
This page contains links to the many posts that we have about Mono. We also have separate pages about
Mono Applications,
Miguel de Icaza, and
Team Mono is on the Run
Microsoft's Team Mono: One Happy Family
Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part VIII — Mr. Graveley’s Long Career Serving Microsoft’s Agenda (Before Hiring by Microsoft to Work on GitHub’s GPL Violations Machine)
It's 2020 and Some GNU/Linux Sites Still Celebrate Mono, Even When Microsoft Owns and Controls It Directly
Xamarin Quits Pretending to be Separate From Microsoft, All Staff to Work Directly for Microsoft
The Threat of Mono is Not Entirely Over Yet
Microsoft-backed Mono is Still Trying to Spread to More Linux-Based Platforms
Latest Debian GNU/Linux Installs Gnote When Mono is Removed
Mono Can Now be Treated Like a Microsoft Project
Canonical Neglects Tomboy (Mono)
Mono Dries Up
August 2012
Patent Traps in Linux; Mono Increasingly Developed by Microsoft
Mono and Xamarin After Cash Infusion From Former Microsoft Executives
July 2012
Microsoft ‘Community’ Takes Control of Mono, Passes Belated Bribes to Mono Developers
Pinta Considered Dead, Mono Goes to Microsoft
November 2011
Canonical/Ubuntu Considers Dumping Mono From Ubuntu LTS
Mono Bug Persists in Ubuntu GNU/Linux
September 2011
OpenSUSE Drops Java But Not Mono
Mono for Android is Proprietary, Even Tomdroid Dodges It
August 2011
SUSE and Xamarin: Helping Microsoft Tax GNU/Linux (Google Should Secede From the Funding)
.NET Gets Called a Mistake, But Not in Xamarin
July 2011
Microsoft Development Surveys and Microsoft Mono
Xamarin Gets Permission From Novell But Not From Microsoft
Xamarin and Mono a Dead End
Xamarin Has a Trademarks Problem
Emulating Microsoft is Good for Microsoft
Don’t Support Mono
June 2011
Xamarin/Mono Already Abandoned by Developers
MonoDroid and MonoTouch Are Assimilation to .NET
Techrights Was Right About Mono Being Open Core, Now Miguel de Icaza Admits It
Foggy and Binary Future (If Any) for Mono
Microsoft Partner Attachmate Keeps Monopoly Over Mono ‘IP’ After Microsoft Aided Sale
Microsoft Proponents Promote Xamarin While Microsoft is Abandoning .NET/Mono
May 2011
As Mono Runs Out of Money Developers Avoid It
Xamarin CEO Has Microsoft Employment History
DistroWatch: Fedora Keeps Mono in Rawhide
Funding Behind Xamarin is Microsoft MVP Miguel de Icaza; Fresh Concerns About Attachmate
SD Times: “Attachmate (a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) buys Novell. Microsoft gives gobs of money to Attachmate. Attachmate whacks the Mono team.”
Xamarin Analysed
Mono Company Registered Near Microsoft (Bellevue)
Jack Schofield Accused of “Lack of Professionalism” for Daemonising Mono Sceptics
The Threat of Mono on Android and on Ubuntu is Not Totally Gone Yet
Microsoft Infiltrator Wants Canonical to Foster Mono as Canonical CTO (Who Opposed Mono) Leaves
Groklaw Worried About Novell Polluting Ubuntu With Mono, IBM’s Open Source VP Thinks Microsoft Might Scoop Mono
Mono Development Canned (Updated: Everyone Laid Off)
What Google Should Do Now That Android is Being Poisoned by Novell (With Mono) and Sued by Microsoft
April 2011
Attachmate and Mono
Mono is Microsoft
Ubuntu Without the Mono
Debian 6 Claimed to be Harmed by Mono, Ubuntu Suffers From Banshee Problems
.NET and More Microsoft APIs Pushed Into GNU/Linux by Microsoft MVPs and FUD Spreaders (Against Linux)
March 2011
Why Microsoft’s Guy Miguel de Icaza Pushes for C# at Apple, Which is Not Successful
Novell Rips Red Hat Off and Rips the Community Apart, Brings Microsoft and Patent Tax Into it
Miguel de Icaza is at Microsoft, Attacking Ubuntu GNU/Linux
February 2011
Promoting OpenSUSE is Not the Same as Promoting Mono
One Last Sellout From Novell (MPEG-LA, Microsoft Patent Traps)
Simon Phipps: “Mentioning Mono in my article was an interesting experience. It was like mentioning Scientology…”
Microsoft Bans Mono
Ostracise Miguel de Icaza Like Stephen Elop Should Have Been Ostracised From Nokia
Miguel de Icaza Helps Show He is an Enemy of GNU/Linux
With Novell’s Intervention, MeeGo Now Poisoned by Mono
Poisoning Mobile Linux With Microsoft Staff and Mono
Banshee’s Developer Quits Novell
January 2011
From UNIX Battles to .NET Battles
Keeping Unity Mono Free
The “Mono Lobby” Explained by Neil Richards
Adrian Malacoda on Apathy Towards Mono
Richard Stallman: “The danger is that Microsoft is probably planning to force all free C# implementations underground some day using software patents”
Monofree Helps Remove and Block Mono, Just Like Mononono
Mono in ‘Damage Control’
Linux Mint Founder Does Not Follow Ubuntu’s Banshee Travesty
OMG!Ubuntu! Likes Mono
Mono Boosters in Ubuntu Have Conflicts of Interest, LibreOffice Under Similar Threat
Change Happens (Consensus Regarding Mono)
December 2010
Wayne Borean: Mono Should Come With “Danger – Microsoft Inside” Label
.NET is Microsoft’s Patent Poison Pill Inside Any GNU/Linux Distribution With Mono
Mono Lie of the Week: AttachMSFT’s Banshee is Safe
Mono Under AttachMSFT Spreads Microsoft Languages, Opposition Bullied
Canonical is Hiring Mono Developers, Losing COO
November 2010
Bad Decision Made at Canonical Regarding Media Player
Microsoft MVP Miguel de Icaza Does Not Know What Will Happen to Mono
Mono is for Microsoft and Microsoft F# Loves Miguel de Icaza
Mono Advocacy is Deluded, Avoids the Facts and Personally Attacks Critics Instead
October 2010
Canonical Probably to Put in Next Ubuntu GNU/Linux Mono Parts Which Microsoft Disallows Free of Lawsuits/Charge
The Source on Rejecting Mono, Which Earns a Room at FOSDEM 2011
Allegation: Novell Has “Profit Motive for Pushing Mono Everywhere”
GNOME and Mono Meet Through Zeitgeist
How Mono Helps Microsoft DirectX, With Contribution From VMB_ware
“OMGUbuntu Makes a Dig at Mono?”
To Mono Leadership/Development Team, “A Mono Success Story of Biblical Proportions” Means No GNU/Linux Support
Mono as a Whole Appears to be a Patent Trap
Mono is Not a GNU/Linux Project and It Keeps Feeding Those Who Bite the GNU/Linux Hand
OpenSUSE’s Former and Existing Community Managers Promote Mono Patent Trap
Smeegol Linux Has a Mono Problem
Joint Microsoft/Novell Release of Mono, Partly With Microsoft Licences, Patents, and Even Copyrights
Mobbyists Love Mono
The Redmond-Associated Press is Promoting Mono
September 2010
Mono Liars - Quick clarifications regarding a smear campaign that’s waged against Techrights by Mono proponents
Nokia, Zeitgeist, MeeGo/Maemo, and Moonlight/Mono Threat
Next Mono is Coming With Microsoft Code, Microsoft Licences
Mono Outperformed by .NET Sometimes, Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10 Dumps Novell’s Banshee
Don’t Touch NoTouch (MonoTouch)
Embedding ‘Microsoft Tax’ in Linux, Using Mono
“Q: Why is it written in Mono/C#? A: Because I hate freedom.”
August 2010
Mono Project Seems to be Dying (Development Virtually Halted)
Mono Accessibility for Microsoft
OMG!Mono! (Mono boosting comes from OMG!Ubuntu! (as usual), but the original source of Mono development is drying up)
Mono in GNOME Zeitgeist
Microsoft’s ‘Android Tax’ Shows Why Mono Should be Treated as Threat
Novell/Mono Could be Sued by Oracle; Taleo Puts Sun’s Former CEO and Former Novell Employee in the Board
Novell Connects Mono and Fog Computing (Microsoft ‘Patent Tax’ Included)
Novell Spreads .NET, Receives Backing From Microsoft Boosters
Groklaw Repeats Warning About Mono as a Patent Threat
Patent Threat Banshee Gets Hooks Into Ubuntu 10.10
Novell/Microsoft Mono Poison (Banshee) Put in Ubuntu 10.10 NBE by Default
Making Money for Increasing Microsoft Threat to GNU/Linux
Novell’s Promotion of Mono and Visual Studio Tools Comes Under Scrutiny
July 2010
How Novell’s Mono Mob Operates
Richard Stallman Reiterates Threat of Mono, Wikipedia Censored by Mono Boosters
Mono Demoted to “Proprietary Software” Status
Microsoft Co-Develops Mono With Novell
June 2010
Manual for Removing Microsoft Trap From Ubuntu GNU/Linux (and Lessons of TomTom and SCO Cases)
SUSE MeeGo is About Mono and OpenSUSE Makes Microsoft-taxed GNU/Linux
Microsoft Certified Partner Supports Mono
Mono Cleanup (Ubuntu GNU/Linux follows the footsteps of projects like Fedora and sweeps Novell’s Mono aside)
Novell Turns MeeGo Into Another Ballnux
Novell is Knowingly Seeding GNU/Linux, MeeGo and Android With Microsoft Patents
May 2010
MeeGo is Hijacked by the Mono Team
Novell: The Copy of a Copy
By Pushing Mono Into Android, Novell Puts Microsoft Before Freedom
The Microsoft/Novell Mono Lobby
Attempts to Push Mono Into Awn
Microsoft/Novell Faking “Open Source” and Pushing .NET Into Web Browsers
April 2010
Keeping Mono Out of Ubuntu 10.04 and Android; HTC Sued Again for Software Patents
Adobe Trash Player and Novell/Microsoft Mono
Docky is Mono
Why Mono is Technically Inferior for Development and Why Microsoft Keeps Promoting It
Apple’s Latest Mischiefs, Ignores Mono’s Pleas
Canonical is Already Aware of the Problem With Mono
Ubuntu Removes gThumb and Adds More Mono
The Future of Mono and MonoTouch is Uncertain
The GIMP is Fine, But Novell Staff Wants It Replaced by .NET
Apple Treats Mono Like It Treats Flash; GNU/Linux Should Too
Red Hat Converts C# Code to Java While Apple Outright Rejects C#
SchoolOS to Remove Mono, Apple ‘Blocks’ MonoTouch
Novell Dominates Almost a Third of GNOME Foundation Board, Including the Director
Mono Team Develops More Windows Software and Mocks Critics
Ubuntu Removes Codec Patent Trap, But What About Mono?
March 2010
The ‘Conspiracy’ of Mono
If You Distrust Mono, Then You Are Called a “Microsoft Hater”, “Paranoid”, and “Conspiracy Theorist”
SD Times Removes Miguel de Icaza’s Admission That Mono Has Patent Problems and de Icaza Mocks Jeremy Allison
Mono, the Monopolist’s Sidekick (Microsoft’s companions help the company either influence other companies or take over their agenda, Mono being the tool by which .NET gets injected into rivals)
Señor de Icaza Meets Other Microsoft MVPs
Microsoft MVP de Icaza: Microsoft “Shot the .NET Ecosystem in the Foot” Because of Patent Threats
Novell Wants to Bring Microsoft, Moonlight, and Mono to Linux Phones (Android)
Mono and Novell Influence Increases in the GNOME Foundation
Ubuntu One Adds Mono Bindings
Moonlight Disappoints
Despite (or Because of) Microsoft's Patent Extortion, Novell Continues to Focus on Mono
Ubuntu 10.04 Increases Mono Dependency
February 2010
Despite Failure (Rejection by Users and Developers), Novell Carries on Spreading Mono and Moonlight
Novell is Already Poisoning MeeGo With Microsoft Trojan Horses
Novell’s Mac-only Mono and Some Notes About Ubuntu
The “Microsoft Everywhere” Vision of Novell
What Apple Teaches Us About Mono and Moonlight
The Latest from Microsoft’s Ambassador to Linux (MVP Miguel de Icaza) and Other FSF-Hostile Folks
Novell More of a Reflection of Microsoft as Weeks Go By
Novell/Microsoft and the Funding of Pinta’s (Mono) Developer
Mark Shuttleworth: “If Windows API Becomes the Default on Linux Then What is the Point of Linux?”
More Mono and Patent Poison from Novell (another Mono program from Novell)
The Microsoft Apologists and Boosters Really, Really Like Novell! ("A complete list of news articles about Moonlight 3.0 preview shows that its biggest fans are Microsoft fans")
Sleeping with Mono - Assorted items about Mono and Moonlight
Microsoft’s Lawsuit Against Google and What It Teaches Us About Mono
January 2010
Novell and Freedom Are Incompatible ("Novell’s obsession with Microsoft (and even Apple) is highlighted using the latest evidence")
On Novell, Ubuntu, Microsoft and Mono
Novell Promotes Apple, .NET
What the Yahoo! Deal Means for Ubuntu GNU/Linux (and Mono)
Novell Spreads Microsoft Inside GNU/Linux Whereas LINA Spreads GNU/Linux Inside Windows
Humanity to Others’ Agenda (Analysis of some of Canonical’s recent moves, which give rise to Novell’s Mono and proprietary software)
Indian Activists Fight Back Against Microsoft Patents as Jeremy Allison Repeats Warning, Cites Mono as Patent Trap
New Opinions on Mono, Miguel de Icaza, and the “Windows Stratagem”
Bug #1 is Not “Market Share”
With Mono Clearly on Microsoft’s Side, Another Call for Ubuntu to Move Mono to ‘Restricted’
When Mono Gets Treated Similarly to Skype (Proprietary)
“Mixed Source” and “Half Pregnant” (Mono as Open Core)
Microsoft Betrays Another ‘Partner’, This Time MySQL (mention of Sqlite#)
Miguel de Icaza Groomed by Microsoft with MVP Award
Locked Out of Mono Blogs, by Silverlight
Novell Repeats Mistakes of WordPerfect, This Time with Mono
Novell’s Christmas Presents for Microsoft
Microsoft on GNU/Linux Clones of Microsoft: “We’d Have to Look to the Protection Offered Under Intellectual Property (sic) Law”
December 2009
DRI CEO: “The Biggest Risk Was That Microsoft Would Come Hell-Bent to Destroy Us… Not Necessarily by Competing” (and discussion about lessons for Mono/Novell)
gNewSense Abandons Ubuntu, Microsoft’s Mono Agenda Revisited
Reactions to Microsoft’s Novell Software Inside GNU/Linux
Miguel de Icaza: “We Have Removed All of the GPL Code” (MonoDevelop)
Microsoft’s Moonlight “Promise” Full of Holes
The Lies About Moonlight Carry on, MSBBC to Block Free Software Users Again
“The Moonlight/Mono World Does Not Work That Way Though.”
Neon Challenges IBM’s GNU/Linux Mainframes, EU Challenges IE Bundling, and Microsoft Helps Push Mono and Moonlight Into GNU/Linux
Taking Mono Off the Menu
Accurate Coverage of Novell ("Moonlight 2 released; no Microsoft codecs unless you get it from Novell")
Moonlight and Hyper-V Still Novell-Only and SUSE-Only in Some Ways
Microsoft Gave Moonlight “Blessings” in 2007
Avoid Mono to Put Back the *NIX in GNU/Linux
Gnote is Alive, New Release Available ("If Ubuntu is looking to save disk space, which it does, then it should remove Mono (and Tomboy), not the GIMP.")
Mono Bullies ("Mono and Moonlight are projects that one cannot ever criticise safely")
Less OpenSUSE, More Microsoft Software at Novell
November 2009
F-Spot (Mono) Can Still be Removed from Next Ubuntu
The Case for a Mono-Free Ubuntu and Novell’s Case for a Mono Fee Ubuntu
Salivating Over Silverlight ("If Novell’s vice president is “droolingly” Microsoft’s, then how can Mono and Novell be trusted anymore?")
With gThumb and Gnote in Ubuntu 10.04, Default Install Would be Leaner, Mono Free
Telepathy a Plugin Away from Mono (Non-ECMA Parts)
Mono: Deaf to the Facts
Hypothesis: Mono Proponents Will Replace GIMP with Paint.NET
Moonlight and Mono Not GNU/Linux Projects Anymore
Microsoft Exposes .NET Patent Trap to More Potential Copyright Issues
OpenSUSE 11.2 is Open to Microsoft Lawsuits Because of Mono
Is the Mono Project Run Partly by Microsoft Now?
Can GNOME 3.0 Avoid Mono Despite GNOME Foundation Director Being Novell Employee?
At What Stage Can Novell be Called “Microsoft Subsidiary”? ("Novell’s latest moves clearly show a technical convergence with Microsoft, so why treat these companies separately?")
Novell’s Work Popular… in Microsoft Blogs
Novell and Microsoft Expand Relationship to Boost Windows, .NET, Visual Studio, Linux Patent Tax
Mono and GNOME 3.0
Gnote Would Fit Nicely in Ubuntu 10.04 (Default Install)
October 2009
The Price of Mono
Mono and Fraud
Massive New Migration to Free Software in French Authorities; Gendarmerie Should Delete Mono
Novell Uses IDG to Promote Mono
Banshee is Novell, Mono, and ‘Forbidden’ Microsoft Software Patents
Mono Programs Removed from gNewSense
Mono, Open Core, and Other Bizarre Forms of Open Source
FSFE Adds Weight to Call for Mono Resistance
“Mono Mania” Carries on and Evolution Includes Mono
Simon Phipps on “Monomaniacs”, More Reactions to Jeremy Allison’s Mono Prognosis
Jeremy Allison Recommends Passing Mono Software to Basket of Proprietary Software
Mono’s #1 Problem is Not Software Patents
Stereotype of Copying the Competition
Novell VP Brushes Off Microsoft’s Attacks on GNU/Linux, Promotes .NET
Microsoft Interjects Itself into Free Software Using Novell
Now It’s Groklaw’s Turn (Groklaw on Mono)
September 2009
Groklaw Groks Mono, Miguel de Icaza, Microsoft, and More
Microsoft Might Support Intel’s Moblin to Make GNU/Linux More Microsoft Dependent
Mono and Moblin as the Microsoft-approved “Open Source Solution”
With Friends Like These, Who Needs Microsoft?
Richard Stallman is Not the Bad Guy
Novell Helps Microsoft Zune and CodePlex Foundation Helps Novell
Alan Cox in 2002: “Microsoft Has Publicly Stated That it Has Patents on Critical Parts of .NET and Will Enforce Them”
Miguel de Icaza “is Basically a Traitor to the Free Software Community,” Says Richard Stallman
gNewSense Gets Rid of Mono While Mono Gets Closer to Microsoft
Miguel de Icaza Joins Microsoft
More Anti-Red Hat Whitepapers from Novell, More Mono/.NET Convergence
Is Mono WISE? (WISE = Windows Interface Source Environment)
Unrest in OpenSUSE Grows, Mono Faces Opposition Also
How Novell is Monetising FUD ("Now they embrace and extend Linus’ own baby, Git, using C#/GitSharp.")
August 2009
Another Warning Sign for Mono Proponents: NTFS and FAT
Both Developers and Users Are Not Interested in Mono
More Monkey and MonkeyLight Business
Trusting Mono While Microsoft Attacks GNU/Linux Left and Right
Moonlight and Mono Lack Demand
Novell Fails with Moonlight
Mono Team Puts Microsoft’s GPL-incompatible Licence and Patents-encumbered Software Inside GNU/Linux
Why Sqlite Sharp Can Harm GNU/Linux
Novell Ignores Microsoft’s Community Promise Limitations
Befriending the Sworn Enemy
More Novell, Microsoft, Software Patents, and Mono Insults
Monopoly and Monocrisy ("New example of Mono hypocrisy")
Microsoft .NET Tries to Piggyback OLPC, Novell Helps the Same Cause
July 2009
Why Microsoft Hates Java and How Novell’s Mono Helps Microsoft Fight It
Time to Drop the Word “Zealot” from Software Debates? (on "Pro-mono Zealotry")
Novell Still Serves Microsoft with Mono
If C# is Declining, Do We Need Mono Anymore?
Mono Roundup: Suppression of Speech, Extension, and Deception
Why Mono Redefines Free Software
New F-Spot/Banshee Ties Pose a Microsoft Patent Threat
Why Novell and Ubuntu Suppress Opposition of Mono
More on Mono, Microsoft, and Novell ("A batch of small updates on the Mono/Moonlight situation")
Video: Stallman Says C# Only for Running Existing Programs (Updated: Ogg)
Free Software Foundation Discourages Dependence on Mono, Dismisses Microsoft Community Promise
What Nessus Teaches About Mono
Confirmed: Novell Puts Mono (and Moonlight) at Centre of the GNU/Linux Desktop
Mono Applications Get Integrated with Microsoft Moonlight
Another Angle on Personal Attacks from Mono
“I Am Not Afraid of…”
Is Mono’s Latest Strategy to Vilify Richard Stallman?
Mono Roundup: Microsoft Following, Deception, and the Moonlight ‘Extend’ Phase
Mono Roundup: Still Dangerous, Still Not Acceptable
Reader’s Article: Microsoft’s Empty “Community Promise” (Mono) is a Sham
Microsoft Confirms Mono is Not Safe, Stallman Agrees
Poll: 62% Don’t Trust Microsoft on Mono
Who Promotes Mono? Microsoft and Novell
June 2009
More People Say “No” to Mono, Including the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC)
Mono Proponents Do Not Address the Real Questions
GNOME’s Evolution Proceeds as Planned?
Microsoft and Novell Still Fight for .NET Inside GNU/Linux
Responses to Richard Stallman’s Verdict on Mono
Reader’s Article: Mono as a One-way Bridge (to Windows)
Why free software shouldn’t depend on Mono or C# — by Richard M. Stallman
Latest Lies and Denials from Mono Advocates, Microsoft
Microsoft on “Embrace and Extend”, the “Windows API Franchise”
Bill Gates on C# as “Key Element in Preventing Commodization by Linux”
Open/SUSE and .NET
Reader’s Article: Mono and (Anti)Trust
Please Don’t Replace the GIMP with F-Spot (Mono)
Whisper Campaigns Against Gnote ("Response to disinformation about Gnote, a substitute to the Mono-encumbered Tomboy")
New Push for Gnote in Ubuntu by Default ("Another step towards abolishment of Mono as by-default component")
Debian is Not Including Mono by Default, Yet
Case Study: The Harms of Mono
Signs of Mono Unrest, Legal Issues
Criticism of Mono Now “Disappearing”
SUSE Interoperability and Mono Good for Microsoft: Easier Migration to Windows
In Fedora, Tomboy and Banshee Depend on Winforms ("Banshee brings Winforms with it after all (not part of ECMA reference)")
Real-time Linux Hacker Bill Huey Called the Mono Plan “Misguided”
Rally to Put More Mono in Ubuntu Backfires, Users Left Concerned by Mono
Novell Develops for Windows Development Tools
Mono Critique Almost a Taboo in Ubuntu Forums, Ideas, Bugs, and Mailing Lists
Why Mono (and Moonlight) is Microsoft’s Embrace
Ubuntu is Censoring Opposition to Mono by Default
Microsoft is Using Mono and MonoDevelop to Leverage Windows and .NET
How Novell Harms GNU/Linux Programming
Fedora Leaves Mono Out, OpenSUSE Has Second Thoughts, and So Should Ubuntu
“I Believe Gnote is Also Slated for Inclusion by Default in Debian and Ubuntu”
Ubuntu Users Plead to Keep Novell’s Banshee Out (and Other Miscellaneous Mono News)
GNOME Zeitgeist Decides Not to Go with Mono
Easy-LTSP Dumps Mono/C#, Rewritten in Python Instead
Red Hat Replaces Tomboy with Gnote, Removes Mono Dependency
Mono: An Infectious Disease — An Article by Chris Smart
Does Ubuntu Forums Threaten to Ban Opposition to Mono?
May 2009
More on Novell’s Finances: SUSE and Mono Failures
Gnote Can Save GNOME from Mono
Reddit Accommodated by Mono Boosters, Including Novell Employees
Gnote’s Objection to Mono and Microsoft’s ‘Embrace’ of Java
Gnote Explodes in Popularity
Ubuntu’s Mono Booster Calls it “Monobuntu”
Licence to Use Microsoft Moonlight and Mono Not Possible?
Saving SELinux from Mono Before It’s Too Late?
Mono Wants to be Everywhere
Gnote Enters Ubuntu GNU/Linux (Karmic) ("Gnote, a Mono-free replacement for Tomboy, has already entered Fedora and Debian. Now it is also in Ubuntu.")
Gnote Enters Debian, UbuntuOne Has No Mono
Canonical Hires Noveller, Job Probably Won’t Include Mono
GNU/Linux Bashers and Microsoft MVPs Masquerade as “Linux Users” ("A lot of Mono and Moonlight coverage is still coming from the Microsoft-faithful crowd")
Who Covers Mono Again? Microsoft.
Ubuntu Makes Novell’s Mono a “Master Of The Universe” (MOTU)
MonoDevelop Moves to Windows, Gnote Comes to GNU/Linux (as Default)
New Version of Gnote Released, Already Earns New Users Who Boast Mono Relief
Red Hat: We Should Probably Look at Switching out Tomboy with Gnote in the Fedora 12 Panel Configuration
Novell Vice President Loves Linux Hater, Who Attacks KDE
Gnote Enters Fedora
The Path to Mono-free GNOME-based Distributions is Foreseeable
Gnote is a Lot Faster and a Lot Lighter Than Tomboy
Gnote Finds Its Way Into Debian and Ubuntu?
April 2009
Gnote Supports 6 More Languages, Does Not Support C# ("For those who are looking to detoxify their GNU/Linux distribution which contains GNOME, Gnote 0.3.0 is finally out.")
Microsoft-funded Media Player to Become Ubuntu’s Default?
Parody: BN Announces Community Novell Review: Patents Cited in Future Mono-Targeted Litigations to be Placed on BN Defenders Wiki
Novell Quietly Releases SUSE Linux Enterprise Mono Extension as a Product
From “Microsoft Religion” to “Mono Religion”
Announcement: Mono-Free Tomboy Replacement (Gnote) Releases Version 0.2.0
Tomboy is Afraid of Gnote, Its Mono-free Sibling
Novell Partners Promote Silverlight, Zeitgeist at Risk of Mono(polists)
“Desperately Seeking Patent Tax” (Microsoft, Novell, and Mono)
Novell is “Impressed” by Miguel de Icaza… Well, So is Microsoft
Project of the Day: GNote ("The trailblazing route away from Mono seems clearer thanks to GNote")
The Role of Mono and Moonlight Revisited
Did Tomboy Learn from TomTom? Project Forked, Moves Away from Microsoft ‘Standards’
Microsoft Uses Novell, Likewise, and Ignorance to Market Its Products
Microsoft Uses Pseudo “Open Source” to Fight Against GNU/Linux and the GPL ("Here is a recent video where de Icaza expresses his feelings about Microsoft.")
(Mo)NoDevelop is Liked by Microsoft and Novell, Not by the GNU/Linux Crowd
Microsoft and Novell Still Grow Closer
March 2009
Novell Releases Poisonware Factory 2.0 (MonoDevelop)
TomTom Caves; Will Microsoft Start Charging for Mono Next?
The Mono Trap
SLED 11 is About Microsoft .NET
Microsoft Novell Tag-Team ("With Novell’s hand in the code, Novell products like Mono continue treading towards KDE.")
Novell and Microsoft Market Almost the Same Products Together
Novell Happy About KDE Bindings for Mono and .NET
Kodak Groks Mono After Large Investment from Bill Gates, Novell Props up Silverlight
Bruce Perens Calls Novell a “Highly Paid (Microsoft) Mouthpiece” ("Backlash against Novell; Ubuntu is rumoured to be considering abolishment of Mono")
At Novell, Polluting GNU/Linux with Microsoft Technologies is “Taking Over the World”
Novell Becomes Closer to Microsoft — Abolish Mono and Moonlight
Intellectual Novell Property in GNU/Linux
Novell Committed to Microsoft Technologies, But Not so Much to Free Desktop (RadeonHD)
February 2009
Novell Pollutes GNU/Linux, Microsoft Almost Pollutes ODF
Novell Spreads More .NET in Mac OS X, Windows, Leads to Patent Trouble
Novell Tumbles, But Not the ‘Novellsoft’ Part of the Company
Novell Enables Microsoft Distributions
Quote of the Day: “Mono Simply Ratifies .Net”
Novell’s Jaffe on Novell’s Linux Strategy: .NET, Mono, Moonlight, Nothing About OpenSUSE
New Examples of ‘Slackreporting’
Novell Promotes ASP.NET, Demotes OpenSUSE
Androids ‘Bricked’ by Microsoft Mono
Miguel Goes to Microsoft
How Novell Helps Microsoft Attack GNU/Linux (Except for SUSE)
January 2009
Quote of the Day: Richard Stallman on Mono
When Mono Helps Microsoft Windows and Excludes GNU/Linux
How Novell Leverages Microsoft .NET to Market Itself
What Miguel & Novell Do to GNOME
Why Microsoft Wants to Put .NET/Mono in Devices
How Microsoft Really Feels About .NET in Linux/UNIX
Microsoft SVP on GNU/Linux and .NET
Microsoft: Use .NET to Fight GNU/Linux, Use Patents Against Clones (Mono)
Quick Mention: Mono Goes Fighting Java on Android
Novell’s Mono: Imitating a Failing Technology
December 2008
Quick Mention: KDE and .NET
What Samba Can Teach Us About Mono
Mono a Second-Class Citizen Even on GNU/Linux
Mono Fans Owe an Apology: The Evolution of Mono Continues
The Threat of Mono as Basis of Applications (or: “Why GIMP is Different”)
Mono is Only for Novell, Says Microsoft Ally
Microsoft Tries to ‘Surrogate’ Free Software with Windows-only, Patent-encumbered, Microsoft-controlled ‘Open Source’
OpenSUSE: Still Trying to Be Microsoft Windows ("The Mono effort has also led to a Novell effort called Moonlight which is an attempt to enable Microsoft’s Silverlight media framework on Linux.")
Got Mono? Buy Some Peace of Mind™ (SLED)
Why the OpenSUSE FAQ Misses the Point
Microsoft Wants One Throat to Choke ("Microsoft’s plan is to group everything inside Novell and under Mono (.NET), then treating GNU/Linux users as though they are jailed in a pen (technical and legal vulnerability).")
Novell Builds Bridges… for Microsoft to ‘Steal’ Open Source
Mono Quote to Bear in Mind (“I saw that internally inside Microsoft many times when I was told to stay away from supporting Mono in public. They reserve the right to sue”)
Beware the Mono
November 2008
Mono Critique Goes a Long Way Back
Mono Tries to Enter KDE
While the World is Asleep, Mono with Microsoft-patented WinForms Slips into Ubuntu 9.04
Jose Explains Why Not Mono
Microsoft, With Novell’s Help, Locks GNU/Linux Users Out of Innovation
Microsoft Willing to Sell Us ‘Protection’ for Use of Mono
Reader’s Post: The Windows Software Development Minefield, and Mono
Calling Ubuntu, Fedora and OpenMoko to Resolve Mono Problem, Not Ignore It
Quick Mention: Removing Microsoft/Novell from Ubuntu 8.10
Monoment (sic) of Novell’s Demise
Request for Mono Licence from Microsoft: Ascending to Nicos Tsilas
October 2008
Reader’s Proposal for Combating Free Software-hostile Patents
Quick Mention: When Mono Messes Up Your Server…
Microsoft’s Professional Developers Conference and Novell
SUSE Linux to be Powered by More Microsoft .NET?
Microsoft Makes New Friends in Open Source World — for Windows, .NET, Silverlight
On Mixed Source, Mono, and Other Forms of ‘Piracy’
Microsoft Does Not Reply to Request for Mono Patent Protection
Microsoft Pressures for WAMP While Novell Helps ‘Infect’ AMP ("“[It's] all written in .NET, just for patent ambush purposes and infection,” says one knowledgeable reader. Only Novell customers are said to be 'protected' and, according to this reader, “all the “free tools” that Microsoft releases are strangely written in .NET for infection purposes.”")
The Nomo GNU/Linux Distribution and Another Silver Lie
Mono Watch: Where Is It All Coming From?
Novell Incorporated: Convergence of Windows and GNU/Linux Since 2006
Marcel Gagné on Mono, OOXML, and More
Novell’s Linux Poison® (Mono) Reaches 2.0, Contains Extra Cyanide (WinForms)
BoycottNovell Goes Shopping for Mono Patent ‘Protection’
Microsoft Influence in Novell’s Management Increases, More .NET Focus
September 2008
Experiments in KDE and Mono
Guest Post: Why Not Mono – Part II
Guest Post: Why Not Mono – Part I
Microsoft Acquires Novell(’s Direction)
Microsoft Admitted Mono is a Patent Trap Back in 2006 (Updated)
ECMA and Mono: It’s Complicated
Reader’s Take on Microsoft, Novell, and Miguel de Icaza
At Novell, Software Development is Microsoft Cloning (MicroFOSS)
August 2008
Interlude: What Mono Could be All About
Novell, the Microsoft Windows Company
He Who Imitates Microsoft Will Suffer from Its Flaw
Quick Mention: Miguel de Icaza Loves .NET, Dislikes GNU GPL
Novell’s Hack Week: Mono, Ports to Windows, Mac OS X
Who is Promoting Mono Anyway?
Mono ‘Guard’ Found in Ubuntu Forums
Mono: ECMA Does Not Make It Safe
Miguel de Icaza on ‘Superb’ Microsoft Lock-ins
No Mono in Fedora 10 (“Cambridge”) Live CD
While Everyone is Sleeping, Mono Sneaks Into KDE
Novell May Promote Silverlight Because It Spreads Mono
Mono Spreads, Fails
Groklaw: Microsoft and Novell Poison; Watch Out, KDE
Another Reason to Avoid Mono: Security
Novell’s Mono in Microsoft’s Clouds
Of Microsoft’s Plans for GNU/Linux and Tinfoil Hats
Even Microsoft Uses Free Software, So Why Does Novell Harness Microsoft?
Novuel’s de Icaza: The Man Who Gives GNU/Linux to Microsoft
July 2008
Mono is Too Controversial for Debian
Embracing and Extending SVN — the Microsoft Way
June 2008
Why Is Mono in Fedora? Nobody Knows… It’s Possibly a Secret
Novell Brings Mono and Even Closer
Reader’s Thoughts on Mark Shuttleworth’s Response (Regarding Microsoft Codecs)
Software Patent Deals, Mono, and Other Legal Timebombs
Novell’s Bold Mission to Clean Up ‘Unlicensed’ GNU/Linux ("In other words — and also to sum this up in a way — Novell received Microsoft’s endorsement and money in exchange for the crown in the datacentre, higher priority to OOXML as a document format, and .NET as the API of choice. Why again do some people still support Novell?")
May 2008
Novell and Mono: The Kiss of Death to Free Software
Reader’s Article: Novell, Mono and RAND
OOXML and Mono: Not So Different After All
Pondering Novell Mono and DRM
Op-Ed: Novell Pollutes Free Software (and GNU/Linux) in Preparation for Microsoft Attacks
Mono Developers: From .NET Boosting to Java Bashing?
Quick Mention: “Make Your Distro Free of Miguel de Icaza’s Junk Code”
Mono “..and still nothing on whether WinForms is legally safe to use.”
Why Novell Became a Threat to Java and the GNU GPL
A Former Ximian Employee Finds Greener Pastures (Red Hat)
April 2008
Novell+Ximian=SLED.NET, Sun+Java=SuSE GNU/Linux/Solaris
Novell and GNOME Help Microsoft and .NET’s Fight Against Sun and Java
Mono-free GNOME: “Roughly the Same Functionality”
SpeC#ulation: Tipping Point for GNOME?
Why Again is the Novell/Microsoft Deal So Darn Ugly?
March 2008
Quote of the Day: On Google Sponsorship of Microsoft’s .NET
Summary of Mono’s Danger to GNU/Linux and the Free Desktop
MonoDevelop in the Press, Which Totally Misses the Point
Is Novell’s Strategy .NET Software on Top of GNU/Linux?
Novell’s Mono and Microsoft’s Plot to Use Mono/.NET to ‘Punish’ GNU/Linux
Member of the GNOME Foundation on Tomboy, Mono, GNOME
Novell Releases the Code Factory Which Threatens Free Software
The Microsoft-Novell Employee Swap, Intersection
A Letter from a Reader, About Miguel de Icaza
Miguel Asked for an Explanation, Full Disclosure About Novell/Microsoft Deal
Is Mono Now Officially a Software Patent Trap?
Quick Mention: Miguel’s Eureka Moment
Will Nokia’s Linux-based Internet Tablets Soon Be Infected by Mono, XAML? What About Qt?
Novell Loves .NET, Copyrights Code
February 2008
Novell-Microsoft Assimilation, Phase II
Quick Mention: Novell’s Mono Evolves and Approaches Evolution
Quick Mention: Novell+Mono Discussion
Novell’s Mono in Fedora 8
The Overlooked Issue of Development with .NET in GNU/Linux
Mark Shuttleworth’s Stance on Mono Inside Ubuntu
Silverlight and Mono = DRM and Software Patents
OpenSUSE Rants, KDE Mono Bindings
How GNU/Linux Gets Contaminated with Software Patents from the Back Door
What Does Samsung’s Linux Deal Mean to Android and Mono?
Closer Than You Think: Microsoft and Novell Collaborations
Novell: The .NET Company
January 2008
Wake Up Already, GNOME, Please Wake Up
Quote of the Day: Slashdot Users on Novell’s Mono in GNOME
Novell’s Mono Seen as Controversial
Quote of the Day: On Mono, Novell and Microsoft
On Beagle’s Increasing Mono-ization and Novell’s Role
Quick Mention: No Mono for IBM’s Standards Vice President
Quick Mention: Windows ISV Tries to ‘Shove’ .NET into Mobile Linux Consortium
Microsoft’s Latest: Want Olympics on Linux? Get Mono (and Pay ‘Patent Tax’)
December 2007
The Mono Trap and the Open/Closed Promises
The Story of a Novell Marionette ("It’s not a coincidence, but Ximian may represent a point in time when Novell began looking at another programming universe — one that it barely controls.")
Mono and OOXML Unwanted in the Free Desktop
Quote of the Day: Richard Stallman on the GNOME Desktop
Pick Your (Patent) Poison
November 2007
Jamie from the GNOME Foundation Gets It
GNOME Foundation, Please Stop Attacking the Messenger and Please Listen
A Reader’s Take on the Dangers of Software Patents and Microsoft’s Role
A Quick Look at Mono Licensing and Microsoft Licensing
IBM’s Standards Vice President Asks About Mono-free Linux
GNOME and Novell: The FUD Never Existed
Necessary Cloning versus Unnecessary Cloning
Criticise Mono for Patents, Get Attacked
Love GNOME, Beware of Mono
Europe Takes a Look at Microsoft’s .NET (/Mono) Web Hijack Attempts
Attempts to ‘Infect’ Google’s Android with Microsoft IP Tax?
The GNU/Linux Pen O’ Sheep ("By throwing all eggs in the single basket which is Novell (e.g. Mono, ‘interoperability’, and Moonlight), Microsoft is hoping to assemble all Linux users (currently spread across 500+ Linux distributions) in a single ‘box’ and then eliminate them.")
What Lies Beneath (Another Mono Alert)
Quick Mention: Novell Talent Loss — Joe Shaw Departs
Clarifications About GNOME
GNOME-Mono Dependency Revisited
Quick Mention: Recent News on Patents and IP
October 2007
Is Mono a Reimplementation of Java, by Association?
Quote of the Day: The Naked Emperor
Breaking Down ‘Patent Fronts’ Against Linux
Anti-symbiosis: ODF, OOXML, Mono, GNOME, and
The Mono and Moonlight Roadblock
Hey, .NET! Leave That Phone Alone.
Does This New Poll Demonstrate Hostility Towards Monovellisation of Linux?
Mono: the Warning is Here, the Timebomb is Near
Microsoft Unleashes the Death Trap to Mono (Updated)
Novell’s Windowsization of GNU/Linux
Novell Selfishly Uses Mono as ‘Protection’-based Advantage
September 2007
Novell’s Identity Crisis Makes Linux an Expensive Second-class Windows
Novell’s Linux Deal: Exclusive, Controlled by Microsoft, Awakens Patent Monster
Novell Attempts to Defend Moonlight, But Sinks Deeper in the Mud
The Kernel You Crave, But the Licence Won’t Let You Have
Matt Asay Agrees — Novell is a Slave to Microsoft, Carrier of the Moonlight ‘Infection’
Novell’s Trust in Oxymorons
Miguel de Icaza Talks About Novell, Mono, and Patents
Studying Novell’s Plans and Direction with Mono
August 2007
Enough is Enough. Novell is Becoming a Risk to Free/Libre Software.
Is Novell Building Microsoft Linux©? (Signs That Your Mono Ain’t So Safe)
July 2007
Patent Alert: Is GNOME Growing a .NET Dependency?
Novell Supports .NET and MS OOXML, the BBC Supports .NET and MS DRM
Novell Sets Focus on .NET
May 2007
Interoperability Based on Tax (Novell) versus Open APIs (Free Software)?
Microsoft’s Silverlight for GNU/Linux? Only If You Accept Mono. (Updated)
April 2007
Novell Enters the Infamous Software Patents Maze
Novell Fights Red Hat, Fights for Mono While Microsoft Fights Free Software
Novell Puts Its Cards on a .NET Linux
Novell Brings .NET to Teenagers
Concerns About Mono Raise Suspicion About a Hidden Plan
Mono and Patents, Putting a Price Tag on Linux
March 2007
Novell to Boost .NET (Miguel de Icaza Talks About the Partnership)
Does Novell Spread Its Mono Along with FUD?
January 2007
Novell Employee Backs Microsoft in OOXML Clash with Europe
Novell’s Global Effect on Perception of Software Patents
December 2006
Weekend Reading – Novell, Microsoft, and Mono
Mono’s Demise Good News for Free Software
November 2006
Red Hat to Stay Mono-free
Mono Officially a Minefield, is OOO Too?