Informing the European Public About the Downsides of UPC While EPO Accelerates Its Lobbying for Ratification (Spanish translation
Some Details About How the EPO’s President is Rumoured to be ‘Buying’ Votes and Why It’s Grounds/Basis for “Immediate Dismissal” (Spanish translation
Documents Show Zagreb Police Department in Investigation of Vice-President of the European Patent Office
Disrupting Battistelli's Distracting Propaganda: EPO Staff to Protest Again in About a Fortnight (Spanish translation
Corrupting Democracy? Growing Frequency of Rumours That the EPO’s President Battistelli is ‘Buying’ Votes of Small Member States
EPO Patent ‘Quality’ and ‘Patent Creation’ Myth: Capsule-Based Coffee Sales and Trauma (Spanish translation
Notorious EPO Tyrant, Benoît Battistelli, Meets Other Tyrants, Reportedly 'Cleanses' the Administrative Council (Spanish translation
It’s All Just Artificial Distractions From EPO Management, ‘Yellow’ Union Comes Under Scrutiny Again
Anonymous Commenters Debate Whether Battistelli’s EPO Can Revoke Pensions of Dismissed Employees Who Dare — GASP — Find Alternative Employment (Spanish translation
Another Almost Empty EPO Presentation at The Hague (Spanish translation
If Battistelli Stayed and UPC Became a Reality, Patent Quality at the EPO Would Get a Lot Worse
Two Months Down the Line, Battistelli Has Done None of What the Administrative Council Told Him to Do; He Should be Sacked Next Month
UPC an Attack Not Only on the European Public But Also on Staff of the EPO (Spanish translation
UPC is Class War (the Rich Fighting Everyone Else), Hence the Increasing Militarisation of the European Patent Office (Spanish translation
Relying on EPO, CAFC -- Originator of Software Patents in the US -- Tries to Bring Them Back Into Play in Microsoft Case
Raising Barriers to UPC Cancellation and Withdrawal
Italian Television to Cover EPO Abuses, Bringing the Outrage to the Mainstream in Another Country
EPO an Ill Organisation, Lots to Protest Against Tomorrow
Golden Parachute or Not, Battistelli is Wasting Huge Amounts of Money on His Longtime Bodyguards Fetish (Spanish translation
A Soup of UPC Lies Courtesy of the EPO, Patent Lawyers, and Large Clients (Like Multinational Corporations) (Spanish translation
European Digital SME Alliance: Unified Patent Court (UPC) “Unconstitutional”, Harms SMEs, Brings Software Patents to Europe, “Should be Based on EU Law and Not on an International Agreement.”
Corporate Imperialism in Europe Through the UPC, the Horrible Patent Deal Almost Nobody Heard of
Enemies of Europe: A Month After Promoting UPC in London, Benoît Battistelli and the EPO Do This in Helsinki (Spanish translation
You Need to Become Proprietary Software Customer (Microsoft Recommended) to Interact with the European Patent Office
US Congress Should Investigate EPO and Battistelli, Not Just WIPO and Francis Gurry (Spanish translation
Amid French Political Actions Against EPO Management French Consulate the Target of Next Week's EPO Staff Protest
New Paper About the UPC Explains Why It is Bad for Small- and Medium-sized European Businesses (Spanish translation
Governments in Europe Still Active Against EPO Management (Spanish translation
The European Spam Office (EPO)
Not Just Benoît Battistelli and Willy Minnoye (EPO): Željko Topić Too Thinks He is Above the Law, Avoids the Judges and Courts
The European Patent Office Still Silently Abusive, Will Pay $15,000 in Compensation to Female Worker After Belated ILO Judgment (Spanish translation
How to Salvage the EPO’s Reputation: Create More Boards of Appeal in Europe and Abolish the Misguided UPC Fantasy (Spanish translation
The European Copy-Paste Office (EPO)
Amid Referendum “the New European Unitary Patent System is Likely to Collapse Before It Started”
If EPO “Form of Thinking Were to be Followed, Guantanamo on German Soil Would be Possible.” (Spanish translation
A Farce of a System: How SIPO, USPTO, and Increasingly the EPO Too Turn Into Filing Systems (No Proper Examination/Filtering Required) (Spanish translation
The EPO’s Departure From Truth and Entrance Into the Realms of Chinese Industrial-Grade Propaganda (Spanish translation
Fighting Back Against Limitations on Software Development in Europe (Spanish translation
In Battistelli’s Mini Union (Minion) It Takes Less Than 10 Votes to ‘Win’ an Election (Spanish translation
The Chaos in the EPO Impacts Stakeholders
EPO Integrity on the Line: The Story of Željko Topić's Controversial Diploma - Part V
Growing Threats of Software Patents in Europe and the FRAND Trap Which Microsoft Promotes/Lobbies For (Spanish translation
Battistelli’s MoU and Photo Op With the Institute of Professional Representatives Helps Disguise Its Harsh Criticism of the EPO (Spanish translation
Bavarian Parliament Discusses EPO Abuses (Spanish translation
EPO Integrity on the Line: The Story of Željko Topić’s Controversial Diploma – Part IV
EPO's European Inventor Award Still a Subject of Embarrassment, Media Manipulation, Waste of Public Money, and Shameless Self-Promotion
EPO Integrity on the Line: The Story of Željko Topić’s Controversial Diploma – Part III
The 'Great Conspiracy' of Patent Lawyers, Lobbyists and Large Corporations for UPC and for Software Patents
European Patent Office Deemphasising Quality and Looking to Replace the Key Workers
Munich State Attorney is Pursuing Criminal Charges Against the European Patent Office
EPO Integrity on the Line: The Story of Željko Topić’s Controversial Diploma – Part II
Bavarian Parliament to Discuss the EPO’s Abuses in 24 Hours
EPO Integrity on the Line: The Story of Željko Topić's Controversial Diploma - Part I
Church of EPO: How Team Battistelli Engineered the Dismissal of People Not Sufficiently Loyal to Them – Part IV
Benoît Battistelli “Left in Anger During an Initial Meeting With the State Secretary Who Started Talking About Working Conditions for the Staff”
Administrative Council “Openly Showed Disapproval of Battistelli’s Behaviour” at the EPO
European Patent Office and Human Rights Violations: Article Translation Into English Reveals Upcoming Lawsuit Against the EPO Over Institutional Harassment (Spanish translation
European Patent Office a Microsoft Stronghold: GNU/Linux and Mac Support Seemingly Just Dumped
Totally Inappropriate: The European Patent Office is Still Intervening in European Law and Politics
US Lobbyist for Software Patents, David Kappos, Uses EPO’s Snubbing of the EPC to Spread Misinformation and Patent Monopolies on Software/Algorithms
Needed Urgently: Information About the Secret Meeting of Board 28 and Battistelli's Yellow Union, FFPE-EPO
Croatian News Site Explains Where Criminal Cases Against EPO Vice-President Željko Topić Stand
Church of EPO: How Team Battistelli Engineered the Dismissal of People Not Sufficiently Loyal to Them – Part III (Spanish translation
Church of EPO: How Team Battistelli Engineered the Dismissal of People Not Sufficiently Loyal to Them – Part II (Spanish translation
What is Known (and Not Known) About Attacks on Croatian Portal That Exposed Željko Topić, the Notorious EPO Vice-President
Church of EPO: How Team Battistelli Engineered the Dismissal of People Not Sufficiently Loyal to Them - Part I (Spanish translation
Busted Battistelli: EPO President Violating the EPO’s Code of Conduct (Spanish translation
Why 2,657 EPO Workers Going on Strike is Actually a Lot Less Than Would Strike If It Wasn't for Obstructions From Team Battistelli (Spanish translation
EPSU Explains Why SUEPO Fights for More Than Just EPO Employees and for Rights of Workers at International Institutions (Spanish translation
European Patent Office Half Empty Today (Spanish translation
On Day of Strike FFPE-EPO Reaffirms Status as Yellow (Fake/Management-Leaning) Union, Receives ‘Gifts’
EPO is on Strike, Battistelli Escapes to London With His Bodyguards for More UPC Lobbying, FTI Consulting Goes for Brussels (Spanish translation
From US Military to International Banking and External ‘Review’ of EPO ‘Investigations’ (Union-Busting and War on Dissent) (Spanish translation
Staff Union of the European Patent Office Sends Out a Striking Message With a T-Shirts Campaign
7 Reasons to Join the Strike at the European Patent Office
Show Solidarity to Fellow EPO Workers. Go on Strike Tomorrow. (Spanish translation
Christian Archambeau on the Verge of EUIPO and EPO, Making the Two Less Distinguishable
EPO Management Mocks Justice and Bans Judges, Takes Away Their Independence
European Patent Office Insists That Obeying the Law is Not Realistic, UPC Another Example of That
EPO’s Board 28 Scheduled to Have What Looks Like an Emergency Meeting, EPO Management Pretends Staff Strikes and Crisis (Board 28′s Word) Don’t Mean a Thing
Battistelli's Inner Circle is Expanding With More Miraculous EPO Promotions and Allegedly More Bodyguards (Spanish translation
EPO Management Says Not a Word About Strike This Week, Not Informing Customers/Stakeholders Either
EPO Strike in 3.5 Days Effective in All Sites, Lots for EPO Staff to be Angry About
UPC Lobbying and Propaganda at the Fordham IP Think Tank (‘Conference’) 2016 in New York, With a Clear EPO Role (Spanish translation
EUIPO and the Shady Relation to the EPO (Spanish translation

(Satire) New EPO Marketing Campaign: Drive Your Audi Home (Spanish translation
Hope at the End of the Tunnel as More Software Patents Are Squashed in the US (also covers quality decline at EPO) (Spanish translation
Microsoft at EPO: A Look Into the Relationship (Spanish translation
Further Militarisation of the European Patent Office Amid Crisis and After Request of Fair and Just Treatment of Staff
SUEPO Publishes Translations of German Media Reports About the EPO (Spanish translation
EPO Losing Time: Two Weeks Later, Benoît Battistelli Has Made Virtually No Progress to Save Himself From Sacking
UPC Would Bring Software Patents to Europe and Open the Floodgates to Litigation (Spanish translation
The Media is Still Awash With Unitary Patent (UPC) Misinformation
Crisis Deepens at the European Patent Office, General Strike Planned for Next Thursday
Scandalous: European Patent Office Serves Only Microsoft Customers With Filing Software (Spanish translation
Kroatische Lobistin für UN im Zentrum des intarnationalen Skandals in EPA
Preserving Material About the European Patent Office (EPO) and Abuses by EPO Management
Ingve Björn Stjerna’s New Book About the Unitary Patent (UPC) and Why It’s Important
Battistelli is Trying to Save His EPO Job After Getting Called Out, But Doesn’t Give Back Busted Union Leaders Their Jobs; Strike Imminent (Spanish translation
“The Decision of the President Battistelli to Overstep the Recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee is Arbitrary and Shows Bad Faith.”
Letter Says EPO MoU “Raises Questions About FFPE's Credibility as a Federation of Genuine Staff Unions”
Their Masters’ Voice (Who Block Techrights): FFPE-EPO Openly Discourages Members From Reading Techrights (Spanish translation
Ongoing Investigations: EPO’s Attacks on the Media
FFPE-EPO Says MoU With Battistelli Will “Defend Employment Conditions”
Why Bayerischer Rundfunk Videos About the European Patent Office Have Been Removed
Union Syndicale Federale Slams FFPE-EPO for Helping Abusive EPO Management by Signing a Malicious, Divisive Document
More Vomit-Inducing Publicity Stunts From Benoît Battistelli and the EPO Management
De Telegraaf Says There is Reorganisation Under Way at the European Patent Office
EPO Scandals in British Media: Third Time in Private Eye
Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany and the United Kingdom Urge Benoît Battistelli to Allow Independent Investigation of His EPO Union-Busting Moves
The ‘Results’ That Battistelli and His EPO Bunch Brag About Not Believed by Patent Lawyers and Patent Examiners (Spanish translation
European Patent Office: Administrative Council gives the President a bollocking
Conflict at the European Patent Office: Battistelli gets away with a slap on the wrist (Spanish translation
International Labour Organisation Should Ask EPO Staff About the Surge in Cases, Not Just EPO Management, Which Chronically Lies
Reversal Spin: SUEPO Needs to Make Peace Rather Than Benoît Battistelli Needing to Make Peace After Dismissing SUEPO’s Leaders (Spanish translation
Article Highlights Madness When It Comes to Overstressing EPO Staff and Pushing Towards Overpatenting (Even Life!) in Pursuit of Profits
Benoît Battistelli Made SUEPO Stronger by Trying to Decapitate It, May in Fact Have Self-Decapitated EPO (President in the Chopping Line)
Translation of Article Highlights Bavarian Political Motion, Protest Scale and Severity in Munich
Better Late Than Never: Bavarian Parliament Intervenes in EPO Affairs Amidst Abuses
Insider's Account (Not Face-Saving EPO Statement) Reveals That Even Battistelli's Allies Turn Against Him, EPO 'Results' Not Believed by Some, and Munich Protests Break Records
Institutional Failure and Dirty Tricks: Benoît Battistelli Seemingly Gets Support Like Microsoft Gets Support
Investigation Into Working Conditions at the European Patent Office Will Commence
In the Mainstream Media, the European Patent Office is Already Becoming Another FIFA, Lies Aplenty as Last Remaining 'Damage Control' Strategy
Survey Confirms What Board 28 Already Admits: the European Patent Office is Deep in a State of Crisis Since Benoît Battistelli Took Over
Exclusive: New Leaked Document Shows Board 28 Surprised Battistelli and Had a Long Unilateral Argument With Him Over Union-Busting ('Disciplinary Cases'), Called It a “Crisis”
Dutch Media (NRC) Cites Documents Leaked to Techrights and EPO Refuses to Comment on Them
EPO’s Leadership All-time Low: Benoît Battistelli’s Meeting With Secretary Martijn van Dam Explodes
Reader's Article: “Guantanamo Possible in Germany”
Battistelli Unsurprisingly Rejects Opportunity to Salvage His Status, EPO Strike Likely to Proceed Soon (Spanish translation
Consequences of Straining Staff: Patent Quality at the European Patent Office Has Gotten Rather Terrible
Overthrowing Battistelli Only Part of a Bigger Job (Restoration of Quality and Human Decency at the European Patent Office)
French High-Quality Video About the European Patent Office
English High-Quality Video About the European Patent Office
German High-Quality Video About the European Patent Office
EPO's Central Staff Committee Asks Benoît Battistelli to Undo Union-Busting Activities and Obey the Dutch Court's Judgment (Spanish translation
Old Article About Battistelli's Right-hand Man, Željko Topić, Highlights Severity of the Whole Situation
French Transcript of Bayerischer Rundfunk Coverage About EPO
English Transcript of Bayerischer Rundfunk Coverage About EPO
German Transcript of Bayerischer Rundfunk Coverage About EPO
EPO Hypocritically Responds to TV Program by Defamation/Mocking of the Dead and Threats to the Media (Truth as Defamation?)
EPO Protest in Munich in a Couple of Days
EPO Rumours About Antonio Campinos as Replacement for Benoît Battistelli
EPO Under Benoît Battistelli: Nepotism, Misinformation, Poor Patent Quality, Terrible Working Conditions, and Increase in Prices
European Patent Office Kontrovers TV Coverage (English Version)
L’Office Européen des Brevets (OEB/European Patent Office) Kontrovers Coverage
Kontrovers Coverage of Abuses at the European Patent Office (With Subtitles Added)
Benjamin Henrion's (FFII) FOSDEM Talk About UPC and Software Patents in Europe
The EPO 'Results' Are Bunk
Battistelli Acting Like a Politician, Lobbying for UPC All Across Europe and Coming to London Soon
Business Profit Over Science: Patent Scope at the EPO Has Gone So Badly Out of Control That Even the European Parliament is Complaining
The European Patent Organisation’s Administrative Council Can Stop the Strike by Agreeing/Working to Reintegrate Staff Representatives and End Benoît Battistelli’s Witch-hunts
EPO Tells La Tribune That Benoît Battistelli’s Salary is “We Don’t Comment on Rumours”
The Article Which Reinforces Rumours About Christoph Ernst Replacing President Battistelli at the EPO
Central Staff Committee of the European Patent Office Asks the Chairman of the Administrative Council to Take Action Next Week or Risk General (Office-Wide) Strike
A Patent Office or a Lobbying Firm? ‘European’ Patent Office (EPO) Sticking its Nose in UPC Matters Again.
The European Patent Office is in a State of Transition, But Not Battistelli's Transition or 'Reform'
Video Sheds Light on Policy/Stance of the Man Rumoured to be Battistelli's Successor at the EPO
Patent Attorney Joeri Beetz Explains Why EPO Results Are a Lie (Spanish translation
Rumours and Unverified Claims Suggest That EPO President is “Bribing” for Perceived Support
Another EPO Protest Next Week, Strategically Planned to Coincide With the Administrative Council’s Meeting
Exclusive: Leaked Document Refutes Battistelli's Words and Shows He is Still Deplored by the Board (Spanish translation
Team Battistelli’s Bergot Reacts to Strike Action
Caricature of the Day: Recognising FFPE EPO
4,062 of Staff Vote on EPO Strike, Over 91% in Favour
Claim and Perception: Under Battistelli, EPO More Permissive on Software Patents Than USPTO, In Spite of the EPC
Rumoured Successor of Battistelli, Christoph Ernst, Previously Seen as Antagonist of Battistelli But What About UPC?
Super Tuesday: EPO Workers Are Voting for a Strike Today
Software Patents Are a Dying Breed in the United States and the EPO Should Take Notice
The EPO’s Media Strategy at Work: Union Feuds and Group Fracturing
Kontrovers: German Program (With Subtitles) About the European Patent Office
Vote for EPO Strike This Tuesday in Order to Replace EPO Management
Busted Battistelli: EPO President Publicly Lies About the State of the EPO, So What About His Secret Contract, Salary and Other Undisclosed Benefits? (Spanish translation
Fallout of the FFPE EPO MoU With Battistelli's Circle
EPO and IAM: a Marriage of Convenience (Spanish translation
JUVE Translation: EPO Quick to Announce Success Story of Dialogue with Small Unions (Spanish translation
Forget Staff Union-busting 'Strike Ballots', How About Ballots on Presidential Matters?
Remember What Benoît Battistelli Said About His Salary and His Bonus
Despite Its Propaganda Campaign (‘Union Recognition’ and ‘Results’) the EPO’s Management is Totally Flipping Out
Why the Letter in Support of Battistelli is Worse Than a Lie and Should be Thrown to the Wastebasket by the Organisation’s Administrative Council
“FFPE-EPO Was Set up About 9 Years Ago With Management Encouragement”
Unitary Patent (UPC) Propagandists Are Louder Than Ever as Its Architect in Chief (Battistelli) is Probably About to Get Sacked
EPO Cartoon: The Presence of Justice
EPO Strike Still Planned, More Details to be Published Soon
Further Evidence Suggests and Shows Stronger Evidence That Team Battistelli Uses FFPE-EPO as 'Yellow Union' Against SUEPO
EPO Propaganda is Already Sticking in Some Media
Overview of Today’s Growing Press Coverage About the European Patent Office
In the EPO’s Official Photo Op, “Only One of the Faces is Actually FFPE-EPO”
3/3 is EPO Propaganda Day: Techrights to Respond and Alert the Media About Misinformation (Spanish translation
EPO Media Strategy: Call the Whistleblowers Nazis and Criminals
Team Battistelli Uses FFPE to Give an Illusion of EPO Peace With 'Unions' and Justify/Support a Now-Famous Lie
German Television to Cover the EPO Scandals at 9 PM (CET) Tonight — Half an Hour From Now
EPO at Boiling Point: Why Battistelli is Believed to be Paid About $2,000,000 Per Year and Who Created and Circulated a Letter in His Support
UPC Anything But a Certainty With Battistelli on His Way Out, But Patent Lawyers Are Still in Denial (Spanish translation
Brace Yourselves for Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: Tomorrow the European Patent Office Will Spread Propaganda Based on Half Truths and Misdirection
Battistelli and Godwin's Law (Comparing One's Opposition to Nazis)
Team Battistelli’s New Media Strategy at Times of EPO Emergency
Ongoing Investigation: Why Mainstream Media -- and German Media in Particular -- Has Mostly Ignored Latest Developments at the EPO
EPO Attracts Complaints Over (Mental) Torture Against Staff
Update on Civil Complaints and Criminal Complaints Against EPO Vice-President Željko Topić in Lufthansa/Airplus Case
Problems of Governance in International Organizations: the EPO
Media Alert: Spokespeople of the EPO Are Lying to Journalists
Confirmed by Dutch Media (Telegraaf): Benoît Battistelli Makes Unreasonable Compensation Demands (Spanish translation
EPO “Management by Fear… Within a System Which is Not Subject to Any Outside Control.”
Battistelli-Led EPO “Led to Tensions and Even to Suicides Among Employees, Say the Unions”
Member States Are Turning Against “Tyrannical” Chief of European Patent Office (Benoît Battistelli)
Next Week Looks Likely to Bring Another Battistelli Crisis at the EPO
Article Translation (de Volkskrant): EPO Employees Are Tired of Tyranny and Take to the Streets
Censorship in Land of So-called ‘Social Dialogue’: EPO is Still Blocking Techrights Web Site, But There Are Exceptions/Loopholes
Even Battistelli-Funded Media Admits That Battistelli is in Deep Trouble Right Now (Spanish translation
New Evidence Emerges, Showing That Unitary Patent (UPC) is Indeed an SME Killer That Negatively Affects Europe for Patent Lawyers’ Sake (Spanish translation
Dutch Report: “External Investigation” Likely to be Launched Into “the Punitive Measures That Battistelli Imposed on Union Members.”
Repurposed Misinformation Campaign: The EPO’s PR Team is Lying to The Register in Order to Help Battistelli Save Face
Dutch Media Reinforces Rumours That Battistelli is on His Way Out, Only a Matter of Money Now
The English Version of the Central Staff Committee’s Open Letter to the Praesidium of the Administrative Council Regarding Battistelli’s ‘Social Study’ EPO Propaganda
Nearly a Thousand EPO Employees Prepared to Go on Strike in Just a Fortnight, Team Battistelli Getting Desperate to Stop That
More Fire Power for Team Battistelli With New Promotion of French Lady
European Patent Office: Battistelli Gets Official Warning
The Mass Media Recognises This May be the End of the Battistelli Regime
Further Militarisation of the EPO
The EPO’s Investigative Unit (I.U.) Called ‘Gestapo’ on Dutch Television
Possible Connections Found Between WIPO Misconduct and “a Dozen Serious Criminal Charges” Against EPO’s Željko Topić
EPO-Funded Unitary Patent (UPC) Propaganda Events and the Latest on the Undemocratic (Even Antidemocratic) UPC Push
Federation of International Civil Servants’ Associations Bemoans EPO Climate of “Fear, Threats, Intimidation or Retaliation”
More Information About Battistelli's Utterly Miserable Last EPO Moves (Leaked Photo Included) (Spanish translation
Request of Transcription and Translation: FICSA Letter Against EPO, French Media on EPO Abuses
New Leak: Battistelli’s Circle, Now Fighting for Survival, Circulates a Letter (and Why Some at the EPO Believe It’s a Form of Blackmail)
Leaked: Board 28 Message to Heads of Delegation of the Administrative Council (EPO)
The European Patent Office’s Head of Recruitment and Talent Management Quits, More People Reportedly Exit Quietly
“Bavarian Government is Unable to Become Involved in the Business Operations of Supra-national Organizations” Like EPO
More Political Action in France, Still Firmly Against the Largely French EPO Management
New EPO Rumours About Benoît Battistelli's Potential Role in the Bygmalion Affair
Germany, Which Allows People in Europe and Abroad to Patent Software (EPC Shunned), Simply Cannot be Trusted With the EPO and UPC
Call for Information: Separating EPO Rumours From Confirmed Facts
Patent Trolls and the Rise of Non-Practicing Parasites Not Just in the US But Also in Europe (Spanish translation
A Preview of Injunctions/Raids Heaven in Europe With the Unitary Patent (Continent-Wide Bans and Embargoes by Patent Lawyers)
Source: EPO’s Administrative Council Not Pursuing Battistelli’s Witch-hunt Against a Judge Anymore
Rumours Suggest That Battistelli, Already Enjoying Life With a Huge (But Still Secret) Salary, Wants More Than a Decade’s Worth of Salary to Leave
EPO Management Reportedly in a State of Collapse, Rumours Suggest Battistelli Possibly Out Soon, Events Canceled
Open Letter Explains Why Disciplinary Committees at the EPO Have Become a Sham Under Battistelli's Regime
Team Battistelli Tries to Bend the Rules to Prevent the European Patent Office From Going on Strike
The EPO's Patent Coup in Europe Moves on With Conflict of Interests-Plagued German Authorities for UPC
Danish Left's Alternate for European Parliament Slams the European Patent Office While Staff Protests Are Again Ignored by the German Media
Patent Lawyers and EPO Officials Are Parading the Unitary Patent (UPC) in, Despite Lack of Democratic Process (Spanish translation
How the European Patent Office (EPO) is Crushing Staff Unions and Why EPO Staff Has a Moral Duty to Protest
The European Patent Office (EPO) Openly Advocates Software Patents Despite the Rules (Spanish translation
Transcript of EPO Official Admitting on Television (Nieuwsuur Interview) That Courts Are of No Interest to Him
Caricature of the Day: Willy Minnoye (EPO) Above the Law
A New MUST-READ Article From Croatia About EPO Vice-President Željko Topić, Condemning His Behaviour Even Inside the EPO
EPO VP1 Willy Minnoye and His Bizarre Claims About Systematic Crackdown on the EPO Unions (More Than Half a Dozen People Targeted is Clearly Not a Coincidence)
The Abuses of the EPO’s Management Against Staff Extend to Their Families
With Software Patents, “the Low Level of the USPTO Has Now Been Reached by the EPO” (Spanish translation
The European Patent Office, Aloof/Apathetic to Inventors and Human Rights, Simply Cannot be Trusted With the Unitary Patent (UPC) (Spanish translation
Feedback About Battistelli’s ‘Meet the President’ Event in Rijswijk (4th of February, 2016)
In Lawyerland, Simulated UPC 'Trials' and More Extraordinary EPO Propaganda for Change That Would Harm Europe to Help Patent Lawyers and Their Big Clients
New EPO Protests Amid Nervous Breakdowns of Spanish EPO Employee (After Institutional Bullying by Battistelli's Goons), Spain Rejects the Unitary Patent (UPC) (Spanish translation
Only Half a Dozen Cuban Patents Filed at EPO, But Hugely Unpopular Battistelli Goes to Cuba to Garner Cheap Support (Spanish translation
EPO Brain Drain (Even Directors Fed Up With Team Battistelli) and Rumours About Battistelli Becoming President of the UPC
More Than 20 Years in the Line: European Patent Office and Claims of European Convention on Human Rights Infringement Against Applicants/Stakeholders
UPC Nepotism, Political Abuses, and UPC Involvement From the Legal Firm That EPO Hired to Bully Techrights (Spanish translation
Member of European Parliament Brings Up “Ongoing Violations of the Fundamental and Employment Rights of the Staff of EPO” (Spanish translation
Besieged Benoît Battistelli Mimics 'Damage Control' Tactics of FIFA or Blatter as More Judges Start Getting Involved in EPO Scandals
Several Political Parties Directly Challenge the European Patent Office for Ignoring the Law, Not Obeying Court Orders
Even the Legal Community is Upset at Benoît Battistelli for the Damage He Did to the EPO
EPO Union (SUEPO) Getting Busted: “More and More People are Joining the Union, but Fewer and Fewer People Dare to Take on Leading Positions There.”
The EPO's Benoît Battistelli is the Dictator Who Can No Longer Dictate Like He Used to
The European Patent Office “is Acting as Though the Law Does Not Apply to It.”
Latest Propaganda From the EPO's Management an Effort to Make the EPO the Tool of Megacorporations (Spanish translation
'Aversion to Change' Propaganda From the EPO Echoes or Parrots Lenin and Stalin
The Alice Case Continues to Smash Software Patents (This Time OpenTV’s); Will the EPO Ever Pay Attention?
EPO Staff Responds to Team Battistelli's Expansion to Include French Economic Propagandist on the Payroll
UPC: To Understand Who Would Benefit From It Just Look at Who's Promoting It (Like TPP)
The ‘Offenses’ of EPO Staff Representatives Boil Down to Truth-Telling
Rumours About Dismissal of Benoît Battistelli and New Letter From Union Syndicale Federale Blasting Battistelli’s Behaviour
Readers' Article: A Strange Conspiracy of Silence in the German Media (Part II)
European Patent Office Pretends It's Business as Usual and Prepares New Vanity Pieces (Spanish translation
Readers’ Article: A Strange Conspiracy of Silence in the German Media (Part I)
Benoît Battistelli’s EPO: From Show Trials and Mock Trials to a Self-Aggrandising Propaganda Event Later Today in Rijswijk
Caricature of the Day: EPO President
Company Known as European Patent Office Provides Tips on How to Patent Software in Europe
The Most Detailed Explanation (Yet) of What's Wrong With the EPO (Spanish translation
SUEPO (EPO Staff Union) Appears to Have Launched a New and Improved Web Site After Attempts to Crush (‘Decapitate’) SUEPO
Münchner Merkur Explains That EPO Staff is Defecting to SUEPO, Even The Council Distrusts Battistelli Now
Slides of New Talk Which Explains the Connection Between the Unitary Patent (UPC) and Software Patents (Spanish translation
Under Battistelli’s Regime the European Patent Office is Rapidly Rotting
MEP Konstantina Kouneva (Former Trade Unionist) Again Takes Action Against the European Patent Office for Union-Busting Actions
Political Complaints About European Patent Office Abuses Keep Flooding in After Firing of Staff Representatives (Busting of Unions)
Richard Stallman: European Software Patents Are Back With the Unitary Patent Court (UPC) (Spanish translation
When European Parliament/Commission Gets Embroiled in the EPO Scandals
When European SMEs Make the Mistake of Relying on the EPO’s Integrity, Now Want to Even SUE the EPO
Translation: What If the European Patent Office Were to Torture?
The Connection Between the EPO’s Investigative Unit/Battistelli Policies and EPO Suicides
Battistelli and His Bodyguards: Paranoia, Megalomania, or Both? Are China-Style ‘Suicide Nets’ Next on the EPO’s Agenda? (Spanish translation
Dutch Media’s Coverage of Protest at The Hague Leaves VP1 Minnoye a New Laughing Stock of the EPO’s Staff
Dutch Television Talks About EPO Conflict and Today’s Protest at The Hague, Previous Protests Too
Independent Dutch Investigation to Commence Into the Working Conditions at the European Patent Office in Rijswijk
EPO Protests Earn Coverage on Dutch Television, Programme Starts Now (10PM CET)
Over a Thousand People Protest at The Hague; The EPO’s PR Team is Lying Again About the Busting of Staff Unions, Pretends There is “Union Recognition”
EPO Staff at The Hague to Protest Shortly; Here is Why We Should All Support Them
No More Defeatism: Battistelli’s Days at the European Patent Office May be Numbered
EPO Protest in The Hague This Week Targets Next Wave of Silent (by Gag Orders) Union Busting
The EPO Goes Lobbying Even More Heavily in Brussels, Reveals New Job Advertisement
Newly-Released Badinter Report Shows That by Treating Staff Like Garbage the European Patent Office is Violating Fundamental Rights
Philip Cordery Says the EPO Situation is Well Known to All, as Attested by the Numerous Press Articles, Political Actions, or Administrative Recommendations (Spanish translation
Süddeutsche Zeitung After FTI Consulting Deal: EPO Ghostwriter or Journalism?
Dismissal of EPO Staff Representatives Does Not Eliminate Them as EPO Staff Sticks Together, Shares the Burden, the Pain (Spanish translation
Union-Busting Strategies Backfire: After Additional EPO Protests/Actions (Over 2,000 in Attendance With More to Come) a STRIKE is Being Planned
Additional Information About EPO Management and Its Abuses, as Told by Anonymous Comments
EPO Implicitly Acknowledges Declining Patent Quality by Agreeing to Finally Dump Some Monsanto GMO Patents
EPO President Battistelli and Vice-President Topić Are Having Political Problems
Two More EPO Protests on Their Way, Thousands of Employees Projected to Attend Overall
In Unison, Nations Hop Aboard the Unitary Patent Train Wreck, For (Foreign) Corporate Gain at Europe’s Expense
The EPO’s PR Team May be Trying a New ‘Damage Control’ Strategy Amid Historic Protests by Staff
Benoît Battistelli Blasted by Pierre-Yves Le Borgn’, Who Initiates More Political Actions Against Him (Spanish translation
The Next Phase of Union Busting: Battistelli Now Cutting Salaries of Yet More EPO Staff Representatives
EPO/FTI Consulting-funded Event for UPC Will Be Stuffed With Mega-corporations from the United States (Spanish translation
SLAPP-Happy EPO Vice-President Željko Topić Loses Croatian Defamation Lawsuit -- AGAIN!
Poor Journalism From Süddeutsche Zeitung Perpetuates the EPO Management's Lies
EPO Management and Its PR Team a Den of Liars, Even Lying to Their Own Staff
Battistelli “Exacerbated the Penalties Which Were Recommended by the Disciplinary Committees for All Three EPO Unionists” (Under Mock Trial)
Tomorrow's EPO Protest to Target Union-busting Actions Disguised as 'Social Dialogue' or 'Union Recognition'
Techrights Needs Translations as Another EPO Staff Protest Looms
French Politician Philip Cordery Calls the EPO Authoritarian, Says the Union-busting Decisions Are Purely Scandalous (Spanish translation
European Patent Office (EPO) is Not “the Real World” But a Parallel Universe Without Any Regard for the Rule of Law
Battistelli's Legitimacy Under Political Fire After He Fired Staff Representatives, Claims He's Neither Suitable Nor Eligible to be EPO President (Spanish translation
Team Battistelli Has Brought Dirty Politics to the EPO, Pension Cuts May be “Blatantly Illegal”
Unitary Patent (UPC) Highlights Reality Behind the EPO’s Management and Its Multinational/Overseas Bosses (Spanish translation
Battistelli Hopes That People Forget (or Don’t Know About) Criminal Charges Against Željko Topić, But Croatian Media Does Not Forget as Election Imminent
Summarising the Latest Attacks by the European Patent Office (EPO) on European Society, With Complicity of Corporate Media
The EPO “Hearing Was a Mockery.”
The Witch-hunt Against Elizabeth Hardon Leads Back to Battistelli
EPO Staff Protests in Berlin and Vienna
How the EPO Prevented Scapegoats ('Defendants') in Its Mock 'Trials' From Actually Presenting a Defense (Spanish translation
Hundreds of EPO Staff at The Hague (Including Managers) Spontaneously Protested Today, Making Almost Half of All Staff Present
Pierre-Yves Le Borgn' Lashes Out at EPO for Firing Staff Representatives (Spanish translation
Massive EPO Protests After Team Battistelli Fires Legitimate Critics and Staff Representatives (Even Those With Young Children) (Spanish translation
The EPO is Manufacturing Propaganda Again, Releasing Misleading Figures to the Media (Spanish translation
Germany Needs to Respect the European Patent Convention and Stop Issuing Software Patents, Also Reject UPC
Transparency is Sunlight in the Kingdom of the EPO Vampires (Spanish translation
The European Patent Office (EPO) Still Quietly Abusive (Spanish translation
How the EPO Imposes Secrecy Around Mock 'Trials' and What the EPO Calls 'Violence'
Not Just Three (or Even Six) EPO Staff Representatives Under Attack (Spanish translation
A Busy Week Ahead for the EPO's Management as Union-busting Efforts Culminate (Spanish translation
The European Patent Office (EPO) Doesn’t Like Spanish, So Why Should the Spanish Tolerate the EPO? (Spanish translation
Patent Lawyers Say It “Remains to be Seen How the EPO Will Limit the Number of PACE Requests an Applicant Can Make” (Spanish translation
Patent Lawyers and People in 'IP' Jobs Warp the Debate About the Patent System: EPO-Funded Writers, Glorification of Patent Trolls, and Software Patents
So Much for ‘Vocal Minority’… Half of EPO Staff Signed Petition in Support of SUEPO
The European Patent Office (EPO) Has Become a Propaganda Mill After the FTI Consulting Deal
Shedding Light on the Secretive Mock Trial of Elizabeth Hardon and Others (EPO Union Busting)
The Long EPO Queue for European SMEs That Cannot Hop Like Multinational Corporations (Spanish translation
What the European Patent Office (EPO) Looks Like to European SMEs (Spanish translation
British MEP May Soon Complain to Benoît Battistelli About EPO Process, No Closer Contacts With Ordinary Applicants (Spanish translation
German and European Patent Attorney Warns That UPC Would Bring More Patent Trolls to Europe, With Help From the EPO (Spanish translation
Meeting the EPO’s PR Team and Learning Its Dirty Tricks
European Patent Office (EPO) Starts New Year With Hogwash (Spanish translation
Colour codes:
- |
Scope |
Repression |
Labour |
Above the law |
Credibility |
Software (abstract) patents |
Institutional abuse |
Staff deaths/suicides |
Ignoring court orders or due process |
Budgetary issues |
Patents on life |
Censorship/Gagging |
Crushing protests |
Crushing oversight or other branches |
Reputation issues (EU) |
Patent maximalism/UPC |
Union-busting |
Character assassination/Defamation |
Favouritism/Nepotism |
Patent trolls |
Legal bullying |
Abolishing workers' rights |
Propaganda/Misinformation/Paying the media |
Conflict of interest/Dubious connections |
Systemic synthesis |
Illegal surveillance |
State within a state |
Alleged bribery |
Organisational crisis |






