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IRC Proceedings: October 15th, 2011

Posted in IRC Logs at 7:56 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz



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IRC Proceedings: October 14th, 2011

Posted in IRC Logs at 7:45 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz



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Links 15/10/2011: Puppy Linux 5.2, Government of Paraguay Wants Software Freedom

Posted in News Roundup at 7:02 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



Free Software/Open Source

  • “Open Source Gives Me High-Quality Solutions”

    Robert Lemke, lead developer of TYPO3 Phoenix, speaks on how open source has gradually come at par with commercial solutions, won over both government and private organisations and what problems it simultaneously needs to address. He also tells Linux For You, about introducing new techniques ‘Aspect-Oriented Programming’ and FLOW3 at the OSI Days in November.

  • SaaS

    • Cloud, open source, and new network models: Part 1

      What is the network’s role in cloud computing? What are the best practices for defining and delivering network architectures to meet the needs of a variety of cloud workloads? Is there a standard model for networking in the cloud?

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

  • CMS

  • Business

    • Diaspora Prepares to Launch Open Source Social Network

      Diaspora is most famous — that is, in the geeky contingents where it is known — for the promise it holds as a distributed, open source social network that allows users to control their own data. But 18 months after it began as a project on Kickstarter that attracted donors like Mark Zuckerberg, it has also won a reputation for more promise than delivery.

      After Diaspora emailed its users to ask them to donate this week, having published an expense report that showed its $200,000 in Kickstarter money had all been spent, some assumed the end was near.

    • eWEEK Readers Trust Open Source

      Two out of three readers use open source, but some of you don’t trust it. Next: choose a tablet for business!

    • Semi-Open Source

  • Public Services/Government

  • Programming

    • “Open Source Gives Me High-Quality Solutions”

      The Apache Subversion (SVN) open source version control system is out with its 1.7 release today. The new SVN 1.7 release adds new features such as HTTPv2 and WC-NG that improve performance and make version control more efficient for developers.

    • Key Milestones Over 10 Years of Eclipse

      As we get ready to celebrate 10 years of Eclipse, I thought it would be interesting to look back on the major milestones in the Eclipse community, ie. what were the major events that have helped shape and drive the Eclipse community. Here is my list but please feel free to add your own in the comments. We have also created a slide show of these milestones available at the end of the post.

  • Standards/Consortia

    • Gate One brings open source SSH to HTML5 browsers

      Version 0.9 of Gate One, an open source terminal emulator for HTML5 web browsers, has been released. This is a beta level build – the first public release as the developer works towards a stable 1.0 version. The software makes use of WebSockets to connect a server backend written in Python and a frontend written for modern browsers in JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS. The frontend doesn’t require any browser plug-ins to be installed.

    • New ODF 1.2 format

      The latest Open Document Format, ODF 1.2, was finally approved by the OASIS committee. It is a major milestone, as the previous version (1.1) dates back to 2006. ODF is also a standard under the ISO committee, but in its even older 1.0 instantiation.


  • Google Kills Open Source Code Search, Plus Kills Buzz
  • Health/Nutrition

    • Children Gardening in Sewage Sludge: Los Angeles Schools Alerted

      This week, CMD’s new Food Rights Network sent letters to thirteen schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) that have “organic” school gardens adopted by Hollywood’s Environmental Media Association (EMA). As we reported in May, EMA teamed up with sludge-marketing corporation Kellogg Garden Products, which sells products made from Los Angeles area industrial and human sewage sludge with the label “quality organics” and which used the gardens for photo ops with sludge products.

  • Security

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

  • Finance

    • Protesters plan to ‘Occupy’ London, Rome, Auckland

      That’s the word going out on the Web to rally street protests on Saturday around the globe from New Zealand to London, Frankfurt and, of course, New York.

      Protesters got started early in Italy, where students managed to break into the hall of the Goldman Sachs building in the heart of Milan’s financial district, a few steps away from La Scala opera house, police said. The protesters were quickly dispersed.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • ALEC Politicians Spin Special “Interest” Bill to Protect Corporate Wrongdoers as “Job Creation”

      For years, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), has been itching to protect big corporations from high interest rates charged in cases where corporations have killed or injured Americans. Now, Wisconsin politicians serving on key ALEC task forces are pushing a bill embracing this idea as part of ALEC alumnus Scott Walker’s latest effort to force the ALEC agenda into law based on claims that doing so will help “job creators.”

    • Progressive Group Pressures Major League Baseball To Drop Glenn Beck

      The progressive group Americans United for Change is launching a campaign against Major League Baseball (MLB), pressuring the group to cut its ties to right-wing pundit Glenn Beck due to his history of controversial statements.

      Beck recently left his high-profile spot as a host on Fox News to launch his own online network, GBTV. This spring, MLB Advanced Media, the interactive arm of the MLB, teamed up with Beck and agreed to provide him with a streaming video platform. Along with Beck’s show, MLB Advanced Media streams more traditional sports fare, such as baseball games and March Madness.

  • Civil Rights

    • The conference on Technological Surveillance and Free Software

      Yesterday I attended a conference titled “Technological Surveillance and Free Software”, which was organized by the School of Information Technologies of the university where I work. This activity was part of the actions to start the migration to FLOSS in the university.

      The speaker showed a clip from one newspaper displaying the headline “State institutions using more free software everyday”. This piece of news was published yesterday, too. That was something I did not expect!

  • ACTA

OpenSUSE Misuses or Overuses the Word Open

Posted in Microsoft, Novell, OpenSUSE at 2:42 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

An open trap

Cage trap

Summary: How OpenSUSE openwashes SUSE’s identity even when there is nothing open in this Microsoft-taxed GNU/Linux distribution

AS WE POINTED out the other day, SUSE keeps putting “open” in front of everything even though it’s merely the openwashing of Microsoft tax on GNU/Linux. This needs to be pointed out more often. Earlier today we spotted SUSE employees cursing (very rudely in response to this) and abusing SUSE sceptics, so we must be on the right subject.

“Replace that with “Microsoft” if it helps. MicrosoftQA, MicrosoftSUSE, Microsoft Build Service, etc.”First they used “openQA” to get free labour (they still promote this scheme) even though we know that they only give the illusion that it is community controlled. It is being called “Open” even though SUSE makes many decisions (like the Microsoft deal) without consulting the community for a second. To keep up appearance they hold some elections, they call everything “Open”, and then there is OBS, the Open Build spinola. The bottom line is, the word “open” is easily misleading here. Replace that with “Microsoft” if it helps. MicrosoftQA, MicrosoftSUSE, Microsoft Build Service, etc. SUSE is sponsored by Microsoft and it is hardly run by a community. All that openwashing is laughable at best. The person who advertises this whole “open” PR is an Attachmate employee, so he is not “community” or “open”, either.

The Fall of Quanta and Microsoft Florian (Two-Faced Lobbyist)

Posted in Deception, GNU/Linux, Microsoft, Patents at 2:08 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Microsoft Florian

Summary: How Microsoft managed to corner another company which distributes Linux and how it became known that Microsoft is funding lobbyists to attack Android, Linux, and all those things that are free/libre

THE PEOPLE of the United States (99%) are strongly against software patents, but Microsoft is strongly in favour and so are patent parasites who think that patents should be treated like products. Microsoft uses these to drive up the price of products, especially those where price points are crucial.

What products are most heavily affected?

“Florian is an imposter and just like Microsoft’s front group Association for Competitive Technology he pretends to be the opposite of what he is.”Not Microsoft’s. Microsoft found another victim for easy extortion of Linux and this was covered rather poorly in the corporate press. It neglects to remark on the fact that what Microsoft does is racketeering. This angle got suppressed over time. The Microsoft boosters ‘normalised it through repetition plus headline-jacking and Microsoft-funded lobbyists do the unthinkable by trying to make Google look like the villain and not quite commenting on Microsoft patent trolls attacking Android (instead, the Microsoft-funded lobbyists pretend that Google funds those trolls). The other day we wrote about the Intellectual Ventures antitrust-related letter of complaint. There is great anger over this lawsuit from Intellectual Ventures (IV) suing not only small companies but also extorting large companies. Don’t expect Microsoft lobbyists to comment on this.

The Microsoft-funded lobbyist Florian Müller. (who spams journalists to tweak the news) carries on with his usual disgusting behaviour of blaming Google for merely being a victim of litigation from Microsoft and its ilk. Microsoft uses excuses to pass him some bribes and it has become rather clear now that his Quanta deal raves are just “part of the package” (I lost another post that I wrote about it, but the anti-Linux rhetoric continues). Any journalist who still quotes this man in articles that involve Microsoft or Android should be told off for not stating that there is a conflict of interest and that Florian is really just a lobbyist pretending to be an “analyst” (among other masks). Florian is an imposter and just like Microsoft’s front group Association for Competitive Technology he pretends to be the opposite of what he is.

But getting back to the main point, Microsoft’s extortion continues, but there is just a PR/lobbying angle to it which we must be aware of. This short story is, our list of vendors to avoid will now include Quanta. We need to reward vendors who do not pay Microsoft. It’s the most effective action.

Europe Gets Soft on Patents

Posted in Apple, Europe, Patents at 1:53 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Halliburton melts down Europe’s shield, Apple attacks Linux in Europe


Summary: Discussion of recent developments and Apple’s litigation to ban Linux devices

The impact of Halliburton on software developers in Europe is not a subject that can just be forgotten [1, 2, 3, 4]. As pro-patents circles put it, the “UK High Court Endorses Narrow Criteria for Patentability Exclusion” and this means that the ammunition against software patents — especially in the UK — has been weakened or robbed. The president of the FFII points out that:

Patent on how icons are laid out on the iPhone screen to the method of turning off a device with a finger swipe

It quotes this article about Apple, which is currently trying to embargo Linux-powered devices in Europe. Apple uses all sorts of exotic and ridiculous patents to do this, also by approaching trolls-friendly courts and presenting fabricated evidence [1, 2]. The core problem here is not just Apple’s vicious and arrogant nature; it is also its ammunition, which should have never been held as valid in the first place, especially not in Europe. This generally helps show the correlation between patent law and the success of GNU/Linux. Microsoft increasingly uses patents and realigns itself alongside Apple in order to quash Linux and Free software.

Links 15/10/2011: Fifteen Year Anniversary for KDE, Apache Reassures Commitment to OpenOffice.org

Posted in News Roundup at 11:40 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

GNOME bluefish



Free Software/Open Source

  • Events

  • SaaS

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

    • Oracle v. Google – Google Gets Significant Win on Mitchell Report
    • Oracle v. Google – You Can’t Make This Stuff Up (or maybe you can)

      If it weren’t for the potentially serious economic and technological ramifications of this case, some of the filings would be worth their weight in gold with respect to their entertainment value. Such is the case when reading Google’s response (519 [PDF; text below]) to Oracle’s precis letter seeking leave to file a Daubert motion regarding the Google damage expert reports of Drs. Leonard and Cox (See document 511). As I said yesterday, we only read Oracle’s side of the story, and I expected Google’s to be quite different. It is.

      Oracle complained that Drs. Cox and Leonard have no technical background and, instead, relied upon Google employees for technical interpretations. As Google points out, this is the same thing Oracle has done. Pot, meet kettle.1 Google further points out that it intends to make all of those Google employees upon which Drs. Leonard and Cox relied available for questioning at trial before putting either of the doctors on the stand. So Oracle will have ample opportunity to question the merits of the technical observations.

    • Oracle v. Google – Google Continuing To Press Hard On Its Positions

      Google is continuing to press Oracle with further motion filings. This time Google attacks Oracle’s claim for past patent damages as outside the scope of the law. (521 [PDF; text below]) Oracle has asserted a claim for patent damages from the year 2007. Oracle, however, did not give notice of infringement to Google until much later, perhaps as late as July 2010. If Google is successful in obtaining leave to file its motion and is successful on the motion, it could preclude virtually all damage claims for past patent infringement. Damages would then only be due from the date of notice going forward, if at all.

    • LibreOffice Conference Announcements
    • The Apache Software Foundation Statement on Apache OpenOffice.org

      On 1 June 2011, Oracle Corporation submitted the OpenOffice.org code base to The Apache Software Foundation. That submission was accepted, and the project is now being developed as a podling in the Apache Incubator under the ASF’s meritocratic process informally dubbed “The Apache Way”.

      OpenOffice.org is now officially part of the Apache family.

      The project is known as Apache OpenOffice.org (incubating).

      Over its 12-year history, the ASF has welcomed contributions from individuals and organizations alike, but, as a policy, does not solicit code donations. The OpenOffice.org code base was not pursued by the ASF prior to its acceptance into the Apache Incubator.

    • Apache Asserts OpenOffice Stewardship

      Despite the growing momentum of the LibreOffice fork of OpenOffice, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is urging the community of volunteer developers to rally around the OpenOffice code base as the canonical version of the open source software suite.

    • The Document Foundation Thinking Beyond Desktop

      During the LibreOffice Conference in Paris yesterday, The Document Foundation made several interesting announcements. Among them, a new online version of LibreOffice and a port for smartphones are planned for next year or 2013.

      LibreOffice Online appears to be an online application of LibreOffice in the ilk of Microsoft 365 or Google Docs. The new browser-based app, developed by openSUSE’s Michael Meeks, “is based on GTK+ framework and HTML5′s canvas.” There isn’t a lot more detail available right now, but a demo video is available here (requires WebM support).

    • Apache vows to develop, protect OpenOffice

      Citing its success with other donated projects, the Apache Software Foundation vowed to protect OpenOffice.org and prevent fragmentation.

      In a lengthy statement issued to naysayers and concerned parties today, the ASF rejected claims that OpenOffice would be neglected and pointed to its success with other adopted open source projects such as SpamAssassin as proof that the “Apache Way” will grow and develop OpenOffice.

      The ASF also noted that the project would be known under the name Apache OpenOffice.org and is officially in incubation status.

    • LibreOffice gaining momentum, heading to Android, iOS, and the Web
  • CMS

  • Business


  • Project Releases

  • Public Services/Government


  • X11
  • Time zone database back online

    The time zone reference database used by all versions of Unix and Linux is back online in an updated version, reports Java developer Stephen Colebourne in his blog. Last week, the tz database was taken offline because of a copyright problem. Now, the data is available for downloadDirect download from a new server. Robert Elz will be maintaining the time zone information. The tz database will eventually be posted at the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), where the mailing list for the presentation and discussion of relevant information is already kept.

  • The computer is dead, long live the computer

    After six years of loyal service, I have retired my oldest desktop. Save for an occasional vacation and an unlucky power outage once a year or so, the machine worked 24/7, without any big problems or hiccups. But six years of age for a computer is like three million for a person, so all good things must end and better things come in their stead.

  • Finance

    • Delaware judge dismisses Goldman Sachs pay claims

      The New York investment bank Goldman Sachs is known for, among other things, paying its executives pretty well. CEO Lloyd Blankfein, for example, was awarded a $67.9 million bonus in 2007, the same year the firm set a Wall Street pay record.

    • Goldman Sachs Investor Lawsuit Over Pay Plan Dismissed

      Goldman Sachs Group Inc. persuaded a judge to throw out shareholders’ claims that the investment bank’s compensation system improperly rewarded employees for taking risks that hurt the firm’s stock price.

      Delaware Chancery Court Judge Sam Glasscock concluded yesterday that Goldman Sachs’s board acted properly in setting up a pay plan for the fifth-biggest U.S. bank. The judge dismissed a consolidated investor lawsuit claiming the plan wrongly awarded billions of dollars in bonuses to executives and employees, including Chairman Lloyd Blankfein, even as the firm’s market value declined by $50 billion since 1999.

  • ACTA


Confirmed: Linux-hostile Lobbyist Microsoft Florian (Müller) is Funded by Microsoft

Posted in Microsoft, Patents at 1:44 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: Microsoft pays Florian Müller

We could easily tell that from what Microsoft Florian has been doing and saying since last year. Now it is Google’s Matt Cutts who writes:

Florian Mueller, the patent analyst (he’s not a lawyer) who often takes anti-Google stances, just revealed that Microsoft is funding Mueller to create a new study about patents.
FOSS Patents: Study on the worldwide use of FRAND-committed patents
Study on the worldwide use of FRAND-committed patents. Many of my consulting projects over the last few years have related to FRAND (fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory) licensing obligations..

Well, of course. That also explains why he promoted all that he did. He is not alone.

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